It will take some time....but people who love the Lord "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Where as you do not find that is the emphasis in the Epistles of the New Testament after Pentecost when the institution of the local church. Further a comparison of modern tongues compared to the biblical example found in the New Testament shows they are not the same...and not even close. Then take the Bible, God's word and see if you can find anywhere in it what modern tongues is experiencing. If you read 1 Corinthians 12-14 you will see that. This is a PLANNED PROCEDURE. The Gospel went then to the Gentiles who did not seek signs as the Jews did, but knowledge (wisdom) ...meaning the written word of God. Your doctrine teaches that if a person fails...God rejects him and that salvation is only good for those who do not fail. (I hope) A classic example is when the temple guards came with lanterns and swords and spears to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus said, "I am He" they did what? Questions Pentecostals CANNOT answer! Where is the this in modern tongues....? Do you read your Bible Pentecostalism is a form of Christianity that emphasises the work of the Holy Spirit and the direct experience of the presence of God by the believer. But inwardly they are quite different. The problem is English is somewhat limited and people not knowing the Greek grammar of the words used make false assumptions. Its History & Beliefs. All he had was some emotional experiences and no real biblical hope. (Please note....I ask that only one question be sent at time...Thanks for your cooperation on this in the future) Question No. Most of us have witnessed many occasions of groups supposedly receiving the holy spirit, but most of them are not to aware that collections and receiving of offerings ALWAYS accompanies these ceremonies. Further read 1 Cor. (Please note....I ask that only one question be sent at time...Thanks for your cooperation on this in the future) Some Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, etc. Thank you for your letters, I don't know what I would do to feel encouraged to speak the truth. Have you tried to document this? If we would battle the devil instead of each other, image how we could turn the world upside down for Jesus Christ. We will only answer the questions about Apostolic Pentecostal Denominations in a general manner as far as beliefs and practices. 12:1 says, "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant." My article explains what investigation has revealed and yes....even the Mormons here in Utah who worship a man-god and seek to become gods themselves, speak in tongues. Note 1 Cor. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, I would suggest you try and find a good Independent Baptist church in your area. I soon found the whole thing was false and not biblical and began teaching it and standing against it before our congregation. So, was Pentecost a baptism or a filling? He did not and gave specific instruction of how we are to pray wording our prayers to honor the Lord and communicate with Him. 5:31 mean that a husband and ⦠Some of their doctrinal errors include: 1. I myself do not practice this speaking in tongues nor do I set judgment against those that do. If you want to debate, there are many other blogs out there for that purpose. I actually feel sorry for you, as you have never spoke in tongues before. I go to a Baptist church that has always been Word centered. It is evident from the daily happenings of the world: natural disasters in one part or another part of the world. However, this movement is also quite diverse and driven by the central concept of "faith makes a difference." I could give you all the names and incidents, but you may be ahead of me. What do you think was the sin that Peter told them to repented of in Acts 2:38 on the Day of Pentecost?. Sometimes it brings me to tears. These expressions are interpreted in John 14:20 "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you." The gift of tongues ...which was a few believing Jews testifying that Jesus was the Messiah in languages they had not learned to the unbelieving Jews, was clearly a supernatural sign to Israel that Jesus was truly the Christ. That makes the point clear....the Corinthians believed the practice of gift made them spiritual. Oneness Pentecostal theology teaches that God was in the mode of the Father in the Old Testament. But we must not expect any evidence / confirmation. Starting with the OT fathers, they always fell on their faces...Look it up, it an easy search. Thus the word of God was complete and perfect....and the sign gifts and gifts associated with the inspiration and writing of the New Testament were no longer needed and they ceased. Yet, the Pentecostals and Charismatics falsely teach it is some "second blessing" given to only a few who seek it and speaking in tongues shows they have it. 14:22, "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe." Seventh-Day Adventists & Their Beliefs Not sure where you got your interpretation of the verse, but whoever told you that was grossly mistaken. Many others still are in it and I write to try and help them too. Singing is also not limited to the end of the song--if the congregation or worship leaders feel led by the spirit, they may extend the time of praise. Pentecostalism has long been considered one of the fastest and largest growing forms of Christianity. However, you are in a church that is in doctrinal error. My articles should help in your study. The other epistles would be written in the next approximate fourteen