Mainly the fact that the employer will probably find out. 798 Words4 Pages. I continued to lie to myself and others saying that the employee was a diligent and that they were fulfilling their responsibilities. Trying to promote yourself by lying in your CV is not only unethical, but also not advisable for a number of reasons. 2) Can't admit our own faults - No repentance. A lie is something that you make yourself believe in order to make life a little easier. Each lie told is like laying a land mine - easy to do but difficult to keep track of and very damaging to *oneself* when it goes off. Many hiring managers are afraid of growing their subordinates in the fear that they end up growing a replacement that helps them loose their job. I know that as a people manager that I should have done it earlier. “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it … If you love yourself, you are willing to look at what is really hurting you. It wasn't until the boat was 10 feet under water when the employee in question did something to bring me to my senses and enough was enough. Writing down what you’re feeling about different topics is a good way to process it more clearly. If you are in a relationship where you are being two timed then there are more than 3 people lying to you - your partner, their new partner and yourself! 1) Walking on the pathway to deathif(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christiantoday_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; When a person lies to himself, he often takes a personal bias and does what he wants to do. To lie or not to lie, that is the question. He even clothed the nakedness of the two, according to Genesis 3:21. The employee ended up telling me that they joined the team so that they could spend their time doing what they wanted and had no interest in the job *whatsoever* The employee handed in their resignation when the company required them to complete some of their responsibilities. Before I proceed with the dangers of telling lies, I want to share with you what God said to me. We've all told a few fibs before in life and so have I. It may be that you don’t realize you’re lying to yourself … Ever seen a person who thinks everything he does is right and does not want to be corrected, even when the Bible and plain common sense says his actions are wrong? Proverbs 22:15 tells us thatif(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christiantoday_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him.". When you should relax and go about with your life, you start to keep a constant running list of who knows what and what you said to whom. Such people may not realize it, but they convince themselves that what they are doing is not wrong and won't lead to their demise. Employers don’t like to hire liars. And even if we're Christians, God's grace is not a license for us to commit sin and convince ourselves that we're already forgiven even without repenting. (1 John 1:8-10). People who lie to themselves are also in danger of failing to repent of their sins. Humans are not knowingly going to stick their hand in fire as they know its going to burn them. They continue to attend classes because they have already started and feel they they need to finish to please parents/society and to make themselves better about taking the wrong course. Lying to ourselves, blaming others for our sins, and refusing to repent can never allow us to receive that. After thinking much about this episode, I realized that I lied to myself to make myself feel better and escape from the reality of the situation. Continuing to lie to oneself will mean that you end up becoming the person that you didn't want to become. You can’t seem to shake the feeling that you’re a “fake” or “sham.” Inside of you, … The example above is how lying to oneself can start to affect not only our own lives but also of the lives of people around us. That if you look deeply, you’ll find that your mother and father were right to abuse and neglect you. Consider children. I hope to help us break free from its snare. The Danger of Mindset Reframing without Real Healing. They had previously performed well in their previous job positions and it seemed that they would match our company culture. What to do when you're struggling with fear, The Church should get back to preaching the Gospel, says author Douglas Murray, Denying communion to pro-abortion Catholics like Biden could create 'discord', Vatican warns, Evangelical body writes to Finnish government over charges against Christian MP, Lessons from the book of Revelation in our increasingly anti-Christian culture. We Lie To Achieve Moral Legitimacy. Their repentance, however, will allow them to receive God's forgiveness.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christiantoday_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; God's loving nature didn't change after the fall of man. "I didn't commit any sin," they think, "why should I repent? And when you lie to yourself you will not have a purpose in your life, so it would just be a mere existence. -Lying to yourself is the worst thing you can do for yourself. Ever wondered what could've happened if Adam and Eve simply repented of their sin in Genesis 3? If you have examples of how you lied to yourself and would like to share your learning experience then please do. While I knew this was happening, I protected this employees interests and would have constant arguments with my peers who knew about this situation. ", Think about that: when we listen to no one else but our own self-convincing lies, we set ourselves on a path called the "way of death.". In our previous article, we looked at how we lie. The answer is simple; don’t do it. The Danger of Lying to Yourself. In this article we'll be talking about some of the dangers lying to yourself brings. Holding yourself accountable is so, so important in general, but especially when it comes to self-growth. Of course, sin has already entered the world through Adam, and their repentance cannot undo that. Put yourself in an employer’s shoes. If you are in such a situations then remedy the situation by thinking of alternatives instead of continuing to lying to yourself. You can’t seem to shake the feeling that you’re a “fake” or “sham.” Inside of you, … To summarize, folks in the Comfort Zone lie to themselves to make them feel better about their situation. We all try to get through the best way we can. After that person left, I discovered how they neglected our clients and how they got others around them to do their work @.