But only those who believe receive the forgiveness of sins. Physical exercise has temporal benefits. Commentary on 2 Timothy 1:1-14. From the above, it is concluded, to begin with, that the fulfillment of Paul's words in 1 Timothy 4 must be looked for within the church itself, and not in some obscure ancient sect. He provided salvation for all men, but not all have received it. Of course, not elders alone, but ministers, church prelates, and the whole echelon of religious hierarchies are included in this. How can an elder come under the same condemnation as the devil (1 Timothy 3:6)? giving heed to seducing spirits; either to doctrines which are of a deceiving nature; or to men who profess to have the Spirit of God, and have not, but are evil men and seducers, deceiving, and being deceived; that lie in wait to deceive, and handle the word of God deceitfully; and by attending on the ministry of such persons, through hearing them, and conversing with them, the defection was to begin and spread; and therefore such should be carefully avoided, and their ministry shunned; nor should they be received, nor bid God speed. See under those verses above. I don't know if you've been cursed to be on their mailing list or not. And man, the whole time we were eating they were bouncing. [1] R. H. H. Lenski, St. Paul's Epistles. 1. (The false teaching that Paul and Timothy fought against at Ephesus was an early form of Gnosticism. Speaketh expressly - In express words, ῥητῶς rētōs. ], "1 Timothy 4:1-5 does not begin a new topic. 7 Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wivesâ tales. 1 Timothy 4. To these beings, the pagan rendered extraordinary homage. "1 Timothy 4:1-5 Paul foretelleth and describeth a great apostacy tohappen in the latter times.1 Timothy 4:6-11 He directeth Timothy what doctrines to teach,1 Timothy 4:12-16 and by what rules to regulate his conduct, so as tosave both himself and his hearers. 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the a latter times some shall b depart from the faith, giving heed to c seducing spirits, and d doctrines of devils;. He said, "Now you ought to come and watch some of these fellows at work. (2) A divine being, where no particular one was specified, the agent or author of good or evil fortune; of death, fate, etc. In Jesus' name, Father, Amen.May the Lord be with you to guide and direct you this week in the path of righteousness for His name's sake. And how much seduction is in the world today! "It comes as a shock to some people that Satan uses professed Christians in the church to accomplish his work. The saints are supposed to have extraordinary power with God, and their aid is implored as intercessors. The meaning is, that "certain persons" would thus depart, or that "there would be" an apostasy of the kind here mentioned, in the last days. The pagan demons were an inferior sort of gods, a kind of middle beings between their highest gods and men, whose office was to be advocates and mediators between men and the highest gods, because they judged it was not lawful for men to come to the highest gods immediately; these they worshipped by images, even as the papists at this day make use of and worship angels and saints. 1 Timothy 4:3 Parallel Verses [â See commentary â] 1 Timothy 4:3, NIV: "They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth." And so realizing that there was another person there, he picked him up, felt that the pulse was still there, picked him up and started trudging through the snow, carrying now this other person with a superhuman effort and within fifteen feet, he came to the door of a cabin where he was saved. They teach, for example, that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. Abstaining from meats, which God has created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth ( 1 Timothy 4:3 ). Let it be as becomes godliness and Christianity. And they are said to be some, and these many, as they are elsewhere represented, though not all; for the elect cannot be finally and totally deceived; the foundation of election stands sure amidst the greatest apostasy; and there are always a few names that are not defiled with corrupt principles and practices; Christ always had some witnesses for the truth in the darkest times: and now this defection was to be "in the latter times"; either of the apostolic age, which John, the last of the apostles, lived to see; and therefore he calls it the last time, or hour, in which were many antichrists, 1 John 2:18. But I predict that we won't have a major earthquake during the Olympics. Then they mention the perseverance of the saints. The clearest affirmation of Godâs creation order comes in 1 Timothy 4:1â5. This plainly sets us at liberty from all the distinctions of meats appointed by the ceremonial law, as particularly that of swine's flesh, which the Jews were forbidden to eat, but which is allowed to us Christians, by this rule, Every creature of God is good, c. Observe, God's good creatures are then good, and doubly sweet to us, when they are received with thanksgiving.--For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer,1 Timothy 4:5; 1 Timothy 4:5. 