
what is an abigail servant

Come join the hundreds of thousands of Masters on your grand journey. I'm ready to serve you and to wash the feet of my master's servants." And yet, there are also times where during the evenings – when her feeling of loneliness would then become stronger – she would want to behave like a spoiled child. In history, Abigail was an orphan, as her parents were killed in a Native American raid, and she was taken in by her uncle's family (Reverend Samuel Parris). Cleaning of the dressing room and master’s bedchamber, personally and in overseeing the maids. The character I’m writing about is the daughter of an earl, and is about to be presented in society. This would be a highly- educated gentleman who was regarded not Join Facebook to connect with Abigail Servantez and others you may know. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks for this delightful and wonderfully informative post! The two people who showed symptoms of demonic possession at the beginning of these incidents were the girl, Abigail Williams, and her female cousin, Betty Parris, who is the daughter of a minister. A person in question is made to draw out, from others, impulses of suspicion and jealousy towards themselves without intending to do so even once, giving rise to a chain of misfortune; a threat born because of their sincerity. “It will be her business to dress, re-dress, and undress her lady; and in this, she should learn to be particularly au fait and expeditious, ever studying, so far as it depends upon herself, to manifest good taste by suiting the ornaments of and decoration of her dress to the complexion habits age and general appearance of her person. View the profiles of people named Abigail Servantez. Abigail Builds Key Allies Through an Honorable Reputation . Next imagine the array of jewelry, hats, gloves, shoes, fans, reticules… You get the idea! Abigail faced what challenges in her new life, but how did her husband and her God view her? Note that it should normally be an Anti-World Noble Phantasm due to the ability of the Outer Gods’ gate to propagate endlessly and essentially vaporize the entirety of humanity, since humans are incompatible with the bizarre universe of the Outer Gods contained within the gate. As a believer of Puritanism, Abigail is a pure girl who reveres God and never misses doing her prayers of gratitude. [noted -ed] ― Feiticeiro 12/6/2019. It is mind boggling, isn’t it Glynis? Normally, an intelligent girl full of em… This included washing and removing, Aware of latest fashion styles, fabrics, colors, etc. John proctor showed adultery to his servant, Abigail Williams, by have an affair with her even though he was married (14). As such they “technically” fell under the butler and housekeeper in rank (a little sketchy to pinpoint precisely) but answered directly and solely to the gentleman and lady they served. Copyright © 2010-2021 Sharon Lathan. Today I will continue with the household — also referred to as the “domestic” or inside staff. The Puritans – who view honourable poverty as their creed – migrated across the ocean to escape the oppression from the Church – whom catered to political authority – and arrived at the New World. Abigail has an upfront and straightforward trust for the Master, eagerly striving to meet their expectations. Also, you can say Abigail is separate from yet also a part of Yog-Sothoth based on this relationship. Co-Administrator is Regina Jeffers, Novelist. Jen, Sharon, Thank you. Just a food for thought, but it could share some insight how LB's Priestess of the Alien God works for the antagonstic Alien God Chaldea is fighting (or they could operate on totally different parameters since it may depend on who the Alien God is too). Servant: Good of Cornelius. James, a paid African-American servant of the family, picked apples, mowed and harvested crops, tended oxen, prepped the cider mill, trimmed trees, built the stone walls bordering the property, and tended to general agricultural duties.James also learned how to read and write from Abigail. I can’t imagine having someone at my elbow, constantly. All rights reserved. The Puritan belief that honours poverty and daily prayer. Master!”“Master’s a bad person…”“I’m not a Witch.”“You’re my friend.”“This awfully pitiable child who couldn’t be reached by divine love… Yet I feel… that if it was me, I would be able to love her.”“Ygnaiih… ygnaiih, thflthkh’ngha… The Silver Key is in my hands. Thus they were independent servants, and due to the extreme skills they possessed — and vital importance to the public persona of their master and mistress — rose above all other servants. That said, do not make the mistake of assuming a valet’s only job was to pick out clothing or help don a jacket! Her understanding of which cleaning solutions removed stains from particular cloths was a daunting skill requiring constant education in chemistry. The brunt of their objections (protests) would then turn towards their close neighbours. Remember, God will fight for you. You are never alone. A moment between people who know the same ocean. Just like how a “Hero” will surely rise up in a world of corruption and oppression————the Creed of Purity that should have been used by the Puritans to discipline themselves by became a tool to monitor others, and the turbulent colonial livelihood, in which wars and plundering happened over and over again, fostered feelings of suspicion and selfishness.