Copyright © 2018 Girl After Marriage. What are some of your tips from one stay at home wife to another? I get asked every once in a while what I do all day as a stay-at-home wife. Have a great New Year! You could start getting things done in half the time simply by focusing all your energy on the task until it’s done. ), How to Clean a Front Loading Washing Machine in 9 Easy Steps, 13 Clever House Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms, Why is Decluttering So Hard? You’re your own boss, and though it sounds appealing, it’s not always as easy as you may think. After all, that is why wegetmarriedright? And no, I’m definitely not bored. Surprise him one day by having it at home for him (if finances are tight, buying online through Rakuten will give you cashback and you can check for any available discounts. My name is Nikki, I am a young wife, fur baby mama, and a pink dreamer. A stay at home wife isn’t always stressed out … Even when you think you’ve finished everything, there’s always more. But before we get to that, let’s look at some of the advantages of being a stay at home wife…. I use this study Bible and LOVE the way it explains things) will help you start your day on the right foot and with your head screwed on straight. I like to use a cleaning schedule just like this one. The Military Wife And Mom recommends some minutes of I also strongly believe in following the Bible on how to be a godly woman, wife and mother. (I also use this every day to pray over my husband.). Make it a place where your friends aren’t worried if their kids run around or color; but somewhere that is still cozy enough to sit on the couch with a steaming cup of coffee and visit with a friend for hours. A good partner listens to what her spouse has to say without interrupting. If you’re becoming a stay at home wife chances are finances are going to get a bit tight until you can figure out how to balance life on one income. Related: 21 Habits of Extremely Organized People. Use this schedule to create your daily stay at home wife schedule. 4. Must be willing to give up some power of your parenting skills, and allow your spouse to help you … They don’t get to leave work at the end of the day. You still need to make time for you. Some evenings we do our own thing. And some days don’t always go according to plan, and things can take a turn – good and bad. Putting effort into the way you look and taking time to pamper yourself (with an at-home spa kit) – or just do something you enjoy – each day will keep you refreshed and ready to face each new day. First things first: being a stay-at-home wife does not mean that the wife is laying around all day, watching TV, and generally being privileged while her husband works hard five days a week. In my latest round of resumes review, I had several applicants account for a gap in their employment with the line “Stay at home parent” with the years associated. I get so wrapped up in all the tasks I have to do throughout the day that I often end up forgetting to eat, or I’ll just graze on snacks throughout the day. Courtney is the perfect example of the proper role of a 21st century wife. 20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List to Save Money, Use Rakuten for free here & get a $10 bonus through this link, 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become a Stay at Home Mom, The 5 Senses Gift For Your Husband (a gift he will actually like! Have you checked the laundry pile lately? Yes, I said wife and not mom—as of right now we don’t have any kiddos. She is far more precious than jewels. Each and every homemaker’s schedule will look different from the next, but it’s important to make a schedule that keeps you busy throughout the day but not so busy that you become overwhelmed with your role. The national average weekly salary for a full-time nanny is $705. Simple things such as putting away the dog toys, folding blankets, and putting dishes into the dishwasher. 2.1 Be Attentive To Everyone's Needs. I’ll tidy any mess left in the kitchen, whether it is from the night before or from that morning. It’s nice to be able to relate to a blog so much. “All this from choosing to quit my job and stay home?” YES – being a stay at home wife is so much more than just a title. I’ll also spend about 15-20 minutes reading a daily devotion to start my day off right. Font Size - Stick to 11-12pt font size for normal text and 14-16pt for headers. Sharing Household Duties with a Stay-At-Home Spouse. Here are some examples of daily household chores you'll want to consider adding to your list: My name is Nikki, a traditionl girl living in a modern world. Shortly after getting married I went back to work after having a few months off. Show empathy and learn how to have great conversations. Depending on your sleep time, you can wake up at 5 am or 7 am. Of course, I also spend this time to work on my blog, social media accounts, and write up new content for my wonderful readers. 