2:9-11, Longenecker suggests that, for early Jewish christology, “it would be truer since Jesus is the name of God [emphasis mine], . The apostolic age is the time between the death of … WinterBand is a family Christian rock/blues/metal band. “(18), The second corollary is that, even when there is evidence of unfaithfulness, exclusion is not necessarily the appropriate action. on WordPress.com. The other view is more compatible with Ervin’s, in locating the new birth with conversion and faith in Christ. (65) Carl Brumback, God in Three Persons (Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press, 1959), p. 168. We believe in strictly … The Apostles Doctrine(Jesus is the One True God) Jesus is The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. They preached, healed, gathered, prayed and baptized in that name. As a result, they were branded as heretics at the beginning, and are labelled by some as a cult today. They maintain that baptism in the trinitarian formula is invalid since it implies belief in three gods. But that they hold to a theology of the Name which in significant aspects accords with the accounts of the OT and the earliest Jewish Christian materials is demonstrable. (59), The name of Jesus was a way of identifying the presence of the risen Lord with the mission of the earliest Christians. Why Not Now? A verrrry informal and impromptu overview of how we got into the Oneness church. Even with the 1994 event of Pentecostal reconciliation in which the PFNA was dissolved to create a new inter-racial body, OPs(4) were conspicuous by their absence. Barth, on the other hand, insists that Scripture will not allow God to be separated, with the Father relegated to the “forecourt of the Gentiles.”(34) Both Oneness and kerygmatic theologians would agree with Barth that the starting point for understanding God and God’s ways is revelation. The threefold answer given by Peter to those who sought to know how to respond to the good news — repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit — is interpreted within the multi-tiered “full gospel” theology inherited from the Wesleyan tradition. It is to Emil Brunner’s credit that he has brought it to our attention. “Jesus Only” Churches. Evangelical or Pentecostal Soteriology? United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) (UCJC-A)-100,000 Oneness Pentecostals believe that the One who was manifested... Read more... Download PDF Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability Accredited. They faced challenges, engaged in battles both theological and moral, made decisions, sometimes reconciled, often split, and occasionally excommunicated. Also, when Jesus prayed, it was His human nature praying to His divine nature-not to a separate Father in heaven. (1) Krister Stendahl, “The New Pentecostalism: Reflections of an Ecumenical Observer,” in Russell Spittler (ed. 12-14). (53) Longenecker, Christology, p. 43. It has witnessed phenomenal growth in the U. S., experiencing 87% growth in membership from 1996 to 2002. (78) This is particularly true of many, but not all, in the United Pentecostal Church, as stated by Hall, United Pentecostal Church, p. 36. Spirit-baptism is part of the “fuller” gospel and subsequent to conversion. (80) Dialogue with the major Christian traditions may increase the reluctance to narrow the gap too quickly with OPs. The doctrinal challenges of OP for traditional Christianity are fourfold. The “trinitarians” aspect of God is limited to God in his revelation, an economic Trinity. it must be because they are true. Alcohol and tobacco are prohibited. Consequently, biblical theology becomes the medium of theological discourse. (66) Brumback, God in Three Persons, p. 152. Problems and Possibilities for Pentecostal Theology Kevin Konkle then of Indianapolis, Indiana and Rev. These first Christians knew themselves to be the People of God, and to be in continuity with Israel. The Contender for the Faith (COLJF) For example, many in UPCI consider the writings of Frank Ewart and John G. Scheppe as authoritative. And it must assume that it too has much to learn from the younger. 3. It is my view that this particular other called OP lends itself to an interpretation that is at least more nuanced than the one described above. : The Biblical Pattern of Conversion; Acts 2:38 and the Purpose of Baptism; Rebaptism; Inclusivism is Incompatible with Biblical Teaching ; Is the Singular "Name" of Matthew 28:19 Theologically Significant? (67) See Frank Ewart, The Name and the Book (Chicago: Daniel Ryerson, 1936), p. 141; John Paterson, The Real Truth About Baptism in Jesus’ Name (Hazelwood, MO: Pentecostal Publishing House, 1953), p. 30; Kenneth Reeves, The Godhead (Granite City, IL: By the Author, 1971), p. 65. This is certainly true for Oneness theology. This book is Volume One of a series in Pentecostal theology. Longenecker points out that it is in the earliest Jewish Christian materials of the NT that one finds “an almost exclusive use of ‘the name’ as a christological designation.”