Lent 2021: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18). Find top news stories, photos, and videos on Pope Francis on NBCNews.com. Messages Messages for Lent. For my part, I wrote the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde, whose aim was “to increase our love for this great saint”. St. Joseph, the Guardian of the Holy Family. For a long time since the genesis of the … Together with God’s call, which makes our greatest dreams come true, and our response, which is made up of generous service and attentive care, there is a third characteristic of Saint Joseph’s daily life and our Christian vocation, namely fidelity. Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 8 December 2020). It is for this reason it will be good to remember the message written by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on the 19 March 2021, the Feast of St. Joseph. So too in a vocation: God’s call always urges us to take a first step, to give ourselves, to press forward. Pope Francis establishes ministry of catechist; Pope Francis establishes ministry of catechist. Copyright © Catholicsstrivingforholiness All rights reserved. Image: Paul Haring/CNS/Crux. BEAUTIFUL PRAYERS TO THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. March 18, 2021 Romeo Hontiveros. Such thoughtful concern is the sign of a true vocation, the testimony of a life touched by the love of God. Pope Francis expects to remain in Rome until his death Francis says in new book he expects to die in Rome, not his native Argentina, either as ‘active or emeritus’ pope Published: 28 Feb 2021 Celebrating Pentecost Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica May 23, the pope said that people could find true consolation by invoking the third Person of the Holy Trinity. 6th May 2021 Latest On Pope Francis. This was reflected in his perseverance in plying the trade of a humble carpenter (cf. We could say that this was the outstretched hand of our heavenly Father reaching out to his Son on earth. LIVE | Join us for the Holy Mass of Pentecost presided over by Pope Francis from St. Peter's Basilica. POPE FRANCIS' MESSAGE FOR THE 2021 WORLD DAY OF VOCATIONS (April 25, 2021). His service and sacrifices were only possible, however, because they were sustained by a greater love: “Every true vocation is born of the gift of oneself, which is the fruit of mature sacrifice. The theme for the 55 th World Day of Social Communications, to be held in May 2021 was released on Tuesday 29 September. Kindly help more people in their Christian life by liking our page and inviting your family, friends and relatives to do so as well. I like to think, then, of Saint Joseph, the protector of Jesus and of the Church, as the protector of vocations. Pope Francis: St. Joseph a model for pastors. v. 20). They are words you will hear anew, at every step of your vocation, as you return to your first love. A Vatican spokesperson refuted the claim. WHAT IS HOLINESS ACCORDING TO CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Do not be afraid: these words the Lord also addresses to you, dear sister, and to you, dear brother, whenever you feel that, even amid uncertainty and hesitation, you can no longer delay your desire to give your life to him. From St. Peter’s Square, recitation of the Regina Coeli prayer led by Pope Francis May 23 2021 Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis - Catholic Mass Online Search About WordPress Only by abandoning ourselves confidently to grace, setting aside our own programmes and comforts, can we truly say “yes” to God. This was Jesus mission here on earth passed on to his church. For Saint Joseph, service – as a concrete expression of the gift of self – did not remain simply a high ideal, but became a rule for daily life. The holy people of God invoke him as the most chaste spouse, based on his ability to love unreservedly. May he inspire in them the courage to say “yes” to the Lord who always surprises and never disappoints. BEAUTIFUL PRAYERS AFTER COMMUNION WITH PARTIAL INDULGENCE. Pope Francis message for Lent, 2021. Vatican City, Jan 23, 2021 / 04:15 am ().