You have reached the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, commonly referred as MASH. Clermont Family Assessment Centre. Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Referral Please use this form to report concerns about the welfare or well-being of a child, young person or to request Early Help Services. The board's procedures are available in the Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures Manual. Helping children & young people stay safe online; Gangs & Young People It also has links with education, probation, housing, youth offending team and CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health). Request support or protection of a child and MASH consultation line If you are worried that a child you know is at risk of serious harm through abuse or neglect, you should tell us. Telephone: 0300 555 2922 or 0300 555 2836. Urgent child protection referrals Contact the MASH on 020 8314 6660 and ask to speak with a duty social worker. The aim of the MASH is to make the right decisions for the right families at the right time. It is held whenever there is good reason to be concerned that a child may have been abused, or is in some way at risk of being harmed. If you are worried that a child is being mistreated and is at risk of harm, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible. If there is an immediate safeguarding concern where a child is deemed at risk or has potentially suffered significant harm, the MASH team should be contacted immediately. The most appropriate intervention is agreed in response to the person’s identified needs. The MASH model means that information from different agencies can be shared quickly, so social workers can build up a better picture of the child’s life from the outset. Contact the National Crime Agency’s (NCA) Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Command if your report relates any of the issues below:. September 2016: Soft launch of Adult MASH . Contact the Children's Services Department, Hampshire County Council’s Children’s Services, Hampshire County Council’s Adult Social Care, Isle of Wight Council’s Children’s Services, Community Rehabilitation Company for Hampshire and IOW, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, A faster, more co-ordinated and consistent response to safeguarding concerns. The MASH team share information from every agency. Visit our COVID-19 webpages for the latest updates and changes to services, as well as for information and guidance. To contact MASH regarding a child protection issue telephone 01382 307967 or 07823536987. The most appropriate intervention is agreed in response to the child or young person’s identified needs. Please select from the following 4 options. Make a child in need or child protection referral; Request support for a child or family (PDF 1,216kb) Opening in new window Integrated Services for Learning (ISL) baseline assessment form (PDF 933KB) Integrated Services for Learning form (ISL) baseline assessment form - guidance document (Word 17kb) For urgent enquiries, call 0300 123 4043. In some cases they will speak to the child or young person themselves, to make a decision about what happens next. Before contacting the MASH you need to consider whether the child or young person's needs can be met by services from within your own agency, or by other professionals already involved with the family. To do this, children's services aims to work with parents and families in the best interests of the children by listening to their views when making decisions. The MASH model has been strongly endorsed in the Ofsted report Good practice by local safeguarding boards and the Munro review of child protection: a child-centred system. The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a team made up of officers from the police and the council who aim to protect vulnerable children and young people. The MASH operates Monday to Friday, 0900 - 1700. Resources for people working with children including safeguarding training, procedures and protocols, Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) resources and local and national government reports Information about the role of the Safeguarding Children Partnership Group, what it does and why we have one. Some of our services remain affected by the pandemic. Derby: How Child Protection Conferences work to protect children - information for children and young people: Jan 2018: Derby: How Child Protection Conferences work to protect children - information for parents: Jan 2018: Derby City MASH Leaflet : February 2021: Derbyshire Child Protection Conference: Guide for Professionals : April 2019 If you are not sure about the needs of the child or whether you should make a referral you can discuss with your designated Child Protection lead. Child Protection Case Conferences 27 6. The MASH way of working ensures that children and young people have a better chance of receiving the service that is suitable for them, and we spot any potential problems earlier. Adult and Child Protection Committees. If the child, you are calling about has a social worker, please press 2. The MASH team are able to identify risks to and needs of children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective, joined up actions. What is a MASH? An enquiry is created when information is received about a child or family. Also known as the MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub), Dorset Safeguarding brings agencies together in one place and includes staff from Dorset and BCP Council's children's social care services alongside Dorset HealthCare and Dorset Police. Leeds call their MASH the “Front Door Safeguarding Hub” and in this building Children’s Social Care are colocated with West Yorkshire Police, Leeds Community Health and Early Help. Implementation. For open cases where the child already has an allocated social worker: Telephone: 0300 126 7000. If you believe a child is being mistreated and is at risk of harm, please contact the MASH team as soon as possible on 01481 223182. Email Mash at Merton. Book your COVID-19 