On Easter, though, there’s not much for us to do. It features discussion on the question: What do we do when there’s a Christian monopoly on the holidays? Are you doing anything special today? As an atheist I don't celebrate Christmas or easter myself, but I also live in a largely Christian, (even if mainly lapst, UK) society, most of my family and friends are not atheists and do celebrate Christian holidays, and in that sense I do join in, because I'd have to be a pretty miserable person not to. I am an atheist and I do celebrate Christmas 36: 39.13%: I am an atheist and I do not celebrate Christmas 10: 10.87%: I am agnostic and I do celebrate Christmas 41: 44.57%: I am agnostic and I do not celebrate Christmas 5: 5.43%: Voters: 92. Because it's a celebration, and celebration is part of being human. Most people, atheists and theists alike, have no mention of jebus or god or anything, all that stuff was replaced with Santa and whatnot. Welcome to Atheist Discussion, a new community created by former members of The Thinking Atheist forum. Why do they need to celebrate a Pagan festival? Here in France, Christmas is mostly secular. Traditionally, Christmas has basically been a Christian holiday. Yes, atheists celebrate religious holidays. For many atheists, one of the greatest joys of atheism is that it opens up an awe-inspiring world of science. The X-mas that we celebrate here in the west is now a secular tradition, far removed from the christian concept of the holiday. Take a look at this list: atheists don’t celebrate Lent, Pentecost, The Assumption of Mary, Christ the King, All Souls’ Day, All Saints’ Day or over 20 others.And that’s without considering the individual saints’ days that occupy literally every day on the calendar. For me it's not a religious holiday, it's a time to spend with family and friends. Loading... Unsubscribe from The Atheist Voice? They continue with those holidays because they enjoy them. It's no a religious holiday. Neither myself or any other atheist can speak for the entire sect of atheists but we are certainly capable of speaking for ourselves. So that is exactly what I will do with this blog, speak for myself. Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas? Atheists always have their own way of dealing with Christian holidays. Why Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas? Even as society has become more secular, the Christian feast days persist in our lives. Atheists are not Christians, they do not need to participate in Christian holiday. LiveScience: “Why Atheists Celebrate Christmas” If Jesus is the reason for the season, why do some atheists include church in their celebration of the “winter holiday”? An atheist complained to a friend, “Christians have their special holidays, such as Christmas and Easter; and Jewish folks celebrate their holidays, such as Passover and Yom Kippur. 2) Even if an atheist does celebrate such holidays, it wouldn't necessarily be 'hypocritical'. It is true that many rituals of modern Christmas celebrations are pagan. Dec 25 is part of a Pagan holiday. So gathering to celebrate holidays laden with religious meaning isn’t typically a high priority for these groups. Many atheists even celebrate the pagan festival of winter solstice. Welcome to Atheist Discussion, a new community created by former members of The Thinking Atheist forum. It's a commercial holiday Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? Cancel Unsubscribe. JFrater & Emily. A story on NPR’s Weekend Edition today talked about Humanists and the holidays. I am an atheist and I still celebrate Easter and Christmas here in the UK because I believe it's apart of our culture here and not about religion anymore. What does bother me is the insistence of many people that the rest of us celebrate Christmas with them, or that we must celebrate it the same way they do. If I know what you celebrate, I will likely greet you that way or by saying Happy Holidays. The Atheist Voice. I suppose to really understand the question about why atheists celebrate any holiday you would first have to understand the individual. Atheists, like Richard Dawkins do so as secularists—the holiday is time for celebrating anyway you want, for most it is valued time with family. 1. Agnostics make their own decisions , and what they celebrate as holidays and traditions are up to each of them as individuals. Answer by SmartLX: By and large, we don’t. Do other atheist do this or is it only tough atheists that don't celebrate religious holidays. it's a day off with pay to most of them. In general, the answer to that question is going to vary depending on who you ask. Christianity has given us heaps of holidays every year, which is not surprising considering it has been around for more than 2,000 years. I have gone to many friends’ celebration during this time, and it is focused on friendship and having fun. Atheist Discussion › Coffee House › Getting to Know You... Do you celebrate holidays? After all, Christmas is when the Nativity of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Some ignore them entirely while others go along with the festivities. Even many buddhists are atheistic (they ALL would be if they actually followed Buddha's doctrines), I'm sure they don't celebrate Easter for example. #3: The holidays connect us with the universe. Not to mention, atheists can be hard to shepherd, says Seattle Atheists president Lisa*, mom to a teenage son. Why do people from other states celebrate Mardigras? Rice University sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund surveyed science faculty from “elite U.S. research universities,” and found half of the 2,198 surveyed considered themselves religious. Or why do outsiders fly in to celebrate in New Orleans? I know of no atheist that gives any religious significance to any holiday. So, Christians, why do YOU celebrate Christmas. At least on Christmas, we still give and receive presents. But that’s changing. In fact, I’d argue there are many advantages to being an atheist, when it comes to celebrating the holidays. Many — if not most — holidays associated with paganism involve deity-worship, so do atheists celebrate any holidays at all? This entry was posted by on 12/24/2017 at 7:55 am . [tags]atheist, atheism[/tags] I respect your traditions and it makes me happy that you’d take the time to wish me a holiday greeting. Many cultures celebrated fall harvest, and it eventually became Thanksgiving in the us, and various other holidays … Festive events this christmas new year millenium holiday season in st. Amish undergo fasting … Are you eating chocolate bunnies or hunting for Easter Eggs? What one atheist witch may celebrate at any given time, may contrast against what another may celebrate. Pages (2): « Previous 1 2. Additionally, many current atheists are "Cultural Christians", "Cultural Jews" or "Cultural Muslims", because that's the way they were raised, with any related holidays included. And for the record, a celebration around the 25th December existed long before Christianity hijacked it. “Atheists don’t tend to do much as a group!” she says. Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas? I have never looked forward to religious holidays for the same reasons as my peers and as a former catholic I still really enjoy the holiday but for … Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 215K. We are atheist and that leaves us free to pick and chose what we want to celebrate and how we want to go about it. Atheists don't celebrate Jesus on December 25th anymore than Christians celebrate the solstice and all the other real origins of the holiday. That said, while I am atheist, I am also anti-theist. I feel religion does far more harm to the world then it does good, especially lately, in the age of information. For a fact, atheists are called ‘atheist, because they don’t believe that Jesus exists, and those who do… So much so that you can have them here, in checking-it-twice form. I celebrate it because it's a traditional holiday that I have always celebrated. It's not uncommon for people to celebrate holidays from cultures whom they are not members. Question from Marilyn: Why do Atheists celebrate Christian holidays? View Poll Results: Atheists/Agnostics: Do You Celebrate Christmas? The story featured Harvard’s Humanist Chaplain Greg Epstein as well as members of the Harvard Secular Society. At least six according to a new study. For the same reason christians celebrate pagan holidays...tradition. Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25, the act of caroling, putting up trees and wreaths, and general indulging in pleasures is all 100% completely pagan. Holidays are usually way more about family than the … What holidays do atheists celebrate. For atheists, holiday celebrations can range from nonexistent to the full family affair. And yes you can be atheist and still celebrate all the religious holidays, celebrating holidays do not require belief in god. No one talks about Christ at all ever. Axial tilt is the reason for the season! Top 10 Christian Holidays Even Atheists Celebrate. Do atheists celebrate Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas.
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