Biblical Commentary (Bible Study) Revelation 21:1-6 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Chapters 17-20 introduce a vision of God's triumph over evil. Revelation 14 TRANSLATION v. 13 and I heard a voice from heaven saying “write, Blessed (O! how happy) are the dead in the Lord who die from now on Yes, says the Spirit, in order that they will rest from their labors, and their works follow them. v. 14 and I looked and Look, a white cloud, and on more [9] see Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith, page 473 [10] The Great Controversy page 425 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. Revelation 20 English Standard Version (ESV) The Thousand Years. Now he sees Death and Hades cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). 11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Revelation 20:14 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Revelation 20:14, NIV: "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.The lake of fire is the second death." Learn more Start my trial Back . A Preterist Commentary on 2 Peter 3:5-13: Conclusion. separation from God) in sins Jn 8:21,24. Rather, they will be BURNT UP in the THIRD resurrection — that is, after the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment period (compare Revelation 20:4-15). 5) Meanwhile the people of God will triumph. An issue that must be addressed before proceeding to an examination of the text of Revelation is our basic hermeneutical approach to the book. The second death is spending eternity in the Lake of Fire. All of those who partake in the first resurrection have no fear of eternal punishment. [1] SDA Bible Commentary Vol.7 page 775 (right column under “1.I saw.”) [2] For example, see Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ranko Stefanovic page 160-168, 210 etc. Doctrine” commentary on 2 Peter 3:5-13, the destruction of heaven by fire was fulfilled in the first century as a result of Rome’s scorched earth policy. Revelation 20:14. rev 20:14. 1. Subsequently he took arms in the civil war and became captain of a troop. We should not fear the first death, but rather the second death. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. From Now to the End of Time. The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into the lake of … Verse Revelation 20:14. Compare Revelation 19:11-21. Revelation 20:14 indicates that the lake of fire is the eternal destiny of the wicked who have been judged. Wesley's Notes for Revelation 20:14. Cast into the lake In the previous vision, John saw The Dragon, the Beast and the False prophet cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). Is the Death and Hades of Rev. And death and hell were cast into the lake — Death himself is now abolished, and the place for separate spirits no longer needful. Revelation 20:11-15. d. in his commentary on The Book of Revelation, New International Commentary Series, Robert H. Mounce, says, "Judging from the amount of attention given by many writers to the first ten verses of chapter 20, one would judge it to be the single most important segment of the book of Revelation. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with … Commentary on Revelation – [Chapter 20] 1 thousand year earthly kingdom. All premillennialists interpret the thousand years of Revelation 20:1-6 literally. ... 2 long period of time. More specifically, the entire Church age. ... 3 kingdom of this world. We are not identified with either. ... 4 extreme—maximum punishment. ... Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (14, 15) And death and hell were cast... —Better, And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. Kakos means not meeting accepted standards of behavior, and thus worthless, bad or inferior. Verse 9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. Perhaps the twenty-four elders representing the church (Revelation 4:4) or the apostles (Matthew 19:28) or the company of saints as a whole (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). Revelation 20 Commentary by Brad Boyles. An angel told John (the author of this book—the one who sees this vision): "Come here. Listen. A Revelation to John 20:1-15 20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss + and a great chain in his hand. If someone comes up and asks you, “How do you interpret Revelation?” most likely, they are referring to Revelation 20:1-10. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Revelation. God is merciful, loving, and kind, not willing that any should perish.He desires all to come to the knowledge of the truth and to true repentance at the proper time. We’re given a choice in Revelation 14. We can choose the ways of the fallen world and find no rest, or we can trust in the plans of God and patiently endure. Death once was something people seemed afraid to discuss. Revelation 19 Revelation 21 ... Advance your knowledge of Scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and Study Bible notes. 'I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. This is one of my favorite commentators on Revelation). The question of pre or postmillennialism is the first order of business. In Revelation 20:14-15, out of love for the people who do not want to hear the truth, Jesus sends them to be with the beast, the false prophet, death, and hadēs in the Lake of Fire. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Revelation. 1 Corinthians 15:24-27 - Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. James Durham. The thousand years symbolizes the time an individual reigns, Revelation 20:4. 20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, a having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. This is the second death. For him there is sonship with God forever.” – Charles L. Feinberg (A Commentary on Revelation: The Grand Finale, p. 155,156) Revelation 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire Death (representing the bodies of the dead which had lain in the earth and sea) and Hades (the place of torment for soul and spirit of the unrighteous dead between death and the judgment) will be destroyed. 