(53) Furthermore, the “Name” indicates ontological considerations. First, they hold views which other Christians, especially orthodox and Evangelical believers, have few categories of thought with which to interpret them positively. See Geoffrey W. Bromiley, “Tradition and Traditions in Thomas Cranmer,” Anglican and Episcopal History 59/4 (December, 1990): 467-78. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. A form of Monarchianism still exists today in Oneness Pentecostalism. The complexity of heresy manifests itself in a number of ways which have the potential to pollute the truth being defended. 12:11; Eph. In this paper I propose a different interpretive scheme from the one just presented. Following ordination in the Diocese of Rhode Island, he pastored for eighteen years in Massachusetts and Connecticut. In addition, many Oneness advocates rely on the unbiblical revelations received by various Oneness leaders whom they regard as divinely inspired or anointed interpreters of the Bible. We teach that Acts 2:38 is the method of spiritual rebirth as preached and practiced by the Apostles. (42) David Kupp, cited in Dunn, Christology, p. xxxviii. Its headquarters and publishing firm, the Pentecostal Publishing House, is located at 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042. The Statement on the “Essentials of the Godhead” is perhaps one of the finest restatements of Nicene theology in this century. Word Aflame curriculum celebrates a legacy of over forty years of providing trusted Apostolic teaching tools to help instill Apostolic faith in every generation. The reasons are only speculative. Follow Apostolic Oneness Pentecostals ! Proudly powered by WordPress 2. In 1913, one popular teacher, R.E. The unifying centre of this proto-christocentric theology is situated in the name of Jesus as the revelational and proper name of God for the new covenant. Several verses are quoted to establish this view, such as Colossians 2:9 (NKJV), “For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Oneness theologians would argue that if the Father and the Son were separate, then the Godhead could not fully dwell in Christ. It is interesting to note that Oneness author, David Bernard, already exhibits a scholastic influence by addressing the attributes of God before a discussion of the Name of God; see The Oneness of God, Series in Pentecostal Theology, Vol. 175, 193. © 2021 North American Mission Board, SBC. (81) H. I. Lederle, Treasures Old and New: Interpretations of ‘Spirit-Baptism’ in the Charismatic Renewal Movement (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988), p. 20. 8. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, couldn't be convinced even by this elaborate display. Even the early Assemblies of God defender, Carl Brumback, acknowledged the possibility for greater fellowship if these barriers were removed. Pentecostal Christianity has more than 700 denominations. Dunn, Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry Into the Character of Earliest Christianity (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977), pp. Oneness Pentecostal churches are, therefore, cultic in nature and outside the theological parameters of historic Christianity. (54) Brunner, Christian Doctrine, p. 127. Again Brunner states, “The Name of God is only completely revealed where God comes to us personally in Jesus Christ.”(55), Brunner fails, however, to notice a renewed interest in the names and titles of God among certain evangelicals in the late nineteenth century. We believe in Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal or Oneness Pentecostal, Jesus Name, Acts 2:38 Salvation and Biblical Holiness first preached at Pentecost. My intention is not to deny the reality of heresy, but to affirm caution. . This Belief Bulletin presents basic Oneness Pentecostal history and doctrines and provides a biblical analysis and response. "Is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides, that we might enquire of Him?" It is we who may be as unfaithful as they. Oneness Pentecostals did not disappear. The Azusa Street Revival (1906-1908) The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California and is the origin of the Pentecostal movement. (48) cited in Gill, Contextual Theology, p. 175. “I AM THAT I AM” became a category of essence, instead of the biblical God as he “comes forth in revelation.”