It is the cheapest way to live, it makes the devil crazy. 3:2. Thanksgiving adds colour to our Christian experience and flavour to our Christian nature, ... For further reading, please get my books: Understanding the Power of Praise and Wonders of Praise. Be a thanksgiver because thanksgiving releases enormous power of God to do wonders in your life. To support his or her point of view, the author includes facts which are supported by dates and very descriptive images. Or, maybe they think it is the start of the Christmas holiday season. The following are some of the wonders embedded in thanksgiving: - Preservation of our Blessings: Thanksgiving is the mystery behind the preservation of the blessings of God in our lives. Posted by Akemini Daniel. The enemy … And thanksgiving is what it takes to move God to do His wonders, thereby making the believer to experience the wonder life in reality Exo. In some spiritual cases, your praises and thanksgiving to God would produce more results than your prayers. Every great leader is a great praiser. Matthew 15:36-39 – “And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 1:3, For His wondrous and marvelous works in our lives. Therefore, if we want our blessings preserved, we must be … Thanksgiving is acknowledging God as the One behind all the good happenings around us. Giving thanks and developing a thankful heart and attitude have many benefits. Understanding the Trinity Through Our Humanity Deshen TV hosts and publishes the Video content of Deshen Publising, LLC a part of Patrick Oben Ministries! To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. UNVEILING THE PATHWAY TO BRING THE FAMILY UNDER GOD’S BLESSING. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks.And he was a Samaritan. Even if things are not working as you want, God is the reason why everything has not stopped working as intended by the enemy. It wrought wonders. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2021 occurs on Thursday, November 25. The Power of Thanksgiving November 20, 2016. God’s glory must not be touched by any man. Posted by Akemini Daniel. 15:5, Favour demands righteousness as in the case of Joseph – Gen 39:9, Serving God and His interest as a lifestyle, as in the case of Daniel – Dan. A Prophecy is… The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out: so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. When we praise, we are raised above our challenges. – Rom. But when you eat a large dinner, like a Thanksgiving dinner, the tryptophan is interfered with by all the carbohydrates you eat. Jehosephant, Hezekiah, King David, Moses, Paul, Oyedepo and many more, were and are addicts of praise. Redemption brings the believer into the life of wonders without end Isa. The result of dedication may take a while but the end result is distinction. Thanksgiving is giving glory to God for His mighty deeds in our midst as a church and as an individual. Understanding the true meaning of Thanksgiving Many people think of Thanksgiving as a wonderful time to celebrate being out of school for a long weekend and eating a great dinner. Prophetic Instruction: Turn those bugging issues of your life into thanksgiving and God will turn them into testimonies. Thanksgiving is a mystery. Colossians 1:9 knowing is will is good, but it is more important to understand His will. 1:17, Thanksgiving is the recounting of God’s loving kindness in our lives – Ps. 1621 - The Pilgrims dedicated three days for a Thanksgiving Feast to give God glory. REWARDS OF THANKSGIVING: 1. 0 . The more we contemplate who God is and the grace and mercy we have received, the more gratitude will develop in our hearts, which in turn will overflow in thanksgiving to God. According to Romans 1 unthankfulness is a trait of the ungodly. Amongst many benefits of thanksgiving are-(1) Giving thanks to God unlocks many doors (2) Whenever thanksgiving goes up, showers of blessings automatically comes down-Ps 100:5. Thanksgiving is a ‘spiritual yeast’, it has the power to multiply anything it is engaged on. Thanksgiving is one of the major secrets of life. Anyone that gives thanks enjoys preservation. And giving thanks doesn’t just happen around this holiday we call Thanksgiving. Gratitude is a spiritual force that empowers you to scale to higher heights. When we talk of thanksgiving, we are talking about release of appreciation. Homepage Message UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. Preservation means protection. – Jn. Thanksgiving simply means giving glory to God for His