vaccination now if you're eligible. The MASH can advise on whether a family needs early help or whether they meet the threshold for statutory child protection. The procedures are used across Sussex and were drawn up by a working group made up of representatives from West and East Sussex and Brighton & Hove, using feedback from practitioners. A MASH contact (previously known as a MASH enquiry) is the name given to professionals contacting MASH about safeguarding concerns that they have for a child, where they think that they may require Children’s Social Care involvement. AMENDMENT. Don't use it to contact us about a service or make a complaint. The purpose of the MASH enquiry is to gather information from agencies within the MASH (police, health, social care and early help) and external agencies, such as probation or schools. Address: Civic Centre, 2 nd floor, Darwall Street Walsall WS1 1TP. Resource, finance, location (vetting within Police HQ) Agreement of remit / functions and hours. Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children and young people in Merton. Whether you work in the statutory, private, voluntary or independent sector in West Sussex and provide services for, or come into contact with, children and young people, you have an important role to play in keeping them safe. How do I make a referral? It brings together professionals from a range of agencies into an integrated multi-agency … The child, family and referrer will be informed in writing of the outcome of the MASH enquiry. If you are worried that a child you know is at risk of serious harm through abuse or neglect, you should tell us. The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the single point of contact for all professionals to report safeguarding concerns. RELATED INFORMATION. A MASH team comprises of a group of practitioners, still employed by their individual agencies In an emergency please dial 999 . MASH will ask parent’s permission to speak to other agencies in most cases unless doing so may place the child at risk. In time, it is anticipated that MASH will develop to consider vulnerable adults, as well as children. The reception is open to the public 9.30am to 4.30pm. However if you think a child is in immediate danger, phone the police immediately on 999. This makes it easier for social workers to decide on the best type of intervention needed to protect the child and support the family as needed, and means families get the best outcome to meet their needs. When someone reports a concern to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team they make assessment of the risk to the child and make a decision on what to do to best protect that child. The MASH team is based at Hampshire County Council’s frontline contact centre and works in relationship with the Contact Assessment Resolution Team. If you are concerned about the welfare of a child the MASH team can help The purpose of the MASH enquiry is to gather information from agencies within the MASH (police, health, social care and early help) and external agencies, such as probation or schools. The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) provides the safeguarding arrangements under which the safeguarding partners and relevant agencies work … Multi-agency safeguarding hubs (MASH) are arrangements whereby services are co-located to improve information sharing and respond more effectively to safeguarding needs. Information held by the MASH team will be kept secure and no-one but team members will be able to see this information. A better understanding and appreciation of each others roles and responsibilities. If the matter is urgent and outside of office hours you can contact the duty social worker on 01481 725111. Outside these hours, you should contact the Emergency Response Team. Children's services has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare and safety of children in need. The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) will remain the front door to Children’s Social Care for all child protection and immediate safeguarding concerns. This means each agency works more effectively and efficiently in their own field of expertise. A Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a centre which brings together agencies (and their information) in order to identify risks to children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective interventions. Please DO NOT use this form to report safeguarding concerns about adults at risk, or to seek support from adult social care. Request support or protection of a child. Otherwise you can contact the Child Protection Team: Friday 8.45-16.45 . June 2019: London Protocol for the provision of local authority accommodation for children held in police custody; June 2019: London Protocol for the provision of local authority accommodation for children held in police custody: In June 2017, this procedure was significantly amended and should be read throughout. An improved ‘journey’ for the child or adult. MASH allows the multi-agency safeguarding team to cary out a joint confidential screening, research and referral of vulnerable children. However if you think a child is in immediate danger, phone the police immediately on 999. London Child Protection Procedures; Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018; Training and Resources. The MASH enquiry will determine the appropriate course of action which could include a referral to children’s social care or early help services if the threshold for social care involvement is not met. To make a referral to the MASH please use the multi-agency referral form. MASH are happy to give advice to professionals about consent. Hillingdon MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) is made up of representatives from the following services, who share information quickly, so social workers can build up a better picture of the child's life from the outset, decide on the best type of intervention needed to protect the child and support the family appropriately.
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