years (AD 54 to 68). (I hope) A classic example is when the temple guards came with lanterns and swords and spears to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus said, "I am He" they did what? After the Azusa revival, the handful of early Pentecostals swelled to more than 50,000 in just a few years. Scott Morrison wants Australians to know heâs a Pentecostal Christian, but questions about it make him uneasy Paul in these three chapters corrected them. 13:8-10) Judaism ceased to exist and be practiced and because the gift of tongues was a sign to the Jews, to authenticate the truth that Jesus was the Messiah. Biblical faith is based on believing and living the word of God...on accepting by faith the stated promises and teachings of God in His word the Bible. But does this mean one person or a unity between persons? In some cases I am sure they are. It needs no authentication and stands on its own merits and it teaches us what true spirituality is...which as 1 Cor 13 clearly says is loving and serving others, not in the false practice and pride of the practice of a false gift. The contributors were invited to reflect on various, impor- tant issues regarding Pentecostal identity, beliefs, and praxis. 2 Tim. It is a belief that is based on God's imputable promises and God cannot lie. 3:8 then mean that Paul and Apollos were one person? 6:2-3; Gen. 19:24; Num. 13:8-10 "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 2:10-15). Doesn't that ring a bell....? Even Christians can be deceived and misled that is what is happening. The same study found that 62 percent of U.S. Pentecostals say they have witnessed divine healing. It is a plain as day they the modern tongues movement is in gross doctrinal error and this verse clearly states so. (John 14:26-28) The Comforter is the Holy Spirit. Sir, this is a fact and if one wants to know what the verse is correctly saying you must accept the grammatical use of the words. I also know that the exact thing, that is called tongues today and practiced in "Christian" churches, is a thoroughly documented psychological phenomena that is found also in most pagan religions and cults. I came away crying because of the message from Ephesians 4: turned into a message on the gifts which turned into a message on tongues or the prayer language. Often when praying with someone, preaching, witnessing to some there comes a great emotion to my heart. Do you see the point Paul is making? All those that came to Lord Jesus requesting of Him fell on their faces, and there was NO ONE THERE to catch them. That should open a lot of eyes and most people are not aware of this. We need lots of encouragement and help from one another to withstand. Jesus referred to Pentecost as a baptism with the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:5. Amen... perhaps this little note will be of benefit to you and that you may point out the error of "Back Falling" Love in Lord Jesus....Pastor ----- (fundamental), I am Pastor -------, age 85. He got some of our men into the "Full Gospel Business Men's Association" a tongues group. Question No. And the Holy Spirit was a down-payment of the Salvation which is yet future (Eph 1:14). Economic depression and recession throughout the world is another major factor which is significant to the second coming of Christ. Their emotions are hollow....and most importantly....because they are not biblically based...are false and do not come from God. Many of those in these churches are not saved as evidence of their unbelief and sinful life styles. Ephesians 1:13 says that after the person believed they were sealed by the holy Spirit of promise. We had a visit that morning who was traveling through our little town. A seal was used to denote that something was genuine, authentic, confirmed, or approved--as when a deed, compact, or agreement is sealed. I sincerely hope you will study the matter and believe God's word. So, the Bible itself contradictions you assertion that it was a sign to believers of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Well, I have rattled on too long. - History and Beliefs, What is the Eastern Orthodox Church? They were there following leaders and man's will, not for the sake of Holy God the father, but after man. The only thing I know is God says you will know them by their fruit.(Matt. Yet, God says...that believers receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they are saved.... "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. It is only mentioned once in Paul's epistles, in 1 Corinthians and he is correcting those who were abusing the gift and falsely using it. Mormons: The Church of Latter Day Saints & Their Beliefs Compare the verse in 1 Timothy with Romans 16, and 1 Corinthians 15. As the whole of preaching nowadays is based on what Paul and others wrote, I think you will also agree that, as at today's date, there has been no improvement. Mormons, the oriental religions, the animalistic religions all practice tongues. Pentecostal Christianity. That means that which was at that time in history which only partially existed would be done away with. 5:17) which enables him to live for Christ. Many times while setting here at my computer and working on a sermon or writing a lesson or commentary on the Bible I am overcome with the glorious truth I have read and of the greatness and wonderfulness of God grace and plan for us. The tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind are not mentioned in the other examples of people speaking in tongues either. Churches are teaching that the sign gifts equate spirituality and God in His word says they do not. If we would battle the devil instead of each other, image how we could turn the world upside down for Jesus Christ. 