2. Khan Academy Quantum Physics | AP®︎/College Physics 2 - Khan Academy Course Syllabus. AP Physics C is a Calculus Based Physics course that is the equivalent of 1 year of First Year physics in University. Basically you cover Kinematics, Newtonian Mechanics, and Electromagnetism. Hi, I wanted to get a headstart on some content as I'll be taking AP Physics C this year. Momentum and Impulse. khan academy ap physics 1 kinematics. Yasin Şenol. Headstart on AP Physics C : apphysics However, Zhang Shuhan, posted a thank you comment on my Mechanics Review Video and mentioned that his exam is … Systems of particles, linear momentum - 12%. Conceptual Physics Pre-AP - Physics Hertz Topic pages. Khan Academy (Website) - AP Physics / College Physics. AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C: Mechanics, and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. Any longer work like a … Reflections on the 2015 Exam QQT and PASA for AP Physics Explained Experimental Design Questions for AP Physics Explained Short Answer for AP Physics Explained 8 General Suggestions for the FRQs of Any AP Physics Exam 2012 FRQ #2 - AP Physics C: Mechanics - EDQ A short summary of this paper. View. Before jumping to the statistics, let us first talk about how the exams are rated. Since I've got a lot of free time on my hands I thought that I might start to prepare a bit and do a portion of a khan academy course. Best of luck! Unit 1 Vectors & Kinematics Lecture Notes URL. APC Unit 1 Kinematics. AP Physics C - Mechanics Here are the different sections of the AP Physics C Curriculum, and the approximate percentage they take up on the exam: 2-D Kinematics - 18%. But if they did that by itself, without taking my class, they’d be missing out on a lot. It will leave your head spinning (no, it won't, but seemed like a fun thing to say given the subject matter). Scientific Notation review URL. As a refresher recall that movie titles are italicized when you're using a word processing program such as MS Word. Browse AP Physics C Mechanics prep resources including unit reviews, big ideas, free response help, … Matt Anderson. Equation Sheet URL. Challenge your take on reality and watch this tutorial. Topic 4. Step 3: Use the Chart to Estimate Your Scaled Score. Dynamics - 2020 AP Physics 1: Kinematics Review AP Physics 1 review of Forces and Newton's Laws | Physics | Khan Academy AP PHYSICS 1: Unit 2 FRQ 1 (AP Classroom) Junior nets only perfect score in the world on AP Exam For the Love of Physics (Walter Lewin's Last Lecture) AP Physics 1 Unit 3 Review Video tutorials for AP Physics C: Mechanics (calculus-based physics). Ap calculus bc practice exam pdf. Answer: If you have not taken AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C Mechanics, then do the whole course on AP Physics 1 on Khan Academy (this includes the practice problems and unit tests). Um, I did ap physics C mechanics my junior year after self studying. Scientific Notation review URL. AP Physics 1 Additional Topics - Rotation. vossvind. Here are the basics of the AP English exam: it has 55 multiple-choice questions, worth 45% of your score, and three essays, worth 55% of your score. 8 months ago. AP Physics C is the advanced physics course at Canby High School. Ap physics 1 test bank Ap physics 1 test bank [email protected] 251. Khan Academy - Physics. It is intended to measure a student’s ability and readiness for college courses in three subject areas: Reading; Writing; and Math. Email: ... Khan Academy Physics URL. If you’re planning to major in engineering of natural sciences, then Physics C is probably the better bet. Intro. Answer (1 of 5): I run into similar issues with my students here in China. AP Physics C: Mechanics - Useful Links AP Physics C Formula Sheet (College Board)Flipping Physics - AP Physics CGiancoli's Physics 6th EditionOpenStax Physics Textbook5 Steps to a 5: AP Physics C: MechanicsBarron's AP Physics C: Mechanics - 5th EditionCracking the AP Physics C: Mechanics Exam (Princeton Review) AP Calculus BC Formula Sheet Version 1.8 … Crash Course Physics URL. AP Physics C is a Calculus Based Physics course that is the equivalent of 1 year of First Year physics in University. Unit: Fluids. Unit at a glance. APC Math Toolkit Assignment. Classes include Junior Physics, Honors Physics, AP Physics 1/2, AP Physics C, and Physics Olympiad. However, I never took AP Physics 1 and my teacher is practically useless. I will be done with and post my solutions to the 3 Free Response Questions for the 1998 AP Physics C Released Mechanics Exam. Torque, moments, and angular momentum. Choose the length of your pendulum. AP Physics C: Mechanics Course and Exam Description This is the core document for the course. Unit 1 Lecture note answers URL. 2. Inductance. 