All rights reserved. Chorus And I am sure there are many more birds which are eaten around the world. podcast & article from NPR about feathers, April 18, 2021 Uncategorized Uncategorized Je te plumerai la tête This is a CRUEL song and NO ONE should be LAUGHING at it! Today, the song is used to teach French- and English-speaking children in Canada, and others learning French around the world, the names of body parts. Ah! Even I think it’s gruesome and would not promote it for children — at least not children who eventually translate it. We have been so removed from the process of this that any reference to it has become evil. This still goes on in most of the world as not everyone buys their poultry or meat already prepared. Suggestions. Meaning In Other Languages. The way birds are de-feathered in factory farms is absolutely horrific. And don’t sing the song if it upsets you. How does cleaning game promote cruelty towards animals? Blog. pl. When was the first name Gentille first recorded in the United States? Lark, nice lark As a piano teacher, I’ve taught this for many years without knowing either the French words (my French is truly merde!!) I was born and raised on a farm so I know all about plucking feathers ( if you wanted to eat ) but itâs just a damn song! This is how this song should be considered. Ah! Ah! Ah! so nice. It’s so simple! Meat does not come from square plastic trays at the supermarket. It’s a childrens song, but to teach french, by naming all the different parts of the body in french. BTW, not all of our nursery rhymes are innocent. The meaning, origin and history for the user-submitted name Gentille. It was created to teach the steps of killing, plucking, and preparing game birds for meal time. What does "gentille" mean in French? The song provides the steps. I really wish the lyrics are different. If your only justification for this song not being gruesome is because it’s something we do to eat, consider the fact that we don’t actually need protein from the meat of other animals to survive. This song has been in my mother’s family for generations. really sweet. That led to my Mother’s Father to start Drinking, and within a month time he developed a stomach Ulcer (as he could not live with such Broken Heart) that the Ulcer broke and he bleed all his life’s blood and die then and there leaving my Mother Orphaned at the age of 12. Alouette French lyrics and English translation. Guillaume et Guillaumette, We’ll keep teaching it to our kids…, I always thought it was a way to teach children the parts of the bird. So lighten up buttercup life is like a breeze…. Whether this song is cruel or not doesn’t bother me as I explained to my son’s (teaching my 8yr old too) that this is what happened years ago. Back in the day they didn’t have the grocery stores. Haut la jambe! Ah! I hate this song. Words are powerful. London bridges falling down is not about the plauge, you are thinking of ring around the rosie. Those people have been way to sheltered and if they have such strong feelings for this song then they’re going to have a problem with life experiences. Also, uhm, i like chez. Those wishing to explore further are in for an interesting discovery. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share London bridges is about the plague and has nothing to do with terrorism. All I know is my Mother’s last name in French was Chevalier Gambette (Knight) if that’s correct? They are, of course, killed first, not plucked alive. I guess singing London bridge is falling down is also terrible (promotes terrorism or whatever) Seriously people its a SONG. Yikes, hehe. btw, not that anyone cares, but imma go ahead and share (storytime) i got intrested in the origins of nursery rhymes and all that since i heard Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary because i wuv meh some history also its pretty interesting, not gonna lie. Ah! Et le bec, et le bec, Well there you go! gentille, masc. ah ! It’s as if we bought a chicken or a turkey from a farm and had to pluck the feathers out ourselves. pl. Everyone hugs one another This may have become a “childrens” song, but it did not start out that way. Oh, yes, madam, I had some pâté, Here are the lyrics to the song in French with an English translation. gentils, fem. Find more French words at! it was sweet I appreciate that I really appreciate. I have indeed gone bird hunting and dressed my own for cooking. French Translation of “Gentile” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. More to the point, this song is a French folk song, hundreds of years old, sung by hard-working people to make the work-day a littler easier. This song was taught as whimsical not so literal and we really didn’t think of killing a bird, just pulling out a feather. And the song doesn’t help you ignore that thought. It also teaches& reminds children that meat comes from animals, you’d be surprised how many don’t know this. The name Gentili is a nickname type of surname for a person of good manners and courteous nature derived from the Old French word "gentil." Et le bec, et le bec, Nothing could be more wholesome. P.S. or the English translation. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. The song is sung in the exact steps one goes through to prepare dinner. The Given Name Gentille. It’s easy for a child to look up something in a different language, translate it, and be traumatized by it. "Alouette" (pronounced ) is a popular French-language Canadian children's song, commonly thought to be about plucking the feathers from a lark. My mother used to sing this to me. Get Fancy With genteel You will definitely learn a lot. Kudos to Mama Lisa for creating a post that has garnered a thread of comments spanning nearly a decade! Other translations. You can complete the translation of gentille given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse We will then pluck off her wings. there is absolutely no record of its existence before it was published in a McGill College songbook in 1879. Nous luy plumerons la teste. I suspect the origins of this song began during the French Revolution as the nobility were being guillotined (executed). Just because it involves plucking feathers off a bird, remember that they hunted birds for SURVIVAL. I think it’s shocking and inhumane. I like the one about Rockabye Baby ..yep that cradle is going to crash to the floor probably kill that baby yet no one is saying anything about that..why..because itâs taking everything to damn literal. My married last name is Lalouette! It probably usually fell to a younger but strong enough kid. Just sayin’. In French, "gentille" means: (f, adjective) nice Listen to "gentille": (If you have an HTML5 enabled browser, you can listen to the native audio below) This is a word that is used in the GamesForLanguage French Language Game in the following scenes: French 1, Level 2, Scene 1; French 1, Level 2, Scene 2 Lark, lark. Je te plumerai les yeux, In French Kids Songs & Rhymes we've gathered over 50 of France's best-loved traditional children's songs, presented in their original French language and with translations into English. gentil translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'gentil organisateur',gentillet',génital',génial', examples, definition, conjugation ah ! You can hear Alouette, gentile alouette on Mama Lisa’s World Canada page. Never too young to learn more French!, But French/French! Truly the French are Romantics at Heart. "Alouette" has become a symbol of French Canada for the world, an unofficial national song. English Translation. gentille fille. Back in the day they had to do this at home. Whoever Ari is, don’t get offended over me laughing. Do you see the picture? Looking at the era and circumstance that created this song makes its understanding simple, its a fallacious approach to look at a work of time and literature with an ethical eye. A character, Eli (a Shrink) was offended, because of “pluck your head”& the ghost for that episode was in a mental institution. Larks were and are considered as game, so people would FIRST kill them, then pluck them, then cook them and at last eat them.”. Alouette, je te plumerai. It was just a way to remember something important. There’s certainly no time for singing songs that acknowledge the fact that the object being butchered is a gentile animal. There is a ton of nasty cr*p these folks had to do like pooping in a thunder pot but they didn’t sing about it …… There is nothing happy about taking the life of something and mutilating it ! really kind. I doubt that the song was sung in a feminine or child-like way. There is no real regulation protecting birds from mistakes. Also, I was taught “I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor” to learn body parts from the toes up. I’ll pluck your head well it’s 2020 and we all gonna ded from coronavirus so i guess it doesnt really matter anyways. Translation of "c'est gentil" in English. Gentille is a name with authenticness. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. I have to laugh at how foolish most of these posts are. It’s important that they know where real food comes from.
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