And if you are with me, who can be against me?". So I went in and saw” (Ezekiel 8:8-10). Israel wept loudly, crying out to God in their anguish. Yet when Gideon encountered the angel of the Lord, he had a spirit of unbelief in his heart. That's exactly what happened to Israel. May God get the glory in every thought, every word, every action and every deed. Let me ask you: do you believe God could have stopped those Moslem hijackers who flew the planes into the Twin Towers? It is absolutely dangerous to entertain this spirit. Left unchallenged, the Baal spirit of unbelief moves in and sets up an altar. He was saying the same things that filled the minds of those seventy elders in Ezekiel’s vision: “The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth” (Ezekiel 8:12). They couldn't bring themselves to believe God was allowing it all to bring them to repentance. He doesn't see our situation. There he revealed to the prophet four deplorable abominations that God’s people were committing. He was so filled with unbelief, he could tell an angel, "God has abandoned us." These words describe an endless cycle that repeated itself in Israel for generations. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and “repaired the altar of the Lord, which had been torn down” (1 Kings 18:30). Then, he showed Ezekiel an even greater abomination: “He said unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. I tell you, the God of mercy who met an unbelieving Gideon and called him to action wants to do the same for you. Over 50,000 deer had to be shot in an attempt to contain the disease. The son of Jehiel and grandfather of Saul. He exists, and he is Creator of all. Doesn't my faith move your heart? Just as he did with Israel centuries ago, God momentarily handed us over to an enemy. Sometimes these things are not even recognizable to me until a series of “events” cause me to go deeper with God. As we watch our loved one suffering, we wonder about God's purposes. Through a vision given by the Holy Ghost, Ezekiel saw firsthand how this spirit sets up an altar in a person’s mind and takes control. If it isn’t cast out immediately upon the first attack, it will infiltrate the mind. I can no longer believe in a God who allows so many people to die." Even if America "cries out to God," as Israel did, God desires something more. It denotes all the false gods in the world. And the first five are directed not just to Gideon, but to all of his people, including the church today: "The Lord is with you." Certainly, there are still heathen religions that use such images in worship, including Buddhism, Hare Krishna and Hinduism. As people look at the future, they're overwhelmed by fear. The devil wants to convince you God isn’t all-knowing, all-powerful and all-caring. And he desires to defeat every enemy in your life. Elijah began to mock them, saying, “Shout louder! But according to the Lord, a problem still remains. It accomplishes this by focusing our attention on our circumstances rather than on the Lord. God had already commanded Gideon, "Go, deliver Israel. He pointed out, “Look at your history. I tell you, in just such a time, Satan launches an all-out attack. Change ). I see references to it all over the place I so love it when He does that! Israel wept loudly, crying out to God in their anguish. Their sin had brought sorrow, economic disaster, terrorism from their enemies, uncertainty. You see, even though we may cry out to God in repentance, he requires something more of us. Let no other fear enter your heart. This is an incredibly powerful Word! The Lord will provide the mighty bull necessary to pull down that idol. I want you to bring down that symbol of unbelief and destroy it completely.”. He was trying to drive them back to his sheltering wings. Baal: means Lord or Owner and refers to Satan. It was clearly an act of God's tender mercy. Then, he showed Ezekiel an even greater abomination: "He said unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. After that, Gideon was called Jerubbaal, or “Let Baal contend with him” because Gideon had broken down the altar of Baal (verse 32). And they leaped upon the altar which was made." I know it was speaking to me loud and clear and I have seen God dealing with me recently regarding this. To Baal, in whose high places this was done and to whom alone Balak used to sacrifice. It continues with our text verse, in chapter 6: "And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years" (6:1). But the spirit behind it had built a stronghold in Gideon's heart. Pueblo, CO 81008 I see America in the same situation right now. Why won't you remove these burdens from me?". And suddenly, a fear is injected in our mind. As a result, one disaster after another fell upon them. Yet, never once did they associate these disasters with their rebellion. He’s trying to speak to us, to get our attention. You're going to consume your father's idol on that altar. God faithfully meets us in trial after trial, delivering us and providing for our needs. Against this, Day argues that Jezebel's Baʿal was more probably Baʿal Shamem, the Lord of the Heavens, a title most often applied to Hadad, who is also … And in the upper Midwest, a terrible brain disease has overtaken the deer population. It bends you down in submission to its power. Throughout the preceding chapters, we find these words repeated again and again. Many scholars believe that this describes Jezebel's attempt to introduce the worship of the Baʿal of Tyre, Melqart, to the Israelite capital Samaria in the 9th century BCE. You see, even though we may cry out