16 May 2011. The good news is that living on one income IS very possible – my husband and I have been doing it for years – it just requires some lifestyle adjustments. How to be a good stay at home wife (11 simple steps), The Best Inexpensive Vacuum Cleaners Under $100, or just use this so you never have to organize a drawer again. All Rights Reserved. Insert “must be nice” here- kidding! But if you’re willing to lay down your wants and focus on your needs, it’s amazing how much stuff you can magically make work… things that you never thought were possible. Spend some time each day making your home a haven for your husband to come home to every evening after work. It’s choosing to create a haven for your husband and family, it’s managing the tasks of the household so your husband can come home and shake off his long day at work. My Daily Life as a Stay-at-Home Wife (With No Kids)! Yep. Im a stay at home dog mom i have three furbabies and absolutely love and appreciate my life more i keep my home clean and husband fed . The assumption is that the stay-at-home mother is juggling multiple positions, including facilities manager, CEO, laundry operator, computer operator, housekeeper, cook, day care teacher, van driver, janitor, and psychologist. I’m just like any other stay-at-home wife, just without the addition of children (yet). It’s being a homemaker. You could even get into the habit of waking up with your husband (or before) and making him a nice breakfast before he sets off to work. But even with her jobs, like all stay at home moms, she is home with our children during normal “business hours”. (But seriously, if you’re serious about being a stay at home wife, please read this first. And let’s face it… it just makes you a nicer person. Let’s get right to it. Nala is easier to care for, but she does need a different kind of attention. The floor could use a good sweep. To avoid burning out and continue loving your role as a homemaker and stay at home wife, you need to make sure you take time for yourself. Make yourself look good and don’t just wear sweats with bedhead all day. “Do you work?”…because stay-at-home spouses don’t work. Live in the moment and embrace whatever comes your way. And now here we are, and I want to share with you everything I’ve learned about being the best stay at home wife you can be and how to use your role to bless those around you. It took a conversation with a stranger recently to remind me of that. Although women remain more likely than men to perform most of the duties at home, this has declined in some cases over the past two decades. or you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants, using a list to organize your days will ensure that you get the most important tasks done first, then work your way down each and every thing that needs to be done throughout the day. So, how do you know if it’s right for you? I was wasting energy on things that weren’t important and forgetting about the things that were. In all honesty, I like to take things day-by-day and take it easy, enjoying the present moment. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy! I have been MOM for 20 yrs & a pet Mom periodically through the 20 yrs. Stay at home wife duties. Listing time as a stay-at-home parent on your resume I work for a nonprofit and am responsible for the first several stages of the hiring process. As I’m slowly waking up, I will go on my phone again and check social media, my blog, and reply to any messages or e-mails I’ve received. I’m also human, so if I start feeling tired or lazy (who doesn’t) on some days, I purposely won’t do too much work. And sometimes it’s just plain hard to find the motivation to clean. Stat. Maybe you are a stay at home wife and you feel lost and like you’re not getting anything productive done with your days. Matt will play a game with his friends or I’ll do some late-night baking. Related: estimates the replacement cost of a housewife is approximately $113,586 per year. Apart from maintaining the house and running errands, add in taking care of pets, as well as a side business, and it can almost become a challenge to complete your “to-do” list. I have met MANY women who say they’re jealous of me and that I get to stay home all day (“and do nothing” are the words they leave unspoken, but we both know are there). 