25, “Concerning the invocation of the saints,” “that it is good and useful to supplicate them, and to fly to their prayers, power, and aid; but that they who deny that the saints are to be invoked, or who assert that they do not pray for people, or that their invocation of them is idolatry, hold an impious opinion. What a believer should be. The “seducing spirits” are none other than created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. And if in the examining of your heart, your present relationship and your past experiences, if tonight you do not have a deeper, richer, more enthusiastic relationship with the Lord, then you are in a backslidden state. "[1] Lenski also denied the proposition that Paul was here merely writing instructions to the minister of a single congregation. the Spirit—speaking by the prophets in the Church (whose prophecies rested on those of the Old Testament, Da 7:25; 8:23, &c.; 11:30, as also on those of Jesus in the New Testament, Mt 24:11-24), and also by Paul himself, 2Th 2:3 (with whom accord 2Pe 3:3; 1Jo 2:18; Jude 18). They fasted and they prayed and they saved California.How look how that thing in just a couple of weeks time has swept through the whole community. Now this plainly agrees to the church of Rome, and it was one of the first steps towards that great apostasy, the enshrining of the relics of martyrs, paying divine honours to them, erecting altars, burning incense, consecrating images and temples, and making prayers and praises to the honour of saints departed. So what does 1 Timothy 4:1-5 mean? (1) He contrasts that true doctrine, with false opinions, which he foretells that certain ones who shall fall away from God and his religion, will bring in by the suggestion of Satan, and so that a great number will give ear to them. They supposed that they took a deep interest in human affairs. Exhortations to Timothy to teach the truth, 6. Renew our hearts in the things of the Spirit, our walk and life with Thee. “Question: How do Catholics distinguish between the honor they give to God, and the honor they give to the saints, when they pray to God and the saints? One of the great instances of the apostasy, namely, giving heed to doctrines of demons, or concerning demons; that is, those doctrines which teach the worship of saints and angels, as a middle sort of deities, between the immortal God and mortal men, such as the heathen called demons, and worshipped under that notion. On the whole observe, (1.) Paul's not really coming down on it. As if it were for nothing that the Spirit uttered this prophecy, and published it so long before; for, if there were no certain mark, the whole of the present warning would be superfluous, and consequently absurd. 1. Shall depart from the faith (ἀποστήσονται τῆς πίστεως). and the chief of the fathers have πνευμασι πλανης· spirits of deceit; which is much more emphatic than the common reading. And He more or less put it up to me, How do you want to benefit man? Once in Paul, 2 Corinthians 6:8, and in lxx, Job 19:4; Jeremiah 23:32. And so doing he should both save himself and them that heard. (3) accordance with the prevalent pagan notions respecting the departed spirits of the good and the great, who were exalted to the rank of demi-gods, and who, though invisible, were supposed still to exert an important influence in favor of mankind. 1:2; 2:1), and Titus (1:4), received this special expression of Paulâs favor. To act so that none might despise his youth, 12. It's going to be tough. (2) a divine being, where no particular one was specified, the agent or author of good or evil fortune; of death, fate, etc. Today he is a denier of the deity of Jesus Christ. I did admire them. Mister Fix. Christ foretold that "wolves in sheep's clothing" would ravage the flock of God (Matthew 7:15ff), indicating that the church itself would be the theater of the apostasy. But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times, some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, (1 Timothy 4:1), The Spirit saith expressly ... "This means that there was neither doubt nor vagueness about it. He said, "You travel all around with the people. For further details of this teaching see introductory notes to Ephesians and Colossians.). Some shall depart from the faith - The Greek word here - ἀποστήσονται apostēsontai - is that from which we have derived the word "apostatize," and would be properly so rendered here. ), but there are no spiritual reasons. We're surrounded by faults. To give up himself wholly to the Divine work, 15. Most scholars accept "doctrines of demons" in this passage subjectively, that is, doctrines taught by demons (through men); but there is a very possible interpretation which construes this as meaning "doctrines regarding demons"; and, as every Roman emperor upon his death became a demon to be prayed to, the historical church herself finally began offering prayers "to" its dead saints, which most certainly fulfills the definition of "doctrines of demons" understood objectively. On the other hand, every one that renders due honor to Christ speaks by the Spirit of God, as Paul testifies. The difference between the predictions of the Spirit and the oracles of the heathen is remarkable; the Spirit speaks expressly, but the oracles of the heathen were always doubtful and uncertain. Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) Paul here foretels, I. Have been caught up with these seducing spirits, following after the flesh, turning away from the things of God. "This whole chapter (1 Timothy 4:1-16) constitutes a main division of 1Timothy; it deals with coming heresies and tells how Timothy is to be fortified and is to fortify the churches against them. And indeed in the Apostle Paul's time the mystery of iniquity began to work, which brought on this general defection; though here it has regard to some later times under the Gospel dispensation; to the time when the man of sin, and the son of perdition, was revealed, and when all the world wondered after the beast: and indeed, such will be the degeneracy in the last days of all, that when the son of man comes, as the grace, so the doctrine of faith will be scarcely to be found in the world: the means by which this apostasy will obtain and prevail will be through men's. From the parallel passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, it would seem that this was to be an extensive apostasy. Now that mode of expression, of which we are now speaking, originated at first from this circumstance, that the servants of God professed to have from the revelation of the Spirit, everything that they uttered in public. And that slander is sufficiently refuted by the words of Paul; for he points out, as with the finger, that evil which he warns us to avoid. But if this is the case, surely the primary meaning of “save your hearers” in 1 Timothy is the same: that is, helping the saints to endure to … There is, "first," the worship of the virgin and of the saints, or the extraordinary honors rendered to them - corresponding almost entirely with the reverence paid by the pagan to the spirits of heroes or to demi-gods. They invoked their aid. The “doctrines of demons,” then, are things that demons teach. A Christian who follows the impulses of his or her sinful human nature rather than those of the Holy Spirit is a carnal believer (1 Corinthians 3:3). Browse Sermons on 1 Timothy 4:1-13. Another phase of the apostasy, namely, its amorality and lawlessness, is stressed in 2 Timothy 3:1-8; and the indifference of Christians to sound teaching and their desire for "teachers after their own lusts" are pinpointed in 2 Timothy 4:1-7. But "the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times there would be some who would depart from the faith." The object of this statement seems to be to call the attention of Timothy to it in an emphatic manner, and to show the importance of attending to it. 1Jo 4:2, 3, 6, "the spirit of error," opposed to "the spirit of truth," "the Spirit" which "speaketh" in the true prophets against them. It is not easy to live the Christian life in this world in which we live today that is so totally given over to the flesh. Being drawn into the things of the world. Are these who fall away from the truth believers or unbelievers? See 2 John 1:7, and comp. giving heed to seducing spirits; either to doctrines which are of a deceiving nature; or to men who profess to have the Spirit of God, and have not, but are evil men and seducers, deceiving, and being deceived; that lie in wait to deceive, and handle the word of God deceitfully; and by attending on the ministry of such persons, through hearing them, and conversing with them, the defection was to begin and spread; and therefore such should be carefully avoided, and their ministry shunned; nor should they be received, nor bid God speed. Are you one of those in which the love is waxing cold? In the close of the foregoing chapter, we had the mystery of godliness summed up; and therefore very fitly, in the beginning of this chapter, we have the mystery of iniquity summed up: The Spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith; whether he means the Spirit in the Old Testament, or the Spirit in the prophets of the New Testament, or both. It is true that people in all ages are prone to give heed to seducing spirits; but the thing referred to here is some grand apostasy, in which the characteristics would be manifested, and the doctrines held, which the apostle proceeds immediately to specify; compare 1 John 4:1. Paul said to the Corinthians, "You are living epistles, known and read of all men" ( 2 Corinthians 3:2 ). ], ". It was not by mere hints, and symbols, and shadowy images of the future; it was in an open and plain manner - in so many words. I mean, there's no way they're going to loose. WE NEED TO REALIZE THAT THERE ARE ENEMIES OF GODLINESS. (1 Timothy 4:7b-8) "We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe." It is of an incorruptible nature, and therefore more precious than gold that perishes; Christ is the author and finisher of it; his prevalent mediation is concerned for it; it is a gift of special grace, and is without repentance; it springs from electing grace, and is secured by it; and between that and salvation there is an inseparable connection; it may indeed decline, be very low, and lie dormant, as to its acts and exercise, but not be lost: there is a temporary faith, and a persuasion of truth, or a mere assent to it, which may be departed from, but not that faith which works by love: here it intends a profession of faith, which being made, should be dropped by some; or rather the doctrine of faith, which some would embrace, and then err concerning, or entirely quit, and wholly apostatize from. The prophecies concerning antichrist, as well as the prophecies concerning Christ, came from the Spirit. Doctrines of devils.