
finding hope in easter

Jesus has risen! “Easter is the season of hope and new life, so I’m grateful that we’re able to gather and celebrate those gifts,” Daniel said. Believe in Jesus. Some of it personal, some of it bigger picture reflections about where we are in our society and the wider world. Find hope in the Easter season. Date: June 30, 2020 Author: Shabir Moosa 0 Comments. Those who are active are the ones that can learn the good news.-- It is important to not simply stay … Leave a comment . I love that God created us to be His hands and feet here on earth. Hallelujah! Repair. Easter hope becomes a reality when we say “Come to me, Lord Jesus. That peace is found in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Jesus actually suffered on the cross and truly died for love of … Because Jesus overcame death, we can find hope … Video journalist Philippe Kituka Lolonga interviews women working a small business to learn how it is helping survivors of rape. Can I soften it and ask for the grace to be more loving? Peter, who walked on water (Matthew 14:28-29). What made this disciple think that he could do it if no one else could? April 9, 2021. They weren’t collecting the waste, no one was cleaning and the nurses were also striking because they felt the working conditions were not safe. Easter brought a new day; a new reality; a new hope. In this season of Easter, the messages are about hope and new life; joy and living in Jesus. We read this story, and can’t even believe it… But, then I sometimes wonder…do I do the same thing? Do you? We are three women who have a dream of sharing that hope of Jesus with you. It gently discusses the hopelessness that many suffer from, and invites the reader to consider Jesus as the only true source of hope. Let's ponder it, explore it, and even run like mad for it - together. Grab the freebies below…, Get FREE instant access to Extravagant Hope’s eCourse called The Easter hope is praying for the grace to be more loving and more patient. Letter from a doctor: Rats, dirty laundry and finding hope in Eastern Cape hospital. We are ordinary women, just like you, who have experienced hard stuff in life, just like you. 2,000+ years later we’re still talking about them. Your email address will not be published. Abide in me as I will abide in you. A good friend of mine shared this Easter Bible study on her Facebook, and I am grateful she has allowed me to share it here with you! Easter is our time to look to the cross of Christ and His resurrection to refresh our hope in God. Be encouraged! Do not be unbelieving, but believe. Everyone has something like that. Do You Live in Scarcity when Really You are Spiritually Rich? She stayed and looked on as Jesus was crucified. By Lauren Pratt. I love books, writing, speaking, photography and all things inspirational. Then, I am a teacher by profession, so when life lessons pop up at me, my brain starts organizing them in a way to share. Now we can tell Jesus, our friend, about our lives and the hardships we find in them. We’d love to stay connected. She sat with ‘the other Mary”'(who might have been the mother of James and Joseph who was at the cross with her) and she watched as they rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb.” Read on to find out Mary Magdalene’s great reward…, Mary Magdalene: A Faithful Follower’s Great Reward, “It’s the dawn of a new day! It talks about the grief of Mother’s Day without your mother, but also the love and blessings that remain. Everything. Easter Service – Finding Hope in the Resurrection April 12, 2020 Mark Massaro Easter , Gospel , Hope , Jesus , Messiah , Promises , Redemption , Resurrection , Trusting God Holiday Video Sermon Audio Sermon The world knows only of a dying hope. Draw me out of this death which I have called life and draw me into the fullness of life you came to give me. The disciple who recognized Jesus was the Messiah (Matthew 16:15-17). It’s just the beginning; the beginning of everything new. The Hope Found in the Story of an Unfaithful Disciple, “But then tucked in the Easter story there’s this gift – just for us, something we need to hear – a tale about Peter, James, and John. Given new courage and strength from Jesus, we look with new light and hope on our problems. Slowly, I might begin to see the bad behavior of the other person, the anxiety and fear and I might be blessed with the compassionate mercy with each of us receive from God. It’s the thing that you have probably begged God for forgiveness over, but you haven’t quite been able to forgive yourself. My children may be leading lives I see as without values or faith and bringing up their children in ways I don’t approve of. Two weeks ago already, things were really bad here at Livingstone Hospital in Port Elizabeth. Isn’t. When hardship discourages us His hope anchors our soul . Need more hope? In the John’s gospel, Jesus offers Thomas, and each of us, an invitation to open our hearts and believe: Three times mommas tucked their babies into beds, then the dawn broke and on that day Jesus rose. Because he has risen, we also will be raised. Where is the meaning in them? During a visit to Croatia in 1994, St. John Paul II famously stated, “Do not abandon yourself to despair. Over. And our hearts are so desperate for encouragement. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. How many times in our lives do we find ourselves in the midst of a blank space - a place of waiting where hope almost seems lost? By biting my tongue and holding my judgment, I can keep the door open in my relationship with them. But Easter morning isn’t won for us without a price,” said Father Chris Decker, pastor of the tri-parishes of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Maringouin, St. Frances Cabrini Church in Livonia and St. Joseph in Grosse Tete. Each one of us has an invitation from Jesus to live in him, to settle our lives firmly in his presence and love. Our marriage might be dull and lifeless, or worse, filled with anger and resentment. His sacrifice freed us from the bondage of sin. Follow him. We hear each word of that and remember his warm and endless love for us. Finding hope at Easter. “Peter. In Contrast, believers in Christ have a living hope. The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. I can’t force my spouse to be more loving or interested in our marriage. Affirming that goodness is a building block in our relationships. 1,451 views. Hope Found in The Easter Story of the Sleeping Disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane “But then tucked in the Easter story there’s this gift – just for us, something we need to hear – a tale about Peter, James, and John. “And for us today, this means we find and cling to hope in the midst of things—that is, in all the messiness and suffering of COVID-19 and its impact. Two years prior two significant expectations had blown up in my face and I felt a spiderweb of cracks slice out in all directions through my soul. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But, I can pray for the grace to let hope and love into my heart to deal with a difficult relationship. I can pray for the grace to be patient and leave the door open. I’m so thankful the sun came up on that Sunday morning, long ago! Lord Jesus, Easter is not only Your Resurrection Day; this is a day of hope, joy, and victory. We are moms (and a grandma), daughters, wives, teachers, and friends. Creighton University's home page | Creighton's Online Ministries home page | Celebrating Easter home page. The ones that spread the good news of hope and love and Jesus. Date: October 01, 2017. It’s hard to be compassionate about the pain of someone who is hurting me. Yet Easter reminds us that You already provided the hope we need and the answers for which we plead. that many of us are now encountering.” Sign up to get Extravagant Hope in your inbox. And he felt the sting of rejection from people who hated him. Hi there! These are not easy times in our nation. He tasted the soft bread as he conversed with good friends. Finding Hope on this Lonely Easter. You can find … Illnesses strike those we love and watching them suffer is a terrible weight to bear. But the power of healing that comes with knowing Jesus is only one exciting thing about Christianity for me. Come to me in all the circumstances of my life—when my hope has been crushed, when my routine is empty, when I am down and discouraged.” If you do that he will come and He will bring Hope. He heard the phrase, “I love you son,” as his mom embraced his shoulders. Let’s ponder it, explore it, and even run like mad for it – together. But, with prayer, I can ask how I can love my spouse better. What a legacy, right? Sermons. Join our Extravagant Hope Community and 10+ hope-filled freebies (prayer journal, memory verse cards, printable art and more) will be emailed straight to your inbox. What could I try to make my spouse less angry or defensive? You who are heavily burdened, I will give you rest. Those perfect disciples, right? When Thomas saw Jesus after the resurrection, he was invited to put his fingers into the wounds of Jesus’ hands and “bring your hand and put it into my side.”   It is a startling and graphic image, of placing our hands into a deep wound. Our children lead lives that can seem to have no values. Opinion This Easter, finding hope despite empty churches Simon Hansford. And let Him transform your life in unexpected and epic ways. Take a deep breath. I know I am a daughter of God – a King, with abundant resources He readily shares – but do I seek them out and receive them like a person who realizes she’s spiritually wealthy? Sign up here and get tons of faith-filled freebies including a prayer journal, memory verse cards, printable art and more. Send Us An E-Mail We hear Jesus call us by name. Are you jumping up and down yet? Easter brings us hope in the midst of our hard days, hope in the midst of our diagnosis, hope in the midst of our suffering. I live in a hope, a hope that some day, after I'm dead and rotted, in this body I'll see my Redeemer. Every day until Jesus returns, we can experience the mingling of sorrow and joy in all things. Stop. Finding Hope in the Blank Spaces - An Easter Bible Study. The Jesus of Easter is alive and well in the midst of our blank spaces! … Finding Hope At Easter Read More » On the night that Jesus was betrayed, this Peter thought surely he would stand strong and remain faithful even if none of the other disciples did. Finding Hope in Easter Lent is a time for reflection and “looking forward to the joy of Easter.” Certainly it seems there is much to reflect on at this time. #faith #easter #hope #extravaganthope, 65+ Scripture Verses that Will Give You Hope, The Shoulders We Stand On: Your Legacy of Faith, A Dark Day in Heaven and Earth: The Death and Burial of Jesus, Letting Go of Control: Jesus Prays in the Garden, One Last Meal: Finding Jesus in the Passover. Then I can be healing, soothing and comforting. I reflected on what had contributed to the stitching up of my cracks. Even the best family goes through challenging times and the happiest marriage has ups and downs. Finding Beauty and Hope in Eastern Europe. Easter is supposed to be a joyful time to celebrate new life, but it’s easy to lose the spring in your step when you’re struggling. How to Respond When You Hear God Speak: Steps to Take When You Don’t, Your email address will not be published. We're Cheryl, Lori & Mendie, co-owners and writers of Extravagant Hope. The Bible says, “Such are the paths of all who forget God; the hope of the godless shall perish” (Job 8:13 ESV). We are called to be in the care of this loving healer and friend and to carry that love with us as we live out our lives. Become aware of Jesus loving us and calling our names. By J. Matthew Sleeth | Mar 29, 2017. something we all need. Then he died. Easter: finding hope in a cemetery. 