
israel war 2021 reason

His 5 children were also killed in the strike. [78][79], The Jewish trusts sold the homes to a right-wing settler organization, which has since made repeated attempts to evict the Palestinian residents. "Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases", "Egypt to allocate $500 mln for Gaza rebuilding effort", "Al Jazeeera office in Gaza destroyed by Israeli air strike", "Israeli forces demolish media building in Gaza", "Israel strike in Gaza destroys building with AP, other media", "Israel strikes destroy Gaza tower housing Al-Jazeera and other media", "Israel-Gaza conflict rages as US envoy visits", "Israel showed US 'smoking gun' on Hamas in AP office tower, officials say", "US secretary of state 'not seen evidence' Hamas were operating in media tower block destroyed by airstrike", "Blinken: I Saw No Evidence Hamas Operated in Gaza Media Building Downed by Israel", "Blinken says he hasn't seen evidence Hamas was in AP building Israel struck", "Blinken says U.S. received more intel on Gaza high-rise destroyed by Israel", "UN court pressed to probe Israel strike on media office", "Statement: AP 'horrified' by Israeli attack on its office", "Israel destroys Gaza tower housing AP and Al Jazeera offices", "Lebanon: Rockets launched from coastal region towards Israel", "Hezbollah member killed after trying to cross into Israel from Lebanon", "Lebanese man killed as protesters rush Israeli border fences", "L'armée israélienne mène de nouveaux bombardements sur Gaza", "Décès d'un manifestant libanais blessé par l'armée israélienne après avoir franchi la frontière", "Israeli airstrikes pound Gaza despite cease-fire calls", "Israel shells targets in Lebanon after rocket fire", 'The Toll of Eight Days of Conflict in Gaza and Israel,', 'Analysis:Gaza Lives Erased: Israel Is Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families on Purpose,', "Israeli air raid kills Palestinian journalist in his Gaza house", "Gaza: Israeli air raid kills disabled man, pregnant wife, child", "Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza strip after Hamas rocket attacks", "Jerusalem violence leads to Hamas rockets on Israel, nine dead in Gaza", "Gaza militants, Israel trade new rocket fire and airstrikes", "1 dead, 3 hurt as 'largest ever' Hamas barrage hits Ashdod, Ashkelon", "Two Israelis dead, over 90 injured after rockets strike Ashkelon, Ashdod", "Woman killed in rocket strike in Rishon Lezion", "מטח לילי כבד למרכז ולדרום, אב ובתו נהרגו ליד לוד", "הרוג ושני פצועים קשה מירי נ"ט מרצועת עזה", "לוחם נח"ל נהרג מירי נ"ט במהלך פעילות מבצעית", "IDF strikes four anti-tank missile cells in Gaza as rockets pound Tel Avi", "Israel-Palestinian conflict escalates as rockets fly and street violence flares", '‘Massive destruction’: Gaza’s hospitals under strain after Israeli strikes,', 'Calls for Israel-Gaza Cease-Fire Intensify,', "Israeli airstrikes wiped out the family of Gaza's leading doctor. Here is our simplest explanation for what is one of the most contested regions on Earth. [50][226], On 11 May, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched hundreds of rockets at Ashdod and Ashkelon, killing two people and wounding more than 90 others. [114], More clashes occurred on 8 May, the date of the Islamic holy night of Laylat al-Qadr. [206] Reporters Without Borders called for a war crimes investigation by the International Criminal Court. The confrontations occurred ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march by far-right Jewish nationalists that was later canceled. Police officers fired stun grenades into the mosque compound, and into a field clinic. [118] According to the Red Crescent, 250 Palestinians were hospitalized for injuries and seven were in critical condition. [83] The Jerusalem-based non-profit organization B'Tselem and the international Human Rights Watch have cited discriminatory policies in East Jerusalem in recent reports, alleging that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid. [269] Israeli officials asked the Biden administration not to intervene in the situation. [9] In the nearby city of Ramle, Jewish rioters threw rocks at passing vehicles. [99][100] The presence of right-wing Israeli politicians Ben-Gvir and King contributed to the crisis. [137][138][139] Minister of Public Security Amir Ohana announced the implementation of emergency orders. [142] An Israeli soldier was severely beaten in Jaffa and had to be hospitalized for a skull fracture and cerebral hemorrhage, and two civilians including a paramedic and a police officer were shot by Arab assailants in Lod and Ramla. [120], After Friday prayers on 14 May, Palestinians protested in more than 200 locations in the West Bank. That same day, the Israeli Air Force launched a massive bombardment of Hamas' extensive underground tunnel network, which was known as "the metro", as well as above-ground positions, reportedly inflicting heavy casualties. The conflict between Israeli forces and Hamas militants has escalated - and is on the verge of war. On May 11, Hamas ... As in that war, Israel attempts today in Gaza to achieve a picture of … The Israeli military responded by firing artillery shells across the border in the direction of the rocket fire. Conflict