————Before long, it reached the point that the Puritans began a search for insanity – for “Witches” – from the bottom of their hearts. A valet had a room separate but attached to the gentleman’s dressing room where he tended to his chores. a frantic servant that her bull-headed husband, Nabal, has slighted a very powerful man who is now bent on revenge. Sharon, thank you for this fascinating post! Being as polite as a lady, she strives to be kind to anybody and everybody, whoever they may be. Fabrics alone were multiplied enormously compared to those worn by men. Abigail’s Noble Phantasm is Qliphoth Rhizome: Hollow Tree Filled by [a Remnant]/[Husks] of Light. Raum’s objective was to make Abigail a doll that takes over the matter of gathering the deep-seated grudges of those who became victims of the witch hunts in history, all to have (a phenomenon called) an evil god from outer space descend and dwell within her body. In order to make the impossible possible, the Demon God Pillar Raum – who escaped from the Final Singularity – searched for the starting point of the man’s idea, followed the historical incident that became the origin of it, and arrived at the one inevitable girl.That girl, Abigail, is a “priestess” who serves an Outer God, is a “vessel” to allow the god to manifest, and is the “Key” that opens the Gate to fiction. The Duties of a Lady’s Maid with Directions for Conduct and Numerous Receipts for the Toilette is a specific book written and published in 1825 also, and can be read on Google Books HERE. His work was ongoing all day and night. So she went and became David's wife and she was also the third wife of David. Additionally, a trusted valet might offer advice or handle business affairs for his master. Much to learn! stains, steaming and pressing, polishing boots and buttons, brushing the dust from jackets and coats, and caring for hats and all the other accoutrements (of which there were many). . I’m not much of a cleaner, at least in the detailed way as a valet or lady’s maid needed to be. The Insanity exuded by the evil god dwelling within the girl can very easily break down the fragile common sense and moral sense of humans. Parris want from his church? However, I also cross-reference with Georgian/Regency databases and books, which I will share links to as the series continues. Depending on the gentleman’s fashion sense, the valet chose the appropriate garments and accessories for the planned event. Specifically, refer to the last three verses of the Animusphere chant: Antrum (The Celestial Bodies become Hollow),Unbirth (The Hollow becomes like the Void),Anima, Animusphere (In the Void, there is God). Following on the heels of the steward, today I’ll cover the only two domestic servants who held positions relatively independent from the household staff hierarchy. That’s my commemoration day!”. even got her NP2!!! The butterflies will become moths as her Foreigner level rises during her last Ascension. Abigail is a former slave of Selah and Anna Strong and an associate of the Culper Ring.After being freed from Anna's estate, she was transferred as a gift by Major Hewlett to Major John André, where she had agreed to assist the Culper Ring in return for Anna caring for Cicero, her son.. She remained with André until his death in 1780. She should alway be punctual in her attendance and assiduous in her attention.”  ~ The Complete Servant by Samuel and Sarah Adams (1825). Who is Tituba? Continuing my series on servants during the Regency/Georgian eras, here is essay #2. and find homework help for other The Crucible questions at eNotes The Outer God “All-in-One, One-in-All”.That is to say, despite being a fiction that was created by one remarkable man, it possesses all the qualifications needed for an insanity that outdo common sense. Furthermore, as an essential servant, the valet was almost always a traveling companion. Serving breakfast, coffee, stocking the liquor cabinet, etc. We will see that Abigail was shrewd, but her intentions were innocent. Abigail Kamara, daughter of Alfred Kamara, is a nosy neighbour of Peter Grant's parents. Abigail became the impetus for the witch trials in the cursed town of Salem. I keep all my historical blog posts on the “Library” forum for easy access. She is aware of herself as an “Anti-Hero” who carries the deep-seated grudges of the victims of the witch trials on her back, and she has a strong repugnance in regard to enjoying herself when using her Foreigner powers. In other words, a valet could not order a footman to do something, even if that “something” was a command by the master. Herbert Lockyer describes Abigail as a woman of beauty and brains. But as compensation, that Insanity cannot be removed. Dogs react violently to the smell of the eldritch, especially in the Dunwich Horror story, where a dog attacks and kills Wilbur Whateley due to his smell. Deviations from harmony and providence. Typically a gentleman employed one valet (his “man” or “gentleman’s gentleman”) who stayed within his employ for years. Abigail bowed facedown on the ground and said, "I am your servant. She has acquired a habit where, in under unknown situations, she comes to a stop to level-headedly think of and decide on what to do. Since the 16th century, the word has traditionally been pronounced as rhyming with pallet, though an alternative pronunciation, rhyming with chalet, as in French, is now common. Therefore, Abigail is a "maiden" who serves an Outer God, a "vessel" to allow the god to manifest, the key to open the gate of fiction. Indeed, his primary duty was the maintenance of his master’s wardrobe, yet this was merely the beginning. Can I call you Teddy?