Either a boxer won a close 10/9 round, a moderate 10/9 round, or a decisive 10/9 round. All of the ropes should be held together with straps placed evenly and securely on each side of the ring. Read on as we try to infiltrate the mind of the man with the responsibility to make dreams become a reality for one fighter, and make reality become a nightmare for another. Take the opportunity to be brief and firm in discussing key issues such as: It is very important to immediately establish control and make it very clear that you are the person in complete control of their bout and all activity in the ring. All of the distilled knowledge and experience presented to you is for your internal examination, contemplation and acceptance or rejection. Be prepared to take your seat assignment at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for the matches. At the conclusion of the round, the contestant who has won the round, no matter how minute the margin, is entitled to that round. If the contestant who has been knocked down gets to his feet during the count and before you reach ten, make a quick check of his physical condition and have the contestant take a step towards you, check his gait and determine at this point if the bout can continue. When the bell sounds to end the round, call out in a clear voice “TIME” and simultaneously step in close to the contestants and hand signal the end of the round. Becoming a boxing judge is a long, thankless path Boxing fans took to social media to say they could do a better job than judge C.J. Be close enough to take immediate action if needed, but far away enough not to interfere. Tell them you have 20/20 vision, excellent depth perception, the spatial orientation of a test pilot, the IQ of a nuclear physicist, great short term memory, a gift for numbers and math, and you’ve been a boxing fan for 20 years. If on the canvas, look for unnatural muscle activity or shaking. In cases where a foul, other than a foul that causes a concussive head impact, and the foul has not seriously jeopardized the injured boxer’s changes of winning, the referee may allow a reasonable recovery period not to exceed five (5) minutes. The following represents perceptive analyses that can be considered to determine if a boxer’s health and safety may be in jeopardy. All officials should be accessible to the supervising Athletic Commission immediately after the bouts. Posted on 05/23/2021 By: Hans Themistode Throughout most of his young career, Jose Ramirez has shown a tremendous amount of discipline and focus. How often do I reapply to the Florida State Boxing Commission for my … Don’t leave anything to public scrutiny, report all concerns to the supervising Athletic Commission as soon as possible. A judge should not only know what a 10/9 round is, but know the degree a boxer is winning the 10/9 round. Judge (PDF) Matchmaker (PDF) Ringside Physician (PDF) Referee (PDF) Second (PDF) Timekeeper (PDF) Trainer (PDF) Miscellaneous Forms . This should aid in the prevention of a participant injuring their head or neck in the event they are knocked down and their head strikes the lower rope. In the event that you are working a title bout, you will address the “Uniform Championship Rules of the Association of Boxing Commissions”, and any other sanctioning body rules. Report to the event location a minimum of one hour prior to the scheduled start of the bouts, and check in with the Athletic Commission Supervisor. The winner of the round will receive ten points and the loser will receive nine points or less (minus any point deductions). If you err, do it on the side of safety and don’t leave yourself open to scrutiny. That, in turn, has allowed him to hoist two world titles at 140 pounds. IF A FIGHT EVER BREAKS OUT at Merrill Lynch, the winner would likely be declared by Glenn Feldman.. That’s because Feldman, a financial advisor at the firm, is also a professional boxing judge who has scored world-title bouts all over the globe — including in Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Scotland, Thailand, Panama, Kazakhstan, Canada and throughout the United States.His … Make sure that you have an unobstructed view of the ring, and if there are any problems with the press, photographers or spectators, notify the Athletic Commission Supervisor immediately. Be on time and available for any pre-fight meetings with other officials. Thanks to the help of Hall of Fame referee Marty Denkin and Ray Corona, in 2010, he officially became a California boxing judge. The method for establishing the scoring zone starts at the top center of the head, with an imaginary line continuing down the sides of the head through the ears, down to and including the shoulders to the naval and hipbones. Concentrate on the participants, the progress of the bout, the safety of the participants and don’t become distracted by the spectators or anything that is happening outside of the ring. The supervising Athletic Commission will make all official assignments. Summon the Ringside Physician, remove the mouthpiece if possible and keep everyone away from the fallen contestant until the doctor is in the ring and takes charge. Things to be considered are: Inability to focus or concentrate, is the boxer alert, Inability to walk forward without staggering or losing balance, is the boxer listening to your instructions, Any other physical signs that cause you concern, fatigued, Inability to defend himself, getting hit with more damaging punches, Lacks ability to fight back, are his eyes less reactive, Contestant is so far behind in the bout that in your opinion suffering more injury out-weighs the chance of winning. The following procedures, guidelines and Uniform Championship Rules govern all world and regional championship bouts held within the United States of America, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, including any Indian Tribe recognized under the Professional Boxing Safety Act of 1996 which has formed a boxing commission. The difference might have been a single jab, or a defensive move, yet it was still enough to give that boxer the edge. Remember you are the guardian of the boxers! Do not accept an assignment if your concerns have not been addressed and resolved. ... s Kenneth Sims Jr. (15-2-1, 5 KOs). Blocked or deflected punches that land foul are not to be considered fouls in the awarding of points at the end of the round. The referee will pick up the cards after each round and turn them over to the