Made of perishable materials, none of these girdles have survived, although many stone "yokes" have been uncovered. Intended to keep transferring it from generation to generation. Ancient cities with particularly fine ballcourts in good condition include Tikal, Yaxha, Copán, Coba, Iximche, Monte Albán, Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Yagul, Xochicalco, Mixco Viejo, and Zaculeu. [21] It was about this period, as well, that the so-called Xochipala-style ballplayer figurines were crafted in Guerrero. Fray Juan de Torquemada, a 16th-century Spanish missionary and historian, tells that the Aztec emperor Axayacatl played Xihuitlemoc, the leader of Xochimilco, wagering his annual income against several Xochimilco chinampas. Fue el nombre que le pusieron después al juego de pelota. In English, it is often called pok-ta-pok (or pok-a-tok). The ballcourt markers along the centerline of the Classic playing field depicted ritual and mythical scenes of the ballgame, often bordered by a quatrefoil that marked a portal into another world. [15] These rubber balls were found with other ritual offerings buried at the site, indicating that even at this early date ōllamaliztli had religious and ritual connotations. [64] Rather than nearly nude and sometimes battered captives, however, the ballcourts at El Tajín and Chichen Itza show the sacrifice of practiced ballplayers, perhaps the captain of a team. Villagers, and subsequently archaeologists, have recovered a dozen balls ranging in diameter from 10 to 22 cm from the freshwater spring there. 7.-Its meaning is connected to the myth of the divine twins Hunahpu and Ixbalanqué, and their confrontation with the Lords of Death, which is documented in the Popol Vuh book. In the most common theory of the game, the players struck the ball with their hips, although some versions allowed the use of forearms, rackets, bats, or handstones. According to an important Nahua source, the Leyenda de los Soles,[71] the Toltec king Huemac played ball against the Tlalocs, with precious stones and quetzal feathers at stake. In modern Spanish, it is called juego de pelota maya ('Maya ballgame'), juego de pelota mesoamericano ('Mesoamerican ballgame'), or … [40][41], Some Maya depictions, such as the painting above or this relief, show balls 1 m (3 ft 3 in) or more in diameter. agua, durante los cuatro meses de la estación seca en las Tierras Bajas Mayas del Suroeste; un Juego de Pelota, cuidadosamente excavado sin ningún tipo de drenajes podría tener una connotación importante durante el Preclásico en las ciudades Mayas” (Scarborough, 83: 2003). Note the speech scroll issuing from the player's mouth. A place where Mayans used to play the oldest known team sport in the world: Juego de pelota. Read: the Xibalba, mysteries of the Mayan underworld. In Classical Maya, it was known as pitz. Among the Mayas, the ball can represent the vanquished enemy, both in the late-Postclassic K'iche' kingdom (Popol Vuh), and in Classic kingdoms such as that of Yaxchilan. Mexico is known for great passionate hearts, read: Great cities of Mexico. 4.- One of the hypotheses is that the game often had a divine ending, demanding human sacrifice. It was a fundamental part of the social life of … Ritual juego de la pelota maya Obtenido de: Estructura del juego Este juego era para 2 equipos, podía ser de 2 a 4 jugadores por cada uno, su objetivo era introducir una pelota de caucho en un agujero de piedra y para lograr esto los jugadores debían golpear la pelota con los codos, las caderas y rodillas. The southeast panel of the South Ballcourt at El Tajín shows the protagonist ballplayer being dressed in a warrior's garb. [85], Media related to Mesoamerican ballgame at Wikimedia Commons, The ballgame in Mesoamerican civilizations. In 1528, soon after the Spanish conquest, Cortés sent a troupe of ōllamanime (ballplayers) to Spain to perform for Charles V where they were drawn by the German Christoph Weiditz. Pre-Columbian ballcourts have been found throughout Mesoamerica, as for example at Copán, as far south as modern Nicaragua, and possibly as far north as what is now the U.S. state of Arizona. Since the rubber tree Castilla elastica was not found in the highlands of the Aztec Empire, the Aztecs generally received balls and rubber as tribute from the lowland areas where it was grown. 3) y su panel en relieve en el que se representa a jugadores de pelota durante un sacrificio. The Mesoamerican ballgame is known by a wide variety of names. For example: The modern-day descendant of the ballgame. The game had important ritual aspects, and major formal ballgames were held as ritual events. Se requiere de la presencia de un sacerdote maya para la purificación antes de que comience. Today's hip-ulama players are "perpetually bruised"[28] while nearly 500 years ago Spanish chronicler Diego Durán reported that some bruises were so severe that they had to be lanced open. [36][29] Helmets (likely utilitarian) and elaborate headdresses (likely used only in ritual contexts) are also common in ballplayer depictions, headdresses being particularly prevalent on Maya painted vases or on Jaina Island figurines. [10], One candidate for the birthplace of the ballgame is the Soconusco coastal lowlands along the Pacific Ocean. Hun Hunahpu's head spits into the hands of a passing goddess who conceives and bears the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. [78] In the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan the largest ballcourt was called Teotlachco ("in the holy ballcourt")—here several important rituals would take place on the festivals of the month Panquetzalitzli, including the sacrifice of four war captives to the honor of Huitzilopochtli and his herald PaInal. [14] The earliest-known rubber balls in the world come from the sacrificial bog at El Manatí, an early Olmec-associated site located in the hinterland of the Coatzacoalcos River drainage system. War. In one notable episode, Hunahpu is decapitated by bats. Algunos investigadores creen que el juego de pelota se originó entre los Olmecas –los primeros habitantes de la costa del Golfo de México–, aproximadamente en el año 1500 a.C. Would you have dared to be a ball player in your other life? In English, it is often called pok-ta-pok (or pok-a-tok). [44] All ballcourts have the same general shape: a long narrow playing alley flanked by walls with both horizontal and sloping (or, more rarely, vertical) surfaces. Ballcourts, monuments with ballgame imagery and ballgame paraphernalia have been excavated at sites along the Pacific coast of Guatemala and El Salvador including the Cotzumalhuapa nuclear zone sites of Bilbao and El Baúl and sites right at the southeast periphery of the Mesoamerican region such as Quelepa. Durante muchos años, el conocido como Juego de la pelota marcó el modo de vida de los pueblos de mesoamérica, especialmente el de la cultura maya.
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