December 25 was the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and marked the moment when the days began to lengthen again. Nimrod is nothing. Fast of Esther, 13th 'Adhar 3. Hermes--born on December 25 was the son of the virgin Maia, --member of a holy trinity Hermes Tris-Megistus. It would indeed be strange if Hermes, Buddha, Krishna, Horus, Heracles, Adonis, Dionisio, Zarathustra, Mitra, Tammuz, and Jesus were born on December 25. That is the date of a pagan festival of the sun god Tammuz merged with Christianity under Constantine. Egyptian and Babylonian antiquities recognize his mother as Semiramis, and his birthday is celebrated on 25th December. Tammuz (sprout of life), ... Feast of Dedication, 25th Kiclew 2. It's amazing how the world has been tricked to believing that Jesus was born December 25. For example, December 25 was an important birthday for many human gods. Nine months later born child and the child is put as the name Tammuz. Jesus’ death and resurrection brings life to our souls. Nonetheless, you have a sunny disposition to work with. They love your winning attitude, too. I think the birth of Jesus is awesome and … It would indeed be strange if Hermes, Buddha, Krishna, Horus, Heracles, Adonis, Dionisio, Zarathustra, Mitra, Tammuz, and Jesus were born on December 25. This is only a partial list of deities whose birthday was celebrated on December 25. Tammuz (often confused as Baby Jesus) was born of two pagan gods: (Nimrod - A sun God) and the Moon Goddess of Ancient Babylon (The Queen of Heaven). As any Bible Scholar will verify for you, we can work out that Jesus was born late September, early October by calculation from John the Baptists birth. In the legend, Tammuz dies young and his birth is honored on his birthday which coincided with the Winter Solstice. The Catholic Encyclopedia itself admits: “The Nativity of the Unconquered Sun, celebrated on the 25th of December, has a strong claim on the responsibility of our December date.” Before the Roman shift in time, December 25th marked the ancient winter solstice and was known throughout antiquity as the birthday of the all the pagan s-u-n gods. You make people laugh with your sense of humor. Notice! we have Mithra, Heracles, Dionysus, Tammuz, Adonis, and others (see All About Adam and Eve, by Richard Gillooly). Semiramus had became … Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. I guess you were surprised and shocked to read my comments about Tammuz and his 25th December birthday and that Jesus was not born December 25. Since it’s a Christian document that elsewhere lists Jesus’ birthday as December 25, it could be the Unconquerable Christ—not the sun—whose birth was celebrated. Feast of Purim, 14th 'Adhar 4. Usually, you are hard at work while others are sleeping. The Bible did not say when Jesus was born, and no one knows for certain. That is whom you are celebrating on Christmas! Prometheus--born on December 25, descended from … The Lord created the day, not Nimrod. In the Hebrew calendar, Tammuz is the tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. Tammuz/Osiris’s death and rebirth brought life to agriculture. December 25th is the birth date of Tammuz, the Babylonian sun god or the Egyptian sun god Ra! Tammuz c. 400 BCE--born to a virgin, named Mylitta, on December 25 Adonis c. 200 BCE--born on December 25 was son of the virgin Myrha. December 25 has become more and more acceptable as the birth date of Jesus. As any Bible Scholar will verify for you, we can work out that Jesus was born late September, early October by calculation from John the Baptists birth. . Tammuz was the illegitimate son of Semiramus, which led to Nimrod’s death and battle for control of Babylon and the tower of Babel by Tammuz. Called “KRST,” the “Anointed One.” Born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave / manger, with his birth announced by a star and attended by three wise men. God bless. However, some argue that the birth occurred in some other season, such as in the fall. Dec 26, 2011 #8. Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, is a Hebrew holiday that lasts for 7 days and takes place during the Fall. Many different calendar systems have since adopted Tammuz to refer to a month in the summer season. Tammuz was a month in the Babylonian calendar, named for one of the main Babylonian gods, Tammuz (Sumerian: Dumuzid, "son of life"). It’s not about it being His actual birthday but about the fact that He was born. It would not surprise me if you somehow used your supernatural abilities to help others. Ironically, December 25th was a celebration of the birthday of the sun god. Some of these characters, you will see below, were also born to virgins. 2112— c . Tammuz Zoroaster Jesus. However, the … Fast of the Fourth Month, 17th Tammuz 5. Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a Roman mystery religion centered on the god Mithras.Although inspired by Iranian worship of the Zoroastrian divinity Mithra, the Greek Mithras is linked to a new and distinctive imagery, with the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice debated. Famous December 25 Birthdays including Ashley Nichole, SaraBeautyCorner, Justin Trudeau, Daysha Taylor, Bobbie-Jo and many more. The earliest mention of December 25 as Jesus’ birthday comes from a mid-fourth-century Roman almanac that lists the death dates of various Christian bishops and martyrs. The 25 December marked the birthday of Nimrod - not Jesus. This was celebrated on or around December 21st. ... Before 200 B.C. Part of the ritual involved cutting down a young evergreen tree as a way of commemorating the premature death of Tammuz. Dec. 25 was chosen in the fourth century. Even if Christmas and Sol Invictus were both on December 25, Christmas might have been the basis of Sol Invictus, or the reverse, or it might just be a coincidence. The birthday of the god was to be on DECEMBER 25, AND THIS, TRANSFORMED INTO CHRISTMAS DAY, WAS ONE OF THE HERITAGES THAT CHRISTIANITY OWED TO HIS CULT" (p. 391- 392, emphasis mine). The Romans at that time celebrated Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, the end of the autumn planting season (satus means sowing). He is a god-man, an incarnation of the deity who is born as a human being, dies in the course of time, and takes to life again." 