24.70%. Answer (1 of 8): I write this as another student who self-studied physics (although I had taken an algebra-based physics course before) and got a 5 on the Mechanics portion of the Physics C exams. Due Mon. Exam Date s: may 3, 2021. , may 24, 2021. , june 9, 2021. Professor Dave Explains. But if they did that by itself, without taking my class, they’d be missing out on a lot. Fluid Mechanics by Yunus Cengel. Topic 4. View. On one level they are intuitive, on another lever they are completely counter-intuitive. Please let me know if you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions. Created by Sal Khan. I would like to request that Khan Academy include an AP Physics C: Mechanics course. The SAT is a standardized test used by colleges to help them evaluate potential students. AP Physics C Course. Study Materials. This section is very short, so it should only take you about 15 to 20 minutes. Introduction. Home > Conceptual Physics Pre-AP. Unit 1 Vectors & Kinematics Lecture Notes URL. Vectors. I was also doing bc calc and ap physics B at the time, then senior year I did ap physics C E&M. Just disappointed (Physics C Mechanics) I understand that circumstances changed and thus changed the way the exam was administered, but the entire format of the exam was also changed, which left me feeling unprepared and at a loss during the exam. By looking at the chart below, you can see that'd get you a 4 on the AP Statistics exam. 21.20%. View. Answer (1 of 2): The answer to that question depends on if you’re planning to major in physics in college. The Mechanical Universe URL. View. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. I am planning to self-study AP Physics C Mechanics and AP Physics C Electromagnetism next year, as the two courses are not offered at my high school. Hi, I wanted to know if there would be any AP Physics C material being uploaded soon? Notes Presentations - Mechanical Waves Unit summary Waves Practice Problems (solutions given at the end) Problem Set from APlusPhysics Mechanical Waves Review from Khan Academy Physics Aviary Practice Wave Properties from Graph 1 Wave Properties from Graph 2 Wave Equations Visualizing the Wave Equation Frequency for a Standing Wave on a String Video … Until this tutorial, we have been completely ignoring that things rotate. In this tutorial, we'll explore why they rotate and how they do it. Physics the study of matter, motion, energy, and force. Many of them go to test prep centers in addition to taking my course, hoping to maximize their test score. Crash Course - Physics. Well, classical physics isn't going to cut it. I got 5's, but it's not as simple as you think it'd be. Learn AP Physics using videos, articles, and AP-aligned practice. …. clears throat. Nov. 19, 2019, 7:15 p.m. AP Physics C Syllabus Mech Updated for 2020 #2787013v2. I just finished Mechanics (Physics I) and since I want to go to college to study physics to become an engineer or physicist. You'll need quantum physics to explain things like atomic energy levels, photons, and the wavelength of electrons. Because a previous or concurrent course in calculus is often required of students taking Physics C, students who expect advanced placement or credit in college for a Physics C exam should attempt an AP course in calculus as well; otherwise, placement in the next-in-sequence physics course may be delayed or even denied. 50s 0, point, 50, start text, s, end text later. vactron. Circular Motion and Rotation - 18%. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. the Course Description for AP Calculus AB. AP Physics 1 Exam Review. The fun thing about about rotation is that it revisits every mechanics model we built this year, the objects just spin or roll. Solving for mass, acceleration, applied force, normal force, and net force. AP Physics C covers calculus-based physics. These classes give the fundamental knowledge you need to have before doing other more advanced classes. Score of 2: Possibly Qualified 3. AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism builds on … Avi Perl. Their is a lot of overlap in AP1 mechanics … Equation Sheet URL. The questions are both stand alone and grouped into sets using the same stimulus or data set. Calculus for AP Physics C. Steps to solving a simple first order differential equation: 1. We keep the library up-to-date, so you may find new or improved material here over time. 1) My high school doesn't offer AP Physics E&M. However, most engineering programs will not