mighty deeds in our midst both as a church and as an individual, Luke 17:11-19. – 2 Pet. Psalms 115:1; Luke 17: 11-19. is an attitude of appreciation and gratitude to God for something you have received or something He has done. wonders, miracles and powers of thanksgiving, gratitude and prayer - wonders, miracles and powers of thanksgivingdo not be miser and economical in thanksgiving, gratitude and offering prayer. (3) It strengthens faith-strengthens our dependence on God for every provision and upholds the biblical truths on the faithfulness of God. 8:18; Zch. Some believe God should be thanked with gifts, others believe in thanking God with words (prayers or appreciation). THANKSGIVING IS A MUST TO KEEP THE CHURCH GROWING PT. “Message Title: 'Understanding the Wonders of Thanksgiving Anytime you keep silent about the things God has done for you, you are keeping the glory to yourself'. In essence, identifying the good things that have happened and making God as responsible for doing them. The more we contemplate who God is and the grace and mercy we have received, the more gratitude will develop in our hearts, which in turn will overflow in thanksgiving to God. Thanksgiving renders obstacles and oppositions powerless on the believer. Thanksgiving—the attitude as well as the act—is enriched by both the knowledge of and confidence in the authority and accuracy of the Word of God. Message, Uncategorized. Anyone that gives thanks enjoys preservation. Why this thanksgiving service? Isaiah 42:8. Mystery simply means hidden truth that you only get to know by divine revelation. What is Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving adds colour to our Christian experience and flavour to our Christian nature, as everything around us begins to respond positively. 22:3, Thanksgiving is vital to anyone that desires to experience supernatural breakthrough. THANKSGIVING IS A MUST TO KEEP THE CHURCH GROWING PT. Only a heartfelt thanksgiving produces result; therefore be thankful in all circumstances. 0 . Jehosephant, Hezekiah, King David, Moses, Paul, Oyedepo and many more, were and are addicts of praise. In some spiritual cases, your praises and thanksgiving to God would produce more results than your prayers. Format: Clear: Understanding the Wonders of Spiritual Stewardship quantity. - Pst. Designed By, Christ is KNOCKING ON THE Door of Your House FOR ACCESS, Why Every Winner Should be an Active Member of WSF, Thanksgiving is acknowledging God as the One behind all the good happenings around us. The power of thanksgiving improves our physical health and state of mind, keeps us joyful, keeps our spirits lifted up high, keeps our hopes up, boosts our self-esteem, improves our relationships, and does so much for us. 6:34. Understanding the Trinity Through Our Humanity Deshen TV hosts and publishes the Video content of Deshen Publising, LLC a part of Patrick Oben Ministries! This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. Praise and Thanksgiving is a great key with an undiluted assurance of victory in every spiritual and physical battle of life. Convention Theme: Wonderful. For instance, God says He will keep our going out and coming in, this is why we have journeyed on the same road where others lost their lives while we were kept Psa. Amongst many benefits of thanksgiving are- (1) Giving thanks to God unlocks many doors (2) Whenever thanksgiving goes up, showers of blessings automatically comes down-Ps 100:5. Scriptures make us to understand that every day has new battles, when we go through a day without recording any defeat or casualty, it shows God has released fresh anointing on our lives Matt. Understanding the Science of Thanksgiving Ever wonder how those pop-up turkey thermometers work? Understanding the Wonders of Spiritual Stewardship $ 7.00 – $ 10.00. In the same way, every believer has the potential to be great. © 2021 WINNERS' CHAPEL ICT GROUP. UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING PT. Add to cart. A life of thanksgiving is a life of sweatless and tasteful experience. message title: engaging the power of thanksgiving pt. Pastor Adeolu is presently the State Pastor, LFCWW Cross River State, and the Resident Pastor, Living Faith Church, State Hqtr, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. Understanding the true meaning of Thanksgiving Many people think of Thanksgiving as a wonderful time to celebrate being out of school for a long weekend and eating a great dinner. Additionally, the author cites quotes and sources from the