Feast of Tabernacles. Conventional Wisdom tells us, that a day is 24 hours. Then start the beginning of the year on a Sunday which is the first day of the Most High’s week and year. What’s this about Aviv? Is there a rigid system of conversion though? ( Log Out / There’s no rigid system of conversion, but there are pointers. The above dates are observed the previous evening, after sunset. Even before the desolation of abomination 70-73AD, Israel were persecuted more than any other people, because they broke the Most High’s commands. The 1/4, was added to account for a leap year every 4 years, to keep the seasons in order. They then modelled their calculation of the months and years to suit Roman needs. The first of Shevat is the new year for trees, according to the words of Bet Shammai. If we set our calendar to have 364 days in the year instead of 365.25 days, after 146 years, and every 292 years after that [ 365.25 / (365.25 – 364) ], our “summer” would occur in actual winter and our “winter” would occur in actual summer. What happened to Israel before 70-73AD (Daniel 9:11-12) and the transatlantic slave trade, aswell as the American conquest of the Native, Hispanics and Latinos is were all Jacobs trouble and it continues today, because of their disobedience to the Most high. The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). Once you accept that the Holy Spirit will guide you. I have a question regarding prayer times to include being separated as kodesh. ( Log Out / But what I do get is that you’re very indecisive. You have to buy it separately, what does bible mean? Days, months and years are not a topic that get much attention within Christian circles. (Please note that the Biblical calendar is not the same as our calendar. Celebrating the new year is very popular around the world. Is it a slow uprising? There are those that believe that the word month in the scriptures is talking about the moon…. In order for the festivals to stay in the correct season in relation to the solar year, an extra month is added every few years. Modern calendars completely ignore the Biblical way of setting the first day of the month by the visual new moon, even though Your email address will not be published. Iyar. If we go back to the beginning. Interesting discussion but the bottom line is this: It is the month, the first “Appointed Time” Passover takes place. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. He pointed me here and I am grateful for your lesson. This is the first day of the Hebrew month…. This is quite similar to today’s calculation of a day which starts at 12 a.m. midnight, when it’s dark. Of panic and dread, and there is no peace. The Biblical New year is filled with meaning and intention in contrast to the secular Gregorian New year, which has many pagan origins. The Book of Jubilees, tells us that there are 364 days in a year. What if we obeyed the Most High and he decided what happened to the year that he created? 70AD was when the daily sacrifice was taken by Romans, then 1290 days (approx 3.5 years) the Romans fought the Israelite (Jew) faction groups who had strongholds in Judea one of them being Masada, but there were others. When we calculate a year today we are told that it is 365 days, which is how many the Julian calendar has. I’m not looking forward to Jacobs troubles but I am looking forward to their final redemption! I’ve spoken about the Julian and Gregorian calendars and I think this is the perfect segway into a question you might have: When we read the book of Daniel, he prophecies about the last Kingdoms, one of which is the Roman Kingdom. However, I do also live in the USA in the State of Texas. You have totally changed the topic, which is more reason why you need to speak what you know. This was a prophecy given to Moses when he was given the days, months and yearly calculations, by the Most High…. No one knows when the Messiah is coming, he doesn’t even know that, only the Most High Knows that. What you said about no choice? Rabbi Ruth Adar is a teaching rabbi in San Leandro, CA. Let us first look at a very obviously disturbing fact, but simply ignored by almost all today. Unfortunately the biblical calendar is always overlooked today. Meaning a likely return around 2030-33. He is the fulfillment of the scriptures. Some months have 30 days one has 28 days and the rest are 31 days long. Let us express This belief means months are calculated according to the visual sightings of the moons. The two books that need to be read are the Book of Enoch (Jude 1:14), and the Book of Jubilees…. plz may I know the exact day and month the year begins, I agee with u but My question is Do we followed Which Calendar? But I will judge and discipline you fairly Jacob will return and will be quiet and at ease, The discrepancy compared to the mean synodic month of 29.53 days is due to Adar I ⦠The first of Tishri is the new year for years, for shmitta and jubilee years, for planting and for [tithe of] vegetables. Thank you. But the final half of the 70th week as given to us in the Book of Revelation is quite clear. And we have no choice but to follow the Roman Calendar. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Originally the months began with the observation of a new crescent moon, but over time this was replaced by mathematical rules. Whether a man can give birth [to a child]. Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Shimon say: the first of Tishri. We need to stop super spiritualising what the scripture plainly and simply says or we will be accountable. One in the morning, if you’re very discipline do it just before it’s light. By 73AD Israel were all defeated by the Romans…At the time Daniel is writing we know anything to do with the daily sacrifice is referring to Israelite (Later being called Jews). Modern Calendar Equivalent First Nisan March/April Second Iyyar April/May Third Sivan May/June Fourth Tammuz June/July Fifth Ab July/August Sixth Elul August/September Seventh Tishri September/October Eighth The answer is that the Bible has been written with a "PROPHETIC YEAR" defined as 360 days in length. In Biblical times the month of Nisan was the first month of the year. We have had the current Jewish calendar since sometime prior to 450 BCE, when the Jews brought it back with them from Babylon. Rosh Hashanah, the first of Tishri, is the new year for years (meaning, that is the day we get a new number for the year) and for other laws that apply only inside the land of Israel. Do you remember the biblical/Torah passage that states being “Separated” &/or “Consecrated” as Kodesh? You will need to buy the book of Enoch and Jubilee separately…. The Meaning Of Maccabees, Is Purgatory A Dogma? 29 Days. Get up and eat whatever I have put on this earth, Make a decision and keep the commandments. The Most High want’s a sincere fearfully loving servant not a drill sergeant that thinks their actions will make them appeal to him. In the 5 Gregorian months that have 5 consecutive Saturdays in them, the 1st Saturday in each of those months DOES NOT correspond to a legitimate weekly Biblical 7th day Sabbath! I’ll also include in this Gentile nations who actually keep the commandments too, as scriptures say (Revelation 12:17). And will by no means regard you as guiltless and leave you unpunished.’. I would like to know if you do. This takes place on one day each year to start the Spring time, and according to the Most Highs time the year. But he will be saved from it. “I believe Jacobs greatest time of trouble is still ahead”. On that day the day is longer than the night by a ninth part, and the day amounts exactly to ten parts and the night to eight parts.”. Both of which don’t include the book of Enoch or Jubilee. This statement is just a passing comment it holds no weight, super spiritualising? So we see the wording here is “think to change times and laws“, because the times and laws remain the same. The first of Elul is the new year for the tithe of beasts. 32 On that day the night decreases and amounts to nine parts, and the day to nine parts, and the night is equal to the day and the year is exactly as to its days three hundred and sixty-four. The Gregorian calendar, like the Julian calendar, is a solar calendar with 12 42 month, 1260 days, these are just prophetic numbers being used they are not an exact count of a year. the Roman empire would blaspheme the Most High’s commands and laws. In addition, the switch was made to a six 29-day months, and six 30-day months calendar, for a total of 354 days per year, and an extra month was added as needed to synchronize with the Biblical feasts and festivals. That prophecy is definitely referring to when the Sacrificing that Israel had was taken away in 70AD. http://www.torahlife.tv I interviewed Herb Solinsky about the calendar according to the Bible. By adding January and February much later in its history, it ⦠3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ‘yareach’ meaning ‘moon‘ Strong’s 3394 would have been used and it isn’t. Israel are already experiencing and have experienced Jacobs trouble since the disobey the Most High around 500BC (Daniel 9:11-12) as explained previously, to disregard that just shows you have no understanding, 1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Thus says the Lord God of Israel, ‘Write in a book all the words which I have spoken to you. And the evening and the morning were the first day. How many 247 Year Cycles. I have been praying 4 times per day. My interpretation of “Being Different” is not to do what everyone else is “Always” doing. You need to just speak what you know, and stop the guess work. I agree no one knows the exact day or hour of his coming. FOUR New Years? 3.5 years = 42 months = 1260 days. Even though it looks like this must be the 17 th of February to the 17 th of July (which also happens to be 150 days), the Biblical year starts somewhere in our month of March (at harvest time).) Biblical vs Modern Hebrew Are you learning Hebrew so youâll be able to speak to your Israeli cousin and to engage in small talk during Shabbat dinner? The bible states that the first man was created on Rosh Please. Thank you very much, please can you do an article on how to translate biblical days into the gregorian calender. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Matthew 24, Zechariah 14, Romans 11:12. This gives us the evidence to clearly and authoritatively know that a day within the bible starts in the evening and ends in the evening the next day. God bless! Biblical or Roman’s. The Roman kingdom is foretold as the second to last kingdom to rule the earth. 