to God in repentance, he requires something more of us. The Holy Spirit told Ezekiel that this scene revealed what was filling the minds of Israel's elders. You may be flabbergasted by Gideon's audacity. That same night, God told Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and to build an altar in His honor next to it. Thank you for this post. Now go, get your father's bull, and pull down that idol. And that’s good. What does altar mean? But some experts say 200,000 more deer may need to be killed before it’s eradicated. The typical response was, “How could a just, loving God stand by and let this happen? Where do I see it at work? ", The Lord told Gideon, "You still have doubts that I'm with you. The Lord doesn’t condemn or belittle anyone for their times of doubt and fear. He allowed the destruction of our symbols of prosperity, because that’s where we’ve placed all our pride and reliance. And the beasts completely devoured the crops, sweeping through the fields like locusts. He's constantly at work planting seeds of doubt in you. It was a cry of anguish, due to their poverty, their losses, their insecurity. It’s the spirit of Baal. The wood was to be used for a burnt offering. Now we're seeing an outbreak of deadly West Nile virus. And it assaults our minds with doubts about God’s faithfulness. What did the Israelites mean here, when they said they served Baalim? And it assaults our minds with doubts about God's faithfulness. Literally: lord. The Pentagon was set aflame. And the first five are directed not just to Gideon, but to all of his people, including the church today: “The Lord is with you.” The Lord is saying, in essence, “This promise is all you need: I am with you.”, Beloved, this truth has to become the very foundation of our faith. No matter what we face – hardship, tragedy, sickness, poverty, temptation – our Father’s promise holds true: “I am with you.” In all of our trials, especially as we’re being flooded and overwhelmed, we must cling to this word. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. In fact, he’s about to bring them into their most important victory ever. How could an ancient false god be present in our modern society?”. Satan had accomplished his single, overriding mission: to implant in the minds of believers that God isn't who the Bible says he is. Note carefully the opening verse of Judges 6: "And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years" (Judges 6:1). After all, he had cried out to the Lord. The Temple of Baal (also known as the Temple of Bel) was a world famous landmark that was located in Palmyra, Syria. Detailed definition: (n pr m) supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites. And this spirit is sent forth from hell for one purpose: to cause people to doubt the reality of God. He's too busy with world affairs to be concerned about feeding and protecting you little people. Facing these walls were seventy elders of Israel, swinging censers of incense. Yes, Baal is still very much an idol today. As a result, Israel's leaders dismissed God's care for them. During the time of Israel’s rebellion and idolatry, altars began to fall into disrepair. Workers are afraid of losing their jobs. But he takes no notice of us. So sneaky sometimes. Baal worship served as a problem to Israel throughout the period of the judges ( Judges 3:7) and was prevalent in the reign of King Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel ( 1 Kings 16:31-33 ). But Israel refused to acknowledge that the cause of their crisis was their own sin. ( Log Out / And the beasts completely devoured the crops, sweeping through the fields like locusts. And you can’t stop his plans for my life. Or, someone might release smallpox or anthrax in a major city. But there was yet another step to take. Thank you, Tim Last Sunday during Worship God started a process that has just been so AWESOME! They lived like paupers, homeless and bereft. As a result, Israel’s leaders dismissed God’s care for them. I’m going to lay some shorn wool on the grass tonight. And he's about to reveal his strong arm on their behalf. Each time Gideon walked by, the voice of that idol spoke to his soul: "Look at your poverty, your hardships, your unmet needs. Haven't you seen my tears? We're told, "The land had rest forty years...and the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord" (3:11-12). Yet you continue to ignore me. Baal's mission is to rob God of all worship and trust by his people. I will be with you.” But there was still a heart-issue to deal with. The root of Baalim is Baal, which we recognize from Scripture as a demonic spirit. We've also seen drastic weather changes and devastating floods. Later, when death strikes, that seed of doubt is watered. Of course, every time Israel was enslaved, they cried out to God. He’s too busy with world affairs to be concerned about feeding and protecting you little people. He doesn’t see our situation. And he sends forth the Baal spirit to complete this work in you. An altar is a structure upon which sacrifices are made. Why did the Lord choose this unbelieving man to tear down Baal? The prophet Jeremiah describes unbelief as a sin "written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart" (Jeremiah 17:1). Israel's situation looked impossible. Throughout the preceding chapters, we find these words repeated again and again. Our sins have alienated us from him, and he’s wanting to drive us back to himself. So Gideon prayed, “Lord, if you’re really with us in this battle, show me. I saw a link to a book on Amazon and bought it the other day and am