between Israelis and Palestinians boiled over this week, escalating rapidly into one of the worst rounds of violence between the two sides in the last several years. [82], According to the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, this approach to property rights is unacceptable in international law. [184], In addition, the IDF sank Hamas' fleet of small unmanned submarines designed to explode under or near Israeli naval vessels or oil and gas drilling rigs. A nighttime curfew was declared and entry to the city was prohibited for non-resident civilians. [182] At least 20 such teams were destroyed by Israeli air and ground forces. That day was both the first day of Islamic holy month of Ramadan and Israel's Memorial Day. The Palestinians want all three territories to form their future state. The Israeli version is that hundreds of Palestinians threw stones and firebombs on the arrival of the Israeli police. Conflict has raged here for generations, born of more than 100 years of struggle. [167] According to the IDF, at least 200 rockets launched by Hamas failed to reach Israel, and fell inside the Gaza Strip. [58], On the night of 13 April, the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, an Israeli police squad raided the Haram al Sharif and, brushing aside mosque attendants, severed the loudspeaker cables used to broadcast the al-Aqsa muezzin's ritual call to prayer so that the speech being delivered by President Reuven Rivlin below, at the Western Wall, for Memorial Day in Israel would not be disturbed. [239][238], In Gaza, according to a UN estimate, there was additionally damage to:[240], China, Norway and Tunisia requested a public United Nations Security Council meeting for 14 May while the United States objected. [262] The UN security council finally released an agreed statement calling for full adherence to the truce and stressing the immediate need for humanitarian aid for Palestinian civilians while reiterating the need for a 2-state solution. Biden later described the deal as "mutual" and "unconditional" and expressed his belief that both sides deserved to live in safety. [157] An anti-tank missile was also fired at an Israeli civilian vehicle, injuring the driver. [77] The Sheikh Jarrah district houses the descendants of refugees expelled or displaced from their homes in Jaffa and Haifa in the Nakba of 1948. [77] Palestinian tenants argue that Israeli courts have no jurisdiction in the area since the land is outside Israel's recognized borders. IDF troops fired at them, killing one who was later identified as a member of Hezbollah. Seven Israelis have died so far in the tit-for-tat war, including one soldier. As of 17 May the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza have caused the following damage, according to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: By 18 May, seventeen hospitals and clinics in Gaza had suffered damage, according to The New York Times. [11] Palestinian rocket fire killed 12 in Israel,[5] including one child. And yet Israel is loathed for defending itself from missiles fired by an anti-Jewish terrorist organisation, while Turkey is ignored despite continuing its long, ugly war with Kurdish forces. The police used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades against stone-throwing Palestinians. Only his teenage son survived", "Gaza War Deepens a Long-Running Humanitarian Crisis", 'Distrutto da raid Israele l'unico laboratorio Covid a Gaza,', 'We don’t recognise our own city: Israeli barrage redraws the map of Gaza,', "Biden to Send U.S. Official Hady Amr 'Immediately' to Meet Israeli, Palestinians Leaders", "U.S. objects to U.N. meeting on Israel, Gaza on Friday -diplomats", "Israel-Gaza violence: US envoy arrives for de-escalation talks", "Biden speaks to both Netanyahu and Abbas in attempt to deescalate Gaza tensions", U.S. [62] The next day, tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers were turned away from al-Aqsa, on the first Friday of Ramadan when Israel imposed a 10,000-person limit on prayers at the mosque. Hezbollah denied responsibility for the rocket launches and Lebanese Army troops were deployed to the area around the refugee camp, finding several rockets there. [268], Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the actions of the Israeli police and said that Israel "shall not allow any radical element to undermine the calm". [28][29] The protests quickly escalated into violent confrontations between Jewish and Palestinian protesters. The Supreme Court ruling was then delayed for 30 days as the attorney general of Israel, Avichai Mandelblit, sought to reduce tensions. ISRAEL PALESTINE 2021 EXPLAINED | The cause of conflict today. The move to evict them came after they refused to pay rent and carried out illegal construction on the properties. The statement made no reference to Hamas. [49], As a result of the violence, at least 248 Palestinians were killed by Israeli bombardment in Gaza, including 66 children. However, the estimated Hamas death toll was revised to dozens, as information came out that senior Hamas commanders had doubted that the ruse was genuine and only a few dozen Hamas fighters took positions in the tunnels. [62] On 22 April, the far-right Jewish