(51). Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ World Wide, Inc. (Bible Way)-250,000 But the 1916 decision is a matter of record. The higher calling for the Church is to help bring its youngest to theological speech. Problems and Possibilities for Pentecostal Theology OPs are still present as alienated siblings. Brown regarding the creedal doctrines of the Trinity and the deity of Christ: “If they are essential today . There is no indication that it, or any other spiritual gift, is required to receive God’s gift of salvation by grace or to be filled with His Holy Spirit (see Eph. (I Kg. (34) cited in Thompson, Trinitarian Perspectives, p. 21. They maintain that the only real “person” in the Godhead is Jesus. (75) Bryan Spinks, “Calvin’s Baptismal Theology and the Making of the Strasbourg and Genevan Baptismal Liturgies 1540 and 1542,” Scottish Journal of Theology 48/1 (1995): 77. (65), It is generally recognized in current NT scholarship that the first Christians baptized using some form of the name of Jesus. For Brunner, “the Name of God means the indissoluble unity of the nature of God with the revelation. Webster provides an excellent summary of the history of the concept of revelation. But there the consensus stops. Earl Morse Wilbur (Cambridge, Mass. But to imply that these are more than personifications risks pressing later Trinitarian ideas beyond that which the Jewish evidence can bear. Privacy Policy & Copyright Notice. Hot Christian rock telling it like it really is with no apologies to the ignorant, prejudiced or confused! I, trans. This is closer to the thought of Luther and Calvin, for whom “the promise of the Word in conjunction with the element sufficed.”(75). Conversation from “behind the wall” (to borrow a phrase from Walter Brueggemann) may bear more fruit than polemics on the top of the wall. Authority. It is particularly among the black and hispanic OPs that, in spite of our reading of their exclusivistic teachings, there exists a greater openness to fellowship with other Christians. It was an unlikely location for … B. Jongeel, (ed. Posted by: Apostolic Oneness Pentecostals on February 2, 2011. G. W. Bromiley (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1975-77), p. 92. (72) Dunn, Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-Examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the Holy Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1970), p. 91. There are many Apostolic Pentecostal Church Directories for the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), WCMA, PAW Inc., ALJC, COOLJC, PAJC, UPC, Oneness Churches, etc., on the internet today, but most directory lists are fragmented at best and only partially represent the Apostolic Pentecostal Church community at large. The name in some sense embodies the very presence and power of the One who bears it. Oneness Pentecostal Theology — A Synopsis (24) For them, water baptism in the name of Jesus and the Pentecostal experience of Spirit-baptism with speaking in tongues, are constituent components of the new birth. The Bible does mention appointing elders (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5), and that the disciples of … They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author and NOT of his home church or organizational affiliation. Matthew 28:19 clearly reflects the trinitarian concept that the “name” (authority and characteristics) of the one God is incorporated in the three Persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor. The Oneness Groups. Finally, its insistence upon baptism and rebaptism in Jesus’ name is offensive to most trinitarians Christians, especially when accompanied by its supporting Oneness theology. (60) As Dunn points out, “The name of Jesus was used in the same way as the name of God or of a heavenly being.(61). He received his educator at Barrington College (B.A. Musicians wanted for music and fellowship, must be real Oneness, Acts 2:38 holiness Christian in Covington, GA area. Baptism in the name of Jesus and Spirit-baptism are subsequent elements of the “fuller” gospel in which persons should walk as they “see the light”. Regardless, handling snakes or drinking poison is a misuse of that Scripture and has resulted in the deaths of many practitioners. This suggestion is an extension of the concern for a distinctive Pentecostal identity expressed by Cheryl Bridges Johns, “The Adolescence of Pentecostalism: In Search of a Legitimate Sectarian Identity,” Pneuma 17/1 (Spring, 1995): 3-17. Apostolic Pentecostal Oneness-> Debate-> TEN Reasons WHY I TITHE. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). (18) cited in William D. Faupel, “Whither Pentecostalism?” Pneuma 115/1 (Spring, 1993): 1. Oneness Pentecostals have an anti-trinitarian view of God, an unbiblical doctrine of Jesus Christ, and unbiblical requirements for salvation (speaking in tongues, water baptism in “Jesus’ name,” and a legalistic moral code). (8) See Michael Serveto, The Two Treatises of Servetus on the Trinity, Harvard Theological Studies XVI, trans. . UCJC: Institute of Biblical Studies-Baltimore, Md. 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Matthew 28:19 also affirms their views that Jesus commanded His disciples to baptize in the “name” (singular) of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Thesis 5: Water baptism in the name of Jesus (or one of its variations) is biblically legitimate. Good works and holy living are the natural responses of salvation already received-not its cause (see Eph. | The Pentecostal movement used to call itself ‘apostolic’ after the ‘Apostolic Faith’ newsletter. 5-6. Pentecostal Church of Apostolic Faith (PCAF) – 25,000 United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) (UCJC-A) – 100,000 United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) – 500,000 (1.5 million worldwide) Doctrinal Beliefs Oneness Pentecostal Sources of Authority Oneness Pentecostals, of all branches, affirm the authority of the Bible for doctrine. No single translation or human interpretation can be regarded as infallible. 9. (The exception is the Oneness … (32) John Thompson, Modern Trinitarian Perspectives (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 5. Thesis 2: The NT materials contain theologically legitimate ideas and practices identified as “Jewish Christian” rewarding God and the Person and work of Jesus. The choice of the singular name is not itself a major hurdle. A theology of the Name, then, constitutes part of a biblical theology of revelation, pointing to the event of God’s self disclosure. The Oneness of God is one of the greatest fundamental doctrines within the Word of God. Robert Morgan of Tampa, Florida.Rev. Oneness movements’ emphases on personal holiness and healthy lifestyles are commendable. The obstacle lay primarily with the exclusive use of that formula and its equally exclusive doctrine. Matthew’s Gospel is a case in point, in which “there is emphasis upon the name of Jesus such as is not found in the other Synoptics.”(58) With reference to the name “Lord” in Phil. The other direction is one which they have appealed to more frequently: “Maintain the unity of the spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith.”(84). (50) He observes that, not only was the idea of the “Name of God” neglected through much of the history of Christian thought, but when it was given attention by speculative theologians, it was misunderstood and denigrated as primitive anthropomorphism. This direction, stimulated largely in Protestant thought by the work of Karl Barth, has been recently followed by theologians seeking to ground the doctrine of the Trinity in the biblical materials. By 1916, “oneness” views were being expounded by some ministers in the Assemblies of God (AOG) denomination. Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada Apostolic World Christian Fellowship Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Associated Brotherhood of Christians Biblical Apostolic … Nevertheless, they are the same person, not two separate persons. The word APOSTOLIC means "of the Apostles." Melanchthon questioned whether belief in the Trinity was even essential to salvation. They developed into the third main stream of global Pentecostals — with an estimated strength in the United States of one million, and five million worldwide. My point here is twofold: (1) to affirm the biblical and theological (though not necessarily the OP theology) appropriateness of the Oneness practice of baptism in the name of (Lord) Jesus (Christ); and (2) to locate Oneness baptismal theology within the current discussion, identifying the major areas of agreement and divergence. Overlooking the distortions for the moment, it can be argued that the Oneness modalistic interpretation of the Trinity bears more similarity to the Jewish idea of personification than it does to the hypostatically distinct persons of Greek theology. (64) It is not unlikely that this is precisely the story of Oneness Pentecostalism. At this point, Oneness interpretation diverges into two main streams. 