looking forward to reading and studying more about the goodness of our God. After all, he had cried out to the Lord. Definition: Baal, a Phoenician deity. This time God's people were made captive by the Canaanites. Sorry, didn’t mean to get preaching here. The Larger Life: God’s Has Big Plans For You. Hebrew Base Word: בַּעַל. Altar. Incredibly, these people were sacrificing babies, shedding innocent blood, becoming sensual and addicted to pleasure. “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord…Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” (17:5, 7). And he had responded to it fully, acknowledging his sin. It can be either positive or negative As people look at the future, they’re overwhelmed by fear. Where do I see it at work? Think about it: over the past six months, America has seen the worst fires in its history. Now go, get your father’s bull, and pull down that idol. May we never dount that our God is faithful, ever ready to fulfill all His promises in our lives. And if our repentance is to be complete, we have to tear this idol down. You still pay homage to false gods” (see 6:8-10). And suddenly, a fear is injected in our mind. Are you struggling, asking questions, such as, "Where are you, Lord? Here was a man who cried out to God, who was visited with a strong prophetic word, and who heeded that word. World Challenge Inc, is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. I believe this is God's purpose for many readers of this message. Usage: Baal, (plural) Baalim. The Lord has forsaken us.”. The first instance occurs in chapter 3. And if you are with me, who can be against me?”. The devil wants to convince you God isn't all-knowing, all-powerful and all-caring. You may have repented of sin, cried out to God for mercy, heeded all prophetic warnings. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The walls of the room were filled with paintings of "every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols in the house of Israel" (8:10). God’s people ended up seeking refuge in caves and dens, and having to scavenge for food. He wants to get into your mind, to plant seeds and build a Baal altar. The root of Baalim is Baal, which we recognize from Scripture as a demonic spirit. Through a vision given by the Holy Ghost, Ezekiel saw firsthand how this spirit sets up an altar in a person's mind and takes control. That's only going to make me tap you harder.". Tel: (719) 487-7888 | Fax: (719) 896-5410 And he had responded to it fully, acknowledging his sin. All other theology and religion is folly and should be avoided like the plague (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). We don’t see it as the dreadful curse that Scripture calls it. You still pay homage to false gods" (see 6:8-10). And though Balak was averse from God and his worship, yet he would be easily overruled by Balaam, who doubtless told him that it was in vain to make an address to any … So, put the enemy on notice: "God is with me, devil. You may ask, “So, what is this Baal? We see exactly what this step is, in God’s next command: Tear down Baal. What was this great evil that Israel kept falling back into, over and over? As we watch our loved one suffering, we wonder about God’s purposes. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. And God is telling you, “You must tear out that spirit of unbelief from your soul.”. Inspirational Messages on the Greatness of our Awesome God. He was so filled with unbelief, he could tell an angel, “God has abandoned us.” And he tested God, time after time. Gideon was simply looking for answers. He doesn't care. Workers are afraid of losing their jobs. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. Of course he still loved Israel, but he had to put them at the mercy of their enemies to awaken them. Indeed, the idol stood as a testimony to every Israelite who saw it: "God isn't with you. Left unchallenged, the Baal spirit of unbelief moves in and sets up an altar. Israel cried because of their oppression by the Midianites. It was clearly an act of God’s tender mercy. God had already commanded Gideon, “Go, deliver Israel. He pointed out, "Look at your history. Baal’s mission is to rob God of all worship and trust by his people. In the Old Testament, Baal was represented by a carved idol, made of wood, stone or metal. I ask you, could God make his message any clearer? And in the upper Midwest, a terrible brain disease has overtaken the deer population. And it opens up your soul to all kinds of evil. What does God's command to "tear down Baal" have to do with us? Multitudes will cry out to the Lord.”. And the whole cycle began all over again. Baal was the name of the main god of the Canaanites in Old Testament times. Before this, Gideon probably thought he had been sufficiently repentant. But first, you must pull down every thought of doubt, and lay down every fear. He started first with showing me this verse (and more) “He is good. I’ve never faced one like this. The fact is, God was no longer protecting them. Without question, unbelief is an idol. Against All Odds. But now the Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites" (6:13). The Lord has impressed on me that he's about to do a particular work in many Christians' lives. Here was a man who cried out to God, who was visited with a strong prophetic word, and who heeded that word. The Pentagon was set aflame. It could be a suitcase bomb. Exodus 34:13: But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves. Have you abandoned me? Do Gideon's words have a familiar ring? And Japanese beetles are devouring vast acres of forest. ", Right now, there is widespread uncertainty in our society. Every time we turn around, it seems we face another crisis. He's about to do a new thing in you. The prophet showed Israel clearly what their sin was: they forgot the Lord’s command not to fear the gods of this world. Here are some examples: Lay the boy upon the altar, and we will sacrifice him to the gods. The Lord has abandoned you.”, Now, in Judges 6, an angel brings this word to Gideon: “The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour” (Judges 6:12). Whenever Israel resisted, the Midianites drove them into the hills and mountains. You've allowed all kinds of fears to enter in. I ask you, could God make his message any clearer? 