1st Peter 1:3-5People today are searching for hope amid financial struggle, amid personal despair, and family tragedy. All the feelings, all the emotions – Jesus experienced them. :), Get FREE instant access to Extravagant Hope’s eCourse called. Tears wet his cheeks when his friends lost their brother. My third son jumped in the rust-colored leaves my husband piled high in our backyard. You guys - we get to be boots on the ground to loving and sharing our gifts with others. Easter is over, but…  It. Read more of Extravagant Hope’s popular Easter series below. This is the part of the Christian story that is mind-boggling to me. Don't give up HOPE! And for those in our lives we find personally unpleasant and spiteful, we pray for the grace to deal with them in a more loving manner. If you had told me I would have believed this thirty years ago as I graduated from medical school–the moment in time when I knew everything–I would have told you that you were daft. J. Matthew Sleeth | March 29, 2017 | Blog. Even this disciple stumbled…fell hard…gave up hope…lost faith. What a legacy, right? We all need hope. 6 But when you ask, you MUST believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Disclosure + Affiliates | Privacy Policy | Contact | About. … The first step for finding hope in this Easter season is to stop and reflect on the love that is being offered to us every second of our lives. Where is the Easter joy? Jesus lived. As the world begins to emerge from a challenging year of loss, strife and isolation, “this Easter season is a special opportunity to find a renewed sense of hope in Jesus Christ, the living Son of the living God,” said Elder Marcus B. Nash, a General Authority Seventy and executive director of the Church’s Missionary Department. The sky darkened and the rain poured as I tried to take photos while juggling an umbrella on the banks of the Danube. The Rev. Church Preaching Slide: Discover Hope - Easter. Finding hope in Easter: Churches find silver lining in planned Sunday online services A number of area Christian pastors readily acknowledge they were forced, somewhat unprepared, into a … Related Post. The one thing that you don’t share with other people. Wrong. Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare a … The Easter story is about hope. They will not be helped by my constant disapproval and my relationship with them can only be hurt by it. God sent his son to walk in our world with us. Easter: finding hope in a cemetery. Easter tells us about all the things we can place our hope in: forgiveness, freedom from past hurts, the power of the Holy Spirit to help us, and best of all, the promise of eternal life! Share Tweet. We need to become aware of it again. All around us lie the remains of broken lives, failed relationships, and fading dreams. Required fields are marked *. They will not change in the face of my criticism, no matter how subtle I think I am being. There may even be times when you question if God has really forgiven you and are tempted to go to him with it once again just to make sure he knows you are sorry.”  Read on…, “But a loyal few followed unwaveringly. “I think it’s gonna mean a lot to people to be able to see each other and to be in a place that gives them comfort and hope.” Hope that when we claim God’s victory over sin as our own, no trial on this earth can defeat us. The ones that spread the good news of hope and love and Jesus. And that changed everything for us here on earth. Dear friend, we are…”  Read on…, The Powerful Lesson I Learned from Imperfect Sleeping Disciples, “What is the one thing in your life that you regret more than anything? Mary Magdalene was one of those few. May 3, 2019 - Experience life-giving hope from hearing these Easter stories. But Jesus invites us to do that because we really don’t enter into someone else’s life until we can enter into their wounds. Find hope in these powerful Easter Stories. When we feel overwhelmed and fearful, we can take just a few minute’s break and remind ourselves that Jesus is with us, right now, in our pain. And if even Peter could fall when things got rough, what hope do the rest of us have? Family members create conflict with every encounter. This Easter, as we celebrate the hope that comes from Christ’s resurrection, we do so inspired by the Partnership community, particularly in the last twelve months. Easter shows us that we can be raised up with Jesus, just as he was raised from the dead (Romans 6:4). Finding hope in a Covid world LENS Easter Services at St Leonard’s Church Good Friday, 2nd April 10.30am An Hour at the Cross—a service of reflection Easter Sunday, 4th April 10.30am All-Age Easter Service 6.30pm Evening Easter Service Visit … She was still there when they took Jesus’ body down from the cross and laid him in a tomb. Celebrate this Easter with a new PowerPoint Template from Outreach to match your sermon style. When hardship wears us out, His hope is our fuel to run the race before us . But we are also women who have incredible joy because Jesus has given us hope - and continues to give us hope - in the midst of even our toughest realities. Hope in his promise that we can overcome through Him. Have you heard the life-giving message of Easter? The barrage of emotions had lingered in my heart and mind way longer than invited. Couldn’t we be like them? Peter, who followed Jesus through thick and thin; who cut off a man’s ear to defend Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18:10). I can’t be more hopeful if I carry anger around in my heart. But we can never help to heal someone we don’t love or offer security and safety to someone for whom we feel anger. Though God lavishes us with unlimited resources, I want to focus on three that help us live in the riches of His gifts.” Read on…. If they see me as a loving parent who is there for them when they need it, they may begin to talk with us about their challenges and this allows me to more peacefully see the goodness that does live in their lives. 