An online premiere was also held, and so many people logged on to watch the film that the server of Yüksel's website crashed. The British began sending supplies and … In the 1960s, Turkish workers arrived in Germany to fill the demand for cheap labor in a booming post-war economy. Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps in Nazi Germany, and the first to be liberated by American troops. Kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious Soviet Army. The lights came up and Kyle Hunt was then brought out for Q & A. Which would you like to tour? IS-2 model 1943, 88th Independent Guards Heavy Tank Regiment, Berlin, April 1945. Learn what was done to Germany and her people in the name of “freedom, democracy and liberation.” In their own words, in graphic detail, this is their story. Some Turkish schools and universities have expressed interest in screenings, and Turkish distributors have also shown interest. Посвящается миллионам жертв и мучеников первого в мире построенного на расовых основах национального социалистического государства. People around the world realize that this truth is verboten and will find ways to get around censorship. . The reconstruction of Germany after World War II was a long process after Hitler's suicide, which had ended the war. . As well done as the film is, it is certainly not for the faint-hearted, but nonetheless it is still imperative for every person of European descent to see this for it gives us a glimpse of what could happen if the Jews have their way and do successfully implement their New World Order. Clearly, this man is unaware that questioning the Holocaust is a punishable crime in Germany and many other European countries. While taking to the streets is important, let’s not forget to post links to the documentary all over social media on the February 13th. What does that have to do with anything?”. Kill. You’re absolutely right about that… Reply. Between 1955 and 1973 thousands of people came to Germany from other countries to work. Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. Русскоязычная версия документария Hellstorm по одноименной книге Томаса Гудрича. Look at the formation of the German national identity after the end of World War II and the emergence of modern Germany. After getting a lot of flyers out, we stopped for some authentic German beer in a German restaurant with live music. She says she has never regretted coming to Germany. . It’s hard to believe, but during WW2 the RAAF had 216,000 serving men and women consisting of 76 squadrons and 6000 aircraft. He wanted to "let this generation speak for itself" he told DW. The first comment he received was from a young man who was upset with the Jewish element of the film. This did not stopped there as Azerbaijani and Kurdish peoples supported by Moskow rebelled and damaged the new Iranian government action. IS-2 model 1943, Berlin, April 1945, General Rybalko’s 3rd Guards Tank … If Youtube’s view counts have been altered to reduce the perceived popularity of the film, which happens, the number could be even far more. Documentaries Auditory Featured documents Search the Library Advanced Search By Categories By Authors For News Items By Posting Date Periodicals; English ; Inconvenient History; Vol. It received over 10,000 views in the first 24 hours and then averaged about 10,000 views per day for the first week. Use this menu to find more documents that … In just a few days they turned one of the most beautiful cities in Europe into a smoldering ruin, burning defenseless elderly men, women, and children in the worst holocaust any people ever experienced. The topic of using Germans as forced labor for reparations was first broached at the Tehran conference in 1943, where Soviet premier Joseph Stalin demanded 4,000,000 German workers. The narrative is that the Jews starved to death in concentration camps or executed. After the September armistice, Iran entered the Allied sphere of influence and declared war on Germany on 9 September 1943, and on Japan in March 1945. Germany A Film Unfinished: Yael Hersonski 2010 Canada Brazil Nazi Hunters: Tim Wolochatiuk TV Mini-series, 13 episodes 2010 France Le Rapport Karski: Claude Lanzmann An extended interview with Polish resistance fighter Jan Karski, consisting largely of footage gathered for but not included in Claude Lanzmann's epic 9-hour documentary Shoah. There has also been a great deal of interest in Gleis 11 from Turkey. They unleashed their hatred by raping, robbing, torturing, and mass murdering in the most sickening ways imaginable. A groundbreaking 26-part documentary series narrated by the actor Laurence Olivier about the deadliest conflict in history, World War II. ; For documentaries, see the List of World War II documentary films and the List of Allied propaganda films of World War II. Germany After WW2 _ A Defeated