Athletic Commission Supervisor. If a cut occurs, identify and designate as quickly as possible whether it was caused by a punch or a head butt. successful completion of the official certification program approved by the Association of Boxing Commissions. It is simply a contest of points, which are scored by direct hits. This is your last opportunity to establish what you will do and most importantly, what you expect them to do in key situations. State Athletic Commission 2019 Leadership Accountability Report, Association of Ringside Physician's Warning on Dehydration and Cutting Weight, Association of Ringside Physician's Warning on Dehydration and Cutting Weight (Spanish), Potential License Denial or Suspension for Failure to Pay Family Support, Potential License Denial or Suspension for Failure to Pay Taxes, Apply for a Federal/National Identification Card, Association of Boxing Commission's Boxer's Bill of Rights, Competition Boxing Gloves Approved by the California State Athletic Commission, Youth Pankration Delegation Letter - September 2014, Information for becoming a participant of the Professional Fighters Brain Health Study. A judge can only score a knockdown when the referee declares one. The applicable rule and regulation of the supervising Athletic Commission will take precedent upon the referee’s determination if the low blow was intentional or unintentional. Health clubs from around … Visit the dressing rooms of the participants with a representative of the supervising Athletic Commission, and have the chief second identified for you. If you did not see the actual foul, signal time out and ask the judges if they witnessed a foul. It is important that all assignment decisions be made based on the following criteria; No assignments should be considered for any official who has not attended and successfully completed the ABC certification program for judges and referees. You should enter the ring a few minutes prior to the start of your bout and check the ring for tautness, the floor covering and the ropes. “Always remember to judge with your eyes, not your heart, and above all, render an honest decision.”. If the mouthpiece becomes dislodged concurrent to a knockdown, it is your decision whether the mouthpiece was spit out or it became dislodged because of a legal punch. If an intentional foul causes an injury and the bout is allowed to continue, the referee will notify the authorities and deduct. The test to measure the awarding of points for “offensive boxing” should be the number of direct, clean punches delivered with the knuckle part of the closed glove on any part of the scoring zone of the opponent’s body above the belt line. Neither an experienced judge or referee will be swayed by blood flowing from a cut or a badly swollen eye, even though it may appear to detract from the injured contestant. Don’t take this responsibility lightly. Instill in the boxers a sense of respect for the event and that you demand that they follow the rules and your commands without exception. Ray Markarian: How did you become a boxing judge? You may need a certificate from a specific organization, so you will need to check with your state’s licensing department before you go ahead and join classes. It is more than an accumulation of “knowledge”, but rather a thorough understanding of the boxing game itself. Advise the participant and the seconds that you are aware of the importance of their bout, and assure them that you will give them your best effort. If it becomes necessary for the Ring Physician to examine the cut, call timeout if you have not done so and take the injured boxer to the physician. Also check for any loose floor boards, determine who is in charge of maintenance and where the maintenance crew will be stationed during the bouts. Their unselfish contribution and continued dedication have served the boxing industry well, and they can be proud of their accomplishments. For several years I officiated in USA Boxing events throughout Southern California. The exception to this is when the referee is issuing a verbal warning, enforcing a rule, or assessing the condition of a contestant. Ask any questions, and clear up any concerns or issues that you may have prior to taking your place at ringside and beginning your task of scoring the bout. A total of three (3) minutes of concentration must be used in determining the winner of a round. Most states will require that you have a good level of training before you can become a licensed boxing referee. Make sure that they understand that you must be able to see their “belly button”. You should make every effort to limit contact with any of the participants, boxers, seconds, trainers, managers or any individual connected with a particular boxer. Explain to the boxers what happens if they go down again during a count without being struck by another blow. Under normal circumstances the following guidelines should be applied when practical: Deciding if a fighter could be seriously injured or in danger is a judgment call. This includes events that the official is not assigned to work. If an attack is not effective, the boxer cannot receive credit for it. It is based on a comparison as to how the boxer looks when the contest began and how he is as the bout progresses. You should have a good meal that will sit well with you throughout the program, and watch your liquid intake. If you are working multiple bouts on the same card, it is recommended that you bring a spare shirt in the event that the first becomes soiled. Make sure that you have a sufficient number of working pens. It should be rare that a bout would be stopped because of a Disqualification of either of the contestants, although it can happen. Quite often, a boxing competition can resemble an awkward game of tag moreso than a Rocky movie. Determination should not be mistaken for aggressiveness when one boxer continuously moves forward boring in on the opponent regardless of the number of punches being received. Judge Course. April 16, 2018-Herb Santos, Sr., a longtime Reno attorney and Nevada boxing judge, and former Nevada Athletic Commissioner, will be inducted into the National Boxing Hall of Fame in Montebello, California on April 28, 2018 along with a distinguished class consisting of: As the great Mills Lane would say, “Lets get it on”. These intense two and three day training courses are recognized by the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC), which is the regulatory body