… Wait, please, I’m begging you to stop; for you to suddenly convulse and hit your head against the wall hard enough for blood to come running out… you could’ve sweetly smiled and declined. It can be purchased in hardback or paperback on Amazon at this link: … What daunting tasks these servants have. Hence the fine balance of power and respect with the upper-level servants, specifically the butler and housekeeper, as noted above. Oftentimes this room doubled as his private sleeping quarters, but if not, his bedchamber would be located as close as possible to the master’s suite with a direct bell system. By opening the “Gate” that leads to a foreign space incompatible with humanity, severe distortions are generated within the target’s mind/body. However, they would be caught up to before long, having been completely cornered. Also filled with a ton of recipes! Preparing the room: fireplace lit or ready to light, candles/lamps in proper order, bed warmed, windows and drapes opened/shut depending on the master’s preferences, etc. Might be an idea to consider. All images, references, quotes, links, etc. Whether intentionally or not, Abigail had positioned herself in a place of influence among her servants. . She might enlist the assistance of a chambermaid or footman (for heavy tasks) but always bearing in mind that the lady’s private chambers were restricted. This comes into play because in that critical moment, she receives key … Now, the "Hollow" part in its name is something commonly looked over. Cutting toenails too? Add to that the wealth of cosmetics and toiletries and perfumes she would not only need to know how to acquire and/or concoct but also how to apply. Mary is his servant. This. For instance, a woman’s wardrobe, cosmetic needs, and personal hygiene requirements were substantially greater than a man’s. Then David sent word to Abigail, asking her to become his wife. The butterflies and ribbons represent lost souls, and they are of the impression that they are closely coiling around Abby-chan’s surroundings. All of these a personal maid (never anyone else) would proficiently clean, iron, mend, store, and pack. Servant: Gibeonites. April Fool Witch-Type Servant. The Abigail of the FGO Story is a fictitious persona created by the Demon God Pillar Raum and modelled after the one in historical fact. In this case, she may have been thinking literally, because she believes he will be king one day. Sensitive and naive, she is merely a girl of her age.Being as polite as a lady, she strives to be kind to anybody and everybody, whoever they may be. However, in many respects her job was far more complicated. This time around I would love to be the housekeeper or maybe the Lady’s maid providing I work for either the Darcys or the Bingleys. Amanda, in case Sharon does not see your question, the answer is “yes.” The daughter of an earl would have her own maid, even before being presented to Society. The story of Abigail and David is loaded with many lessons that can benefit you and I even in this era. The lady’s maid also maintained the mistress’s private chambers: sweeping the carpets, changing bed linens, fresh daily flowers, dusting and polishing, emptying the water closet pot, providing fresh water, tending to and laying the fire, trimming candles and lamps, etc. Also filled with a ton of recipes! 24 This was no fairy-tale ending; Abigail’s life with David would not always be easy. I could definitely use someone to dress me and do my hair… Thank you for sharing! This is a Lovecraft reference. ...unbeknownst to the newly-minted Honey-Glazed Pancake Alliance of Abigail Williams, Paulie Bunyan, and Medea Lily, they would soon face their greatest threat of all time: Not French Toast?I'll have you know those are Roman. I grew up in Williamsburg, VA and my curiosity was engaged early on that topic. Well, it would help if he wasnt a pedophile. In the village, the witch trials were re-enacted, and while victims were born one after another, Abigail was driven up against the wall and lost her sanity, before at last, she was able to house an evil god within her body. They definitely had to be intelligent and educated. He's always trying his best to support everyone no matter the cost. Yet these men were very good to us. Sensitive and not knowing the things to be suspicious of, she is no more than a girl of her age. ". Since I don’t write historical fiction, I’ve never researched this, but I do know a lot from reading historical fiction. Thanks Regina! She personally communicated with shop owners and tradesman in purchasing supplies, performed secretarial tasks, and was in charge of packing for trips. As a follower of the Puritan sect, Abigail is an innocent girl who respects God and never fails to give her thanks through prayer. A valet was aware of his master’s schedule down to the precise minute, but he never assumed his time was free. You see, Abigail’s willingness to serve David is reflected in the example Jesus gave. I would love to have this information in one spot so I could refer to it. When the servants of David came to Abigail at Carmel, they said to her, “David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife.” And she rose and bowed with her face to the ground and said, “Behold, your handmaid is a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” And Abigail … Mrs. Beeton wrote her books in the Victorian Era so logically some things may have changed in the 40 years since the Regency. Elizabeth had released Abigail from her position as the Proctor's servant because of the affair she had with Elizabeth's husband, John. Need more doujins for this pronto! Abigail… Servant: Bond: The Master Could Marry, or Give in Marriage. “It will be her business to dress, re-dress, and undress her lady; and in this, she should learn to be particularly au fait and expeditious, ever studying, so far as it depends upon herself, to manifest good taste by suiting the ornaments of and decoration of her dress to the complexion habits age and general appearance of her person. Abigail was generous – She prepared a tremendous gift: “Then Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already dressed, five seahs of roasted grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! No copyright infringement is intended. The thing about Abbigail's parents is mentioned multiple times in FGO's story. Knowing that it was hopeless to get her husband to reason, Abigail took the initiative to handle matters properly. What is John's relationship