People _ Documentary on Germany in the Immediate Aftermath of WW2_VP8_Vorbis_360p (1).webm. 44,000 + 35,000 + The most stomach churning part pointed out that some German women were forced at gun point to have sex with dead, rotting corpses. . Available on Amazon. Report by Shield Maiden at Renegade Tribune On a nice, warm Saturday afternoon a good crowd had gathered at Broadway Cinemas in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There have been thousands of books, films, and TV series dedicated to the Holocaust. We didn’t use any tape or tacks, but just tucked them away where people might come across them and want to learn more. Then it was banned worldwide for a copyright claim, which was successfully contested, yet this version still remains unavailable. "Every time I talked to these people, I was convinced that they had so many exciting stories that would be perfect to tell in a film. During these 18 years, thousands of people, primarily from Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey, made their way to Germany. 16. Already people in my general vicinity have gotten in touch with me after seeing our Dresden activism and would like to get involved. 43,000 + Published: 2019-05-25. Our enemies could only wish to get such results with so little spent, but their tired old narratives will continue to flounder, since people have been inundated with Allied propaganda for the past 70 years and do not feel compelled to spread this narrative far and wide, even if they still believe it. World War II (WWII or WW2), called the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union, was a global war involving fighting in most of the world and most countries.Most countries fought in the years 1939–1945 but some started fighting in 1937. Once we reached out to anyone who looked like they might be interested, we started to place the flyers in some strategic locations around the town. Only Yüksel's staff were present — and four of his protagonists. 1,565,000. IS-1 model 1943, for comparison. You might be thinking that such efforts are futile, but I assure you they are not. On top of this, the air force suffered the highest number of casualties for its size of any of our armed forces with around 10,000 killed. GANG RAPE IN NEMMERSDORF. The situation will only get worse unless we rise up as united Europeans and defend the honor of our women and ensure a future for our children! Unfortunately for them, their campaign to discredit the film has not worked, so they have decided to take their efforts to the next level. In the first three months this official youtube upload of Hellstorm racked up around 100,000 views per month. Osman Yazici in the 1970s as a successful restaurant owner. He persevered "with tears, patience and coffee," he recounted at the premiere of his film. Meanwhile, German women were raped to death, literally crucified with nails hammered into their hands, and as I mentioned earlier, sometimes forced at gun point to have sex with the corpses of dead men on the streets of what was left of Germany. Once the film was over, most of the audience applauded. As the war breaks out, Hans is conscripted into the army and Lene suffers through air raids in Berlin. But the first arrivals, those who went directly from the train platform into the mine shaft or into the sewing shop, have rarely been represented in the media or in film. This triggered another audience member, a young man who argued that you couldn’t go to jail for questioning the Holocaust. This article was translated from German by Sarah Hucal. 21-04: World War 2 Youtube Series - Hitler's Money and How He Stole It - WW2 Special. The reason we didn’t target the older folks, who were in abundance in this aging and increasingly non-White town, is because they have been subjected to decades upon decades of brainwashing, and even if they were to learn the truth, they likely do not have the will or social media presence to really spread awareness. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. . 1940s. Bartolomeo from southern Italy, explains how he met "a beautiful woman" and found happiness in Germany. Official page for the documentary: Gal Gadot, Bella Hadid and Roger Waters are just a few of the celebrities reacting to the crisis online. The speech is in German, with English recapitulations at intervals. 