-Pope Francis issued a new warning about misinformation on Saturday, weeks after he was the subject of a viral “fake news” story. Verdict: False. May 24: MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS. Rome, from Saint John Lateran, 19 March 2021, Feast of Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph suggests to us three key words for each individual’s vocation. Daniel Ibanez Pope Francis delivers his Regina Coeli address at the Vatican, May 23, 2021.. Instead, he pondered things patiently. The first of these upended his betrothal, but made him the father of the Messiah; the second caused him to flee to Egypt, but saved the life of his family. They are a refrain accompanying all those who – like Saint Joseph – say yes to God with their lives, through their fidelity each day. Mt 13:55), a quiet perseverance that made no news in his own time, yet has inspired the daily lives of countless fathers, labourers and Christians ever since. Saint Joseph comes to meet us in his gentle way, as one of “the saints next door”. Pope Francis’ Message for World Communications Day 2021 16 May 2021 Pope Francis is pictured as he greets journalists aboard his flight from Rome to Maputo, Mozambique. Amid all these upheavals, he found the courage to follow God’s will. POPE FRANCIS ON PREGNANCY AND MOTHERHOOD. Because his heart was directed to God; it was already inclined towards him. For those unfamiliar with how Catholics get their new leader, the Pope is decided by a Home Documents Pope Francis’ Message for 2021 World Communications Day Documents Pope Francis’ Message for 2021 World Communications Day He strove to find and prepare a place where Jesus could be born; he did his utmost to protect him from Herod’s wrath by arranging a hasty journey into Egypt; he immediately returned to Jerusalem when Jesus was lost; he supported his family by his work, even in a foreign land. In his usual three points approach the Holy Father speaks of three things about St. Joseph; Dream, of which he says Saint Joseph has much to tell us in this regard, because, through the dreams that God inspired in him, he made of his life a gift; Service, and here the Holy Father says Joseph lived entirely for others and never for himself; Fidelity, where the Pope says Joseph is the “righteous man” who daily perseveres in quietly serving God and his plans. Sunday Mass on the Solemnity of Pentecost by Pope Francis 23 Mass 2021 When the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles on the day “Your scout movement is a sign of encouragement for young people, because it invites them to dream and to act, to have the courage to look to the future with hope,” the pope said while holding up the practice of “big brothers” and “big sisters” as an example of solidarity.. God then pours out his Spirit and creativity upon us; he works wonders in us, as he did in Joseph. © Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticanahttps://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20210319_58-messaggio-giornata-mondiale-vocazioni.htmlEmphasis mine. It the joy of simplicity, the joy experienced daily by those who care for what truly matters: faithful closeness to God and to our neighbour. As one who knew how to embody the meaning of self-giving in life, Joseph is also the patron of a happy death. The 4th Sunday of Easter is the Good Shepherd Sunday and a day in which vocations are especially remembered and prayed for. Communicating by Encountering People Where … This website uses cookies. WHY IS THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY CALLED MOTHER OF THE CHURCH? In fact, from his willingness to serve comes his concern to protect. If we were to ask people to express in one word their life’s dream, it would not be difficult to imagine the answer: “to be loved”. The first is dream. Rome Newsroom, May 21, 2021 / 08:30 am (CNA). Pope Francis thanks charismatic Catholics and evangelicals for offering ‘sign of fraternity’ more_horiz Pope Francis sends a video message to the Italian Charismatic Consultation, May 15, 2021./ PENTECOST SUNDAY. CNA Staff, May 23, 2021 / 12:45 pm (CNA). SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLICS STRIVING FOR HOLINESS NEW WEBSITE. PENTECOST SUNDAY MASS PRAYERS AND READINGS. In short, he adapted to different circumstances with the attitude of those who do not grow discouraged when life does not turn out as they wished; he showed the willingness typical of those who live to serve. His loving care has spanned generations; his attentive guardianship has made him patron of the Church. He knew that success in life is built on constant fidelity to important decisions. Whatever our vocation, whether to marriage, celibacy or virginity, our gift of self will not come to fulfilment if it stops at sacrifice; were that the case, instead of becoming a sign of the beauty and joy of love, the gift of self would risk being an expression of unhappiness, sadness and frustration” (ibid., 7). How is such fidelity nurtured? At the same time, his strong witness can guide us on the journey. Everyone dreams of finding fulfilment in life. A must read especially for all those who are fortunate to having been called by God and those who are reflecting on their divine vocation. NEW GUIDE TO HOLY ROSARY WITH "SUB TUUM PRAESIDIUM" AND ST. MICHAEL PRAYERS. For a vocation – like life itself – matures only through daily fidelity. A small indication was enough for his watchful “inner ear” to