Our websites may use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience. All students must take either ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011. Through a deconstruction of media and storytelling, we will discuss how to optimally develop engaging, informative, and cooperative educational environments. To receive credit for MATH 1011Q, it must be taken before successful completion of another Q course. Environmental Literacy courses are designated for this purpose as E courses. EDCI 5550 (3 credits) Problems in the Teaching of Science: Theories of teaching science with emphasis on studies of research related to current problems. ART 5340 (3 credits) Studio Art Instruction and Curriculum Planning: Teaching methods, strategies, and curriculum planning in studio art instruction. Students must complete 5 seminars of their choosing in one semester or two consecutive semesters. Strategies are motivated within the conceptual framework of teaching and learning theory. Students have the option of taking any of the following elective courses through the Chemistry Department: Electives. Critical issues in diversity … In addition, the student will provide support during classroom active and cooperative learning activities, and be responsible for planning and teaching some course content. GRAD 6002 (3 credits) Reflections on Teaching Practice (formerly known as EDCI 5830-002; offered every even year in the spring): This seminar class identifies difficult or troublesome aspects of the participants’ instruction (vexations) that can be shared with graduate colleagues in a non-threatening environment. Students passing ENGL 2011 are considered to have met the ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 requirement. Courses at the 2000 level can also be used to meet the Professional Requirement. Students may use no more than three credits of such courses to meet the requirement. OR the following electives from other departments: *Please note availability of electives outside of the official GCCI ones varies semester-to-semester; students should plan in advance to see if the course will be available. Courses in this group enable students to analyze and understand interactions of the numerous social factors that influence behavior at the individual, cultural, societal, national, or international level. Students must pass at least one course of at least three credits in Environmental Literacy. Computer Science & Engineering. PSYC 6505 (3 credits) Teaching Experimental Psychology: The lecture method applied to teaching undergraduate courses in experimental psychology (introductory, cognition, learning and memory, sensation and perception) and giving conference presentations. Normally, the six credits required as a minimum for each Content Area will be met by two three-credit courses. We accept applications starting in April until Mid-June. Knowledge of the basic vocabulary of science and technology is a prerequisite for informed assessments of the physical universe and of technological developments. New Content Area courses are added to the Student Administration System on an ongoing basis. EPSY 5220 (3 credits) Introduction to Educational Technology: Instructional applications of productivity software and educational technology. 5. Math or Science Requirement. BIOL 1107, CHEM, NUSC 1165 etc.) This course is required for the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction, but open to all graduate students. University of Connecticut undergraduates need to demonstrate competency in four fundamental areas: information literacy, quantitative skills, second language proficiency and writing. In some cases, advisors may recommend postponing registration in a Q course until after the student has completed a semester of course work at the University. POLS 1002: Introduction to Political Theory. All students must pass two Q courses, which may also satisfy Content Area requirements. GRAD 6004 (1 credit) Practicum in College Teaching (required for students without any teaching/TA experience): The practicum involves observation, mentoring, participation in classroom teaching, and planning/teaching in a higher education setting. EPSY 5750 (3 credits) Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom: The identification of creative thinking and problem solving and the development and implications of creativity training materials and teaching strategies for the classroom. Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, though some schools and colleges may add to the requirements listed here. HDFS 5010 (3 credits) Practicum in University Teaching of Human Development and Family Studies: Supervised teaching of undergraduate courses in HDFS. Arts and Humanities courses provide a broad vision of artistic and humanist themes. EDLR 5130 (3 credits) Teaching College Students Through Transition A practical and theoretical course that gives students the opportunity to explore academic literature of student transition while teaching a UNIV freshman year experience course for students transitioning into the University of Connecticut. The courses fulfilling the Content Areas One, Two and Three requirements must be drawn from at least six different subjects as designated by the subject letter code (e.g., ANTH or PVS). 6. or courses used to satisfy the 36-credit major requirements (Part III). Topics include instructional design and methods, evaluation and assessment, learning theory, pedagogical resources, and trends in higher education. What are the current prevailing standards? By continuing without changing your cookie settings, you agree to this collection. Four elective concentrations build on functional research expertise in the School of Business: Financial Analysis and Investments, Business Analytics and Digital Marketing Strategy, and General Business. The Environmental Sciences BS program aims to educate students who … A student meets the minimum requirement if admitted to the University with three years of a single foreign language in high school, or the equivalent. Research mathematicians, in general, lack familiarity with these issues, but they need to understand them in order to become critical readers of educational literature and engage in their own research projects. GEOG 6800 (1 credit) Practicum in College Teaching in Geography: Guided development of college-level instruction. EDLR 5201 (3 credits) Influences on Adult Learning Explores the interaction of people and their environment and culture, and examines the affect of situational barriers, motivation, self-regulation, personality, gender, and life transitions on adult learners. The MSBA at UConn is a top-ranked, leading Master of Science program in Business Analytics & Project Management. The core of the curriculum integrates courses in marine biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. 