PREAMBLE 1.1 Medicinal Plants form the major resource base of our indigenous health care traditions. Since 2015-16, the funding pattern of … The central schemes are divided into central sector schemes and centrally sponsored schemes (CSS). What is Central Sector Schemes? Central sector schemes are schemes with 100% funding by the Central government and implemented by the Central Government machinery. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (Core CSS). GUIDELINES FOR MODIFIED CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME ‘SUPPORT TO STATE EXTENSION PROGRAMMES FOR EXTENSION REFORMS’, 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms” is an ongoing scheme being implemented since 2005-06. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of - Government of India Summary of NLCPR Schemes NLCPR is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme where funding pattern is 90:10(Central:State). Administrative ap : … I have written about Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS-s) in the past. New Delhi (PIB): The details of important Centrally Sponsored Health Schemes/Programmes of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare presently in operation in the country are as follows: 1. Allocation Criteria 6 (2.03 MB) State-wise allocations for Centrally Sponsored Schemes of National Livestock Mission for the year 2019-20. 10. No new State scheme be formulated if similar objectives are covered under any Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) are special purpose grants (or loans) extended by the Central Government to States to encourage and motivate State governments to plan and implement programmes that help attain national goals and objectives. NO. A review of centrally sponsored schemes- The New Indian ... Introduction Centrally Sponsored Schemes are the schemes by the centre where there is financial participation by both the centre and states. Union Government issues fresh guidelines for flexi-fund ... A stipulated percentage of the funding is provided by the States in terms of percentage contribution. The scheme Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls (Revised w.e.f. implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for “establishment of new medical colleges by upgrading district/referral hospitals” preferably in underserved districts of the country with fund sharing between the Central Government and States in the ratio of 90:10 for NE/special category states and 75:25 for other states. GUIDELINES FOR CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME FOR … The NRHM launched in April, 2005 (for seven years … Efforts be made to formulate new schemes by augmenting resources from The fund would be released/ sanctioned to the State Government in the form of 90:10. (i) To provide flexibility to States to meet local needs and requirements within the overall objective of any given Scheme at the sub-head level; GENESIS: 1.1 Agricultural Technology, including the adoption/ promotion of critical inputs, and improved agronomic practices were being 3. Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP) A brief note indicating status as on 31/03/2013. These flexi-fund guidelines will give states more freedom in spending money under the CSS to meet local developmental requirements. National Livestock Mission | Department of Animal ... On the basis of experience gained during the implementation of the Extension Reforms scheme from 2005 to 2009, the Government of India has revised the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms" by modifying and strengthening the earlier Scheme. Scheme: Centrally Sponsored Scheme: Forest Fire Prevention & Management (as restructured from Intensification of Forest Management Scheme). This logo shall be used for all IEC materials and activities. Centrally Sponsored Scheme (4.54 MB) The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the OBC students studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education. DEPARTMENT OF Expenditure | MoF |GoI Scheme for Conservation, Development and Sustainable Objectives of STRIVE scheme. The Union Finance Ministry has issued fresh flexi-fund guidelines for the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS). (4.54 MB) The objectives of the scheme will be to ensure that ... to policy guidelines issued and initiatives to be taken by the appropriate government for implementing the educational … No. generally the fund ratio is 75:25 for normal states and 90:10 for special category states. This is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme being implemented by the State Government through this Directorate since 2017-18. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the EBC students studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage. We have kudos to the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalization of Centrally Sponsored Schemes, which has reportedly endorsed major demands of the Jammu and Kashmir projected by the Chief Minister. : . The Ministry has issued revised RKVY guidelines for implementation of RKVY Project from the year 2014-2015 by sharing the fund under following component with … The income ceiling of parents/guardians for eligibility is Rs. Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) a certain percentage of the funding is borne by the States in the ratio such as 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 75:25 or 90:10. The main objective of the scheme is as under: 1. These flexi-fund guidelines will give states more freedom in spending money under the CSS to meet local developmental requirements. Continuation of the Scheme- National Livestock Mission for FY 2017-18 upto 31.03.2018- regarding. Reduction in the schematic grants became a force majeure for the central government because of reduction in central government's fiscal space on … The Scheme will be operated by the National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests as a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Head Page No. Centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) are implemented by states, but framed by the union, and are largely funded by union with defined states shares. The main objectives of the scheme are as follows: - To facilitate and promote Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through judicious use of chemical fertilizers, including secondary and micro nutrients, in conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilizers, for improving soil health and its productivity. CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHEME OF NATIONAL MISSION ON MEDICINAL PLANTS OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 1. (2.03 MB) State-wise allocations for Centrally Sponsored Schemes of National Livestock Mission for the year 2019-20. OBJECTIVES Objectives of the scheme are: (a) To support parents of ST children for education of their wards studying in ... 