award any credits to AP Physics 1 and 2 exams. More ›. Answer (1 of 5): I run into similar issues with my students here in China. AP Physics C consists of two calculus-based courses: mechanics and electricity/magnetism. For earning college credit, these two courses are your best option. Concurrent enrollment in or completion of a calculus class is highly recommended. Ap physics 1 unit 1 test Ap physics 1 unit 1 test 5 Steps to a 5: AP Physics C 2019AP® Physics 1 Crash Course, 2nd Ed. Gauss’s law 4 . Physical Quantities and Units. The Physics Olympiad classes prepare the students to take part in the US Physics Bowl and USA Physics Olympiad qualifying exams. This is the the place to go. Newton's Laws - 20%. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3, so if you shaped it into a sphere with a 3 cm radius, you would obtain: m = ρ * V = 2700 kg/m3 * 4/3 * π * (0.03 m)3 = 2700 kg/m3 * 0.0001131 m3 = 0.305 kg. Faultystart May 18, 2016, 3:50am #8. View. AP Physics C - Mechanics Course. AP Physics C is a Calculus Based Physics course that is the equivalent of 1 year of First Year physics in University. Basically you cover Kinematics, Newtonian Mechanics, and Electromagnetism. The AP Physics C exam is broken into 2 "mini" exams, the first one covering Kinematics and Newtonian mechanics, and the second covers just electromagnetism. The mathematics is hard in it's own respect, but the physics itsself in ap physics C is also much harder as well. Content Outline for AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism A . In this video David quickly explains each 2D motion concept and does a quick example problem for each concept. Michel van Biezen. View. Hey! AP Page 5/37 Difference between vectors and scalars. Posted on November 21, 2021; By . The Mechanical Universe URL. For more about the distinction between sequences and series, as well as other topics on the AP Calculus BC exam, check out: AP Calculus BC Cram Sheet. I still haven’t decided whether I should take AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C. It really depends upon what your plans are for a major and/or career. Tutoring. Email: ... Khan Academy Physics URL. Current and Circuits. Herein, how hard is the AP Physics C exam? Physics C mechanics involved knowing how to go from a first order differential equation, to a function, which requires knowledge through AB calc. Physics Resources The Physics Classroom School Physics Physics Study Guides Learning Conceptual Physics Khan Academy. Impulse has the same units as momentum (kg*m/s or N*s). The District covers an area of 51 square miles that include urban, suburban and rural populations. AP Physics 1+2 and AP Physics C are the two sets of AP physics exams offered by the College Board. AP Physics C Physics C is especially tough because not only are you learning physics material, which can be hard, you also need to know calculus alongside it.You can read about Physics C at the course home pages for Electricity and Magnetism and Mechanics.. Secondly, does Khan Academy have AP Physics C? 2 Diagnostic Tests 92 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept. Below is an example of a standalone multiple-choice question: PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE INITIATIVE® (PSI®) Units (select a unit) Optional Calculus Review. Welcome to the Conceptual Physics Pre-AP site. The AP Physics C exam is broken into 2 "mini" exams, the first one covering Kinematics and Newtonian mechanics, and the second covers just electromagnetism. The brief videos in this chapter explore gravitation. A brief introduction to rotational dynamics and conservation of energy, including rotational kinetic energy, for calculus-based physics students. They are both the same course with the exception that … Pretty much all the information you'll cover in AP Physics (1, 2, or C) is on there already. Sources of Magnetic Field. 28 rad/s 3. Ap physics c mechanics 2020 frq AP Calculus AB 2019 Free Response Question 1 Rate in, rate out problem. Course addresses introductory electricity and magnetism topics including: Electrostatics, Conductors capacitors and dielectrics, Electric circuits, Magnetic fields, and Electromagnetism using calculus. The 2021 AP Exams will be administered digitally for Science Academy students. AP Physics C is the advanced physics course at Canby High School. Khan Academy, Physics Library: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics The following topics: • One-dimensional motion • Two-dimensional motion rosa. Welcome to the Physics library! AP Physics 1+2 cover algebra-based physics. MIT Mechanics - MIT Professor, Walter Lewin, gives lectures for a Calculus based physics course.These lectures cover Mechanics. Learn AP Physics.com URL. Ap physics 1 test bank Kim throws a beach ball up in the air. I frequently use Khan Academy as a supplement to my AP course I take in school, and I discovered two very challenging courses. Ek1sqj Fmqu5g. What is the SAT? ... Physics & AP Physics Pacing. Gauss's Law. In these videos and articles you'll learn the definitions of density and specific gravity. 