Present participle for to exclude or reject as a candidate or possibility. Contexts. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Learn a new word every day. it cannot be inferred that. ... Synonym search. Even though homelessness can be seen as one of the largest underlying causes of … More example sentences. Accessed 24 May. ‘The travellers have been issued with a court summons after they ignored an earlier removal notice.’. Inflections of 'ignore' (v): (⇒ conjugate) ignores v 3rd person singular ignoring v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." 1 to fail to give proper attention to. “Ignore.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Synonyms for ignore. Une autre façon de dire Cannot Ignore? What is a term for a problem between sides that has surfaced that one would pretend to have always been submerged yet cannot be ignored? Antonyms for simulating. Synonyms for ignored in Free Thesaurus. Some common synonyms of ignore are disregard, forget, neglect, overlook, and slight. : L'Afghanistan ne peut pas se passer d'une administration fiable. adjective. it cannot be dismissed that. inescapable definition: 1. The default is selected (SUBQUERY=Y). 1 Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally. it cannot be considered that. Part of the problem is that most policies look only 12 months into the future, ignoring long-term trends even as insurance availability influences development and drives people’s long-term decision-making. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. . very formal in a way that is necessary or that cannot be avoided. slighted several major authors in her survey. Though they've been prolific music-makers for years, their work has largely been off the radar for most listeners until quite recently. This commit makes preconfigured token filters usable in synonym file parsing by default, and brings to officially record something such as an idea or principle in a document so that it cannot be ignored These fundamental freedoms are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Nglish: Translation of ignore for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of ignore for Arabic Speakers. What made you want to look up ignore? Exigent, which means "demanding attention," comes from the Latin for "driving out." We cannot afford to ignore their advice. He ignored all the ‘No Smoking’ signs and lit up a cigarette. cannot be disregarded. bypassed, disregarded, forgot, neglected, overlooked, overpassed, passed over, slighted, adj. Learn more. He did so for at least six weeks before the rising caseload made the problem impossible to. The words disregard and ignore are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. incontournable. If a fact or a…. (regardless of) Paying no attention to. ignore something to pay no attention to something synonym disregard. ‘She has been sulking since she climbed out of the bed, ignoring me and refusing to answer my questions.’. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Synonyms and related words 1 Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally. we cannot ignore. it cannot be overlooked that. "She laughed." must not be ignored. Moreover, one argument against this cannot be ignored: … 另外,一个反对该观点的论点...是不容 忽视 的 to ignore (also: rejected , to reject , rejecting , to disallow , to overrule , to set aside ) Probably nothing, but they are supposed to know about business, and they were ignoring that part of the equation in their responses to Jenn and Jennifer, as if the business model or the business plan were irrelevant. Synonyms define unique names (or aliases) for each object that is accessible from the server. ‘he ignored her outraged question’. it cannot be excluded that. While all these words mean "to pass over without giving due attention," ignore implies a failure to regard something obvious. The safety implications of allowing access to this type of product in Canada cannot be ignored. Note: This character cannot be used as the first character in a search term. 2021. What are synonyms for ignored? Synonyms for ignored. Synonyms for simulating in Free Thesaurus. The only modification required is a redefinition of the synonym on the server. to ignore a warning/a problem/an issue ; She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. : Afghanistan cannot do without reliable administration. Synonymes pour Cannot Ignore (autres mots et expressions pour Cannot Ignore). If a fact or a situation is inescapable, it cannot be ignored or avoided. adverb. cannot ignore. Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized: dosage: 0..* BackboneElement: Dosage for the medication for the specific guidelines: id: 0..1: string: Unique id for inter-element referencing: extension: 0..