colonists, researchers, and historians, increasing the credibility of the information presented within the article. Covenant Day of Divine Favour Ministration, Divine Favour provokes supernatural breakthroughsLuke 8:3, Divine Favour provokes marital breakthroughsGenesis 24:12-15; Proverbs 18:22, Divine Favour provokes supernatural fruitfulness2 Kings 4:17. This creates a sense that the author has a very deep understanding of Thanksgiving and that he or she has a lot of informations and research. Covenant Hour of Prayer (18th May, 2021). Listen to Understanding The Wonders Of Thanksgivings and ninety-nine more episodes by The Oyedepo Podcast, free! 1689 - During the next 74 years, four North American wars raged between England and France. What is Thanksgiving? The following are some of the wonders embedded in thanksgiving: - Preservation of our Blessings: Thanksgiving is the mystery behind the preservation of the blessings of God in our lives. 22:3 Thanksgiving is vital to anyone that desires to experience supernatural breakthrough. The way we anticipate miracles that’s how God anticipates thanksgiving from … Why this thanksgiving service? All Rights Reserved. the message below are excerpts from this morning's covenant hour of prayers as preached by Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo Without thanksgiving no access. 3:27, Jam. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to connect an account. – Ps. Giving Thanks: Understanding the Biblical Emphasis of Thanksgiving. We were made to worship, praise, adore and reverence our God. 3:8. Format: Clear: Understanding the Wonders of Spiritual Stewardship quantity. 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 75:1; Psalm 100:1-5; Psalm 136:1-26; 1 Chronicles 16:8 and Colossians 2:6-7. Giving Thanks: Understanding the Biblical Emphasis of Thanksgiving. ENGAGING THE POWER OF THANKSGIVING FOR FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY PT. 5. covenant family daythanksgiving preserves, multiplies and perfects our blessing 103:3-4, For all the benefits of redemption. Breakthrough is to make progress where obstacles limits and stops others. The tiniest seed has the potential of becoming a great tree. The Wonders of Heaven by Pastor E.A Adeboye during Thanksgiving Service, Sunday Day 7, RCCG 68th Annual Convention. So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? Thanksgiving should not a periodic occasion but rather a permanent occupation Thanksgiving as an assignment to comply Thanksgiving as an attitude to characterize Thanksgiving as an ADORNMENT TO CLOTHE Christians should be characterized by thanksgiving. PLEASE SELECT AN OPTION. Serotonin is what makes you sleepy. It is acknowledging that the achievements in our lives are not by our ability but the hand of God. Every genuine thanksgiving results in praise which brings down God’s presence – Ps. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists … Matthew 15:36-39 – “And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. – Ps. A Prophecy is… Understanding Thanksgiving from Our Side of the Table Native communities have their own diverse practices to celebrate family, resilience, community and giving thanks. It is an act of gratitude. Wonders are the acts of God in the life of men Jn. It takes fresh anointing to win in every new battle Isa. Isaiah 42:8. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Our God declares His plans for us by way of prophecies. THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. wonders, miracles and powers of thanksgiving, gratitude and prayer - wonders, miracles and powers of thanksgivingdo not be miser and economical in thanksgiving, gratitude and offering prayer. And giving thanks doesn’t just happen around this holiday we call Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving should not a periodic occasion but rather a permanent occupation Thanksgiving as an assignment to comply Thanksgiving as an attitude to characterize Thanksgiving as an ADORNMENT TO CLOTHE Christians should be characterized by thanksgiving. Father, I thank You for: The salvation of my soul; Loving me so much that you sent your only begotten son to die for the remission of my sins; The wonder working power in the blood of Jesus Christ And thanksgiving is what it takes to move God to do His wonders, thereby making the believer to experience the wonder life in reality Exo. Mystery simply means hidden truth that you only get to know by divine revelation. 