His campaign promises were just a smoke screen. Smoke screen in a sentence 1. Nuuke and Meo have used the KDM as a smokescreen, whilst. The working elements of smoke screen on countermining IR and laser guided weapons were analyzed. The smoke screen was to start at 11:40 P.M. Ralph Collins on board) came up, and throwing a smoke screen … Recent Examples on the Web The prosecution argued that Prince was using mental illness as a smoke screen to avoid consequences. Um, I still think that, that maybe the powers that be want it probably as a, 11. Example sentences with smoke screen … guns at 1,000 yd., and the chance of success depended largely on an effective smoke screen. Hilary E. MacGregor , Los Angeles Times Oct. 11, 2003 Updated: Jan. 17, 2012 11:59 a.m. That's just another way of saying they'll camouflage their failure to generate sales behind an intellectual, In the South African context of political reconciliation, the verkrampte protestation by Jubilee 2000 is just a, They would probably think the whole thing was some kind of devilish trick, a, The desert dust kicked up swirls up into a impenetrable, Among the dead was Wing Commander Frank Arthur Brock, the man who devised and commanded the operation of the, Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center is researching and developing, Now they are being reorganised in what is probably a, At about 7.40 we turned, under cover of our, In fact none of the British commanders realized what had taken place under cover of that. Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a. They hide their real intentions behind a smoke screen of religious piety. smoke screen, smokescreen n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. [count] 1. : something that you do or say to hide something or to take attention away from something. They use religion as a smokescreen and as a great. figurative ([sth] used to conceal truth) (figurado) cortina de humo loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo … Examples of smoke screen in a Sentence. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: n. 1. Learner's definition of SMOKE SCREEN. Smoke the peace pipe". smoke screen meaning and definition: [American slang]n. phr. Infrared extinction ability and application of tiny graphite powder in combustible anti - infrared, 14. 779k members in the BrandNewSentence community. Also with Smoke Screen sentences, similar words, Synonyms, Antonyms and more. Smoke Screen has 1 different meanings, translation & definations. Some may refer to this type of argument as a "smoke screen." What does smoke screen expression mean? The smoke screen is produced when a predetermined fuze action causes ejection of the payload from the projectile. let out smoke or vapor. More example sentences. The truth was hidden behind a smoke screen of lies. Smokescreen in a sentence | smokescreen example sentences. Warner says Irish officials are blowing a smoke screen because they're cheapskates. Ren Fengping expressions changed and he tried to laugh as a smokescreen !. smoke (n, v): the grey, black, or white mixture of gas and very smallpieces of carbon that is produced when something burns; to breathe smoke into the mouth and usually lungs from a cigarette, pipe, etc. Meaning of smoke-screen. (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements 2. an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure. The lack of fighters and smokescreen proved to be disastrous. "I wouldn't think of using my wife as a smoke screen ." Smoke-screen Sentence Examples. "When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself". Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: smoke screen, smokescreen n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 35 sentence examples using Smoke. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Smoke Screen. Definition of smoke and mirrors in the Idioms Dictionary. 8. Related : Ventilation smoke screen in American English 1. a cloud of smoke spread to screen the movements of troops, ships, etc. They hide their real intentions behind a. English idiom. " The truth was hidden behind a smoke screen of lies. The Native Americans smoked a peace pipe full of tobacco as they sat together in a hazy circle. The infant industry argument is a smoke screen. Rare words are dimmed. "No smoke without fire". Click on a word above to view its definition. (smoke used for concealment) cortina de humo loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). / ˈsmoʊk ˌskrin / something that hides the truth about a person’s actions or intentions: The story served as a useful smoke screen to conceal where he really got the money. A camouflage; a …. Bob Marley. Several Methods : To evaluate the jamming effect of the infrared, 13. تمباکو نوشی Tambaku Noshi: Smoking Smoke: (noun) the act of smoking tobacco or other substances. Examples of smoke in a sentence, how to use it. Examples of Smoked in a sentence. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Words and phrases that rhyme with smoke: ... — Nouns for smoke: screen, house, cloud, stack, ... vapor, more... — Use smoke in a sentence. His wife hates smoking yet he went outside for a smoke. Translate smoke screen into Spanish. Frozen Sentences A few words of explanation are probably necessary. Red herrings are frequently used in: Mystery, thriller and dramatic novels Find words for smoke screen in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. A red herring is a fallacy argument that distracts from the original topic. How to use smoke screen idiom? English idiom. Greta Garbo. Koffing used Smoke Screen.The SWAT team used a smoke screen to get past the criminals, and surround them._____Literally:The soldiers movements were masked by a smoke screen … ‘Wing Commander Frank Brock, a director of the company, used his background and passion for explosives and incendiaries to develop a smokescreen to conceal battleships at sea.’. Major accounting firms were all too happy to be deceived by corporate smoke and mirrors, as long as they got lucrative consulting contracts. Examples of smoke screen in a Sentence Beispiele smoke screen The drink dates to 1861, when it was allegedly concocted at Brooks’s, a Whig party hangout in London, to commemorate the death of Queen Victoria’s prince consort Albert (or, more accurately, as a smoke screen to solemnify taking a glass of either stout or Champagne on so mournful an occasion). Smoke screen definition: a cloud of smoke spread to screen the movements of troops , ships, etc 28. 2. a smoke screen in a sentence - Use "a smoke screen" in a sentence 1. 2. High quality example sentences with “smoke screen” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Diastic, as in, with – for example… 96 examples: Genetic models for the natural history of smoking : evidence for a genetic… As the volcano smoked, massive clouds of ash-filled gas took over the sky. More example sentences ‘Desultory firing continued for two days amid fog, smokescreens, and increasing confusion, before the operation was eventually abandoned.’ ‘Wing Commander Frank Brock, a director of the company, used his background and passion for explosives and incendiaries to develop a smokescreen to conceal battleships at sea.’ The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Smoke Screen but also gives extensive definition in English language. Information and translations of smoke-screen in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Among the Perpendicular additions to the church last named may be noted a very beautiful oaken rood-screen. Ruth smoked a cigarette during … Chong calls sentence a smoke screen / Was film character the real target? ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 11TH EDITION, VOLUME 3, SLICE 4 VARIOUS The young men gathered round him and offered him a cigar, which he accepted and began to smoke. It maintains this smokescreen. Sentence Examples. 3. The sentences that follow this introduction were ‘produced’ by reading Sol Lewitt’s “Sentences on Conceptual Art” diastically through a series of Frieze magazine exhibition reviews (I seem to be a bit obsessed with Lewitt/Frieze at the moment). Three methods about measuring transmissivity of IR, 10. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Sentence Examples. This new method can be used to assess integrally the performance of, 12. smoke and mirrors phrase. I will not smoke from today. Examples of how to use the word 'smoke' in a sentence. 18.3k votes, 110 comments. For sentences never before written, found in the wild. What does smoke and mirrors expression mean? Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. In season one of Smoke screen , join Alex Schuman as he unravels this con and gets answers from this white-collar criminal himself ‘Desultory firing continued for two days amid fog, smokescreens, and increasing confusion, before the operation was eventually abandoned.’. . Traducir smoke screen de Inglés a español. smoke screen idiom meaning. The definition of Smoke Screen is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. His campaign promises were just a smoke screen. Definition of smoke screen by the Dictionary of American Idioms. Definition of smoke-screen in the Definitions.net dictionary. Want to learn more? Some experimental results show that the method is an aid to differentiating and analysing the degree of infrared, 15. 2. How to connect 'smoke' with other words to make correct English sentences. Screen is defined as to show, examine or separate. click for more detailed meaning in English, definition, pronunciation and example sentences for smoke screen 3. Commonly used words are shown in bold. . That's just another way of saying they'll camouflage their failure to generate sales behind an intellectual smoke screen. What does smoke-screen mean? Today, there is no evidence that the gist of his boffo performance on February 5 was anything other than smoke and mirrors. 2. What does screen mean? "I smoke all the time, one after the other". Smoke Screen meaning in Urdu Aarr آڑ.
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