2:10). There is a genuine need for thorough, com-prehensive study and explanation of the fundamental Bible truths we hold dear, and this series is designed to help meet that … If the Father and the Son are the same person, then the Oneness teachers have a difficult job explaining how the Father and the Son can love each other (See Matt. violating Judaism’s monotheistic convictions. : Harvard University press, 1932), p. xvii. Not only was there much derision from the beginning (including criticism for the mixing of the races). I am suggesting that diversity of thought, even christological thought, is not necessarily heretical. Ervin, on the other hand, interprets Spirit-baptism in Acts as subsequent to conversion. Assemblies of the Lord Jesus, Inc. (ALJI)-50,000 people who adhere to the beliefs of the Oneness Pentecostal churches and who identify as LGBT affirming. The unifying centre of this proto-christocentric theology is situated in the name of Jesus as the revelational and proper name of God for the new covenant. Jesus’ name baptism and “Pentecostal” Spirit-baptism constitute the new birth, a highly exclusive and confusing doctrine. 8:6; 12:4-6; 2 Cor. Be prepared to explain biblically why you do not believe these are necessary ingredients for salvation or eternal security. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author and NOT of his home church or organizational affiliation. It is the official doctrine of God of several groups of churches who are usually called the Oneness Pentecostals. But it seems less true to the character of Evangelical Protestants to embrace the Creeds so passionately, and to take the enemies of creedal orthodoxy as their own, even when identified by mere resemblance. First, neither Judaism nor early Jewish Christian thought was uniform. (19) George Lindbeck, “The Church,” Keeping the Faith: Essays to Mar the Centenary of Lux Mundi, ed. (55) Brunner, Christian Doctrine, p. 127. The Holy Spirit is not regarded as a person at all, merely a manifestation of Jesus’ power or a synonym for Him. UPCI: Apostolic Bible Institute-St. Paul, Minn. (47) I set forth this viewpoint in detail in Part Three of my thesis, “Origins and Development of the Theology of Oneness Pentecostalism in the United States” (Ph.D. thesis, Boston University, 1978), pp. Share your personal testimony of God’s grace and your faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. The uniqueness of Oneness baptismal theology can be found in its interpretation of Acts 2:38. III. Like most traditional Pentecostals and charismatics, Oneness Pentecostals teach that speaking in tongues is a gift to be exercised today. Here I refer to what is called kerygmatic theology, a theology of revelation grounded in scripture . He had become convinced that the New Issue was nothing less than a recurrence of the ancient heresy of Sabellianism. One temptation for OPs has been to withdraw behind their own wall, confessing that they alone are the one people of God. Therefore, the name of Jesus is hypostatically united to the person of Jesus, whereby the very nature and character of God can be claimed to be present in him. Whether the formula in Matthew 28:19 is original with Jesus is debatable, but does not bear directly upon the issue here. The fact is that early Pentecostals were a Movement being birthed, with all the instability and experimentation which that entails. But they do share this common conviction — the sole source of authority in Scripture, and a core christocentric vision. It has been pointed out by Longenecker, Danielou and others, that the name of Jesus as a christological designation appears primarily in the Jewish Christian materials. Thus, when He died, only His human nature died. Salvation is entirely based on grace through faith in Christ. First, its doctrine of God oversteps the boundary of the orthodox, creedal formulations. There are many Apostolic Pentecostal Church Directories for the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), WCMA, PAW Inc., ALJC, COOLJC, PAJC, UPC, Oneness Churches, etc., on the internet today, but most directory lists are fragmented at best and only partially represent the Apostolic Pentecostal Church community at large. In its resisting, the lines of “orthodoxy” can be drawn too clearly and too narrowly. TEN Reasons WHY I TITHE. . Jesus is said to have two natures: human and divine. II. Based on church feedback, the team at Pentecostal Publishing House continuously updates the material. Most Oneness Pentecostals teach that once salvation is gained initially by the preceding ingredients, it must be maintained by daily adherence to legalistic codes of personal behavior. The result is a rather labored effort to fit this understanding into the traditional two-nature theory. Oneness Pentecostal Apologetics. Here we arrive at the heart of the most offensive aspect of Oneness teaching — its insistence upon baptism in the name of Jesus as the only valid formula. (9) Servetus, Two Treatises, p. xi.
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