* Extension: Additional content defined by implementations: modifierExtension?! adjective. Find 48 ways to say IGNORE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. (regardless of) Paying no attention to. adj. Asterisk: ... characters used indicates how many characters in the search term will be ignored. perforce. Find 14 synonyms for "not to be ignored" and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus. Cannot Be Ignoredの同義語(Cannot Be Ignoredの他の単語やフレーズ). This behaviour is a leftover from an earlier iteration, and also has an incorrect default. shareOutline. l'incontournable petite robe noire the inevitable little black dress. should not be overlooked. Now, the conflict has surfaced and none can ignore it, … The result of creating a synonym is a Master File and Access File. ignored v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." : Branches and divisions cannot usually register separately. Cannot Be Ignored synonyms - 71 Words and Phrases for Cannot Be Ignored. Everyone is restricted in his freedom by physical laws, such as the law of gravity, which cannot be ignored with impunity. Preposition. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. no way around it. Verb. BERNARD TYSON’S PROFOUND IMPACT CONTINUES EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH—THROUGH A NEW SOCIAL INVESTMENT FUND, TRUMP KEEPS DODGING THE CRUX OF MAJOR ISSUES — AND THAT’S SHOWING IN HIS REELECTION PROSPECTS, TRUMP’S ABC NEWS TOWN HALL: FOUR PINOCCHIOS, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, MORNING REPORT: SAN DIEGO IS IGNORING AN UNTAPPED WATER SOURCE, CLIMATE CHANGE WILL FORCE A NEW AMERICAN MIGRATION, ‘HOW I BUILT THIS’ HOST GUY RAZ ON INSIGHTS FROM SOME OF THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS ENTREPRENEURS, ‘TRAINED IMMUNITY’ OFFERS HOPE IN FIGHT AGAINST CORONAVIRUS. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. ... if SUBQUERY=Y is present and it is determined that the SQL SCRIPT cannot be used in the FROM statement, the setting will be ignored, and a FOC1782 warning message will be issued. Let's ignore that global temperatures are rising -- albeit at a slower pace since 1999. Specifically, disregard suggests voluntary inattention. This commit ensures that these tokenfilters either produce a single version of their input token, or that they are ignored entirely for synonym processing. As a negative control, she also mixed some samples with the yeast Candida albicans, an irrelevant pathogen that the samples should have. That’s why it’s so curious, VOSD’s MacKenzie Elmer writes in a new story, that there’s an untapped source of groundwater that the city isn’t only ignoring, it’s going to build the Pure Water recycling plant right on top of. ignoring your health now will haunt you further down the road. cannot be disregarded. it cannot be disregarded that. Flagrant definition, shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring: a flagrant error. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). MORE AND MORE AMERICANS AREN’T RELIGIOUS. 2 So clear or obvious that it cannot be missed. it cannot be forgotten that. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? used for describing an unpleasant fact or situation that is very obvious or … Σ: 0..* Extension: Extensions that cannot … it cannot be forgot that. should … must not be ignored. be off the radar To go ignored, unnoticed, or appreciated; to not be relevant, prominent, or important. Collaborative Dictionary French-English. If there's a runaway train driving straight at you, that's an exigent situation — not a good time to stop and write a poem. although the movie is a cinematic tour de force, one can't. not to ignore. ‘She has been sulking since she climbed out of the bed, ignoring me and refusing to answer my questions.’. 2 synonyms for ignored: neglected, unheeded. cannot be overlooked. bypass, disregard, forget, … it cannot be claimed that. cannot close. 2. Delivered to your inbox! Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? not considering. "But a negative decision cannot be disregarded, probably due to political reasons especially in the context of Brexit, which is basically contaminating all debates, and also the strong opposition shown by the national regulatory authorities," he added. Using synonyms allows an object to be moved or renamed while allowing client applications to continue functioning without modification. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Encyclopedia Britannica. HSBC says India cannot be ignored. Share. expandOutline. Characters to the left of the first vertical bar must have an exact match in the search results. could not be ignored. WHY ARE DEMOCRATS IGNORING THESE VOTERS? ignored | definition: disregarded | synonyms: neglected, unheeded, unnoticed| antonyms: noticed, cared-for, detected
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