342: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me. Revelation 20:12-15. This is the second death. The "second death" is described by John in Revelation 20:14 (see notes), "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:4-6 states that the second death has no power over those resurrected at the second coming of Christ. Revelation 20:13-15. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking . The lake of fire is the second death. Verse 11 makes it clear that the ones who are “tormented forever and ever” (in the lake of fire – Rev 20:14-15), are those who “worship the beast and … At the great white throne judgement at the end of the 1000 year kingdom, those in … Revelation 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. where references to the silence is depicted in Early Writings pages 15, 6 and Desire of Ages page 693. 6:7-8 the same as that stated in Rev. New American Standard Version This confirms that the first resurrection will only involve the righteous. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary – Commentary Revelation 20:14 “This Revelation 20 passage makes it clear that Hades and the Lake of Fire are not the same place. Though Satan threatened and attacked their life, Jesus promises His overcomers that death is conquered for them. A Preterist Commentary on 2 Peter 3:5-13: Conclusion. All dead bodies and separated souls being rejoined, and no more separation of bodies and souls by death to take place, consequently the existence of these things is no farther necessary. Revelation 20:14 - Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. See the commentary on the Book of Revelation. 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Try it for 30 days FREE. The "second death" is described by John in Revelation 20:14 (see notes), "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This also suggests that Jesus has control over Hades final demise, as described in Revelation 20:14, “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.” Finally, at the end of the first chapter of Revelation we come to the revealing of the symbols that Jesus holds in his hands. Nevertheless, this is a useful critical commentary of a complex and often confusing book. In this Preterist commentary on Revelation 20, compelling historical evidence is presented showing that the thousand year reign was literally one thousand years long and the Gog mentioned in this chapter is the literal, historical Gog of Turkey mentioned in Biblical history. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking . Note: Edom (which is the land of Esau, Jacobs’ brother) would not let Israel pass through their land during the exodus out of Egypt. Ian Mackervoy. Biblical Commentary (Bible Study) Revelation 21:10, 21:22 - 22:5 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Chapters 17-20 introduced a vision of God's triumph over evil. Revelation 20:14 - Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, n holding in his hand the key to o the bottomless pit 1 and a great chain. Doctrine” commentary on 2 Peter 3:5-13, the destruction of heaven by fire was fulfilled in the first century as a result of Rome’s scorched earth policy. Revelation 20:14. or the destruction of the soul and body in hell, which will consist in an eternal separation of both from God, and in a continual sense of his wrath and displeasure. Consequently, neither death nor hades could any more have a being. 21:7], as in chapters 2 and 3, is the believer, the one who has drunk of the water of life [21:6]. Revelation 6:7: "When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, 'Come. [8] see the comments in SDA Bible Commentary Vol.7, page 787 (left column under “Silence in heaven.) 1 Corinthians 15:24-27 - Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. Revelation 20 – Satan, Sin and Death are Finally Eliminated A. Satan bound for a thousand years. Rev. If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” At the end of time, even death and the grave (Hades) will be thrown into the lake of fire. Bible Commentaries. Revelation 2:11, ESV: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’" But soon after our resurrection, Jesus judges the world, and the rest of all mankind dies. – William R. Newell (Revelation: A Complete Commentary, p. 81,82) “The overcomer here [Rev. Thus this is the heavenly counterpart of all that is happening on earth. The Thousand Years. Ian Mackervoy. (1) A nameless angel comes to bind Satan with a great chain. This is the second death.” The chapter is referring to an individuals judgment. Revelation 20:14 defines the second death as the lake of fire or eternal punishment. i. This is the second death, the lake of fire. Text Commentaries. 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. This is the second death. The resurrection of the righteous takes place at Christ's return (I Thessalonians 4:13-18), but that of the uncalled - the second resurrection - will occur in the Great White Throne Judgment after the Millennium. Revelation 20:14 - Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. Scripture: Revelation 14:14. Cast into the lake In the previous vision, John saw The Dragon, the Beast and the False prophet cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). Now he sees Death and Hades cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). Satan Bound 1000 Years. 20:14? Revelation 20 Revelation 20:14 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. This is w the second death, the lake of fire. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Second death, Summary: "The second death" and the "lake of fire" are identical terms Rev 20:14 and are used of the eternal state of the wicked. (Read Revelation 14:14-20) Warnings and judgments not having produced reformation, the sins of the nations are filled up, and they become ripe for judgments, represented by a harvest, an emblem which is used to signify the gathering of the righteous, when ripe for heaven, by the mercy of God. Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. For He must reign till … 68: Rejoice! 20. Revelation 20:14, ESV: "Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.This is the second death, the lake of fire." Revelation 20:14-15. 20:14 And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire - That is, were abolished for ever; for neither the righteous nor the wicked were to die any more: their souls and bodies were no more to be separated. d. in his commentary on The Book of Revelation, New International Commentary Series, Robert H. Mounce, says, "Judging from the amount of attention given by many writers to the first ten verses of chapter 20, one would judge it to be the single most important segment of the book of Revelation. This makes Revelation 20:4 very similar to the record in Daniel 4:13-25, in which the “decree of the watchers” is also referred to as the “decree of the Most High” [for more on the divine council being referred to as “watchers,” see commentary on Daniel 4:17]. Jesus’ Revelation Wrath Path follows the same route as the exodus! This is the second death. Bible Reference. [The term "second death" occurs four times in the New Testament, specifically in Revelation 2:11, 20:6, 20:14 and 21:8. Harmony of the Gospels. Chapter Context. Answer: No, they are not. Revelation Chapter 14: the Gospel in three aspects; parenthetical details of the second half of the Final Seven Years - the 144,000 with the Lamb on Mount Zion, the redeemed in Heaven, the proclamations of the three angels, the two harvests. Read Introduction to Revelation “Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 2 He seized the dragon, + the original serpent, + who is the Devil + and Satan, + and bound him for 1,000 years. The second death is hell, the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14 and 21:8). (One should also note that the Anchor Bible series in 2014 came out with a new commentary on Revelation: by Craig R. Koester Revelation: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.) A free Bible Version and Commentary on the New Testament Book of Revelation in Easy English. They are not sent to be tormented, but to escape the convicting and “tormenting” presence of Jesus and the church. See the commentary on the Book of Revelation. The second death is also mentioned in Revelation 20:14-15: “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. Let Christians sing. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 14:6-13 The progress of the Reformation appears to be here set forth. Revelation 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. This is () the second death, the lake of fire. 1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. Read Introduction to Revelation “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Second death - Revelation 20:14: "everlasting destruction," 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Mark 9:44; Mark 9:46; Mark 9:48. A free Bible Version and Commentary on the New Testament Book of Revelation in Easy English. This is the second death." All dead bodies and separated souls being rejoined, and no more separation of bodies and souls by death to take place, consequently the existence of these things is no farther necessary. It simply answers the question, “Does Jesus return before or after the 1000 year reign?” For He must reign till … Audio & Video Commentaries. Revelation 1:17b-20. It refers to the coming of Jesus Christ and the time when people worship the beast and have its mark. 12, "Revelation" by Alan Johnson, p. 519, footnote #7. Introductions to the Bible. Revelation 21:8. Revelation 9:13-21 God's Judgment Against False Worship is a sermon in a series on the Book of Revelation about the sixth trumpet judgment. Revelations 14: 14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. Encyclopedias / Dictionaries. Once one is thrown into the lake of fire there is no escape or second chance. Revelation 20:14 New International Version. It is a saying of R. Isaac F13 Tosaphta in Zohar in Gen. fol. Revelation 20:14. The chronology of events resumes in chapter 15. Revelation 20:14-15 The Fire of Hell; Revelation 20:1-6 The Beginning and the End of the Golden Millennium; Revelation 20:14-15 What It Is To Be In Hell; Revelation 20:15 The Judgments of God; Revelation 21:4-7 When God Wipes Away Our Tears; Revelation 21:1-8 The New Heaven and New Earth; Revelation 21:2 The World Beyond the Skies Words in boxes are from the Bible. This is very important. 1 Corinthians 15:24-27 - Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. Though Satan threatened and attacked their life, Jesus promises His overcomers that death is conquered for them. The church at Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; John equates the second death with the Lake of Fire, the final judgment of the incorrigibly wicked, those whose names are not found in the Book of Life. A Preterist Commentary on Revelation 20: Summary and Highlights. Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. 