14.1 The Scheme is Centrally Sponsored Scheme and implemented by the Important Tourist Destinations. The objective of the scheme is to develop the infrastructure of regulated and rural markets and to provide marketing facilities of agricultural produce in a phased manner. The norms of the Scheme were aligned with the provisions of the Act with effect from September, 2010. Skills Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) is a new World Bank funded central sector scheme that has been approved by Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) in November 2016 for a total cost of Rs. Himachal Pradesh Bal/Balika Suraksha Yojana-2012. These schemes are usually implemented by the respective State/UT governments. Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Teacher Education has set out the immediate tasks which a reform agenda must face as under: 1. Background 1-2 2. 10 schemes will be funded fully by central govt while 17 will be funded in ratio of 60:40 between center and state govt. But given the Union Budget and 15th Finance Commission’s report, the point is worth pursuing. No. This Scheme is now operational in 591 rural Background The Centrally-sponsored Scheme for Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls is being implemented since 1998-99 to address the problem of … SCA is Primarily meant for family-oriented income-generation schemes in sectors of agriculture, horticulture, sericulture and animal husbandry cooperation. The objectives of the scheme will be to ensure that ... to policy guidelines issued and initiatives to be taken by the appropriate government for implementing the educational … 2017-18) Scheme Guidelines: 1. Medicinal Plants form the major resource base of our indigenous health care traditions. The Special Central Assistance (SCA) is provided by the Ministry of tribal Affairs to the State Government as an additive to the State TSP. As per the latest guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance, State Governments will now have 25% of the total allocation under CSSs as Flexi-Funds to customize the programs to local needs. No. 9. The scheme titled National Afforestation Programme (NAP) has been formulated by merger of four 9th Plan centrally sponsored afforestation schemes of the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Centrally-sponsored Pilot Scheme of “Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana” GUIDELINES CONTENTS Sl. A. Objectives 4. The flexi-fund component within the Centrally Sponsored Schemes can be used to achieve the following objectives. 3 to 8 ... continue to be implemented subject to these guidelines. Objectives of the Scheme 2 3. The objectives of the scheme are: Improved performance of ITI. This Scheme is now operational in 591 rural The norms of the Scheme were aligned with the provisions of the Act with effect from September, 2010. A stipulated percentage of the funding is provided by the States in terms of percentage contribution. As per instruction by the GOI, the State in 2011 had created a society namely the State Rural Employment Society (SRES) headed by the Mission Director to oversee the overall implementation of the scheme. Prime Minister's Village Road Scheme) is a nationwide plan in India to provide good all-weather road connectivity to unconnected villages. 8. do not have to meet even the guidelines proposed by the State - they can depart from the guidelines in the interest of allowing innovation, provided the project serves the broad objectives of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme. The key objectives behind the creation of this National Scholarship Portal include – ... Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre Matric Scholarship for Needy ST Students (Class 9 & 10) ... (as specified in the respective scholarship guidelines) Income Certificate (as specified in the respective scholarship guidelines) After the report of a committee of CM's led by Shivrajsingh Chauhan, Central govt has reduced no. National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change constituted under enabling provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, as amended in 2006, for strengthening tiger conservation, as per powers and functions assigned to it under the said Act. Objective of NSP Scholarship . National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility. 1. The Central Sector schemes ‘Promotion and Strengthening of Agricultural Mechanisation through The objective of establishing the Board was to establish 1. of Schemes Name of the Scheme 1 M/o Social Justice & Empowerment 7 1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students. Centrally Sponsored schemes started in a small way in the year 1969 and as per the initial ... objective of analysing the guidelines of the sixteen flagship schemes with the following objectives: a. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan CONTENTS Sl. Mukhya Mantri Bal Udhar Yojana. 90 % of the approved cost would be released by the Ministry of DoNER as grant. Schemes with similar objectives should be clubbed together to avoid overlapping. ATMA GUIDELINES, 2014 under NMAET Page 1 Guidelines for the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)” to be implemented during the XII Plan. The overall objective of the … Name of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) Outlay (in cr. The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) (IAST: Pradhān Mantrī Grām Saḍak Yōjanā, transl. Climate and crops in J and K and India. (i) To provide flexibility to States to meet local needs and requirements within the overall objective of any given Scheme at the sub-head level; 2.7 Awareness on the Objectives of Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) 10 2.8 Some General Observations about CTEs 10 Part-II 12 Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education 2.9 Role and Functions of lASEs 12 2.10 Criterion for Sanction of New lASEs during the Tenth Plan 13 2.11 Norms of Central Assistance 13 of the RTE Act, 2009 through the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of SSA.
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