for all commissions in North America. Your job is to protect the safety of the participants, and never permit yourself to be intimidated by any contestant, manager, second, trainer, any person connected with promotion or anyone else. A neat and clean appearance is required. File a complaint. To avoid any confusion, identify the contestants as they enter the ring. You should maintain enough distance between yourself and the participants to be out of the way, yet close enough to take appropriate action in the event of a foul, knockdown or knockout. Identify, and make a mental note of the locations of the stairs, the ringside physician, the EMT’s, timekeeper, judges and knockdown judge. Continuous, intentional fouls after having been warned by the referee with corresponding point deductions. The following are some good examples to keep in mind when making that determination: Only the referee can stop a bout. Total concentration on one contestant could result in a judge’s failure to see scoring tactics by the other participant. Regarding the mouthpiece, points may be deducted and or a disqualification rendered by the referee in the following instances; Go over any special rules which have been agreed to at the rules meeting, and cover the rules and regulations for the supervising Athletic Commission. Amateur MMA Waiver Form (PDF) Bout Contract for Boxing/MMA (PDF) Amateur MMA Contract; Neurological Exam; Eye Exam Dilated (PDF) Manager/Boxer Contract for Boxing/MMA; Pro Wrestling Event Request Form; 5% Ticket Statement Boxing/MMA; 5% Ticket … Yet, when it mattered most, Ramirez was disappointed that he momentarily lost his attention to detail. Let's go through the steps you'll need to take to become a boxer and even how to go pro in boxing: Step 1: Begin Training. The boxer must score punches while blocking and avoiding the opponents counter punching. It's important to note that a promoter is It was reported in many of the news sources that on January 13, 1976, the executive secretary of the California Athletic Commission anticipates few, if any, female boxing matches will result from the repeal of a regulation banning women from entering the ring as boxers. Only the referee can declare point deductions for fouls. Identify and advise the chief second that he is the only person in the corner who can stop the bout. An aggressive boxer who continues boring in and getting hit from every angle should not be awarded points based on aggressiveness. 9) All officials are to be fully versed with all commission rules and federal laws regarding conflicts and potential conflicts of interest. If an intentional foul causes an injury and the injury results in the bout being stopped in a latter round, the four (4) round rule will apply, (if the Uniform Championship Rules are in effect.) Each state and country has different laws … At this time the boxers should have removed any warm-ups, towels or any other clothing and be ready to start boxing at the command of the referee. ... he continued volunteering with the amateur program with the hopes of eventually becoming a professional referee. Chapter VI Completion of the Scorecard, Chapter VII After Completion of the Bout, Chapter III Dressing Room Instructions, Chapter V Duties of Referee Upon Boxers Entering the Ring, Chapter VI Positioning During the Bout, Chapter VIII Procedure Following A Knockdown, Chapter IX Procedure Following A Cut, Head-Butt, or Low Blow, Chapter XV Disqualification of Boxer(s). Should the referee take additional points the judge must draw a line through his original deduction and put the new amount of point deductions. Junior welterweight … Watch other referees in action at local professional boxing events and seek them out after fights for suggestions and pointers. Make a quick analysis of the fallen participant, if he is knocked out, waive the bout off, ending the contest. Your uniform will be clean and pressed prior to the start of the first bout of the evening. Chicago Office 100 West Randolph, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 Springfield Office 320 West Washington, 3rd Floor Springfield, IL 62786 1) It is the responsibility of all officials to report to the location of the event at least one hour prior to the scheduled start time and check in with the Athletic Commission Supervisor in charge, rested and mentally prepared to work. Get hold of your local Boxing Commission and ask tell them you want to become a boxing judge. I am on the cusp of becoming one in neighboring Missouri, and can tell you my method so far. The effectiveness of the blows causing the damage should only contribute to the boxers advantage. When the participants enter the ring, you will conduct your final inspection prior to the start of the bout. Any punch delivered outside of the scoring zone should not be considered when scoring the bout. Judge's Course. Must attend and successfully complete an initial judges training seminar recognized by the ABC. Make sure to check out our FAQ page to understand how/when/where we put on a course. Extreme decisive may push the score to a 10/8 score depending on the judgment of the judge. You will have the best idea as to whether the participant is injured or not when he heads toward the canvass. 21. At the most opportune time, the referee shall inform the supervising Athletic Commission representative of the following: If a bout is temporarily stopped because of an accidental foul to the head, the referee shall determine whether the injured boxer who has been fouled can continue or not. A judge must have an annual eye examination and a minimum of 20/40 vision either corrected or uncorrected. Bout control starts in the dressing room, however this is not a time to recite all of the rules. The referee should seize this opportunity for a one on one conversation with the boxer and stress key issues that may come up in the bout. Deserving special mention are Bill Clancy, Duane Ford, Frank Garza, Armando Garcia, Tom Kaczmarek, Gary Merritt, Jay Nady, Tom Sweeney and Peter Trematerra. Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune Pat Barlow-VanDoren, 68, was the first woman to become a boxing judge in 1973. However, judges must take into consideration the shoulders of a boxer as being in the scoring zone. Steve Morrow: Well, it’s kind of a long story. You should always report to the Athletic Commission Supervisor at least one hour before the scheduled start time.
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