—Doctrines and thoughts taught by, suggested by, evil spirits. Here observe, 1. The Pastoral Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET CHAPTER 4 1Ti 4:1-16. It is done by their hypocrisy, professing honour to Christ, and yet at the same time fighting against all his anointed offices, and corrupting or profaning all his ordinances. The ways in which they would do this are immediately specified, showing what the apostle meant here by departing from the faith. We should be examples of what a Christian is. Question: Has Christ given his church any such power over devils? What is the case? But if I would go into the ministry and minister to the spirit of man, healing the spirit, bringing spiritual healing, that I would be involved in something that would benefit them eternally. In these Paul lived, and we are still watching the slow and solemn march past of these latter ages. He was the son of a Greek father ( Acts 16:2) and a Jewish mother named Eunice ( 2 Timothy 1:5 ). ", In contrast to the true revelation of God (1 Timothy 3:16), false teaching would arise as time passed. This would come about as a result of their listening to persuasive arguments put forth by God’s spiritual enemies and, behind them, demons (1 Timothy 4:1). And "to doctrines of devils." There can be good and bad doctrines. 2 Timothy 4:1-4 1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourageâwith great patience and careful instruction. It is comfortable to think that in such general apostasies all are not carried away, but only some. Verse 1 Timothy 1:4. seducing spirits—working in the heretical teachers. Set the example, Timothy. To Timothy: The Book of Acts tells us that Timothy came from Lystra, a city in the province of Galatia ( Acts 16:1-3 ). Doctrines of devils (διδασκαλίαις δαιμονίων). Giving heed to seducing spirits - Rather than to the Spirit of God. It can hardly be supposed, however, that he designed to say that the common notions of the pagan would prevail in the Christian church, or that the worship of the pagan gods “as such” would be set up there. Some shall depart from the faith - The Greek word here - ἀποστήσονται apostēsontai - is that from which we have derived the word “apostatize,” and would be properly so rendered here. In the General Confession, it is said - “I confess to Almighty God, to the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the saints, that I have sinned exceedingly.” So also, the council of Trent declared, Sess. To deceiving spirits He means prophets or teachers, to whom he gives this designation, because they boast of the Spirit, and, under this title, insinuate themselves into the favor of the people. You can indulge yourself now in just about any type of a sinful fantasy that you may desire. Many have departed from the faith. Comp. If this view should extensively prevail in the Christian church, it would be in accordance with the language of the prediction. âFor it is sanctified by the word of God and prayerâ (verse 5, emphasis added). Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; but try the spirits whether they be of God. The Bible says, "Now let a man judge himself. âTimothy: True child in the faithâ. “For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer” (verse 5, emphasis added). The kindred noun τασία (Acts 21:21; 2 Thessalonians 2:3) is almost literally transcribed in our apostasy. So remind the brethren of these things, Paul said, writing to Timothy. . Lord, we know that we are in the last days. But we must take into view a higher reason, that men pervert and invent at their pleasure the worship of God, that they assume dominion over the consciences, and that they dare to forbid that use of good things which the Lord has permitted. (7.) The seductive spirits. 1 Timothy 4:1-5. If these things are found anywhere in the Christian church, they may be regarded as a fulfillment of this prediction, for they were not of a nature to be foreseen by any human sagacity. This should come in the latter times, during the Christian dispensation, for these are called the latter days; in the following ages of the church, for the mystery of iniquity now began to work. But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times, some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. Paul, who has given his instructions on the true understanding of law, grace, and salvation (1 Timothy 1:3 to 1 Timothy 2:7) and on church behavior and leadership (1 Timothy 2:8 to 1 Timothy 3:13) and has paused to put his instructions into proper perspective (1 Timothy 3:14-16), now concludes by pointing out that these types of problems should have been expected because the Holy Spirit had clearly prophesied their occurrence .
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