4 Now these are the words the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah: 5 “Thus says the Lord, ‘We have heard a terrified voice When the sun rises in the heaven, he comes forth through that fourth portal thirty mornings in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heaven. Oct 3. Can you help shed some light into this? Ö×Ö´× ×Ö¸Ö½×Ö°×Ö¸×× Observe the month of Aviv and offer a Passover sacrifice to the LORD your God, for it was in the month of Aviv, at night, that the LORD your God freed you from Egypt. You’re mixing up so many things and causing confusion. Because he is the reason for our existence as the scriptures remind us in Ecclesiastes 12:13…. So we must conclude that as issued from the God's throne the standard is as follows. With his hands on his [a]loins, as a woman in labor? Biblical dating assumes a context of spiritual accountability, as is true in every other area of the Christian life. Boast Not Against The Branches: Olive Tree Bible Verse Explained. 9 But they shall serve the Lord their God and [the descendant of] David their King, whom I will raise up for them. The scripture above highlights a time when the children of Israel would be in captivity, as well as true believers. It’s our job as responsible believers to keep the times and laws that the Most High commanded us to. 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Or I suspect that passage in both Daniel & Revelations where it states “And Many There Be That Go Thereto!” Which is referring to She’ol aka Hell.”. Really? This might surprise you, since the âJewish New Yearâ of Rosh Hashana falls out in Tishrei. I also believe Zechariah ch 14 to be future and seems to fit with Daniel ch 12 and Mathew ch 24. The Spring Equinox is a time each year when both day and night have equal amounts of time. And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth morning. Jacobs trouble is an on going experience for Israel, if you can’t understand that from these scriptures you need to go and fast and pray and stop guessing. Yes I agree that you’re wrong in your interpretation of the scriptures, because you are. The difference that we find, is that the Romans decided to start the year during the winter time. Here’s a look at how many days each month has…. Every month is either 29 or 30 days long, beginning (and ending) on a special day known as Rosh Chodesh (âThe Head of the Monthâ). 33 But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons, and the years will be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons and the years will be dislodged] and they will neglect their ordinances. Am I observing Shabbat too late which is usually 11:45pm Friday night? Jews have been using a lunisolar calendar since Biblical times. doing this way shows reverence to the Most High’s great works. 7 ‘Alas! Doesn’t the Bible make clear a year is made up of 360 days in God’s sight? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. As previously mentioned this is similar to a conventional day, from 12 a.m. to 12 a.m. but without using a clock. We don’t know for sure how or why the first month switched from Nisan to Tishri, but Dr. Uri Gabbay writes about the possibilities in Babylonian Rosh Hashanah. As always happens when our community lives in a place for a while, they took on and Judaized some local ideas. 13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. View all posts by rabbiadar. Learn how your comment data is processed. I think there is though enough in scripture to give us a pretty good idea, Daniel ch 12 for example is very specific. The first commandment the Jewish People received as a nation was the commandment to determine the New Moon. I do observe Shabbat on Saturday for the entire day, then observe lighting my 1st candle to represent a new day just prior to midnight on before Sunday comes. The scriptures tell us that the Spring Vernal Equinox begins and ends a biblical year. The 12 lunar months of the Hebrew calendar are the normal months from new moon to new moon: the year normally contains twelve months averaging 29.52 days each. I’m curious because I was following and reading along in the Book of Enoch and I see that you said the beginning of the year is when the day and night are equally parted. Yet in the Book of Enoch it says that the first month when the sun goes through the fourth portal that the day is ten parts and the night is eight. The months were originall⦠We need to stop super spiritualising what the scripture plainly and simply says or we will be accountable”. One year = 360 days = 12 months. One of them might well ask, “Rabbi, isn’t Passover in the month of Nisan? It pays no attention to the new moons as marking the beginning of the months, although the word month is based on the word moon (from Old Saxon manoth, meaning of the moon), i.e., the phases of the moon. But I will not destroy you completely. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. As a followers of the Messiah and scriptures, it’s important that we please the Most High. She blogs at https://coffeeshoprabbi.com/ and teaches at Hamaqom | The Place in Berkeley, CA. This makes sense for Pagans because Romans were known to worship during the winter solstice on the 25th of December. You keep saying you believe? Jesus expects us to know the signs of the times. You need to leave prophecy to those more qualified to teach it. You can read about the prophesied kingdoms here: The Four Beast’s Of Daniel And Revelation? Shalom. May God richly bless you. 70-73AD is an approximate 3.5 year period, 1290 day period and 1335 day period. Change ). Did you know that the months September, October, November, and December were originally â based on their Latin names â the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenthmonths of the year respectively? This fast was for the 10th day, but starts on the 9th day in the evening which shows us that a day started at evening the day before. We are told that there are 30 days in 8 of the months and 31 days in the 4 others. The Gregorian calendar, adopted by all Catholic countries in 1582, is a sun-based calendar. This would happen to such an extent the changing of laws would take place…. Hebrew Jewish Months in the Old Testament Genesis 1:14 "God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs to mark seasons, days, and years; and let them be for lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth"; and it was so." The fact that Genesis uses here a pre -intercalationary calendar is a most important indication of its antiquity. Thanks for responding. In the Book of Genesis we are told that the day began in darkness…. This prophecy has clearly come to pass today, if not merely because of the fact that I’m discussing the biblical months here. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. As long as Jacob are Jacob Satan will target and persecute them that keep God’s commandments. Considered together, there are two diversely stated time expressions equivalent to the very same entity, that is, the 3-1/2 years. Please show me the scriptures you’re referring to? For behold, I will save you from a distant land [of exile] Your email address will not be published. A closer look at one of the “appointed times” i.e. Because of the differences between the solar and lunar systems of timekeeping, the Old Testament festivals that were linked to the New Moon fell at a general time, but the specific dates according to our solar calendar would vary. 6 ‘Ask now, and see I see it says we have no choice but to follow the Calander but every church that I been in has. But the question is, was it always like this in times past? 32 And command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning-three hundred and sixty-four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according to their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts. I will look into your request, Shalom. 11 From the time that the regular sacrifice [that is, the daily burnt offering] is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up [ruining the temple for worship of the true God], there will be 1,290 days. The Julian Calendar, was replaced by the Gregorian calendar. God Almighty have used you to blessed my soul this morning. Babylonian vs. Biblical Calendars This table is divided into two sections because of the changes made in the calendar as a result of the Babylonian exile. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Sep 22. This obviously determines when the other feasts should be celebrated, for example, the Feast of Unleavened Bread; ( "at the time of the month of the Aviv , because in the month of the Aviv you went out of Egypt." Length. But when we look at the Hebrew word for month we find where ever it relates to the months of the year, the word used is: The word used is ‘chodesh’ meaning ‘month‘ Strong’s 2320, We know this because the word for “New Moon”, is a different Hebrew word. 11 ‘For I am with you,’ says the Lord, ‘to save you; This is the longer version of the interview. You’re literally just reading with your feelings, which have no credence where scriptures are concerned. All that I have said I have said to you in love. Ever since Gâd took out us out of Egypt, the Jewish people have been keeping track of timeâand celebrating the festivalsâaccording to the lunar calendar, which contains 12 () months. An honest reading of Zechariah ch14 plainly teaches that. Nope the book of Jubilees tells us the Most High’s year is 364 days exactly. Zechariah ch14. months with the 3-1/2 years , the last two equate the 1260 days with the 3-l/2 years. And each month is a time period of precisely 30 days. Biblical Calendar VS Modern Calendar The difference that we find, is that the Romans decided to start the year during The 1611 KJV and the Catholic bibles have the Apocrypha. In truth, there are two possible starting points for the Hebrew calendar: Nissan and Tishrei. The Julian calendar was used in most of Europe and American settlements up until 1582. What a future we have to look forward to! A month only has 30 days and 31 days when it transitions into the next season. In this case, they took on several month-names similar to the names of the Babylonian months. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ironically the change for the Julian Calendar came because it is out of sequence with the Equinox. The following chart shows the months and how they line up (approximately) with our modern Gregorian calendar. And no one will make him afraid. 11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, even turning aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us and the oath which is written in the Law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against Him. But also the fact that we have a calendar with more than the 364 days the Most high created for the year. This is the time when we find equal parts day and equal parts night on a single day. You should pray continually through out the day giving thanks for the moments the Most high gives you throughout the day. At the end of the day the people that gave us the 66 books or the Canon were not Israelite’s and had no right to say which books go in. Blessings to you and your family, Were can i found the book of enock in the Bible, Jude the brother of the Messiah references it, And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. The Bible just means “the books”. That’s because the Jewish calendar we are familiar with was still a work in progress when the book of Deuteronomy was written. “According to Daniel sacrifices will start again in Jerusalem and they will be stopped and the abomination set up, from that point according to the Angel we have 1290 days and those who are wise will understand?” We are not told that the sacrifice will be set up and then we have 1290 days? 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Comment This gives the year a total of 12 months, 364 days. for that day is great, Just sounds like you’ll say anything to win a discussion to me. And please how can I get those two books to buy. Month. She has many hats: rabbi, granny, and ham radio operator K6RAV. It is the time of Jacob’s [unequaled] trouble, Is my prayer times unjust since I do 4 praying sessions? There’s an assumption that the Romans got their calendar calculations from their own wisdom, but they didn’t. Are more and more churches going to keep doing holidays?, church on Sunday? To find the first day of the year we must first find the day of the Spring Equinox. As far as I can see they’re going by the Gregorian calendar rather than a Biblical one. 1st at: 10 or 11am, 2nd at: 3pm, 3rd at: 7pm, & the 4th at: 12am aka 0001hrs. The book of Enoch tells us that the year begins when we find equal parts day and equal parts night. September, April, June and November have 30 days. The attached list of Hebrew months begins with Nissan and ends in Adar Bet/Baiz. 11 My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: 12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. I clearly see Daniel ch 12 as future and I believe it fits with what Paul said in 2 Thess ch2 v3-4. Read for the Book Of Enoch 72:8-32 here for a full explanation. This is most often interpreted as 3 and one-half years or 42 months. Tragic how many believers miss this and think it was fulfilled in 70AD (so wrong). Why then do I see every man Want to learn to speak even more Hebrew the fast, fun and easy way? (Holy)? Bet Hillel says: on the fifteenth of that month. January, March, May, July, August, December and October have 31 days. Israel was completely conquered in 73AD roughly three and a half years after the Sacrifice was taken away (Daniel 12:11). Five months in the "modern" (actually ancient) Jewish calendar would have been either of 147 or 148 days' duration, depending on whether the 5-month period began on a 29-day or a 30-day month. To find a biblical year within the scriptures we also need to read the Book of Enoch and the Book of jubilees. There are also three other new years, which I explain in Four New Years Every Year?! ‘but if their (Israel) transgressions means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentile, how much greater will their (Israel) fullness bring! Revelation ch 11 for example 42 months = 1260 days = 30 days per month = 360 days per year. There is none like it; When we study the scriptures there is strong reason to believe the Romans took their understanding from the Hebrews. Basically, we can make three general statements about modern dating vs. biblical dating in terms of their respective Seasons and Months in Israel The Rose Appears in its Season God Created the Seasons Everyday life in ancient Israel was largely affected by that which was beyond the control of man, the seasons and the weather. Blessings to you William and your family in the name of the Father (Yahuah) and our Lord (Rabbi) Jesus (Yahusha) Christ. The scripture tell us this one day fast takes place from evening to evening…. So again, that means that 4 months have 31 days, and 8 months have 30 days. Sep 27. This word is never used when the scriptures are talking about a new month, if it was the word…. 70-73 AD is when the Romans hand completely taken down Israel’s daily sacrifice (Offerings) and abomination of desolation i.e. But on our Gregorian wall calendars the âno moonâ conjunction floats all over the 12 calendar months. 23:4-11) Aviv Nisan March/April Passover Unleavened Bread Firstfruits Second Month Ziv
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