1.4 A Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver can only drive a Wolverhampton licensed private hire vehicle and work for a Wolverhampton operator. Part 1: Hackney Carriage Driver Knowledge Test. 2. 3 FINAL_Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2019-2023-V1 1.6 This licence does not permit the holder to drive a hackney carriage. 1.4 A Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver can only drive a Wolverhampton licensed private hire vehicle and work for a Wolverhampton operator. 3.3 - This condition prohibits the use of roof signs on private hire vehicles. Please email driver.lic@wolverhampton.gov.uk. PLYING FOR HIRE (taking a fare without it being pre-booked via the Operator) 3.6 Private Hire Vehicle Conditions (Appendix ‘B’) 3.1 - This condition clarifies the position in which the exterior licence plates should be displayed. When may a Private Hire Vehicle Driver not wear a seat belt? 1.16 Any offences committed, or unacceptable behaviour reported whilst driving a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle, concerning the use of a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle, or in connection with an operator of a private hire vehicle will be viewed 1.65 This licence does not permit the holder to drive a hackney carriage. Page 22 Does a Private Hire Vehicle Driver's licence issued by Wolverhampton City Council;, allow you to drive a Private Hire vehicle licensed by another authority? If you made your Private Hire application before you completed the training programme, you need to tell us when you have passed. 1.5 This licence does not permit the holder to drive a hackney carriage. PLYING FOR HIRE (taking a fare without it being pre-booked via the Operator) More than 11,000 private hire licences were issued by Wolverhampton last year - more than anywhere else in the country - but only 852 of those were for drivers operating in the city. PLYING FOR HIRE (taking a fare without it being pre-booked via the Operator) PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE EXEMPTION FROM DISPLAYING PLATES LICENCE CONDITIONS The below conditions apply to all private hire vehicles granted an exemption by Wolverhampton City Council from the requirement to display an external identification plate, and are in addition to the criteria and conditions set out in Wolverhampton City 4.1 Each Private Hire Vehicle operated by the licence holder must be regularly maintained and inspected for defects to ensure compliance with the Council's conditions in relation to the licensing of such vehicles. 2. Alternatively, call 01905 843000. Hackney Carriage Driver Training. 1.5 This licence does not permit the holder to drive a hackney carriage. 1.54 A Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver can only drive a Wolverhampton licensed private hire vehicle and work for a Wolverhampton operator. 3.2 - This condition clarifies the Councils requirements in relation to door signs. Appendix F Novelty Private Hire Vehicle Licence - Conditions of Licence 168 Appendix G Private Hire Operator Licence - Conditions of Licence 176 Appendix H Plying For Hire 189 . 1.7 The holder of this licence can only receive bookings from the operator notified to How often is a Private Hire Vehicle Driver required to undergo a DBS (Criminal Records) Check? 10.5 A Wolverhampton licensed private hire vehicle may only be driven by a Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver at any time. 2. Please note that should you feel aggrieved by any of the conditions in this Licence then you have the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court within 21 days from the date when this licence is issued. licensing authority to decide what action to take in the light of these guidelines. 1.5 A Wolverhampton licensed private hire driver can only drive a Wolverhampton licensed private hire vehicle and work for a Wolverhampton operator.
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