recognize God’s voice. MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 2021 WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY “Come and See” (Jn 1:46). Vocations have this same goal: to beget and renew lives every day. By continuing you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. The Gospel tells us that “Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night” (Mt 2:14), thus revealing his prompt concern for the good of his family. History of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa, Leadership Conference of Consecrated Life (LCCL SA), Our Mother of Mercy Shrine – Archdiocese of Johannesburg, LCCL SA (Leadership Conference of Consecrated Life South Africa), Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office(CPLO), Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (M&R), Rural Development Support Programme (RDSP), Annual Gathering of Recently Ordained Priests(AGROP), Southern African Council of Priests(SACOP), SOUTHERN AFRICAN COUNCIL OF PRIESTS (SACOP), Leadership Conference Of Consecrated Life, The Southern African Council of Priests(SACOP), here MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 2021 WORLD DAY OF VOCATIONS. In the message subtitled: “Saint Joseph: The Dream of Vocation” the Holy Father, Pope Francis says he wrote the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde, whose aim was “to increase our love for this great saint”. PRAYER OF ST. JOHN BOSCO. The priesthood and consecrated life likewise require this kind of maturity. The Pope ended the message by asking the intercession of St. Joseph, “May Saint Joseph, protector of vocations, accompany you with his fatherly heart!”, Read the full message here MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 2021 WORLD DAY OF VOCATIONS, The Installation of the Bishop of Kimberly Rt. Pope Francis' video message at the completion of the three day event "the Economy of Francis" The world’s first Jesuit pope made the remark in a video message … By freeing love from all possessiveness, he became open to an even more fruitful service. Sunday Live Holy Mass With Pope Francis April 19 2020 in Vatican City May 22: ST. RITA OF CASCIA. Joseph cannot fail to be a model for all vocations, called to be the ever-active hands of the Father, outstretched to his children. Thanks in advance and God bless you and your loved ones! Mt 1:20; 2:13.19.22). A second word marks the journey of Saint Joseph and that of vocation: service. It is for this reason it will be good to remember the message written by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on the 19 March 2021, the Feast of St. Joseph. Each time he was willing to face new circumstances without complaining, ever ready to give a hand to help resolve situations. He repeats these words when, perhaps amid trials and misunderstandings, you seek to follow his will every day, wherever you find yourself. The first words that Saint Joseph heard in a dream were an invitation not to be afraid, because God remains ever faithful to his promises: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid” (Mt 1:20). 2:49 PM 05/14/2021 Brad Sylvester | Fact Check Reporter. Share to help others in their Catholic faith and life. He was not famous or even noteworthy: the Gospels do not report even a single word of his. Select the year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 December November October September August July June May April March February … In this way, as he did with Saint Joseph, he sets before us profound and unexpected horizons. I pray that you will experience this same joy, dear brothers and sisters who have generously made God the dream of your lives, serving him in your brothers and sisters through a fidelity that is a powerful testimony in an age of ephemeral choices and emotions that bring no lasting joy. Pope Francis called on Sunday for an end to the conflict in Israel and Gaza, saying the deaths of so many innocent people in recent days, including children, was unacceptable. Rev, Bishop Duncan Tsoke, Archbishop Buti Tlhagale now a member of UN’s Multi-Religious Council of Leaders. 1 Sam 16:7), and in Saint Joseph he recognized the heart of a father, able to give and generate life in the midst of daily routines. STAY UPDATED. This applies also to our calling: God does not like to reveal himself in a spectacular way, pressuring our freedom. The Gospels show how Joseph lived entirely for others and never for himself. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Gospels tell us of four dreams (cf. The theme for the 2021 World Day of Social Communications chosen by Pope Francis echo the words of the Apostle Philip, so as to recall that communication consists in “encountering people as and where they are”. DAILY GOSPEL COMMENTARY: “LORD YOU KNOW ALL THINGS, YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU” (Jn 21:15-19). The priesthood and the consecrated life greatly need these qualities nowadays, in times marked by fragility but also by the sufferings due to the pandemic, which has spawned uncertainties and fears about the future and the very meaning of life. Pope Francis announces theme of next World Meeting of Families By Francesca Merlo “Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness” is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the next World Meeting of Families, due to take place in Rome from 23 to 27 June 2021. PENTECOST SUNDAY. 4th Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday, Catholics Striving for holiness Home page, Catholics Striving for Holiness Privacy Policy. May Saint Joseph, protector of vocations, accompany you with his fatherly heart! DAILY GOSPEL COMMENTARY: “FOLLOW ME”(Jn 21:20-25). He wasted no time fretting over things he could not control, in order to give full attention to those entrusted to his care. The Church | 2021/02/12 Download document Share “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18). Indeed, Joseph’s dreams led him into experiences he would never have imagined. Pope Francis said Sunday that the cannonball that wounded Ignatius of Loyola 500 years ago not only changed the saint’s life but also the course of the world. Stay updated: subscribe by email for free TO OUR NEW WEBSITE www.catholicsstrivingforholiness.org (PUT YOUR EMAIL IN THE SUBSCRIBE WIDGET).We are also in www.fb.com/Catholicsstrivingforholiness. How good it would be if the same atmosphere, simple and radiant, sober and hopeful, were to pervade our seminaries, religious houses and presbyteries! Rolly Arjonillo. There is no record of Pope Francis making such a request. There can be no faith without risk. Indeed, we only have life if we give it; we truly possess it only if we generously give it away. Posted In News; Posted on May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021; by Chikwawa Diocese; The primary aim for the existence of the church is evangelization of the peoples for the salvation of their souls. Pope Francis Announces Theme for the 2022 World Meeting of Families. He did not let himself be hastily pressured. Still, through his ordinary life, he accomplished something extraordinary in the eyes of God. He did not do astonishing things, he had no unique charisms, nor did he appear special in the eyes of those who met him. DAILY PRAYER TO SANTO NIÑO (HOLY CHILD JESUS). God looks on the heart (cf. WELCOME TO CATHOLICS STRIVING FOR HOLINESS! A hymn in the liturgy speaks of the “transparent joy” present in the home of Nazareth. Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love. Saint Joseph has much to tell us in this regard, because, through the dreams that God inspired in him, he made of his life a gift. In this way, Joseph welcomed life’s frequent and often unexpected journeys: from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census, then to Egypt and again to Nazareth, and every year to Jerusalem. At a particularly difficult moment in his life, he thoughtfully considered what to do (cf. He did not yield to the temptation to act rashly, simply following his instincts or living for the moment. We rightly nurture great hopes, lofty aspirations that ephemeral goals – like success, money and entertainment – cannot satisfy. We may ask ourselves, “Why put so much trust in a dream in the night?” Although a dream was considered very important in ancient times, it was still a small thing in the face of the concrete reality of life. He does not overwhelm us with dazzling visions but quietly speaks in the depths of our heart, drawing near to us and speaking to us through our thoughts and feelings. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20210319_58-messaggio-giornata-mondiale-vocazioni.html, POPE FRANCIS' MESSAGE FOR THE 2021 WORLD DAY OF VOCATIONS, PLENARY INDULGENCE ON PENTECOST: PUBLIC RECITATION OF "VENI CREATOR". The Lord desires to shape the hearts of fathers and mothers: hearts that are open, capable of great initiatives, generous in self-giving, compassionate in comforting anxieties and steadfast in strengthening hopes. MAY 24: MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS. After the third, which foretold his return to his native land, a fourth dream made him change plans once again, bringing him to Nazareth, the place where Jesus would begin his preaching of the Kingdom of God. 25 April 2021Saint Joseph: The Dream of Vocation. What a beautiful example of Christian life we give when we refuse to pursue our ambitions or indulge in our illusions, but instead care for what the Lord has entrusted to us through the Church! Saint Joseph is an extraordinary figure, yet at the same time one “so close to our own human experience”. 