79,000 + "They only want to earn money, but not work," says another. The flyers can be handed out, posted on message boards or in some strategic locations, sent in the mail, and distributed in other creative ways. The top 14 uploads on Youtube that I was able to find are as follows (rounded to the nearest thousand views): Platform 11 at Munich's main train station is where many of Germany's "gastarbeiter" — which literally translates as "guest workers" — arrived from 1955 to 1973. I asked a few audience members what their thoughts were on the film. German men had their testicles crushed and some were forced to eat their own excrement. I’m going to assume that most, if not all, the people reading this know that the Holocaust is a made up Jewish lie, but let’s suspend reality for a moment and say that it actually did happen as they claim. . Impressionable children in middle school are instructed to read The Diary of Ann Frank, a book which should be flushed down the toilet for how full of shit it is, but not once did we ever learn about what the Germans suffered through. Emigration to other non-European countries was often not an option, as the quota system instituted against Jews before World War II was still in effect, even after the Holocaust. 17. We were there to watch Hellstorm, a documentary by Kyle Hunt and Tom Goodrich, illustrating the horrific and oftentimes unimaginable treatment of the German people after World War II. The film tells five parallel stories about migrants from that era. Last year on May 1st I released a documentary that would go on to shake the world. | Mobile version. To start this download, you need a free bitTorrent client like qBittorrent. Although I wonder how many views the film would have by now if there had been no censorship of my main upload a few month after the release, I think that the efforts to stop the viral success of the film will only backfire. Donnstedt says: 20 December, 2015 at 8:21 pm . And in one of the film's most moving scenes, the couple Esref and Ayse return to their home in southern Turkey after 49 years. Most stayed however, and to my pleasant surprise they did not all walk out when the Jewish element was brought into the picture, although this was a point which unnerved some, as I would later find out. Kyle pointed out to him that the Jewish element had everything to do with it and then moved on because the guy’s kvetching was irritating him as well as taking time away from other people’s questions. 11,000 + Children are being attacked, girls are being raped, and the police won’t step in and help. In the years following World War II, large numbers of German civilians and captured soldiers were forced into labor by the Allied forces. Voices for peace, like Igor Levit, face antisemitism. The topic was criticized as "irrelevant," and not cinema-worthy Yüksel said. . It was a fun setting to discuss jews, White genocide, Dresden, and other taboo “conspiracy” topics. His grandfather died young in a traffic accident, leaving his grandmother to raise eight children alone in a foreign country. One of them is the story of the filmmaker's grandmother, Nezihat, who came to the West German city of Mönchengladbach from rural Turkey in 1970 with four daughters and later, after having four more children, opened her own small shop. Our enemies conquered Europe and her people. ... To get the ultimate red pill on WW2, the JQ and all the major historical events surrounding it, watch parts 4-10, which will give you the full picture. After Germany attacked Russia on June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union joined the Allies. The major literary award honors a novel's German translation — and offers a preview of acclaimed works that are also set to be published in English later this year. Report by Shield Maiden at Renegade Tribune. Although drinking should not be the primary focus, I suggest any small groups that go out to do some activism also stop in for a pint (or litre like me!) Since the release of the film last May, Germany has been invaded once again, but this time she has an occupational government that won’t stand up for the folk. Why did you have to point out these guys were Jews? Germany After WW2 _ A Defeated People _ Documentary on Germany in the Immediate Aftermath of WW2_VP8_Vorbis_360p.webm 84.33MB; Outsider.WebRip.VP8.Vorbis 333.36MB; The Small Faces - Here Come the Nice The Immediate Years [smb] 507.55MB [ ] Regarding the Real - Cinema, Documentary, and the Visual 2.65MB HÖLLENSTURM – Der Tod Deutschlands – 1944-1947. These days, many of those who came to Germany after the first call for labor are well into old age. Germany’s attitude towards its own identity was shaped by events in the 20th century, such as the two World Wars and German division and reunification, and a new generation of Germans are ready to embrace their national identity. Get this game-changing documentary while you still can! “After the Reich” is to my mind the definitive account of Germany’s post-war experience. Since I made this film publicly available for anyone to copy, the truth would not be stopped. Mache dich mit der Wahrheit jener Jahre vertraut, die 70 Jahre lange zusammen mit den ehrlichen Menschen eingekerkert war. . The German film industry, which was protected during the war by the ban on foreign films import, became exposed at the end of the war to the international film industry while having to face an embargo, this time on its own films. Privacy Policy | At least starving to death you could die with some type of dignity. 