's - Crack Cocaine babe - Drug used for detoxification baby - Marijuana baby - cocaine baby bhang - Marijuana baby habit - Occasional use of drugs baby t - Crack Cocaine babysit - Guide someone through first drug experience The Effects of Depressants . Instead, they sidewind you! D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Also referred to as speed, uppers are widely used recreationally as a performance enhancer for athletes and college students, and abused as a weight-loss supplement. See more words with the same meaning: drugs. Formerly, a species of snake; now more commonly referred to as any individual whose devious and deceitful nature is readily apparent, and as a result, they can't follow the straight and narrow. Texas Chili Bowl. shortened form of "eight ball" - an eighth of an ounce of an illegal drug.Could I get a ball?I love balling a tighty pussy. It is a solid crystal, melting at app 175 deg. See more words with the same meaning: an eighth of an ounce. It is an unofficial, official coded language that separates the have from the have-no-clues. Teen Drug Slang: Dictionary for Parents. Another common source for the street name of a drug is the effect that it has on the user. They can't be trusted as far as you can throw them, they perpetually prevaricate, are prone to larcenous activity, etc. shoot/shoot up - To inject a drug shooting gallery - Place where drugs are used shoppers - Individuals who buy drugs for others, sometimes keeping some of the drug for themselves shot - To inject a drug; an amount of cocaine; 10 shot or 20 shot shot down - Under the influence of drugs shot to the curb - A person who has lost it all to crack 20. 19. b - Amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox b-40 - Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor b-bombs - Amphetamines; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) b.j. Popular during rush week and spring break for FSU students. Read more about drug use and HIV/AIDS in DrugFacts: HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse. Last edited on Aug 04 2016. c - Cocaine c & m - Cocaine and morphine c joint - Place where cocaine is sold c-dust - Cocaine c-game - Cocaine c.s. See more words with the same meaning: abbreviations (list of). Adding to MDMA's risks is that pills, capsules, or powders sold as Ecstasy and supposedly "pure" Molly may contain other drugs instead of or in addition to MDMA. I’m not even sure this is possible. h - Heroin h & c - Heroin and cocaine h - bomb - Ecstasy (MDMA) mixed with heroin h caps - Heroin hache - Heroin hail - Crack Cocaine haircut - Marijuana hairy - Heroin half - 1/2 ounce half a football field - 50 rocks of crack half elbows - 1/2 pound of methamphetamine half g - $500 half load - 15 bags (decks) of heroin half moon - Peyote half piece - 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine In the United States, uppers are also … 18. - Marijuana caballo (spanish) - Heroin cabbage head - An individual who will use or experiment with any kind of drug cabello (spanish) - Cocaine caca - Heroin cactus - Mescaline cactus buttons - Mescaline cactus head - Mescaline cad/cadillac - 1 ounce cadillac - Cocaine; PCP Eat some crab legs beforehand to give it a hint of seafood. Added Risk of MDMA. Understanding drug lingo gives parents a key tool in monitoring their teens for drug abuse. Because barbiturates and benzodiazepines act to depress the central nervous system, many slang names for depressants refer to slowing down: Block Busters, Busters, Downer, Double Trouble, Goofers, Drowsy High, Downie, Idiot Pills, Lay Back, Stumbler, and Stoppers. LSD gained popularity in the 60s with the counterculture, and was quickly criminalized in 1966 in the US. Norwegian Torchblower. These include law enforcement officials, educators, parents, or anyone else keen on eavesdropping or discovering the illicit conduct of others. The term uppers is a street name for amphetamine-based psychostimulant drugs that produce increased wakefulness and focus, in association with decreased fatigue and appetite. m - Marijuana; morphine m&m - Depressants m.j. - Marijuana m.o. A fun Urban Dictionary game: Use your imagination and fill in the blanks. - Morphine m.u. Drug slang — or a vocabulary originating from the streets — helps maintain the down-low status quo. - Marijuana m.s. (Urban Dictionary knows no bounds.) Read more about drug use and hepatitis. A semisynthetic psychedelic first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, later used in psychiatric research and mind-control projects by the CIA (MKULTRA). Tallahassee Gas Mask.
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