3. Talking Pentecostalism answers this question in more than a little detail, and others like it. Who is Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12? Iâm of the belief that we find everything we need there and when we have questions we should be smart enough to know where to direct them. What a foolish mislead men he was. Answer. Another Acts 2:2-4 with what the modern tongues speaker is doing "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Many people have found it useful. or something else? God wants His children to live in truth. I have witnessed many believers follow their chosen leaders in seeking the gifts of the holy spirit, and watching them all fall on their backs. 13:5 states. I prayed and asked God for the gift and I begin to speak in tongues. It has a set of beliefs universal that many Christians adopt, which are not held by other believers. So, was Pentecost a baptism or a filling? It is rather a collection of essays addressing important theological themes that pastors, theologians, and lay leaders are grappling with in this early part of the twenty-first century. His point was that the gifts which were being misused by the Corinthians and were only important for a time and that they would cease when their function was completed and their goal accomplished. Worship services are sometimes elaborate, even including props. Especially the tongues. Amen... perhaps this little note will be of benefit to you and that you may point out the error of "Back Falling" Love in Lord Jesus....Pastor ----- (fundamental). One of those cited verses is Mark 16:17-18, which says that those who believe will be able to cast out demons, heal and speak in tongues. Demons are powerful and they work to deceive us. The name "Pentecostal" came from the Day of Pentecost. Using the neuter ending on the word perfect precludes that it is a reference to Christ. 12:33). They ignore Paul's plain statement that "I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." The perfect has not yet arrived. That which is perfect has come....God's completed word the Bible and we know longer need signs to confirm God's truth for He has given it to us in written form and preserved it for us. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. Question No. You stand for God....and do not let people who know really nothing about God confuse and mislead you. My research, gathered from independent studies by anthropologists, and linguists, shows it is a learned psychological phenomena. Clearly you are very sincere in your beliefs and I do not question your sincerity. I hope this helps you understand this most important truth. Again, because there are so many different sects of Pentecostals, beliefs tend to differ in some ways. We provide these articles to help you understand the distinctions between denominations including origin, leadership, doctrine, and beliefs. This is deception, and also known as Amen? Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Digtial Vision. This is not an argument I wish to debate, nor do I wish any sort of reply, but the Bible is the Holy Word of God, if we ignore this, in anyway, we fail as Christians and the Holy Bible falls open to âChristianâ debate at every page. How do you account for the fact that Mormons and many pagan religions also speak in tongues and linguists have stated they found that modern tongues speaking was not confined to Christian churches? We must just believe that it is so, and it will be She was having heart problems and it was serious. The Pentecostal and Charismatic churches of today are teaching the same error.....tongues and the sign gifts were not given to edify or as a sign to believers, yet they is what they all teach. Yet, the truth is there for them if they would listen and learn, but they are more interested in having some experience than truly worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth. Further it is the word of God that tells us that we have the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit...not some experience. I asked him if he could lose his salvation....and he said certainly if he did not continue to live for the Lord. The prosperity gospel is the belief that God will financially bless those he favors. If you are truly interested in leaning God's word I suggest you read my article at which will help you understand the principles of interpreting the Bible....letting the Bible interpret itself. Modern Christianity has come teaching a false doctrine of blind faith. Some do the research and study and God leads them to the truth....others like all the emotion of the tongues movement and the feelings they get of experiencing what they are told is a spiritual experience and they remain in error. 12:6-8). Old testament beliers and the New Testament believers ALWAYS fell on their face before the Lord. This is not a book of systematic theology. That ought to also cause a modern tongues speaker to question what they are doing. Why are these people ignoring and doing things contrary to God's stated word? Even on the Day of Pentecost when the gift of speaking unlearned languages was first practiced it was NOT a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit, but was the result of receiving the Holy Spirit and was a sign that Jesus was the Messiah. Being a Follower of Jesus Christ puts me in a direct conversation with Him. The Pentecostal movement is based on the idea that these kinds of signs and wonders due to the filling of believers by the Holy Spirit should still be happening today. 