How do I update my employment from one fire department to another? Apply for a State of Indiana Fire and Public Safety Instructor job in Indianapolis, IN. Vocational Instructor. Protective Services (EEO Category #4) Facility Fire Chief. Jan owns and operates her own 40 acre K9 training facility. New IDHS Executive Director Stephen Cox. Security Officer. Tom was lead instructor of all initial IDHS ... Harkner-Abbs is a 19 year member of the Orange Township Volunteer Fire Department, an Advanced EMT, rescue diver, Indiana State Fire instructor 3 and NASAR instructor. ... With the South Bend Fire Department, he served as a paramedic, firefighter, EMS instructor, and EMS chief of the fire department, before being promoted to fire chief in 2012. The IFIA is also a full service bookstore, where you can order any of your training and educational books. An hour allows the instructor to cover content with depth as well as provide an opportunity for participants to explore helpful attitudes and practice related skills. Class Times will be as follows: All Days will be from 0800 – 1700. Guard Supervisor. Indiana Fire Instructors Assoc., Inc; We are a small not-for-profit Association that provides training resources to the fire and emergency services of Indiana. How long will it take IDHS to update my fire department/employment change? Apply online instantly. This is a District funded class. Class will be held at: District 4 Lafayette Fire Training Center2070 S 500 E Lafayette, IN 47901. Facility Fire Safety Coordinator. View this and more full-time & part-time jobs in … (4) Give us a call, we will find the book(s) you need! How do I receive fire certification reciprocity in Indiana? Guard I - III. ... IDHS Fire Training Staff (317) 232-2222. Fire Department Required Training Self Assessment Guide - Every fire department training officer that has been tasked with meeting the requirements of ISO, OSHA and the NFPA has faced the reality of how confusing that task can be. Lead Instructor: Todd BuddEmail: Rehabilitation Workshop Instructor I & II. What are the continuing education requirements for Fire Instructor I, II, III? . Advanced Fire Training Program. Residential Services Supervisor. How do I request a course number if I am a fire proctor or instructor? The Indiana Fire Instructors Association, Inc. (IFIA) is a non-profit corporation under Indiana statutes and accepts membership from anyone actively engaged in instruction related to Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, Fire Safety and Public Fire Safety Education. 60 minutes is a nice chunk of time to provide an effective fire safety lesson. The advanced firefighter certification courses such as Fire Officer I and II, Fire Instructor I and II and others are conducted, coordinated and sponsored by local fire departments, associations, or educational institutions. Security Officer Chief. 60-minute lesson plan. As well as training, the IFIA is also your full service Book Store!! Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, NAFI, # 7447-2955iv Certified Fire Investigation Instructor, NAFI, # 7447-2955iv Indiana Certified Fire Code Inspector I, & II, IDHS, 2003
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