1. Integrate both sides, being sure to account for initial conditions in limits of integration. The request for AP Physics C was added to the user wish list. I need to take the next class, E&M (Physics II, Electricity and Magnetism). Score of 5: Extremely Well Qualified The advantage of taking AP® Physics C exam is that many colleges grant … However, unlike last year’s modified versions, this year’s digital exams will be full length and test the same knowledge and skills as paper and pencil exams, in a format-appropriate manner. Video #24: Congress – […] Ap gov unit 4 quizlet Ap gov unit 4 quizlet AP Daily. Composite Score (0-100 or 0-150) Scaled Score (1-5) 104-150. khan academy ap physics 1 kinematics. Score of 4: Well Qualified 5. AP Physics C: Laws of Gravitation - Chapter Summary. Preparing for the AP* Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Exam. | Khan Academy AP Physics 1 & 2: Static Electricity 4: Charge Conservation & Coulomb’s Law Problem AP Physics 2: Static Electricity 5: 3 Point Charges Along a Line Problem AP Physics 2: Static Electricity 6: Location for 3rd Charge to Get Zero Net Force TwuPhysics - AP 1 & 2: Static Electricity In addition to the AP Physics 1 Practice Page 3/10 So I was thinking of self-studying the content. Watch the video. Pros: 3 full length practice tests and access to online resources. APC Unit 1 Kinematics. Practice Test Ap Physics 1 HoltonsworldPhysics C - Impulse and Momentum Open vs Closed Systems and Total Mechanical Energy \u0026 Momentum (AP Physics 1) Impulse - Linear Momentum, Conservation, Inelastic \u0026 Elastic Collisions, Force - Physics Problems AP Physics 1 2020 Exam Updates and Strategy! AP® Physics 2 - Part 4: AP Review and Exam Preparation from Rice University; AP Physics 2 from Khan Academy (7 modules) Physics C. On-Ramp to AP* Physics C: Mechanics from Weston High School; Advanced Introductory Classical Mechanics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Statistics. Score of 3: Qualified 4. Physics C: Mechanics. We keep the library up-to-date, so you may find new or improved material here over time. You'll also learn the definition of pressure, how it relates to force and area, and how to determine the pressure within a fluid. Algebra-Based Kinematics in 1 Dimension. Both AP Physics C exams assess student application of science practices pertaining to the courses' big ideas of change, force interactions, fields, and conservation. Another way to let the Khan Academy developers know is to up vote all the posts in this thread. Khan Academy's AP-Physics 1 or regular Physics course? Laboratory work will be written and recorded in formal laboratory reports. This indicator was developed to encourage … View. Determine the strength of the gravitational field at a specified point outside a spherically symmetrical mass. Below is the 5-point scale scoring for any AP® exam as mandated by the CollegeBoard: 1. Notes Presentations - Momentum Unit summary Impulse and Momentum Practice Problems (solutions given at the end) Problem Set from APlusPhysics Momentum and Impulse Review from Khan Academy Physics Aviary Practice Speed from Impulse Graph Level 1 Speed from Impulse Graph Level 2 Impulse from Boards Momentum Conservation 1(Both at Rest) Momentum … And the change in momentum (ΔP) is also equal to the impulse (J). Our expert instructors are here to help you get … Do you need a bit more help? Course at a glance. 3. The first section of the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam contains 35 multiple-choice questions, spans 45 minutes, and accounts for 50% of your total score. in AP Physics C Mechanics. Read Paper. Home. Techniques That Actually Work. AP®︎/College Physics 2. AP Physics 1st Semester Final Exam Review Page 6 24. View. Fields and potentials of other charge distributions B . Lessons. For what it’s worth, my school only offers regular physics, honors physics, and AP Physics C. Electric Potential & Capacitance. 