1 Cor. Some have stated that which is perfect refers to the Second Coming of Christ. Please study it and carefully read what God has said. Paul then in verse 8-9 states, as we have stated before, that love never fails.....but prophecies, tongues and knowledge would cease. I still consider you a brother and sisters in the Lord. Is God giving the unsaved the His sign gifts? The fruit of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements has brought the word con artists masquerading a preachers who are milking people of millions of dollars (pounds). Who are the Plymouth Brethren and what do they believe? I have never really been exposed that much or aware of the charismatic movement until this last year. He began to coach them into speaking in tongues. They compare beliefs and practices by studying what the New Testament says and gives as an example. What is the Pentecostal Church and what do Pentecostals believe? Why did Jesus prophesy about tongues etc., "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (1 Corinthians 14:22) In every Pentecostal and Charismatic church modern so called tongues is said to be a sign to believers, whereas God says it was for UNBELIEVERS. Now, letâs get straight to the point. Amen? True knowledgable prayer is that which is expresses one's heart to the Lord and communicates with Him has been substituted for some emotional unintelligible ecstatic speech. Data, collected by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that the Pentecostal Church is one of the least financially blessed groups of religious believers worldwide. (Romans 8:9) True believers show they are saved by the life they live following the Lord Jesus....not because they had a experience. Just three questions please. If you will read the article at it will explain the grammatics of 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 that Paul used and give the correct interpretation of the verses. ⦠The Baptism of the Holy Spirit will be accompanied by tongues. What is being done today is learned psychological behavior which mimics the signs gifts, but are not supernatural gifts from God. (Mark 16:17-18). I have never found even one who were biblically sound. 10. 12-14) on the sign gifts mentions the eternity of love and compares this to the temporal nature of the sign gifts. In my early years of investigating and searching and at one time "Tarrying for tongues" Or waiting the holy spirit, my studies led me to the truth of God's holy Word. All those that came to Lord Jesus requesting of Him fell on their faces, and there was NO ONE THERE to catch them. 2. so whether we know for sure or not. United Methodist Church: History & Beliefs 1:1-2 and in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God speaks to us through His word the inspired scriptures. Firstly, this is a pentecostal theology page. You see he was correcting their false idea and rebuking them for having a false spirituality. Telling me I am wrong and trying to scare me by mentioning blasphemy is not the proper way to help people find the truth. For It is one of the most amazing feelings ever. I have witnessed many believers follow their chosen leaders in seeking the gifts of the holy spirit, and watching them all fall on their backs. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Tongues churches are filled with women who speak in modern tongues, yet Paul says they are to keep silent in the church!? Those guards fell on their BACKS. I left and went to church and preached the message God had me prepare for that Sunday. The Pentecostal faith is a Christian denomination that is often identified as a fundamentalist and charismatic religion. Further the Bible clearly teaches that all who believe in Jesus Christ are indwelled by the Holy Spirit which is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They understood the word's meaning from it grammatical case because the understood the language. There are some exceptions, but most are doctrinally sound. (See 1 Cor. Rarely, do you find a tongues speakers that are spiritual mature. You said, "It can only be concluded that modern day tongues is not of God, because it is not supported by the New Testament." If you read my article you would have noted that. Question ⦠I have an articles at which explains the baptism of the Holy Spirit from the Scriptures and what the filling is. By the way...the Greek word translated in our Bible "miracle" means "a sign.". Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. I would like to comment on the charismatic/pentecostal movement page. Learn: Catholic Beliefs; Pray: Catholic Prayers; Blog: Faith & Life; Search. Nor does any biblical church teach that a saved person will not show evidence of their salvation. The church believes in the gift of speaking in tongues, both glossolalia (speech in an unknown language) and xenoglossy (speech in a language known but not to speaker). There is no question that what is being done today and called tongues is not what happened in the early churches. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a second experience not necessarily received at salvation. We will only answer the questions about Apostolic Pentecostal Denominations in a general manner as far as beliefs and practices. Christians need to understand Pentecostalism, not only because of an increasing number of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians in our midst, but also because the stated goal of the movement is an intentional change to traditional Christian thought. What Is the Orthodox Church? 