7th week of Easter commentaries and readings. … vatican.va - HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS St Peter's Basilica Solemnity of Pentecost - Sunday, 23 May 2021 “When the Paraclete comes, whom I will send to you … Read headlines covering new policies, the Roman Catholic Church, news, and more. It is love that gives meaning to life, because it reveals life’s mystery. The world’s first Jesuit pope made the remark in a May 23 video message … Pope Francis and the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life have announced that the 2022 World Meeting of Families will be held from June 23-27, 2022 in Rome and will focus on the theme “Family Love: A … In the message subtitled: “Saint Joseph: The Dream of Vocation” the Holy Father, Pope Francis says he wrote the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde, whose aim was “to increase our love for this great saint”. Yet his was an active acceptance: never reluctant or resigned. Pope Francis 20.01.21 General Audience, Library of the Apostolic Palace Catechesis - Prayer for Christian Unity John 17: 1,9, 20-21 Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! An image shared on Facebook claims Pope Francis asked everyone to say a prayer about being “vaccinated by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.” Facebook/Screenshot. Pope Francis on Friday encouraged members of a homeless advocacy organization to be “witnesses of God’s mercy and goodness.” Speaking to the Association Lazare May 21, Pope Francis praised the group on 10 years of work […] CNA Staff, May 23, 2021 / 12:45 pm Pope Francis said Sunday that the cannonball that wounded Ignatius of Loyola 500 years ago not only changed the saint’s life but also the course of the world. Pope's messages. Why? Joseph was “certainly not passively resigned, but courageously and firmly proactive” (Patris Corde, 4). Lent: a … In this catechesis, we will reflect on the prayer for Christian unity . Fr. They were calls from God, but they were not easy to accept. Pope Francis February 12, 2021 Pope Francis leads an audience with participants in the general assembly of the Focolare movement, in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican Feb. 6, 2021. 8 December last, the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, marked the beginning of a special year devoted to him (cf. DAILY GOSPEL COMMENTARY: "RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT" (Jn 20:19–23). In this regard, Saint Joseph is an outstanding example of acceptance of God’s plans. DAILY GOSPEL COMMENTARY: “RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT” (Jn 20:19–23). In the light of God’s own faithfulness. Pope Francis graciously started Laudato Si’ Week 2021 during his Papal Angelus (Regina Caeli) on Sunday 16 May.. His Holiness warmly invited everyone to participate in the 10-day event and to learn more about how to “listen to the cry of the Earth and the … He conveys his plans to us with gentleness. News about Pope Francis - All the latest news - Vatican News. share on facebook tweet this show comments. May he help everyone, especially young people who are discerning, to make God’s dreams for them come true. MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS for the 2021 World Day of Migrants and Refugees Towards an ever wider “we” Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, I expressed a concern and a hope that remain uppermost in my thoughts: “Once this health crisis passes, our worst response would be to plunge even more deeply into feverish consumerism and new forms of … Pope Francis is calling for peace and dialogue after a cease-fire was declared between Israel and Palestine. Yet Saint Joseph let himself be guided by his dreams without hesitation. After each dream, Joseph had to change his plans and take a risk, sacrificing his own plans in order to follow the mysterious designs of God, whom he trusted completely. This fidelity is the secret of joy. World Communications Day will be celebrated on Sunday 16 May – the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. History and meaning of the feast. Patron saint of lost and impossible causes, the sick, wounded, marital problems, abused, of mothers. Joseph is the “righteous man” (Mt 1:19) who daily perseveres in quietly serving God and his plans. Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Saint Joseph is an extraordinary figure, yet at the same time one “so close to our own human experience”. And every “yes” bears fruit because it becomes part of a larger design, of which we glimpse only details, but which the divine Artist knows and carries out, making of every life a masterpiece.
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