6 credits in 1000 (100) or higher level Mathematics, Statistics, Physical and Life Sciences as listed in the UConn Catalog meet this requirement. What makes an educational research project compelling? The UConn Master of Science in Quantitative Economics (MSQE) is a STEM program with an emphasis on using quantitative methods and data analysis to help solve economic problems. These courses acquaint students with scientific thought, observation, experimentation, and formal hypothesis testing, and enable students to consider the impact that developments in science and technology have on the nature and quality of life. Technical Electives (6 credits total) A minimum of two elective courses from the following list are required. However, in Content Area One and Content Area Four (including Content Area Four International), repeatable one-credit courses may be included. Some courses require prerequisites. They encourage students to explore their own traditions and their places within the larger world so that they, as informed citizens, may participate more fully in the rich diversity of human languages and cultures. The Environmental Engineering B.S. Diversity and multiculturalism in the university curriculum contribute to this essential aspect of education by bringing to the fore the historical truths about different cultural perspectives, especially those of groups that traditionally have been under-represented. Basic information literacy is taught to all first year students as an integral part of ENGL 1007/1010/1011, in collaboration with the staff of the University Libraries. Within each concentration, specialties are designed to develop focused knowledge and skills in areas where there is demand for UConn MBA graduates. NURS 5700 (3 credits) Health Professions Education: Evaluation This course will introduce students to important principles of adult learning, evaluation science, curriculum and instruction, diffusion of innovations research, and to evidence-based practices of health professions education. 4. KINS 6505 (3 credits) Teaching Strategies to Enhance Learning for Health Fitness & Sport Professionals: The course provided students with a “hands-on” approach to the translation of learning theories and styles and the principles of curriculum development, design and assessment into the practice of activities that enhance learning for health fitness and sport professionals. With anything less than that, the student must pass the second semester course in the first year sequence of college level study in a single language. How can we judge the rigor and reliability of studies done by others? ƒ Science Elective and Related Cognate – Courses taken depend on career goals and graduate program admission criteria. ENGL 5100 (3 credits) Theory and teaching of writing: This course provides insight and support for the day-to-day practice of the teaching of writing, and to encourage critical reflection on the history, values, principles and meaning of teaching writing in an academic context. GRAD 6000 (1 credit) Seminars in College Instruction (typically offered every semester): Explores teaching skills that promote learning within a diverse student body in higher education. ENGR 5300 (3 credits), Special Topics: Engineering Teaching and Learning: This course is intended to provide an opportunity for School of Engineering Graduate Students to become familiar with, and to develop skills associated with, successful engineering academic careers. Activities will include: (1) reading a sampling of book chapters and research articles; (2) discussing and critiquing these articles; (3) surveying the different kinds of research available and sorting the relevant journals into various categories; (4) designing a research study that focuses on a particular question of interest. These groups might be characterized by such features as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identities, political systems, or religious traditions, or by persons with disabilities. The course emphasizes the diversity of approaches to teaching women’s studies and how faculty have responded to the varied institutional, political, regional, and demographic contexts in which we teach. HDFS 2001 – Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Studies. Instructional Media and Game Design (3 credits): Graduate Certificate in College Instruction, Assessing Learner Needs, Maintaining Instructor Presence, & Building Community in Asynchronous Courses. UConn’s MSQE program offers electives in Python to help our graduates up to be marketable and agile in the workplace. Focus on the nature of language acquisition, methods, and implications for practice. The themes for the course include: the politics of experience in Women’s Studies, exploring the relationship between feminist praxis and Women’s Studies pedagogy, demonstrating how feminist activism can be incorporated into introductory Women’s Studies courses as well as senior seminars, providing exemplars of courses designed to teach intersectionality and critical self-reflexivity, and illustrating the pedagogical power of community partnerships for experiential education. For more information about catalog deadlines and procedures, see changecatalog.uconn.edu. MATH 5800 (1 credit) Seminar in Mathematics Education: This course is a basic introduction to research in mathematics education. The development of these competencies involves two parts: one establishing entry-level expectations and the second establishing graduation expectations. Success in the 9/10-credit program results in the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction. Science electives CANNOT be courses used for the general program requirements. The elective coursework can be from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences or from an area related to Medicinal Chemistry. Further details are given under the description of each major elsewhere in this catalog. OPIM 5504 – Adaptive Business Intelligence. The Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Connecticut, established in 1970, has a distinguished record of teaching, research, and public service. Courses are chosen by the student in consultation with their dissertation advisor. Consider Path 3094W Pathobiology Seminar 2. Students sharpen their observation skills and reflect on their own teaching practice through self- and peer-observation. MCB 2410 Human Genetics 3 or ANSC 3121 Animal Breeding and Genetics 3 or Consider PVS 299 Independent Study variable EPSY 5266 : Instructional Media and Game Design (3 credits): Introduces students to narrative – the means by which humans share and contextualize information – within the context of instructional game design, the application of game mechanics and design processes in traditionally