The 2018 theme: “Remain In Christ And His Basic Message,” is chosen from 1 John 2:24-25: “See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Box GP 2194, Accra, Ghana Telephone: (+233) 571 124 180 | 0570 947 621 Helpline: (+233) 543 308 187 THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST ,THE 2016 THEME AND THE CHAIRMAN. I have physically seen the Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyina ,chairman of the church of Pentecost once in my whole life . By: Deaconess Eunice Johnson Genre Gospel Comment by Brainzee. Woayɛ me Boafoɔ kɛse, Awurade Wo … SoundCloud. - The Church Of Pentecost 2017 Theme Song by cobbyseth published on 2018-05-26T18:19:31Z. We wish all mothers and women in general a happy mothers day.One thing we ask of God that He will continue to abide with them and show them His unfailing love.We salute you all Church Of Pentecost -Inspirational and Theme Songs updated their profile picture. 3:21; Eph. The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah, has outdoored the 2018 theme of the Church. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. “A Glorious Church To Possess The Nations” Is 2020 Theme Of COP The 2020 theme of The Church of Pentecost has been outdoured at a ceremony held on Monday, November 11, 2019, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region. - The Church Of Pentecost 2017 Theme Song by cobbyseth from desktop or your mobile device. 2. Wo ne me Kwankyerɛfoɔ, Awurade Wo kyerɛ me kwan daa Na Wo re-nnyae me oo da. The theme, “A Glorious Church To Possess The Nations” (Eph. The Church Of Pentecost 2017 Theme Song – Tetelestai DJ Obour on December 17, 2019 We introduced to you Tetelestai The Church Of Pentecost as their theme song of the year 2017.Get your copy below and enjoy but don’t forget to share. Generally, use of The Church of Pentecost songs for evangelism purposes is free of charge and regulation. I expected to see a haughty and a very possessive man. You Might Also Like: Stella Dugan – Pentecost Gya DOWNLOAD MP3 indeed. Tetelestai - Mawie! Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. Oct 23, 2017 - When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. Depending on the church tradition you embrace, Pentecost Sunday may have significant value to you or it may have none at all. While many churches from the mainline and liturgical traditions plan to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday, few evangelical congregations will be marking the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and the day the church was founded some 2,000 years ago. Here are five ideas of how you can incorporate your annual church theme into the life of your church: Through Preaching —Our theme for 2017 has been “By Grace,” taken from 2 Corinthians 9:8. 5:27), falls in line with the 5-year vision of … 2017 THEME SONGS OF THE C. O. P ..... 1. and it wasn”t actually a ”satisfied” moment to me . Enjoy this lovely song from the Church Of Pentecost [COP] tagged Ma Menye D3 ‘Wo Jesus as their 2017 theme song.Listen to it below and enjoy. Stream Tetelestai - Mawie! Over this past year, many of our sermon series have been themed around how God’s grace works in our lives. The Church of Pentecost – General Headquarters P. O.
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