
food taboos in northern nigeria

This is because food consumption, both in quality and quantity, has decreased appreciably, especially with the commencement of the … It could be for religious, traditional or for health purposes. Welcome to Nigeria! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Its really funny and I learnt a lot. I come from the Igbo speaking tribe of Nigeria :)…The Igbo people are known to be “conk” traditionalists. We don’t pay attention to tradition anymore. ‘Miyan’ generally means soup in Hausa, and ‘Kuka’ means ‘Baobab’. Food taboo is also one practice that modernism has failed to take away from many communities in Africa. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here. Food Restrictions and Taboos In some cultures, it is considered disrespectful for a child to eat eggs. Besides, my daddy’s words were too precious to me :). I am African. I have no idea what we forbid from where i come from. Hi... my name is Nma. have a lovely day . and Ayo, J.A. I now see cooking as an art, and I consider it my own contribution to the arts in general. The penalties prescribed for breaking a taboo are sometimes deliberately drastic in order to frighten people into complying with the prohibitions. This paper examined briefly the background to food taboos and food habits. For instance, consumption of some fruits is strongly discouraged for women during pregnancy. Think of the following acts as of taboo when you are visiting Hausa tribes: Pork food; Alcohol consumption; Gold and silk male clothes Nigerianlazychef’s profile on Facebook, View Nigerianlazychef’s profile on Instagram, View Nigerianlazychef’s profile on Pinterest, Valentine Special…Aphrodisiacs and Peppered Snails. Throughout the country (except where the Penal Code is applicable), it's totally legal, so this … While many Yorubas will never taste dog meat but gladly … The official language of Nigeria, English, was chosen to facilitate the cultural and linguistic unity of the country post-colonization by the British. ... (78.5%) of the mothers responded to the question about weaning food taboos, prohibitions, and their reasons during the weaning period. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, View Dine Africa. (C.E. Adultery is only a crime in Northern Nigeria, Bros. Undernutrition in Nigeria is a long standing problem which has persisted since the 1960s and whose magnitude is on the increase. I remember once my father brought home some turtles and had them prepared for some pepper soup. Even if you do, you have to leave the dirt/rubbish in the room until morning. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess association between avoidance of certain food in pregnancy … I wouldn’t be here if you guys weren’t reading my posts or here with me. To kick off this year, I want to write about taboos. ), This paper examined briefly the background to food taboos and food habits. In many cultures of Nigeria, it is forbidden to give or receive anything with your left hand. CDI, Ndu IK et al. “Kayan Mata” is the local name for the aphrodisiacs made of herbs, roots, spices, seeds and fruits. The abstinence from eating eggs by a pregnant woman in Nigeria is said will avoid making the unborn child behave like a chicken. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As a growing girl, I disliked ‘going into the kitchen’ because I was so ‘lazy’. These food taboos and habits have great impact on the health of the Nigerian community. Different parts of the country have their own peculiar beliefs and taboos. Kilishi. I can eat anything. For instance, in Nigeria, it is a taboo to engage in sexual behavior with a relative or a family member. NIGERIAN TABOOS. I eat everything. Although not practiced by all, a number of taboos related to the intake of certain food items and misconceptions that can adversely affect nutritional status during pregnancy were identified. Another thing was snails. Please join me as I celebrate the arts through African (Nigerian) cooking; and through my mother’s recipes (some of which I tweaked to fit my choices). On the other hand, village chiefs have their own food taboos – chiefs in the northern part of the island must not eat boiled or steamed food, only food that has been fried or roasted. Someone once told me that if I ate snails, I would move slowly in life because snails moved slowly. It is generally considered unclean to consume dog meat, pork, and cat meat among others. Osuhor PC. Most religions declare certain food items fit and others unfit for human consumption. I am from Etsako East, in Edo state though. Hausa culture. First things first, Happy New year my people! Cooking has inspired my project - “Dine Africa”, which is set to show Africa’s culinary culture and exotic cuisines alongside its wide variety of ethnic nationalities, cultures and enormous land mass. Taboos are pretty much a set of rules; religious or traditional; forbidding a certain group of people or a person’s association with anything. This paper examined briefly the background to food taboos and food habits. Food: Those in the southern part of Nigeria eat food made mostly from tubers like fufu while the northerners eat food made from grains e.g. 33 No. ), (J.A. Poor nutritional practices especially in pregnancy and early childhood can result in dire consequences in the growth and development of a child. You may be able to access this content by logging in via Shibboleth, OpenAthens or with your Emerald account. I shall also share some easy kitchen tips for the ‘lazy’ cooks like me. When you ban history from schools, how else are the Nigerian students supposed to learn and know simple things like taboos? These food taboos and habits have great impact on the health of the Nigerian community. Asaba people forbid Ogbono. Made from … Nevertheless, the traditional Nigerian pregnant woman cannot be said to be primitive with her belief of which foods to eat and not to. These food taboos and habits have great impact on the health of the Nigerian community. I have no stories o…. You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. It is a dried form of Suya. I will eat almost anything as far as it is healthy. Our ancestors have all gone to the great beyond and the remaining preservers of our culture have all passed on, so how are we supposed to learn these things if the lines of history have now been banned from being taught in Nigerian schools? In some parts of Igbo land it is a taboo to sweep at night. Nigerian food is mostly made up of meals that are high in carbohydrates, such as Nigerian taboos are meant to regulate the behavior of its citizens. The Soldiers kept tracing their footsteps. Wehldone daddy! 5 Traits You Must Have To Cook The Perfect Nigerian Jollof Rice. I find culinary taboos interesting and I find it exasperating that a lot of us are not culturally aware. Food taboos are prevalent in several Nigerian communities, during pregnancy and child birth; women’s eating habits are guided by these local taboos, which deny the consumption of certain food that can fall within the range of protein, carbohydrate or fruits. Many Hausa people live in Kano, Kebbi, Bornu, Sokoto, Bauchi, Yobe states and other areas totaling 14 Nigeria States. You can also see Aoko v Fagbemi. At a point all I could cook was ‘jollof supergetti’ for my brothers. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A variety of species are eaten in Nigeria, including crayfish, sardines (freshwater and saltwater), bonga and mackerel, as well as cultured fish species, such as tilapia, carp and catfish. Once I was told by my former house fellowship leader not to eat cat fish, I wondered why because if I ever thought of not eating cat fish, it would be because of it’s place in the food chain as a burrower and it’s slimy nature. They were originally used to prepare brides for marriage, to ensure a healthy sex life. Possible solutions were also suggested. The northern parts made up of mainly the Hausas and Fulanis, the southern parts made up of the Efiks, Ijaws, Urhobos, Isokos e.t.c, the western […]

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