3 What To Know About A House Husband - … Yet on others, I’m a bundle of energy and can tackle everything in one go! She has been out on her own for a while. I’ve heard it all from “Do you ever get bored?” to “Would you consider going back to work?” Well, I can confidently say I’m not sitting on the couch eating junk food! I was really stuck with what to put - I think this is the first time I've had to fill in 'occupation' since leaving paid work and becoming a stay-at-home mum (my daughter is now 22 months and we're expecting our second bub in June). I take Shiloh for a walk, cook a fresh meal for her, play a game of chase or tug-a-war, and have some cuddle time on the couch together. Whatever we feel like doing, we do it in each other’s presence. … Question: What would you advise to a woman born in 1958 who had no attraction for the things you did before being a stay at home wife, and excelled for forty years in the Fine Art of Homemaking, yet had to move through the difficulty of her husband no longer wanting a wife? Sometimes I’ll make a small breakfast for myself if I feel hungry, otherwise, I will just sip on my beverage. (There is more to the daily duties of a stay at home wife than meets the eye.). She has her own job, her own car, and a nice home. But spread them out so you only add one a week to keep the extra work from becoming overwhelming. Sometimes my mom, sister, and I go to the mall together and do some shopping. Add these monthly tasks to your weekly chore list. However, she also has three other jobs. My days have never been the same & I like it that way! “WOAH – we don’t get to wear our cozy jammies all day?” Nope. It wasn’t until I went back to work that both my husband and I realized how much we had both loved having me be a stay at home wife. Kind of like spinning my wheels but getting nowhere. Your words really hit home. This is what she does/doesn’t do (btw, we’re in our 40’s; not kids): 1. A woman who stays at home and cleans all day, right? 2.3 By Putting Them On A List, You Make Them Impossible To Ignore As Well As Impossible To Forget. Duties include vacuuming, mopping, dusting, laundry, dishes, scrubbing toilets, picking up toys and removing stains from the carpet and furniture. Some afternoons, I’ll go out with my sister to visit a new cafe or to go thrift shopping. Whether you’re a person of routine (me, me, me!) My wife, Casey, is a stay-at-home mom, meaning her primary responsibility is to be home with our children during the day. List of SAHM Duties. Why I Decided To Be A Stay-At-Home Wife (With No Kids), How To Be Productive When Working From Home: 5 Tips and Advice as a Homemaker + Blogger, Homemaker’s Evening Routine: 4 Easy Tasks That Will Help You Prepare for the Next Day. My name is Nikki, a traditionl girl living in a modern world. One of the most important things I’ve learned when making my stay at home wife schedule is to schedule time for lunch. I am a firm believer in being feminine and using feminine energy to build strong, romantic relationships, and in creating a fabulous life for yourself. Spoil yourself every once in a while. It’s time to march back to the bedroom and get into some “big girl” clothes. Stay at home wives work in the house. We’re usually in the same room together 90% of the time, so we never feel like we have to force ourselves to sit down and spend time together. In the divorce, she could no longer stay in their home as a wife. Fortunately, I thoroughly enjoy homemaking, so it neither feels like an exhausting job where you just want to quit or a burden on your shoulders. Ready to learn how to be a good stay at home wife? Amazing Nikki. Font - Use a professional resume font that stands out, but not too much. An excellent wife who can find? There is a lot of work to be done as a homemaker. The key idea is that to be a good … Your post gave me an insight on how I can always continue to be productive but that it is okay if I do have a lazy day on occasion. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get 7 to 8 hours a day. I enjoy taking my time, planning my own schedule, and able to embrace what comes my way. What do you think of when you hear the words ‘Stay At Home Wife’? This is what my husband and I did to go from spending $1,000 on groceries a month to $300! MAKE A LIST. You’ll want to create a budget that is tailored exactly to your family’s needs so you can ensure you’ll be able to live comfortably on one income without going into debt. Meal planning helps me in this case since I don’t need to think too hard about what I’ll make when he arrives. You get the point – there’s always something that can be done. Me too, sadly. On the 4th of July I went to work with my husband. You could organize a drawer (or just use this so you never have to organize a drawer again), sweep the floor, throw in a load of laundry (with some homemade detergent), wipe out the cupboards, make next week’s meal plan (or do what I do and just use this). Waking up early and starting your day before the rush sets in will help you feel more relaxed and at ease for the rest of the day. She needn’t do all the... Jill-of-All-Trades. The late evening is my favourite part of the day. Ultimately, being a stay at