2 THANKSGIVING PRESERVES, MULTIPLIES AND PERFECTS OUR BLESSINGS 3RD SERVICE | UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING | 16TH MAY, 2021 message title: engaging the power of thanksgiving pt. * Dr. Morris is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Creation Research. The Thanksgiving Story as We Should Know It. Every genuine thanksgiving results in praise which brings down God’s presence – Ps. Our God declares His plans for us by way of prophecies. Thanksgiving is A Must for Church Growth (Part 2). It preserves your blessings – … 2. The intention of the enemy on our lives is only wickedness, but God has not allowed their intention to become a reality Job 5:12. What are the wonders in Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a mystery. 1:17 Thanksgiving is the recounting of… Nothing goes down, rather, everything increases supernaturally in hand of a thanks-giver. Few believe and practice extensive prayers of thanksgiving than prayers of request, while others are… Psalms 115:1; Luke 17: 11-19. is an attitude of appreciation and gratitude to God for something you have received or something He has done. Through thanks, you access multiplication; that is prosperity. Many people thank God only during prayers, some when they achieve a success, get good news or have or experience miraculous events. 15:11. Understanding the Wonders of Spiritual Stewardship $ 7.00 – $ 10.00. But where are PRAYER POINTS. Thanksgiving for Miracles: In John 11:41-44, at the grave of Lazarus, Jesus repeated the same spiritual principle, showing us how significant this forgotten weapon is in the working of miracles, in effecting signs and wonders. Dedication … #Shiloh2015 Thanksgiving Service: Understanding the power of Thanksgiving- David Oyedepo Jnr. An average member of the Winners’ family is a praise singer and dancer. When we praise, we are raised above our challenges. – Jn. Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for the lifestyle of thanksgiving that will make me to enjoy a fulfilled life from today Eph. Understanding Thanksgiving from Our Side of the Table Native communities have their own diverse practices to celebrate family, resilience, community and giving thanks. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users the message below are excerpts from this morning's covenant hour of prayers as preached by Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo Without thanksgiving no access. Understanding the Wonders of ThanksgivingMay 2021: Thanksgiving Preserves, Multiplies and Perfects Our BlessingsPst Isaac O. FolajiWinners Chapel Port-Harcourt What are the wonders in Thanksgiving? Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”. Thanksgiving—the attitude as well as the act—is enriched by both the knowledge of and confidence in the authority and accuracy of the Word of God. 8:32, For all that pertains to life and godliness. Pastor Joshua Joy Dara, Sr. Sermon. Sign up to receive latest news, updates, promotions, and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. Add to cart. When we talk of thanksgiving, we are talking about release of appreciation. The real story began in 1614 when European explorers returned to Europe with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for slavery. consultjosh / December 13, 2015. the message below are excerpts from this morning’s first service word by Pst.David Oyedepo Jnr. 2. Thanksgiving as a lifestyle will establish us in a ceaseless flow of signs and wonders. May 23, 2021 By admin. Your email address will not be published. Cite this article: Morris III, H. 2012. 15:11. 24:7 What is Thanksgiving? The quality of your understanding determines the quality of your life. Therefore, if we want our blessings preserved, we must be addicted to thanksgiving. 24:7. Gratitude is a spiritual force that empowers you to scale to higher heights. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aae5ecc787c59ad6c53d91aa9e85615f" );document.getElementById("c0781bc14c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pastor Joshua Joy Dara, Sr. Sermon. Or, maybe they think it is the start of the Christmas holiday season. Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with him, it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Holy spirit room in our hearts. Preservation means protection. David Oyedepo Jnr @DavidOyedepoJnr #CovDayofFavour #LFCLiveService #TurnaroundEra” God has been faithful! The Power of Thanksgiving November 20, 2016. 