Research reveals that programmed instruction is one of the more effective methods for building knowledge and retention of that knowledge. It is better to give him a friendly welcome when he joins the organisation, get him introduced to the organisation and help him to get a general idea about the rules and regulations working conditions etc. Almost all the scholars unanimously agree that – Various questions are asked from the candidates and so on. Absenteeism and labour turnover and such other manpower problems are also anticipated. Question 15. Recruitment is concerned with the sources of supply of work force, whereas selection involves a number of steps to employ the right type of people for various jobs. They should be given adequate training so that wastage is minimum: They must also be induced to show higher productivity and quality by offering them. These Worksheets for Grade 12 Business Studies, class assignments and … (ii) Staffing and employing refer to the same activity. State whether the following statements are true or false. 2. (d) Trade Test: These tests measure the existing skills of the individual. The establishment of the Personnel Department does not relieve the line managers of the staffing responsibilities. There are four methods of on-the-job training described below –. With the help of manpower planning, an organisation can secure the services of the right type of people at the right time. Internal Sources: Such sources of labour supply exist within the organisation. Developing and maintaining the quality of work life. There are 15 questions in this test with each question having around four answer choices. a() Forecast (b) Budget c() Plan (d) Estimate. Job analysis and employment opportunities programmes. The candidate can seek more information about the employer and the job. 6. The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time-bound promotions. School Live Tuition Classes; Nursery to Class 5 Live Classes; Class 6 to 8 … The conception applied whether the specific employee is a file clerk, a maintenance mechanic, a research and development scientist a marketing executive, a finance view-president or a production superintendent. Staffing is the inherent part of Human Resource Management which can be made more clear by analysing this example, when the above stated functions are carried out at small scale in small organisations by every manager, we call it as staffing function and when these functions are performed at large scale in a big organisation, there is a need to create a separate department called human resource department. (Foreign 2014) Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 12 Business Studies. 3. It will reveal the adequacy of manpower in terms of number and skills. There are two sets of functions of human resources management. This indicates the extent to which the future manpower needs can be met from within the organisation. some members may feel that the whole conference is useless unless they are made aware of the objectives of holding the conference. They take more interest in their jobs. NCERT Solution. However, the lecture method in training is useful to introduce the subject matter its overview, its principles, laws, classification, and summaries etc. At the most, they are only certain basic heading and guidelines which provide a conceptual and analytical framework within which organization does what it needs to do in the \yay which best suits itself. Employment of Personnel: The first major responsibility of the Personnel Manager is the employment for proper kinds and a number of persons necessary to do various jobs in the Organisation. Human resources are the foundation of any business. Job analysis provides a scientific basis for proper recruitment and selection of personnel. Moreover, an organisation can properly meet its manpower requirements arising out of expansion and growth schemes. (i) Handling grievances (ii) Training and development of employees Staffing function must be performed efficiently by all organisation. Staffing class 12 Business Neha Singh. Complete Important Questions : Staffing Class 12 Notes | EduRev chapter (including extra questions, long questions, short … Under it the number and kind of personnel required by the organisation during a specified future period (e.g. Trained employees can work better and thereby earn rewards. True. Higher morale helps to reduce absenteeism and labour turnover. Staffing is the most important part of Human Resource Management as it develops and manages the human elements of the enterprise considering their knowledge, skill, creativity, talents and potentials for contributing towards organisational objectives. ... Ans : The two important sources of staffing are: (a) Promotions: The promotion policy is followed as a motivational … Staffing is the function by which managers build an organization through the recruitment, selection, development of individuals as capable employees. It involves procuring, developing, maintaining and appraising a competent work force to achieve the goals efficiently and effectively. Some of the common methods of off-the-job training include lectures, conferences, group discussions, role-playing, case studies, programmed instruction, and T. group training. Formal training helps to minimise time, cost and wastage involved in training. Induction or Orientation Training: Induction is concerned with introducing or orienting a new employee to the organisation and its procedures, rules and regulation. 6 Business Studies— CBSE XII 3. Question 1. Important Questions for Class 10; Question Papers. His way of thinking can also be known. People came to be recognized as a valuable resource, which can be further developed. In the interview, the candidate has to appear before the interview or group interviewers. Finding proper resources: Staffing performs a very important role of finding the best resource necessary for conducting the day to day operations of the business. Class 12 Exemplar Questions. This function of management relating to laying down the foundation for carrying out the other functions of management successfully is (a) Organising Truly, staffing concept widens and magnifies the decision zone of managers but at the same time, staffing entails a balanced sharing of the staffing function with the personnel department. When the situation gets normal, the demand for labour F will increase. The job of hiring people for the organisation was given to one man, who later on was assigned the responsibility of recruitment, selection and placement of personnel. They feel that management cares for them. Let us briefly see their views on human resource management. Students should give more focus to these chapters, as it can help them to score higher marks. 7. BUSINESS STUDIES Class XII Objective Type Questions MCQs/Fill in the Blanks/True or False (With Answers) 2 Business Studies— CBSE XII 4. The learning conditions are carefully controlled. 1. lecturing emphasizes the routine memorization of facts rather than the practical aspects of a job. False. The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. (c) Personality Tests: Personality tests provide clues to a person’s emotions, his reactions, maturity and value system etc. Question 12. Staffing Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Staffing as a Part of Human Resource Management 1. This led to the emergence of a personnel officer in the first place and personnel manager, later on. Thus vestibule training is very must suitable where a large number of persons are to be trained arid where mistakes are likely to occur which will disturb the production schedules. Thus many employees are satisfied. a clear and vigorous presentation on the part of the lecturer requires a great deal of preparation; the untrained and inexperienced lecturer may deliver an unpalatable lecture, he might rumble of pack too much redundant „ information in a single lecture leaving the important technical details. Selection: Selection, on the other hand, is a negative process. Increasing to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization. Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. What we study in Personnel/HRM: Download HOTS questions and answers for Class 12 Business Studies. It has the chief advantage of strongly motivating the trainee to learn. All questions and answers from the NCERT Book of Class 12 Commerce Business studies Chapter 6 are provided here for you for free. Question 1. The personnel department designs and runs the appropriate training programmes for developing the necessary skills among the personnel.
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