The covering of statues and sacred images beginning with the First Passion Sunday (i.e. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE THE PRACTICE: It has been the custom of the Roman Catholic Church, at least in modern times (from the 17th Century forward), to veil the crosses and the images of the saints […] The last two weeks of Lent are historically known as Passiontide. CRUCIFIXES & IMAGES … Identity: Veiling of Images for Passiontide As we are deep into Passiontide, I thought that I would share a small element of our lost Catholic Identity that is starting to make a bit more of a comeback. 6 comments. THE PRACTICE 2. When we look around church today we see… New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When Easter comes the joyful contrast will be all the greater. Anglican Province of Christ the King 2 years ago. Veiling the altar crucifix for Passiontide. VEILING THE CRUCIFIX AND IMAGES IN THE CHURCH DURING PASSIONTIDE OUTLINE: 1. best. From NLM a meditation from the Birmingham Oratory on the veiling of the Cross and Religious Images. The season of Passiontide was more or less abrogated in 1969 when the Church came out … Passiontide and the Veiling of Images. Temporarily veiling the crosses and religious images in the penitential color of Lent is a beautiful custom that helps us to reflect on the deeper theological meaning of the liturgical season. 07/04/2019. MYSTICAL SIGNIFICANCE 3. the Sunday before Palm Sunday). After the Second Vatican Council there were moves to abolish all veiling of images, but the practice survived, although in a mitigated form. The Roman Missal states: “…the practice of covering crosses and images throughout the church from [the fifth] Sunday [of Lent] may be observed. Veiling of Images for Passiontide. The rule of limiting this veiling to Passiontide came later and does not appear until the publication of the Bishops' Ceremonial of the 17th century. It is Passiontide and the images in church are hidden from our sight. As a sign-symbol it worked better than all the felt banners, dried branches and rocks, and rough hewen crosses the Liturgical Environment Team could throw at us. 79% Upvoted. SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE 4. In some churches with really bad modern statues and art, covering them would be … report. level 1. During this period of Passiontide, you may have noticed in your parish that the crucifix and other statues and images around the church have been veiled with a purple cloth. share. This thread is archived. Passiontide: The Veiling of Statues and the Crucifix. The rule of limiting this veiling to Passiontide came later and does not appear until the publication of the Bishops' Ceremonial of the 17th century. Meanwhile we focus more on God. Mar 18. I wish. Sort by. FHC. You may notice that the Crucifix and/or some statues or images have been covered. This is an ancient tradition of the Church stretching back 1,400 years to the seventh century. hide. save. The veiled crucifixes of Passiontide evoke a similar feeling; the familiar presence of the Jesus on the Cross not there. During this time many churches cover their crosses, images of Jesus, angels, and saints with purple cloth. I came back to church Sunday morning from a weekend retreat. On this, the 5th Sunday of Lent, the beginning of Passiontide, the statues in the church are veiled in violet cloths and the other images of the Saints are removed. After the Second Vatican Council there were moves to abolish all veiling of images, but the practice survived, although in a … Passiontide and Covering Images and Statues.
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