non-game contexts (sometimes called “gamification”). The same course cannot be used for both a science elective and a Related Cognate (group B). They use the methods and theories of social science inquiry to develop critical thought about current social issues and problems. When the years of study have been split between high school and earlier grades, the requirement is met if the student has successfully completed the third-year high school level course. * Undergraduate students with Bachelor’s degrees from regionally accredited institutions are exempt from the University General Education Requirements but not the 2000-level and above W course within the major nor any additional general education requirements of a School/College. Up to 3 credits of Undergraduate Research (MSE 4097) or 3 credits of Thesis Research (MSE 4996) can be counted as a Professional Elective. “It’s a big day,” shared Caryl Ryan, MSN, RN, chief nursing officer at UConn Health. The entry-level expectations apply to all incoming students. Storrs, 02629-1085. EPSY 5510: (3 credits) Learning: Its implications for Education: Nature and types of learning, transfer of training, motivation, nature of instructional outcomes, with particular attention to individual differences among elementary and secondary school pupils. Office: (860) 486-4942. letitia.naigles@uconn.edu. This report refreshes automatically every night. Among other objectives, students will be able to create instructional materials for different pedagogies associated with the organization and delivery of a course, describe and evaluate pedagogical situations with students of varying backgrounds and cultures and how they relate to different learning styles. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic May 13 was a special milestone for UConn Health with some elective low-risk surgical procedures beginning to resume at the UConn Health Surgery Center. 2020 – 2021 Catalog YearCAHNR 2019-2020 Plan of Study ENVS CLAS Major Requirements Worksheet ENVS2019 – 2020 Catalog YearCAHNR 2019-2020 Plan of Study ENVS CLAS Major Requirement Worksheet ENVS2018 – 2019 Catalog YearCLAS Major Requirement Worksheet ENVS … For all Content Areas, there can be multiple designations. Information literacy involves a general understanding of how information is created, disseminated and organized, and an ability to access, evaluate, synthesize and incorporate information into written, oral, or media presentations. We offer electives in: Open Source Programming with Python. To avoid delaying the progress of their degree, students should always consult the requirements listed for their particular school or college before registering. ROML 5395 (3 credits) Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Romance Languages (suitable for all language majors): This course addresses learning to critique, and practice effective techniques for teaching and evaluating foreign language. Emma Kelty-Stephen, an alum from UConn's Cognitive Science Graduate Certificate Program, is pictured with Kanzi the bonobo chimp who acquired some understanding of English. CSE 5850 – Information and Data Security; CSE 5820 – Machine Learning In this interconnected global community, individuals of any profession need to be able to understand, appreciate, and function in cultures other than their own. Once accepted, you will be contacted by the coordinator for information regarding the elective. Additionally, all students must take two writing-intensive (W) courses, which may also satisfy Content Area requirements. What are possible design models and pitfalls? Emma is now a Professor at Grinnell College. Study Abroad* - UConn offers a wide range of opportunities for students to spend a semester in another country earning credits toward the Bachelor’s degree. degree at UConn is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. Introduction to Biochemistry (MCB 2000) Biochemistry (MCB 3010) Undergraduate Research (3189) Advanced Organic Laboratory (3442W) Polymeric Materials (3661) Undergraduate Thesis (4196W) Environmental Chemistry … The exit expectations may vary for different major fields of study. The Department offers highly ranked undergraduate and graduate programs in human nutrition. An individual course may be approved for and count for one, two, or three Content Areas if one of the three is Content Area 4. Fall Electives: PNB 3251: Biology of the Brain, 3 cr PNB 4400: Biology of Nervous System Diseases, 3 cr PNB 5390: Membrane Transport in Health and Disease, 3 cr PNB 5396: Principles of Physiology and Neurobiology (1), 3 cr PNB 6417: Developmental Neurobiology, 3 cr (offered every other Fall- 2021, 2023) NURS 3100: Clinical Science (1), 3 credits (Note: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 is a prerequisite to all writing-intensive courses). By studying the ideas, history, values, and creative expressions of diverse groups, students gain appreciation for differences as well as commonalities among people. The student will write a reflective document on the course, highlighting lessons learned and next steps. Science electives CANNOT be courses used for the general program requirements. They use the methods and theories of social science inquiry to develop critical thought about current social issues and problems. **Course used to satisfy science electives cannot be courses used for other program requirements (i.e. two materials electives and three materials applications electives, as well as an upper level Technical Elective. Teaching skills that reach far beyond solving key business issues, this on-campus program (Hartford & Stamford) provides students with the skills needed to become leaders in the industry. Topics: justice, obligation, equality, and their relevance … GRAD 6003 (3 credits) Advanced Issues in Teaching and Learning (formerly known as EDCI 5830-003; offered every odd year in the fall): This course should be taken after GRAD 6001. Students also learn from the creation of portfolio activities and other artifacts and their reflections about them. The electives offered in VSLO have descriptions for each elective for you to review. All course and academic program changes must be fully approved by Feb. 5, 2021 to be included in the 2021-22 catalog. The student will discuss pedagogical decisions, such as those related to the syllabus, course objectives, assignments, and course content, with the faculty member. Content Area 3: Science and Technology These courses acquaint students with scientific thought, observation, experimentation, and formal hypothesis testing, and enable students to consider the impact that developments in science and technology have on the nature and … If it doesn’t that semester, it may not be eligible for the certificate*.
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