2,000+ years later we’re still talking about them. Those perfect disciples, right? Telling others will make it harder for me to love that person? One of the most helpful things in dealing with the challenges of other people is to remember that I can’t change the other person. That is the hope of Easter, that we can take our joy and belief and ask Jesus for healing for ourselves so that we are better able to cope with the worries we find in our everyday lives. The first step for finding hope in this Easter season is to stop and reflect on the love that is being offered to us every second of our lives. What are our lives really about? I can’t be more hopeful if I am complaining about my spouse all the time. Click above to read the full disclosure. Thanks for being here. The rock. Jesus showed us how to love big, live fully, find real joy and commune intimately with God. Outstretched before me were dozens of sculptured shoes. Easter is a Day of Hope. Yes, there’s a warning for us in Peter’s story, but there’s also tremendous hope: a hope that can also be ours.”  Read on…. Posted by Marilyn Jones. It was a strange feeling. He felt the sand of a dusty road, the growl of a hungry stomach, and the soft fibers a warm blanket. We need to become aware of it again. sickness, unemployment, loneliness, anxiety, etc.) But we know Jesus has conquered sin and passed through his … Amen and Amen! My fingers combed through the soft coat of our Goldendoodle. And then he did so much more…  These Easter stories hold powerful messages of hope. I live in a hope, a hope that some day, after I’m dead and rotted, in this body I’ll see my Redeemer. The disciple Jesus planned to use to build his church (Matthew 16:18). It’s exciting unearthing all the ways God intertwines His hope into our everyday lives - and it’s even more exciting getting to share His hope with you. Easter message: a way to find hope in difficult times In Man’s Search for Meaning, author Viktor Frankl argues that we cannot control what happens to us in challenging circumstances. Happy Easter from all of us at Extravagant Hope! Two of my boys took turns flipping on the tramp landing each rotation slightly short, always fueling another attempt. The Finding the Hope booklet comes in Easter and Christmas versions, to present the gospel message at timely seasonal moments. “Shoes on the Danube Bank” honours the Jews who were killed here by fascist … For those who know Christ, a cemetery can provide hope for what is is to come: eternal life with the Redeemer. Between March and April, my community in North Carolina went full swing from normal routines to a state-wide shelter-in-place order. We ask Jesus for the ability to see their pain, the pain that causes them to strike out. This Mother’s Day, he unveils his most heartfelt piece to date, which captures real pain, unconditional love and hope in despair. But how do we live a life of joy and hope when our own lives aren’t all we want them to be? I can only change myself. Can I remember that I can’t gain Easter joy or hope by telling my children, friends and other family members annoyed I am at my spouse? If we pray for the grace to be more compassionate and see this difficult person as one who feels powerless, diminished, fearful or insecure we can begin to see that behavior as a way of compensating. Thank you, God! Is my tone of voice nagging, again? Beautiful FREE Easter Art JUST FOR YOU! We all need hope. God could have just told us His message, but instead, he showed us. It includes a response form for people to inform us if they have accepted Christ and encourages them to order a free copy of the follow-up book, Here’s some of the newness we have to be excited about…” Read on…, “Can you imagine having billions of dollars yet choosing to live in poverty? The thing that if you could, you would go back and re-do or take back? Click SHARE and join us LIVE this Easter to ... With panic, fear, and worry taking over my thoughts, how can I find hope in the middle of these uncertain times? When we feel overwhelmed and fearful, we can take just a few minute’s break and remind … We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song.” Again in 1986, he referenced these words, prefacing it with the following clarification that I think sheds light on our situation: “We do not pretend that life is all beauty. Now, this is really something to get excited about! Couldn’t we be like them? Easter Is about Peace and Hope When He suffered for our sins and weaknesses, died on the cross, and rose again, the Savior rewrote humanity’s story. Our world has drastically changed. Pause from life. We are aware of darkness and sin, of poverty and pain. Two members of that community—from St. Mark the Evangelist in Harlem—have taken charge of the Partnership Post today, to share their thoughts on where they are finding hope. Not with money, though…with my faith? For many of us, life is full of burdens and disappointment. While, yes, we should certainly be practicing social distancing and following the protective measures our officials have put in place, quarantine has stretched us …

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