20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit [] and a great chain. The four proclamations are plain in their meaning; that all Christians may be encouraged, in the time of trial, to be faithful to their Lord. Why or why not? 14 Then u Death and Hades v were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death. From Now to the End of Time. In chapter 7 this same group of 144,000 received the seal of God in their foreheads. STREAM DOWNLOAD. Judgment can take two forms, positive or negative. Previous Next. The passage in Revelation 14:11 does not talk about that time period. Chapters 10-14 cover personalities and events that fit into various places in this seven-year tribulation period. And death and hell were cast into the lake - Death himself is now abolished, and the place for separate spirits no longer needful. Revelation Chapter 14: the Gospel in three aspects; parenthetical details of the second half of the Final Seven Years - the 144,000 with the Lamb on Mount Zion, the redeemed in Heaven, the proclamations of the three angels, the two harvests. Words in boxes are from the Bible. "Death and Hades" in Revelation. Revelation 20:14 “This is the second death, the lake of fire” Revelation 20:15 “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” Erroneous Views of Hell (1) The second chance view – After death there is still a way to escape hell. Learn more. 532: How wondrous and great thy works, God of praise! James Durham (1622–1658) was the eldest son of John Durham of Grange Durham Angus, and proprietor of ‘a good estate,’ then called Easter Powrie, in the county of Forfar. The latter part of the verse contains, according to the best MS. authority, the additional words “the lake of fire.” The second death refers to God’s final judgment on unbelievers (Revelation 20:14; 21:8). 15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, x he was thrown into the lake of fire. This can only mean that no one who partakes in the first resurrection is unholy or is damnable. Note: The chronology of the Book of Revelation was interrupted beginning with chapter 10. Biblical References: Rev 20:14-15. rejoice, believers. This is the second death." Revelation 20:10-15 The Defeat of Satan. Revelation 20:14 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14 Context. An angel tells John (the author of this book—the one who sees this vision): "Come here. 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. Revelation 20:14 Context. Kakos then speaks of lack of goodness, of a bad nature. Israel had to go around Edom through the desert on the east side (Num 20:14-21). It is "second" relative to the preceding physical death of the wicked in unbelief and rejection of God; their eternal state is one of eternal "death" (i.e. This refers to the concept of "reigning in life", Romans 5:17. Commentary for Revelation 20:14. 2. , I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who … Revelation 20. 182: Christ is alive! The lake of fire is the second death. The Hymnal 1982: according to the use of the Episcopal Church. According to the above “A.D. 1 of 1. 78. 10 and the devil l who had deceived them was m thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where n the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.. Judgment Before the Great White Throne. 15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, () he was thrown into the lake of fire.. Read full chapter Revelation 2:11 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Revelation 2:11, NIV: "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death." 14:1-5 The 144,000: In contrast to the distressing scenes of the last chapter, the triumph of those who gain the victory over the beast and its image is now brought to view.. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. Along with the Beast and the False Prophet ( Revelation 19:20) he is cast into the Lake of Fire ( Revelation 20:10 ). The gospel is the great means whereby men are brought to fear God, and to give glory to him. Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:10; Revelation 20:14; Revelation 20:15; Revelation 21:8 20 And the beast was captured , and with it g the false prophet h who in its presence 1 had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who i worshiped its image . According to the above “A.D. Revelation 20:14-15 (NASB) The first death is our physical death. Following that, all whose names were not found written in the Book of Life were cast in too (Revelation 20:15). 15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy more. As John reveals in Rev 20:14 and Rev 21:8, ... As I talk about elsewhere in this Revelation commentary (chapters 11 and 16), God’s people are already resurrected when Jesus returns in judgment against the world. Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse of Revelation 21:8. Revelation is a simple book with a simple message for believers: be a faithful witness and don’t fear loss, rejection, or death. Those who are not holy, that is, those who do not believe in Jesus Christ and who have not accepted Him as their Lord will die, leave this world, and spend the rest of eternity in the lake of fire. According to Revelation 2:11 and 20:6, those who overcome the devil's tribulation, are holy and have part in the first resurrection will not experience the second death. (Commentary on the Revelation) Evil (bad, harm) (kakos related word = kakia) is a word which basically denotes a lack of something so that it is "bad" or "not as it ought to be. 356: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation. He studied at St. Andrews University, and afterwards lived at his country place. Revelation 13-16. I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who Upon the opening of it, Revelation 20:12 as all that worship the beast, and wonder after him, Revelation 13:8 and all wicked men, everyone of them: was cast into the lake of fire; where are the devil, beast, and false prophet, Revelation 19:20. All believers are with the Lord at that time. Cross References Revelation 20:13 14 Then () Death and Hades () were thrown into the lake of fire. Commentary. 12:8 This is the first in a series of encouraging words to a persecuted Church. Revelation 20:14-15 Judgment Before the Great White Throne. The church at Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; Clarke's Revelation 20:14 Bible Commentary And death and hell were cast into the lake - Death himself is now abolished, and the place for separate spirits no longer needful. 4) He will finally be brought into judgment. For believers who heed this message, Jesus promises rewards beyond their wildest imagination.
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