2020© All rights reserved by SIT CONSULTING +2347037495705, Subscribe our newsletter to get our latest update & news. * Dr. Morris is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Creation Research. It wrought wonders. THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. Every time you see the finger of God it requires the praise of man. We need a good understanding of what to thank God for in order for our thanksgiving to be effective. 3:2. Thanksgiving is appreciating God from your heart for His goodness and benefits towards you. 121:8. 6. You can change the course of your life by dedication. A Day of Thanks and Giving: Understanding the Truth About Thanksgiving and Celebrating it as a Pagan November 14, 2018 November 14, 2018 by E.Massey , posted in From the Altar Since Samhain I have not had to time to even think about the upcoming holidays. Americans generally believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the European colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people. PLEASE SELECT AN OPTION. Through thanks, you access multiplication; that is prosperity. In summary, when thanksgiving becomes the order of the day in our lives, our lives will have taste and it will have order. What is Thanksgiving? God has been up to everything He has said concerning our lives. Faith seeking understanding, my personal journey towards a deeper knowledge of and intimacy with God, the cosmos, humanity and myself through thoughts, words and (occasionally) images, is a series of [hopefully] daily reflections I’m writing with the purpose of publishing something on a regular basis for others to read, either here, at or among my writings at 4. In this conversation. Cite this article: Morris III, H. 2012. All Rights Reserved. THANKSGIVING IS A MUST TO KEEP THE CHURCH GROWING PT. Wonders are the acts of God in the life of men Jn. According to Romans 1 unthankfulness is a trait of the ungodly. Thanksgiving in prayer acknowledges the blessings we have received, but it doesn’t stop there; it also gives thanks for answered prayer in the blessing of others. Be a thanksgiver because thanksgiving releases enormous power of God to do wonders in your life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In their efforts to capture new slaves from untouched lands, they had left behind smallpox which virtually wiped out those who had escaped capture. Discovery Media Crew brings to you the audio format of Pastor E.A Adeboye’s message during Thanksgiving Service, Sunday Day Seven (7) of RCCG 68th Annual Convention, August 9th 2020. Thanksgiving is giving glory to God for His mighty deeds in our midst as a church and as an individual. THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. – Jn. In conclusion, don’t watch life drag, give direction to the happenings in your life by adopting the lifestyle of thanksgiving. 3:27, Jam. LIVING FAITH CHURCH AKA WINNERS CHAPEL INT'L BEHIND AXARI HOTEL, OFF M/M HIGHWAY, CALABAR, CROSS RIVERS STATE. Or how much turkey it takes to make you sleepy? Praise and Thanksgiving is a great key with an undiluted assurance of victory in every spiritual and physical battle of life. 6. When we consciously thank God, we invoke the fresh anointing the more. Promoting the Kingdom will always be a plus because Kingdom promoters always have testimonies. 3:16. 1:9, 6:28, Sacrificial giving to God’s Kingdom, as in the case of David & Solomon – 2 Chr. THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING. Thanks-givers never lack God’s manifest presence, because it is an invitation that God does not turn down nor resist. 29:3, A lifestyle of thanksgiving, praise and worship as in the case of David – Ps 30:5. 2 THANKSGIVING PRESERVES, MULTIPLIES AND PERFECTS OUR BLESSINGS 3RD SERVICE | UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF THANKSGIVING | 16TH MAY, 2021 THANKSGIVING SCRIPTURES. Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving in prayer acknowledges the blessings we have received, but it doesn’t stop there; it also gives thanks for answered prayer in the blessing of others. THANKSGIVING IS A MUST TO KEEP THE CHURCH GROWING PT. Understanding the physics and mathematics of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons Submitted by Alexis Gajewski on Thu, 11/16/2017 - 17:53 This year marks the 91st anniversary of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. God's Word is the most important thing in any person's life—and many do not yet realize this. The reason we are reducing is because we are forgetful. In Luke 17:15-19, Jesus talks about the importance of giving thanks in the story of the grateful Leper:.
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