581,000 + Most people simply parrot whatever is fashionable or “politically correct” so it takes some guts to show a film like Hellstorm at a film festival and be willing to stand there and take criticism from brainwashed people without flinching once. After the war, most ordinary Nazis—Gestapo agents, S.S. and S.A. auxiliaries, party members and government officials, as well as German citizens who … This is going to be one of the most important documentaries ever made. Egal, was du ueber den zweiten WK gelesen oder in Filmen gesehen hast, was dir darueber erzaehlt worden ist, was du darueber dachtest…du musst es vergessen! Tags; Germany After WW2 Defeated People Documentary Germany … However, you can still view different upload of the video on Youtube, like this one with all of the subtitles: Banned in: France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, Italy, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, Austria, and Switzerland. Numerous people in the country purchased tickets for the virtual premiere. His grandparents came to Germany as so-called guest workers, and like many others, they stayed. A take on the legend's birthday. In 2021, Germany looks back on the 60th anniversary of its labor recruitment agreement with Turkey. People around the world uploaded the film to their own channels on youtube, some added subtitles in their own languages and we even had a whole German voiceover done, others put it up on other video sharing sites and made it available for download on torrents, while others purchased and burned DVDs for distribution. The English DVD is available again! These opinions did not stop him from sticking with his project over many years. If enough people would wake up to world Jewry and understand how much damage the Jews have done and how intent they are on creating far more than what the Germans experienced, we can prevent another Hellstorm, and if we have to use violence to defend ourselves, so be it. An example of just what one line can do. When Kim Brook was a boy of eight, his world changed. Kyle also took the opportunity to point out to the audience that in many countries a person can be put in jail not just for questioning the validity of the Holocaust, but simply for questioning the six million number, even though at Auschwitz the plaque with the number of people killed has changed from originally claiming four million to now just 1.5 million. Millions raped . No matter what you have read about the Second World War, no matter what you have been told about it, no matter what you believe happened during the so-called “Good War” . There is also a full German version of the documentary! On a nice, warm Saturday afternoon a good crowd had gathered at Broadway Cinemas in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. In this way, the contrast to the home country of those who emigrated becomes even clearer and represents the immense homesickness that some of them report. . The antisemitism by local Europeans continued even after World War II, especially among the Poles. Every white person, and even non-white for that matter, should be ready to do whatever it takes to defeat the Jews so that future generations can thrive, live happily among their own, and never suffer anything like this ever again. Also, one “view” on Youtube could actually be a group of people watching the documentary together, meaning that at least 2 million people could have watched Hellstorm by now. It was, at the time, the fourth largest air force in the world. Set up in 1937, the camp … Gallery. Jeffrey Diefendorf has written several books about the reconstruction of both Germany and Japan after World War II. And if just one or two people watch the film and learn the truth, they very well may spread it around to their friends and post it on social media, perhaps reaching thousands of new people. Filmmaker Cagdas Yüksel, who belongs to the third generation of Turkish immigrants, set out to change that with his documentary This document is part of the Inconvenient History periodical. The Germans had the best troops of WW2, with the Waffen SS the elite. Stars: Laurence Olivier, Anthony Eden, … Banned in: Venezuela, West Bank, British Virgin Islands, Guyana, Paraguay, Guinea-Bissau, Palau, Guam, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Greece, Equatorial Guinea, Belarus, Pitcairn, Guinea, Gambia, Greenland, Pakistan, Gibraltar, Ghana, Guernsey, Papua New Guinea, Georgia, Grenada, United Kingdom, Gabon, Panama, Bangladesh, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Micronesia – Federated States of, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Barbados, Swaziland, Saint