1 Corinthians 1:22 "For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom.". But it is not some special manifestation from God, but merely the Holy Spirit illuminating God's word and filling my soul...that is emotional. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. At the time of the writing of the Book of 1 Corinthians only the epistle of James had been written. However, when the gift was being used, the interpretation was for those who did not understand the language being spoken. One highly respected researcher estimates that 80% of these revival fires in the United States are Pentecostal-charismatic in nature. Pentecostal spirituality is a distinct way of being in the world with God, a distinct understanding of the kingdom of God. Whenever concerns are raised about Scott Morrisonâs Pentecostal belief, it has become customary to point the finger at my own religious practice as ⦠It is not that ONLY the word of God, the Scriptures has God given to us to instruct us in God's ways and truth. One of the most common ones I get asked is âdo Pentecostals believe in the trinity?â. What you do not understand is what biblical tongues was in the earlier churches that were a mixture of Jews and Gentiles. That is what the person who seeks to know the truth does. Extensive research has shown conclusively that modern tongues is not any language at all. I am not a tongues speaker or believe in modern tongues. It says: we are justified by the blood of Jesus. I read your info on the Holy Spirit. Yet, though absent in the flesh, Jesus Christ is with believers who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God. This will take some time, please have patience with us. These were signs as the verses state to authenticate to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah and Savior. Pentecostal churches attach much importance to these signs as the eschatological signs of end days. . Modern tongues is a sign to believers as to their "supposed" receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and to giving some "spiritual" statement given to the individual by God for the congregation. I have a friend in the tongues movement. If I can help you...please write. "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (John 16:13-16). One Apostolic church says that biblical literalism is necessary âin our fast-paced, highly education, technology-driven word.â âThe Truthâand how it is lived outâ is more applicable now than ever,â the churchâs doctrine says. The New Testament records only tree times that believers received the sign gift of tongues. You said that you knew of incidences when people heard a message from the Lord for others (windows of heaven opened). The first Pentecost took place 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and fulfilled prophecies by both Jesus and John the Baptist, where both said the people would be baptized by the Holy Spirit. If it was masculine it could refer to Christ and His coming, but that is not the case. Catholic Church: History, Tradition & Beliefs This catching of those who follow man today will fall on their back, knowing that someone is there to catch them. So I brought ever book I could find in the tongues movement both pro and con, but mostly I studied in depth every passage in the New Testament that dealt with biblical tongues and the sign gifts. We had a man show up one Sunday named Gene and he started coming to every service. He is boasting about what he will be able to do in the future. + Okay, you may be saying, so that's how Pentecostalism started, but you haven't completely answered what it is. However, most of the churches share the same core beliefs that salvation is through Jesus, healing is possible through Him and He is returning again. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. They have been misled into thinking that speaking in tongues is something spiritual, but it never was as exampled that way by the teachings of the New Testament. It was a supernatural gift in which Jews who could not speak a foreign language could though the Holy Spirit speak the Gospel to other Jews who would heard God's word in their language. Many believe in lively worship because of the influence of the Holy Spirit. The New Testament emphasis is preaching God's word, telling them of Jesus Christ, of the wages of sin, and God's offer of grace so that people can be saved and believer's edified in the faith in their local church. Several things you may have missed. He states further that outside the USA, virtually 100% of current, major revival activity is Pentecostal-charismatic. Two years after I was saved our pastor resigned and took another church. Note what he says in verses 2 and 3. By the way the Greek word for perfect is neuter and refers specifically to a "thing" not a person. [1 Cor. Paul also says he prays in the spirit - was it just for him to pray in an unknown tongue. Faith or Fake? I attended this new "Bible" church today Sunday the 18th. The above mentioned article will explain the matter in detail. One statement Paul makes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was that tongues was a sign... You say tongues is a sign that a believer has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they do not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit after salvation and that tongues show they have received the indwelling. Just three questions please. It does not please God or edify us to be involved in false religious practices. The only thing is to ask of God, and He will revile His truth.
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