@. "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Life is what you make of it but do you really want to make it one which is plain sailing from start to finish? It's just like a newborn eagle lying to itself that it is a demostic bird like the cock and the hen, as time goes on and it keeps repeating to himself that it is a demostic bird he will never reach his potential. Even during regular 1x1's with the employee where I would try to establish if everything was kushty at work and in their personal time, they were not open with me regarding any problems that they may have been having and over time, their performance started to bottom out. I know folks who are in a relationship that they don't want to be in but keep things kushty by not doing anything about their situation. Shortly after I hired that person, I started to get the feeling that the person was not performing well. To protect an illusion of who we are. Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! Being honest with others helps you confront issues instead of running away from them to feel better about oneself. The next worse thing that one can do after lying to themselves is to lie to others! Most people have all lied at some point for whatever reason it may have been. The things you state to yourself are frequently false, so here are a few untruths you have to quit disclosing to yourself now! Please click here to learn how. We don’t lie to ourselves without fooling ourselves about the nature of a lie. “There are two ways to be fooled. I was in awe of the spirit of God that said to me even before we had this project done that this person was lying and I also began to reflect on many other happenings and how God had revealed before hand and afterwards what the truth is. Self-deception can be dangerous because it is a way of twisting internally what you know is the reality. Many folks in the Comfort Zone know that they don't want to be there but are afraid that any movements will not only jeopardize their current situation but also introduce obstacles. The Truth About Lying and What It Does to the Body Dishonesty can take a toll on the body and mind. -Lying to yourself is the worst thing you can do for yourself. “Life out here is hard. Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one body. Sometimes is not outright or bold-faced, but a subtle maneuvering of the truth, which is still a lie. Lying hurts your reputation, requires you to field feelings of inner guilt, and generally makes you unlikable. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. But what happens over time is that humans start to create mental obstacles for themselves which gives them an excuse not to do something. Failure is certain when one continues to lie to oneself to escape reality. To continue lying will eat away at your soul, causing you untold amounts of future pain. You feel inauthentic. Success can only come about from failures when one seeks to remedy or improve upon past mistakes. Instead of Adam blaming Eve and Eve blaming the serpent, it would have been better if they simply repented of their sin. -Don't become the person who you don't want to become. Posted Jan 05, 2020 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan The Dangers Of Lying. in Women's Issues on 02/01/16. The lying kept me in a Comfort Zone - as long as I didn't say anything, the employee would stay on and somehow I would be able to fix things - somehow. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe … Many moons ago, I hired somebody who was to play a key role in my team. 17 Tue+00:002021-02-23T19:18:27+00:00+00:0002b+00:00Tue, 23 Feb 2021 19:18:27 +0000 2017 | Rachael's Reiki Why a positive mindset is not always a productive one, how to spot where you may have been going wrong and how to get yourself back on track. God's very own "Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..."Â (see 1 Timothy 4:1-2). Lies are told to oneself - "everything is just fine.". His righteousness and justice, however, demands that sin be punished. They end up thinking that they "know" there will be consequences if they seek to change things. Another thing I need to do as a manager is to grow people to replace my position. And yet we should know better than to do one of the most dangerous things that we can do - lie to ourselves. Ephesians 4:25. I lack money, I’m too lazy, I don’t have the potential, I don’t have the time, I can’t handle stress are all demotivating factors that reduce your chances of … While many of us think lying to others and giving them false witness is bad and even destructive, lying to ourselves poses a greater danger to our lives and the lives of others around us. Our skill at self-deception is prodigious. This feeling is … So if you perform an action that goes against your beliefs, such as making a snide remark about someone, it makes you feel uncomfortable. One of the biggest examples of trailers lying to their audiences is the movie Snow Dogs.The trailer for the movie sold the image of a wacky comedy with Cuba Gooding Jr. hanging out with talking dogs.Not only did the tone of the film completely contradict what was shown in the trailers, but the movie's selling point (the talking dogs) was only a dream sequence. Today, we shift to the root reasons of WHY we lie. Use a spreadsheet?! If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When lying is so prevalent, as Christians, we need to, more than ever, make sure we are known as people of truth and honesty. I talked to the employee about the problems that the team was experiencing. Some may not realize this, but its dangers are real and damaging. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Calm seas to the North, stormy seas to the North East - go North East and you will always end up with calm seas and clear blue skies after the storm - and a much wiser and experienced captain ready for the next destination in life. -Tackle the situation head on - don't lie to yourself to escape the reality as its always there and cant be hidden. Were we too quick to close our doors during the pandemic? Without further ado, here are some dangers lying to yourself brings. PsyTipsShorts shares Dangers of Lying To Yourself/Psychoanalysis/ Dostoevsky/SelfDeception#shortsHi! You are lying to yourself because you are scared of the unknown. Lying while an easy way to get out of trouble or save someone’s feelings should only be used in certain situations. If the basic human needs of food and shelter are being met then why change things? Its just not worth it - what you going to do to keep track of all your lies? The danger of lying to yourself. They were given the authority to make decisions and manage their time and workflow without the need of me micro managing them. 1) Walking on the pathway to death I also know folks who are at university taking a course that they have no interest in. Lying is so bad that it creates some sort of tension. The former will hurt you; the latter will kill you. Stress reduces your body's number of infection-fighting white blood cells, and over the years, could contribute to lower-back pain, tension headaches, … Lying causes loss of trust, double standards, and should only be used by the military. Steady income to fulfill the basic human needs is indeed important but there is something more important in life - to seek and live ones passion. Growing subordinates to be ones replacement not only means that one can move up the ladder, but also means that subordinates are provided with the challenge and motivation that they need in their career. At the point when you find yourself deceiving yourself, supplant the lie with an increasingly positive, reasonable idea. You are trying to fill an open … Some may not realize this, but its dangers are real and damaging. -Tackle the situation head on - don't lie to yourself to escape the reality as its always there and cant be hidden. I would be as open and accommodating as possible to provide a comfortable working environment to help them grow. I felt that if I spoke up then the employee would leave which would shift my "comfy" position and introduce many obstacles that I imagined that I would have to overcome. I'll try to be as vague as possible so as not to point fingers ^^; It is a collection of mental acrobats of trying to convince yourself otherwise. I provided all of this to the person in question. Unlike lying, which creates a tangled web of stories to track, truth-telling frees us from this worry and anxiety. The reason why I fought so hard for this employee was not only because I trusted and liked them, but also because thought that I would not be able to continue my operations without them - I was afraid that if I talked about these problems to the employee then they would leave. -Obstacles exist to be overcome. I trusted that person and was very open with them. Lies, just like many other things, cause stress and anxiety. Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, People struggling with Covid grief warned against contacting the dead, Majority of British public does not support woke ideology - poll, French schools ordered to prohibit gender neutral language, Church has been an 'essential refuge' during the pandemic - Prince William, Scottish Government ordered to pay additional costs over church closures. We've discussed what the Comfort Zone is in the Pursue your Passion post where one has a comfortable job that brings in the money which pays for the basic human needs such as food and shelter (weekly groceries, bills and mortgage/rent). My job as a manager is not to make sure that staff stay on to work for me forever, but to help them grow and gain enough skills to build their career no matter where they go - I don't expect folks to work for me forever! It was too much for me so I took the easy way out and did something which was horrifyingly simple to do - lie to myself. You feel inauthentic. I wont go into details but I had an employee who loved researching and downloading open source movies during work who completely neglected their responsibilities. Many folks in the Comfort Zone know what their passion is but end up not living it - until its too late. If you need proof, consider the polygraph machine (what's come to be known as the "lie detector"). In this article we'll be talking about some of the dangers lying to yourself brings. Paul instructs us about this today in Ephesians 4:25. Among other things, that can turn out to be so isolating that you want to socially distance yourself from the people you always lie to. When Lying to Yourself, you are limiting your strength, your ability to work hard and achieving something in your life. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christiantoday_com-box-3-0')}; God doesn't want anybody lying - to others or to themselves. "if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christiantoday_com-box-4-0')}; Such a people always think that they are correct. Lots of things change when couples break up and folks in general don't like changes that affect their lives. Only a fear that if you see the truth, it will be too painful. Without further ado, here are some dangers lying to yourself brings. Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. 2. Children who are not taught the right discipline will grow up with the wrong mindsets and standards, think that what is wrong is right, and considers their own happiness as the most important thing regardless of how it is achieved (including sinning). Most humans act on necessity and if there is no reason to change things then most of us leave things as they are. And in His love He sent His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ to receive the punishment for our sakes, so that by believing in Him we can receive the forgiveness of sins and be welcomed into God's family.
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