Barthelemy, Bermuda, Brunei, Bolivia, Bahrain, Burundi, Benin, Bhutan, Zambia, Bouvet Island, Botswana, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Brazil, Bahamas, South Africa, Belize, Jamaica, Jordan, Jersey, Vanuatu, Singapore, Suriname, Samoa, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Anguilla, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Azerbaijan, Australia, Aruba, Sao Tome and Principe, Antarctica, American Samoa, Argentina, Nepal, Rwanda, Iraq, Iceland, Serbia, Fiji, Ireland, Indonesia, Saint Helena, Isle of Man, British Indian Ocean Territory, Romania, Niue, Djibouti, Denmark, Sierra Leone, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Algeria, Tuvalu, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Liechtenstein, Lebanon, Japan, Laos, Libya, Saint Lucia, Liberia, Lesotho, Qatar, Oman, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Cook Islands, Cote d’Ivoire, Colombia, China, Cameroon, Chile, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Canada, Congo, Central African Republic, Congo – Democratic Republic of, Cyprus, Christmas Island, Costa Rica, Curacao, Cape Verde, Cuba, Turkey, South Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Kyrgyzstan, Togo, Chad, Tajikistan, Tokelau, Kiribati, Cambodia, Tunisia, Tonga, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Kenya, Portugal, Philippines, Haiti, Thailand, Namibia, Syria, Sint Maarten, Niger, Norfolk Island, Nigeria, South Sudan, Nicaragua, Netherlands, El Salvador, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Slovenia, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Somalia, Senegal, San Marino, Faroe Islands, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, India, Sweden, Sudan, Ecuador, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Egypt, Western Sahara, Spain, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Marshall Islands, Macedonia, Myanmar, Mali, Macao, Mongolia, Morocco, Holy See (Vatican City State), Monaco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Montenegro, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Martin, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Northern Mariana Islands, Montserrat, Mauritania, Mauritius, Malta, Malawi, Maldives, Zimbabwe, United States Virgin Islands, Comoros, Peru, United States, Hungary, Croatia, Vietnam, Uruguay, Latvia, Iran, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Uganda, Honduras, Russia, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Nauru. "Blowin' in the Wind," "Mr. Tambourine Man" and many more: Dylan's songs were the soundtrack of DW's Susanne Spröer's youth. I want to personally thank Kyle and Tom Goodrich for being brave enough to take on this subject matter and to spend the time, money, and tremendous effort it took to make this film. The success of Hellstorm has our enemies very worried. 62,000 + Filmmaker Cagdas Yüksel, who belongs to the third generation of Turkish immigrants, set out to change that with his documentary film Gleis 11 ("Platform 11"). Many countries banned the import of German films and audiences themselves were re… This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. In the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, around one-third of residents have a migration background. gamenight999 says: 7 December, 2015 at 5:05 pm. File Type Create Time File Size Seeders Leechers Updated; Other: 2021-01-22: 84.33MB: 0: 0: 2 weeks ago: Download; Magnet link. In 1919 ethnic Germans became national minorities in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Romania. Contact Nun, zum ersten mal seit 70 Jahren, werde gewahr, was Deine Eltern und Grosseltern durchgemacht haben. We are looking to win the youth to our side with our activist campaigns, since it is their future that has been sold down the river, and many of them know it. 6.9 to 7.5 million Germans had been killed, roughly 8.26 to 8.86% of the population (see also World War II … . Lovingly, she watched her grandson as he moderated the digital event. East Germany's state film company film studio, DEFA, was founded on May 17, 1946. . Anna, a German woman who tells the story of her parents before, during and after World War II. 11 (2019) No. No wonder they wanted to keep on fighting! We use cookies to improve our service for you. After the brief Q & A, we all filed out into the theater hallway. From "guest-worker" recruitment signs to audio cassettes from Turkey, the museum's archive is a treasure trove of stories. HOW THE SERIAL RAPE BEGAN . 