1 Kings 16:32 HEB: וַיָּ֥קֶם מִזְבֵּ֖חַ לַבָּ֑עַל בֵּ֣ית הַבַּ֔עַל NAS: an altar for Baal in the house KJV: an altar for Baal in the house INT: erected an altar Baal the house of Baal. Therefore, he wants to give you his power and authority to pull down every stronghold: every doubt, every fear, every thought of unbelief. 1. In churches from coast to coast, people are on their knees crying out to God. . The first instance occurs in chapter 3. Surely he is a god! "Greek renders this word as thusiasterion [qusiasthvrion], "a place of sacrifice. He answered the angel, “If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? But in God the victory is already won! God faithfully meets us in trial after trial, delivering us and providing for our needs. Gather some rocks and sticks and arrange them. You’re going to consume your father’s idol on that altar. Yet, the next morning, Gideon saw that the ground was dry. Let me ask you: do you believe God could have stopped those Moslem hijackers who flew the planes into the Twin Towers? And here is what those men were thinking: “The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth” (8:12). In Judges 10, we see God's people admitting to this sin: "The children of Israel cried unto the Lord, saying, We have sinned against thee, both because we have forsaken our God, and also served Baalim" (Judges 10:10). Doesn’t my faith move your heart? Blessings to you! As a place of sacrifice or memorial, the altar represents the sacred encounter with the living God. 2. He doesn’t care. 1 Kings 16:32 Similarly, what does Baal mean in the Bible? And when he picked up the wool, it was dripping wet with water, just as he'd asked. He'll give you his Holy Ghost power and strength. The Holy Ghost took the prophet Ezekiel on a vision-journey into the holy sanctuary. But he didn't last year. And he told you not to fear the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. I wrote a post about fear yesterday. This is clearly illustrated in Ezekiel 8. The prophet Jeremiah describes unbelief as a sin “written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart” (Jeremiah 17:1). Gideon's father had erected an altar to Baal on their property. The walls of the room were filled with paintings of “every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols in the house of Israel” (8:10). Yes, Baal is still very much an idol today. Structure on which offerings are made to a deity. During this period, Israel was continually brought low by their enemy Midian. Let me give an example. Haven’t you seen my tears? The word Baalim is a plural form. Peor: means “cleft” of “gap” – from the word pa’ar meaning to open wide. The Baal spirit is always present at the bedside of a dying child or a stricken family member. What does God’s command to “tear down Baal” have to do with us? You’ve allowed all kinds of fears to enter in. Of course he still loved Israel, but he had to put them at the mercy of their enemies to awaken them. 1. So, put the enemy on notice: “God is with me, devil. A full one-third of the nation has been in flames. And Japanese beetles are devouring vast acres of forest. My Father, whatever has been buried in my present house that is bringing setbacks and disappointments to me and my family, be exhumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. I’ve got doubts.”, Is there a measure of unbelief in you? That’s idolatry, Gideon. And that's good. Then, in chapter 4, we read, "And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord...and the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan" (4:1-2). Baal meaning. According to him, God told Israel, "Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever" (17:4). The Lord doesn't condemn or belittle anyone for their times of doubt and fear. The Hebrew word for altar is mizbeah [], from a verbal root meaning "to slaughter. The Lord has victories ahead for me.". Tomorrow I’ll know you’re with us, if the wool is wet but the grass around it is dry.”. And he desires to defeat every enemy in your life. So the Lord sent a prophet to show them that sin had brought down judgment on them. We don’t realize that every doubt, every thought of unbelief, is of the satanic spirit of Baal. It was only a statue made of wood. Gideon not only contended with Baal but also with the Midianites. Elijah issues a challenge between himself and the 450 prophets that he will build an altar to his God and they will build one altar to Baal. Hundreds of people were being interviewed. There's only one man named Jerubbaal in the Bible, and he is better known as Gideon, the son of Joash the Abiezrite (Judges 6:11). Even if America “cries out to God,” as Israel did, God desires something more. What was their sin? The fact is, God was no longer protecting them. Hundreds of people were being interviewed.
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