home wife can change your marriage and your life for the better, but you have to be willing to make sacrifices along the way. While it would be possible for stay at home wives to waste their days doing nothing, for most, it’s not a reality. I’ll also organize and tidy a different room each day to maintain cleanliness. As much as people might think and assume my life is easy or close to picture perfect, I want to be as real as possible. I like to use a cleaning schedule just like this one. “What do stay at home wives do all day?” is a very common question that gets asked. ➡️ Do you desire to stay home with your kids? It’s making a choice to do the dirty work, the unappreciated work, and the work that no one else wants to do (I’m talking about you, toilets…). This is another reason why I love being a homemaker: time freedom. I’ll load the dishwasher, clean any pots or oven dishes used, and wipe down the kitchen counters. I thank God for my life and love hearing other womens experiences and tips . YOU CAN READ OUR DISCLOSURE POLICY HERE.). (Looking at the schedule of a homemaker and thinking, “I could do that”, and actually doing it are two different things altogether. And so am I. What’s beautiful about being a women in the 21st century is the power of choice. Most of the time he lets me know if he’s hungry or not once he’s on his way home, which lets me know whether I should start dinner or not. When you look at a stay at home mom’s daily schedule, it’s easy to think that their job really isn’t that hard. This means that day in and day out, all day they are at work, which could result in burning out. Your errand day becomes a day out with your husband hiking with the dog. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hispteria Theme by Seaboard Themes. Done running errands and tempted to sit down and scroll through Facebook for half an hour? And other people yet think that we spend hours on end ironing our husband’s underwear. Here on ‘Girl After Marriage’, you can read all about my journey as a newlywed, dating & marriage, becoming a homemaker, and all things lifestyle. Life is too short to be so strict and follow an agenda. If you’re famous for making lists and forgetting about them (also me), this to do list formula is GENIUS and will help you make lists that you follow through with. It is convenient to be able to catch up with people in just a couple of seconds, but it’s far too easy to get sucked into the endless Facebook scroll or texting with a friend when you should be doing household chores. I am not tied down or restricted, and am available for any friends or family that need me. Rather than jumping out of bed, quickly making breakfast and a cup of coffee then running out the door so you’re not late for work, you can wake up with your husband and help make his work morning just a bit more relaxed and easier. I try to have dinner ready (or close to done) once my husband arrives home from work. Print out this sheet using the link below, and then stick your sheet into a sheet protector and into your home management binder.Then, you can reference back to the chart as needed or use a dry erase marker to tick off the jobs as they are completed throughout the week. Photo Credit: Many people believe all we do is sleep in and watch movies. Do you ever just wonder how to be a good homemaker or what stay at home wives do all day? Neither the new bride or groom has had a positive example of wifely duties and husbandly tasks but they each have their ideas of how they want things to go once they are married. Related: 20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List to Save Money. Resume Length - Maintain a 1-page limit. The catch? Here are a couple of different reasons why being a stay at home wife might not be the right fit for you (right now): Being a homemaker is a wonderful, rewarding job and you can bless many people with the role you have, but while you’re deciding what YOU should do, remember that it’s not for everybody. If it is an errands type of day, this usually consists of grocery shopping, going to the bank, or buying food for my fur babies. If I didn’t get around to the “fun stuff” it wasn’t as big of a deal as if I didn’t get all my tasks done.). When I wake up, I’ll quickly check my phone for any missed calls or messages. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. You have to be a self-starter and get things done in time and on time, which can be hard when there’s no “boss” telling you what to do and when to do it. Maybe there’s a meal he’s been craving for weeks. The daily chore list should be shared among family members so no one has to do it all. Her stay at home wife duties include tаkіng саrе of whаt thе fаmіlу еаtѕ аnd wеаrѕ. It changed the way my husband and I handled our finances. But, here are some general stay at home housewife duties –. (If you have yet to start meal planning, there’s no better time than now. You just got another subscriber , I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy *. Reading this post.). Homemaking is their job. He has some “things” too and a decent job. Standing around with nothing to do? 2.5 Don't Strive For Perfection 100% Of The Time. Once I’m done tidying, my husband and I will relax on the couch together and either watch something on Netflix, play with the dog, or work on a puzzle together. I recently had to fill in a form which had a space for 'Occupation'. 2.4 Remember To Have Time For Yourself. A wife wіll mаkе ѕurе thаt thе hоuѕе іѕ clеаn аnd thаt іt іѕ а рlеаѕаnt home to соmе to. Hello! I also enjoy shopping by myself, because every housewife needs a fun day out every once in a while. If it is a stay-at-home type of day, then you’ll find me going through my to-do list for the day. The 5 Senses Gift For Your Husband (a gift he will actually like!) Daily household chores help you stay on top of clutter and make your home guest-ready at any time. Listen. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This is how much you are worth Blogger Steven Nelms assumes he cannot… If you really need to focus in on something that you’re doing, turning your phone, computer, and TV off will help you focus and get the task done without getting distracted. Also, right before bed, I do a quick 5-10 minute tidy of the living room, dining room table, and kitchen. A clean and tidy home is the foundation of an efficient household. Lunches, backpacks, etc. For a stay-at-home mom resume that looks the part, we recommend: Margins - One-inch margins on all sides. But, it’s also not for the faint of heart. Housewife Job Description Housekeeper. Other days I’ll meet up with a friend for lunch. They have it so easy. 4 Ugly Emotions You Face When Decluttering, How to Make Your House Smell Good – 10 Easy Hacks, 6 Simple Homemaking Tips No One Tells You About, How to Spring Clean Your House in 8 Uncomplicated Steps, The 17 Best Grout Cleaning Tools: Gloriously Restore Grimy Grout. Caring for her home is one of the most visible of a housewife’s responsibilities. 2.2 Be Organised. So, after some discussions and vigorously working out a budget, I quit my job and never looked back. That really isn’t what it is all about. How to use this Household Chores List. Courtney can choose to be a stay-at-home mom and I can choose to be in the corporate workforce. ), Each woman is different, so each woman’s tasks and responsibilities will be different. Here are 20 of the main duties of a mother. Thank you! Georgia de Lotz|Mike Marquez|STIL |Al Kawasa. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Meals could be getting prepped. If you feel like you’re constantly falling behind with your finances, this will help you get on track to a debt-free life even when you’re living on very little. A good housewife has mastered basic handyman skills. She isn’t so stressed out that sex is just another chore. Use Rakuten for free here & get a $10 bonus through this link). Love it ! I do all the basic chores – laundry, dishes, sweeping, dusting, etc. Time management is crucial for stay at home moms. The biggest thing I did for my time management was focus on getting my tasks done FIRST, then doing “fun stuff” last. Then think of how much more in depth you could be going if being a full-time homemaker was your job. or you prefer to fly … This means if my schedule changes last minute, I embrace it wholeheartedly. Being a stay at home wife isn’t living in pajamas and eating chocolate with rollers in your hair. Prioritizing your and your family’s values, routines, appointments, and creating boundaries that release you from other people’s urgencies. That was until I started to learn how to manage my time better. Sometimes your stay-at-home day becomes a last-minute coffee date. And while no one is going to argue that your job is among the hardest on the planet, your “at home” time can present serious challenges as you prepare to venture back into the 9-to-5 workforce. Courtney loves her life and is the perfect wife for her husband, Keith. I am a young wife and homemaker, mom to two fur babies, and love everything pink. 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become a Stay at Home Mom That way I don’t need to batch all my big cleaning tasks into one day – I can spread them out over a number of days to make the workload lighter. If a clean and organized home is important to your husband, try to do little things every day that keep your home clean and tidy. A recovering perfectionist learning how to create a beautiful home that isn’t perfect (and also how to not panic when that same load of laundry has been sitting on the couch for a week because… life).
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