12 Full PDFs related to this paper. What are AP Physics 1+2 and AP Physics C? Gauss Academy of Mathematical Education. VIDEOS Khan Academy - This site has example problems for every topic we cover at all levels of high school physics.Did you miss a class? Many of them go to test prep centers in addition to taking my course, hoping to maximize their test score. AP Physics 1 - My recommendation is that you take AP Physics C: Mechanics over this course if possible. Practice analyzing the dynamics of objects on inclined planes. AP Physics C: Course and Exam Description. Magnetic Field & Forces. Unit 1 Lecture note answers URL. Physics the study of matter, motion, energy, and force. Flipping Physics. 0 kg and m 2 = 4. Electric field and electric potential (including point charges) 3 . 5. Score of 1: No Recommendation 2. I have embedded videos made either by me or from Khan Academy. Popular Subjects. Class Assignments. Home. AP Physics C: Mechanics is a calculus-based physics course that covers kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, gravitation and oscillation. AP Physics C Course – … More ›. Review the fundamentals of kinematics, dynamics, energy, and momentum. With an enrollment of 2,734 students, Greensburg Salem is located 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, PA in the center of Westmoreland County. A graphing calculator (also graphics calculator or graphic display calculator) is a handheld computer that is capable of plotting graphs, solving simultaneous equations, and performing other tasks with variables.Most popular graphing calculators are also programmable and therefore considered to be programmable calculators, allowing the user to create customized programs, … Distance, displacement, speed and velocity. Answer (1 of 2): Khan Academy physics is great. This Paper. ... To learn this concept, watch the Khan Academy videos on center of mass. 26.20%. Welcome to the Physics library! The AP Physics C Exam. Khan Academy (Website) - High School Physics. a. b. c. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation AP-C Objectives (from College Board Learning Objectives for AP Physics Determine the force that one spherically symmetrical mass exerts on another. I am currently taking AP Physics C: Mechanics. Complete all of the practice problems you need to become proficient. I and a few others I know would really love to use Khan Academy to help us through our AP Physics C and AP Physics EM classes. Students who take this course are very strong mathematically and must have taken or be currently taking Calculus. It is not amazing and no substitute for a teacher but it is pretty good. AP Physics C: Mechanics. This course is the first of a two-course sequence that is equivalent to the introductory physics sequence taken by science and engineering students at most colleges and universities. 2. The course covers material for the AP Physics C Mechanics tests. I think of Khan Academy as the best resource for conceptually understanding literally any math or science topic, and so I believe that adding AP Physics C courses will really be helpful. But there are other ways to think about momentum! Here, you can browse videos, articles, and exercises by topic. Uncategorized. Students who take this course are very strong mathematically and must have taken or be currently taking Calculus. Want to see some more examples? And instead of spending hours on Khan Academy, be sure to ask your teacher plenty of questions to cut down your additional study time. So I'm high school freshman and I've been wanting to learn physics for some time but I've decided to wait untill I learn Calculus. AP Physics C: Mechanics is a calculus-based, college-level physics course. Classical Physics; Classical Physics - Practice Problems; The Organic Chemistry Tutor - Physics. APC Math Toolkit Assignment. Download Download PDF. Wilson could also split up the kids into the AP Physics 1 classes. Physics acceleration and problem solving classes. AP Physics 1 is an algebra based introductory college-level physics course. Reflections on the 2015 Exam QQT and PASA for AP Physics Explained Experimental Design Questions for AP Physics Explained Short Answer for AP Physics Explained 8 General Suggestions for the FRQs of Any AP Physics Exam 2012 FRQ #2 - AP Physics C: Mechanics - EDQ Download Download PDF. Force (F) is equal to the change in momentum (ΔP) over the change in time (Δt). AP Physics C: Mechanics & EM; Navigation. Throughout this guide, you will ®nd hyperlinks to videos from Khan Academy that you can use for additional help when you need it. PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE INITIATIVE® (PSI®) Units (select a unit) Electric Charge & Field. 