2004 BC ) in the city of Umma (modern Tell Jokha), the marriage of the god was dramatically celebrated in February—March, Umma's Month of the Festival of Tammuz. Hebrew Voices #13 - The Truth About Christmas and Tammuz (Rebroadcast) You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Followers of this theory claim that the Judean winters were too cold for shepherds to be watching their flocks by night. Learn more at Nehemia: Shalom, this is Nehemia Gordon with Hebrew Voices, and I am coming to you today with a very special guest, Dr. Richard Carrier. 16. But its principle of dualism lived on in Gnosticism and the mystery religions of the Roman Empire. By adopting pagan holidays, the Catholic authorities hoped to make it easier for pagans to turn into … The Fuel Project - Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. Who’s birthday is December 25th? [28] 'On the evidence currently available we cannot exclude the possibility that, for instance, the 30 chariot races held in honor of Sol on December 25 were instituted in reaction to the Christian claim of December 25 as the birthday of Christ. If people celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25 and you do not, what is that to you? Born 25 December in the year 3005 BC. (Almost certainly based on Tammuz). Mar 9, 2014 - From: TrustYAH777: Sukkot Video made for the praise honor and glory of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Tammuz Hercules Osiris Perseus Helios Bacchus Apollo Jupiter Sol Invictus - (The "Unconquered Sun") When the Roman Catholics decided to make December 25th a "Christian holiday" in the fourth century, they simply "adopted" a pagan holiday and kept most of the same pagan traditions. Jesus is everything. By associating with the sun god Nimrod, Semiramis proclaimed that day as the birthday of Sol evergreen tree, symbol of life amid the dead of winter, … 6, p.623] “The winter solstice (Dec 25) was the time at which all the sun-gods from Osiris to Jupiter and Mithra had celebrated their (birthdays), Buddha's Birthday Wikipedia 2020 Buddha Purnima is the biggest day for Buddhists because on this day, it is believed three important events of the Buddha's life took place: his birth, his attaining The cults of Mithra, the sun god, and Anaita, the goddess of fertility—similar to Nimrod/Tammuz and Semiramis, the old Babylonian Mystery Religion—grew in popularity until Zoroastrianism faded into obscurity. Bacchus--born on December 25, was crucified in 200 BCE. It was in reality the birth day of the pagan sun … A. Dec 26, 2011. OSIRIS – EGYPT, before 2500 BC: He came to fulfill the law. It was a celebration of Nimrod, Tammuz, Dionysus, Bacchus, Saturn, Mithra, Sol Invictus, and various other Pagan gods. Am I being a Pharisee? "The ancient Tammuz is one of the most important prototypes of Christ. The Catholic church (in 336 AD) declared December 25th (on the Julian calendar) to be Yeshua's birthday in order to replace a pagan Roman holiday, Saturnalia. The early church, in an attempt to get rid of the pagan holiday, declared December 25th to be the birthday of the Son of God. Mother and Child worship were common pagan practices during this time and so Tammuz and the Queen of Heaven are still worshipped today in many religions under … Tammuz, a pagan sun god, was born on December 25. This “birthday celebration” was around for thousands of years before Jesus was ever born. . The December 25 birthday personality are professionals who are generally found in the background. December 25 is the birthday of Tammuz. forever on December 25 – the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol (one of the names of the sun-god). Sukkot, the true time of the birth of Yâsha' the Messiah. It was around the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, after which the … Christianity Beliefs . During the 3rd dynasty of Ur ( c . Sponsored link: Conclusions: The true origin of Christmas: All of these Pagan gods were said to have been born (or reborn) at the Winter Solstice. Who are you to judge another’s servant? Jesus was not born on December 25. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. . The Birth of Tammuz And Polytheism. Did it shock you? Jesus was not born anywhere near December 25. The Saturnalia, therefore, was just another observance for Tammuz/Nimrod, the Babylonian, counterfeit redeemer. The following are the characteristics of the "sun" of God: a. — [Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. Christianity took over the birthday of the sun god, the cult of the sun, and transformed it into CHRISTMAS DAY, the "birthday" of Yeshua the Messiah! Fast ... /f/feasts.htm - 36k. Semiramis was depicted as a virgin Madonna holding the "Christ" child. The cult of Tammuz centred around two yearly festivals, one celebrating his marriage to the goddess Inanna, the other lamenting his death at the hands of demons from the netherworld. This Christianity beliefs video from The Fuel Project tells the story of Tammuz. The day noted as December 25 has always belonged to the Lord, not Nimrod.
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