supremacist group Lehava[64][65][66][67] held a march through Jerusalem chanting "death to Arabs". [57] The resolution could be circulated as soon as 19 May. On 12 May, it was announced that Hady Amr, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs and Press and Public Diplomacy, would be sent to the region "immediately". [117], Also on 10 May, a video showing a tree burning near al-Aqsa began to circulate on social media. In 1956, the Jordanian government, in cooperation with the United Nations' organization for refugees, UNRWA, housed 28 Palestinian refugee families who fled or were expelled from their homes by Israeli forces on land owned by Jewish trusts, and managed by the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy Property. [33][62][108] A mosque spokesman stated the clashes broke out after Israeli police attempted to evacuate the compound, where many Palestinians sleep over in Ramadan, adding that the evacuation was intended to allow access to Israelis. Other than a minor skirmish at Al-Aqsa Mosque, there were no substantive violations of the ceasefire throughout the day on 21 May. The Ministry of Health is run by the Hamas government, and wounded soldiers are often treated in civilian hospitals. The violence, which coincided with the holidays of Laylat al-Qadr and Jerusalem Day, has injured more than 300 people, mostly Palestinian civilians. Below in the Western plaza, a crowd of Jewish Israelis was singing and dancing in celebration of Jerusalem Day. In Bat Yam, Jewish extremists attacked Arab stores and beat pedestrians. [205], The attack was condemned by the Committee to Protect Journalists. Protesters hurled stones and Israeli soldiers responded with live fire and tear gas. Palestinians in Israel have been asked to take part. In 1972, the Israeli Custodian General registered the properties under the Jewish trusts, which in turn demanded that the tenants pay rent. [140][141], As of 13 May, communal violence including "riots, stabbings, arson, attempted home invasions and shootings" was reported from Beersheba, Rahat, Ramla, Lod, Nasiriyah, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Haifa and Acre. [245], Following the third UN Security Council emergency meeting in a week, the United States used its veto power to block a proposed statement drafted by China, Norway, and Tunisia and supported by the other 14 members of the council. The crisis was triggered[26] on 6 May when Palestinians protested in East Jerusalem over an anticipated decision of the Supreme Court of Israel on the eviction of six Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah. [59][89][90] Analysts say the postponement contributed towards the current crisis,[91] and encouraged Hamas to resort to military confrontation rather than diplomatic tactics. [193], On 18 May, Egypt pledged $500 million in efforts to rebuild Gaza after the missile strikes. [62] On 23 April, after fringe military groups fired 36 rockets at southern Israel, the IDF launched missiles at Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. On 7 May, Israeli police stormed[30] the compound of the al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam, located on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Blocks U.N. [27] Under international law, the area, effectively annexed by Israel, is a part of the Palestinian territories held by Israel under belligerent occupation. [158][227][228] A third Israeli woman from Rishon LeZion was also killed,[229] while two more civilians from Dahmash were killed by a rocket attack and a soldier stationed near the Gaza border was killed in an anti-tank missile attack the next day. [130] During the day of protests and strikes, a Palestinian man was killed and more than 70 wounded in clashes near Ramallah and two Israeli soldiers were injured in a shooting attack. [211][212][23] That evening, three rockets were fired from Syria, while two of them hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights but fell in uninhabited places. [271], Israel's Minister for Public Security Amir Ohana called for the release of the Israeli man arrested for the shooting of an Arab in Lod, arguing without providing evidence that the suspect was acting in self-defense and law-abiding citizens bearing arms assist the authorities. [261] Blinken planned to visit Israel and the West Bank on 26-27 May with the same idea. Israeli police intervened and arrested at least 7 people. ", "Israeli police storm al-Aqsa mosque ahead of Jerusalem Day march", "Violence flares between Jews and Arabs on streets of Israel", "TV: Palestinians stocked rocks for Temple Mount riots, police caught unawares", "After Raid on Aqsa Mosque, Rockets from Gaza and Israeli Airstrikes", "Tensions over Jerusalem Day march, Temple Mount clashes culminate in rocket fire from Gaza", "This Is Not Fine: Why Video of an Ultranationalist Frenzy in Jerusalem Is So Unsettling", "More than 300 Palestinians hurt in Jerusalem holy site clash", "Israeli Court Delays Expulsion of Palestinian Families in East Jerusalem", "IDF sends reinforcements to Gaza border as Hamas issues ultimatum on Jerusalem", "Tel Aviv battered in unprecedented Gaza barrage", "Israeli bombardment escalates as Gaza death toll rises: Live news", "33 