1. Learn AP Physics.com URL. AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which was not involved with the creation of, is not affiliated with, and does not endorse services provided by … AP Physics C: Mechanics. Unit opener. Kinematics in One Dimension: Two Object System. Momentum (P) is equal to mass (M) times velocity (v). However, I reached a few problems. It covers kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; oscillations; and gravitation. The two courses cover topics in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and nuclear physics. Notes Presentations - DC Circuits Unit summary Circuits Practice Problems (solutions given at the end) Problem Set from APlusPhysics Circuit Review from Khan Academy Physics Aviary Practice Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Parallel in Series Circuit Parallel in Double Series Circuit Series in Parallel Circuit Video Review Rearrange the equation so like variables are together (separate variables). 8y. AP Physics C: Mechanics content review. Here, you can browse videos, articles, and exercises by topic. Crash Course Physics URL. Sample instructional activities. Much of the material can be adapted from the AP Physics 1 course, which already exists. Understand the mechanics of the world through AP Physics C Mechanics. Notes Presentations - Circular Motion Unit summary Circular Motion Practice Problems (pg 14-19, 37-43, solutions given at the end) Gravitational Force Practice Problems (solutions given at the end) Problem Set from APlusPhysics Circular Motion and Gravitation Review from Khan Academy Physics Aviary Practice Circular Motion Self Test Quick Circular Motion Calculation Challenge Oh … As far as resources go, Khan Academy is a good site to … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. It clearly lays out the course content and laboratory requirement and describes the exam and the AP Program in general. Basically you cover Kinematics, Newtonian Mechanics, and Electromagnetism. To provide a solid foundation for the challenging parts of the course, much of… Ap physics projectile motion worksheet. Solar & Solar Terrestrial Physics (4) Solid-State Physics (1) South Asian Languages & Literature (5) South Asian Society & Culture (5) Covering AP Physics C Mechanics, and AP Physics Electricity and Magnetism. 0 -10. khan academy ap physics 1 kinematics. G. 20q 12 ms 70q 12 ms x 1 x 2 x tot. I spent many hours watching Khan Academy videos and did well in the class and on the exam. AP Physics C: Mechanics Get ready to dive deep into the forces that make the world turn in AP Physics C: Mechanics. Unfortunately, that also means it is a very intense unit of study. a. b. c. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation AP-C Objectives (from College Board Learning Objectives for AP Physics Determine the force that one spherically symmetrical mass exerts on another. Posted on November 21, 2021; By . psi ap physics 1 kinematics center for teaching amp learning. KEY: Simple Harmonic Motion # 1. I am planning to self-study because my school does not offer either Mech or E&M calculus-based physics classes, only AP Physics 1 and 2 (algebra based) and I would like to be as prepared as possible for both Physics C tests. AP Physics C - Electricity & Magnetism Course. AP Calc is one of those classes where without understanding, you won’t do too well. Khan Academy offers an AP level physics curriculum. All AP Physics C: Mechanics Resources . Work, Energy, Power - 14%. Charge and Coulomb’s law 2 . khan academy ap physics 1 kinematics. I am really self studying a physics class. The course covers material for the AP Physics C Mechanics tests. View. There are actually two AP Physics C exams: one focuses on mechanics, and the other focuses on electricity and magnetism. The maximum … To provide a solid foundation for the challenging parts of the course, much of… 2. Students live in the City of Greensburg, Salem Township and the boroughs of South Greensburg and Southwest Greensburg for a total … Follow. Density and Pressure. Electrostatics 30% 1 . You can read more about the Digital Exams here and get the AP Digital Testing Guide here. Determine the strength of the gravitational field at a specified point outside a spherically symmetrical mass. You're going to need to know calculus first. This tutorial will expose you to the foundation of classical mechanics--Newton's laws. Uncategorized. Electromagnetic Induction. I did ap physics C mechanics as a junior, and am redoing it as a senior, along with physics C electromagnetism. Take AP Physics 1 rather than C. Agree, C may be too difficult for you without any introduction to Physics. An AP® Physics C: Mechanics review book like the Princeton Review.
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