340,000 + The coverage highlighted the role of medium tanks, like the Soviet T34 (Figure 1) and the German Panzer Mk V (aka Panther [Figure 2]), and heavy tanks, like the German Panzer Mk VI (aka Tiger I). She answered questions from the audience at the virtual premiere, which were read from a smartphone. Now, for the first time in over 70 years, learn what the war and “peace” looked like from the loser’s perspective. The anniversary of the horrific Dresden bombings is on February 13th. since it will make the experience even more enjoyable, and may even loosen some lips and provide some liquid courage to more timid activists. "Call of Duty returns to its roots with Call of Duty: WWII--a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Facing a labor shortage after World War II, Germany designed a program to bring in so-called guest workers. I want to make sure more people know about what happened to the German people during that “good war”, so I put together a very simple flyer that can point people in the right direction. A passerby can simply take a photo of the QR code in the center and get directed to the website where they can watch the film for free. 25,000 + College campuses and city centers could be a great place to get the word out. It was not easy to sit through an hour and a half of rape, torture, and genocide of millions of innocent men, women, and children. The youth protests that peaked in 1968 fueled the reappraisal. . They had a campaign of rating the film as 1-star on IMDb, countering all of the 10-star ratings, to make it seem like WW2 truth is not popular and to discourage others from seeing the film. She was a key member of the Weiße Rose (White Rose)—a resistance group run by students at the University of Munich who distributed leaflets and used graffiti to decry Nazi crimes and the political system, while calling for resistance to the Nazi state and the war. . But after Germany's capitulation in 1945, many people suppressed and denied what had happened — until the 1960s. Whether intentionally or not, Germany appears in Yüksel's film as a country where it is constantly grey or raining. Her mother, Lene, meets her father, Hans, and they fall in love and marry. On February 13th I went out with fellow activists Sinead and Brian to distribute Hellstorm flyers across a town with a large German population. . This is quite incredible for a film that had less than $4,000 for a production and marketing budget! Sporting a ponytail and a nice blazer, Kyle reminded me of the hipster guys I used to see when I hung out at the local liberal coffee shops back in my twenties, certainly not an evil “Nazi” type of guy. Millions of men, women and children cast to the winds. . I asked Cindy’s mom what she thought of the film and got a more direct answer: “I hated it.”. World War II was the biggest story of the 20th Century, and its aftermath continues to affect the world profoundly more than 65 years later. Although on the same theme as Postwar I would encourage you to read "The Dark Continent" by Keith Lowe and "In the Ruins of the Reich" by Douglas Botting. And to make matters worse, these atrocities were not committed secretly or in hidden corners but in public, in churches, on the streets, and on the squares. He is the author or editor of eight books, including In the Wake of War: The Reconstruction … Big thanks to Sergey Anglinoff for making this all happen! Or at least to share it on social media. Great work. Those evil Nazi’s!” I would wager that every single one of us had a history teacher who referred to Hitler as the devil incarnate; one of my history teacher’s actually told us the story of the lampshades and soap as if it was real even though it’s been proven to be a hoax. 199,000 + The film Eine Frau in Berlin "A woman in Berlin ", ... East German women from the World War II era referred to the Red Army war memorial in Berlin as "the Tomb of the Unknown Rapist." . Although that would have been horrific, it would still be nothing compared to what the Germans suffered after the war. Germany 1945. Dies ist deren Geschichte, die sie aus Angst vor den Juden geheimhielten. Hellstorm Book and DVD Package Now on Sale! . In fact, the only people they have been attacking are the patriotic dissidents opposed to the destruction of Germany. Lehman engages with popular culture and an irreverent tone. 6,000 = . During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. A few other audience members commented that they felt the film was “one-sided” even though Kyle explicitly says that in the beginning of the documentary that they only wanted to focus on the German side. A look back at the GDR's film industry and what is left of it. To them the Jews are the biggest victims of all time and always will be. Joseph Stalin, the ruler of the Soviet Union, was in desperate need of military equipment and supplies to fight the Nazis. It felt like a big moment, to have a film that presents the other side of the story, the side we never get to hear because it’s been silenced by Jewish opposition, was actually playing in a large movie theater and even drew a good crowd considering the subject matter.
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