to Mary Warren? Next, consider the numerous jewels, hair adornments, and fashion accessories she had to polish, protect, and repair. He ensured that the private sanctuaries were prepared precisely as the master required. Learn how your comment data is processed. Unlike the steward who was not considered a servant, the valet (or manservant) and the lady’s maid were servants. I figure that while Yog-Sothoth is only restricted to Abigail's body, should the environment become suitable for it in the form of an insane population due to Abigail being this insanity influencer on the people, it could probably manifest even more. Let us all hail the great protector of the forest, and the ever loving shield of the ninja! LOL! Remember that like the valet, her duties began with the clothing but certainly did not end there. Remember, he answered to no one but his employer, and upon his authority as spokesperson for the master of the house, he was not questioned when requesting something. Sharon may have a different explanation, but as an English name, “Abigail” first became common after the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans. First Person Pronoun: watashiSecond Person Pronouns: anata / Master (as a Chaldean Servant) / zachou-san [Mr./Ms. And David was not yet king; there would be obstacles and hardships to surmount before he served Jehovah in that way. A heterogeneous thinking that exerts an influence even on the worldviews within the mentality of the people in one’s surroundings. Essentially a valet was on call 24/7! A gentleman’s daily garments were largely the same in fabric and style, but a woman’s dress varied greatly. The end of the 17th Century.The “witch trial incidents” that occurred in Salem, the pioneer village of the Puritans. . As a being touched by an elder god, she and dogs would generally not get along in the slightest. Here is the link:, In fact, I have a couple older blog posts on hygiene, bathing, and toilet history in the Library. Although it acts contrary to the belief of honourable poverty, she also holds a curiosity appropriate for her age where she shows a strong interest even in foreign topics, novels and theatre. LOL! To contact administrators for copyright queries, email at: To read the Austen Authors Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance, click, Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management, Part 1 of 2: Saying Goodbye to Emma’s 200-year Anniversary,, He maintained the wardrobe. Unlike the regular husks in Kabbalah where the husks are like metaphors for impurity that conceals the holiness within, this husk is the opposite (husks of light that conceals something else inside; could be evil, could be something else). Parris, Betty, and Abigail? Probably! read it on Google Books or download as an eBook: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, "Finally got my Kiara. Purchasing and preparing various personal concoctions: preferred. A village girl with a cute forehead. The name went out of fashion at that point, but it was revived in the 20th century. [1] – Honey-coloured as in the pancakes are drizzled in honey syrup, giving off that honey colour. Why over the course of two summer events, he sacrifices himself for others both times! Thanks Sharon, I was exhausted writing it! ), from Gallo-Roman vassellittus “young nobleman, squire, page,” diminutive of Medieval Latin vassallus, from vassus “servant” (vassal). They quickly went to Abigail, asking her to intervene. This is exactly why I'm a Fate fan, because of lore explanations like this. If it were the case that both of those things are indispensable, then, in which one does the sin lie? Nabal’s servants were horrified at his response! This was critical during the Regency. Servant: Bond: Thieves Punished by Being Made. If one remembers, the alien god of the LB arc needed to wait for the planet's condition to become suitable for it to descend. Abigail’s favourite food is pancakes. Servant: Good of Boaz. Abigail did not hesitate but she went immediately and also took five of her women-servants along with her. But then she got possessed by an alien octopus from outer space. Denotes a being that descended from the void of outer space. “Day after day, the courageous King David tests me with strategies I couldn’t even imagine. Everything from choosing the appropriate attire or grooming product to having the fire lit or bath drawn or curtains opened should be anticipated and prepared for in advance. ), “When I met him for the first time, he was scary, but… even so, I became familiar with him as a friend! The Lord has returned the evil of Nabal on his own head.” Then David sent and spoke to Abigail, to take her as his wife. In essence, everything noted above for the valet was true for her. Whew! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Mr. Hale visits John Proctor, and his wife Elizabeth Proctor, due to being absent in church on Sabbath Day (33). Servant: Good of Abraham. (Kuroboshi Kouhaku). Somehow a DavidxAbby Friendship just works, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Because of her, he has no worries. Thank goodness I never had to do this as I am afraid I would have made a very poor ladies maid. Namely, for the Class “Foreigner”; a fictional god, a being who descended from the void. They need a medium for them to exist in a domain not of outer space. It was expected for him to pack a traveling bag swiftly and include exactly what was needed down to the tiniest detail. The NP’s subtitle refers to Yog-Sothoth, who is composed of these husks of light and has a connection to the Qliphoth, the tree of evil. How noble of him! I would really encourage you to consider writing this information in a short book so those who are curious like me, can learn these things and know where to consult with them.

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