killed in Israeli airstrikes, Hamas rocket attacks as unrest spreads beyond Jerusalem", Israel and Palestine heading for "uncontainable" crisis, UN chief warns, "Media demand Israel explain destruction of news offices", "Videos show Israeli airstrikes leveling multiple Gaza apartment buildings amid escalating violence", "Gaza residential tower collapses in Israeli airstrike, witnesses say", "At least 35 killed in Gaza as Israel ramps up airstrikes in response to rocket attacks", "Several children killed as Israel pounds Gaza refugee camp", "Israel continues airstrikes in Gaza as Hamas responds with rocket fire", Israel Demolished Tower Blocks in Gaza. [204] On 18 May, Blinken said "It's my understanding that we've received some further information through intelligence channels, and it's not something I can comment on". If this aggression does not end, there is no point to diplomatic efforts to reach a cease-fire". [164] In addition, an Israeli state-owned oil pipeline was hit by a rocket. Shots were fired at the rioters, killing one and wounding two; a Jewish suspect in the shooting was arrested. [38][153][154] Minutes after the deadline passed,[155] Hamas fired more than 150 rockets into Israel from Gaza. [92][93][94][95] Opinion pieces in NBC News, the Wall Street Journal and Foreign Policy argued that by taking responsibility for the rocket fire, Hamas had improved its standing among Palestinians wary of the delayed elections. People hold placards and Palestinian flags as they march in solidarity with the Palestinian people amid the ongoing conflict with Israel, during a demonstration in London, Saturday, May 15, 2021. Hamas also struck an Israeli military jeep near the Gaza border with an anti-tank missile. per Israel)[13][14] For Palestinians, this is not a ‘real estate dispute’, "Jordan Condemns Israel for Cutting Call to Prayer at Al-Aqsa", "Presidency slams deactivation of Al-Aqsa Mosque loudspeakers during prayers", "Palestinians, Israel police clash at Al-Aqsa mosque; 53 hurt", "Dozens wounded as Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa compound: Live", "Violence Spreads on Day Israel Marks Its Control of Jerusalem", "Violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque leads to rocket fire, air strikes between Hamas and Israel", "Death toll grows to at least 40 as violence escalates between Israel, Hamas", "Jerusalem Day Violence: Dozens of Palestinians Wounded in Clashes on Temple Mount", "Hundreds Hurt in Clashes at Aqsa Mosque as Tension Rises in Jerusalem", "Clashes, prayers in Jerusalem on Muslim Laylat al-Qadr", "Israel/ OPT: End brutal repression of Palestinians protesting forced displacement in occupied East Jerusalem", 'The violence that began at Jerusalem's ancient holy sites is driven by a distinctly modern zeal,', "Tree catches fire outside Jerusalem's al Aqsa mosque, no damage to mosque", "In Pictures: 11 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank", "Gaza conflict rages as Israeli PM says air strikes will continue", "Palestinian man tries to stab Israeli soldiers in Hebron, is shot — IDF", "Israel renews airstrikes on Gaza, and Hamas fires rockets back, as violence continues for fifth night", "Four Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in West Bank, over 100 injured", "Israel pounds Gaza with air raids, shelling: Live news", "2 soldiers shot in West Bank, 3 Palestinians killed by gunfire amid unrest", "Palestinians in West Bank, Israel declare general strike in unprecedented show of unity", "Palestinians go on strike as Israel-Hamas fighting rages", "In Pictures: In show of unity, Palestinians go on strike", "Clashes in Jerusalem and West Bank amid protests and strikes", "Arab Israeli killed amid violent riots by Arab mob in Lod; Jewish suspect held", "Muslim headstones, synagogues vandalized in Israeli city as Jewish-Arab violence persists", "Closure, curfew declared over Lod following severe riots", "Amid Gaza barrages, major rioting and chaos erupt in Lod; Mayor: It's civil war", "Arab politician warns Israel is 'on the brink of a civil war, "IDF enters Lod as city goes into emergency lockdown", "Netanyahu declares state of emergency in Lod", "Arab man beaten by Bat Yam Jewish mob calls for calm: 'We're all human beings, "Israel in chaos: 10 Border Police units called up to quell Arab-Jewish violence", "Soldier viciously beaten in Jaffa, synagogue burned in Lod, as rioting deepens", "10 Border Police units called up to quell Israeli Arab-Jewish violence", "Peaceful coexistence in Israel hasn't been shattered – it's always been a myth", "Arabs hold general strike across Israel as Palestinians declare 'day of rage, "Employers threaten to fire Arab workers participating in general strike", "Settlers pull plug on telecom firm over its act for Jewish-Arab coexistence", "10 בתי כנסת שרופים ועבירות רכוש: נזקי המהומות – וואלה! Smoke and flames rise during Israeli airstrikes as cross-border violence between the Israeli military and Palestinian militants continues in … A small group of demonstrators cut through the border fence and crossed into Israel, setting fires near Metulla. If it wanted peace, it would have it. Oliver Holmes, Bethan McKernan, Julian Borger, The bodies of a further nine members of Hamas's militia were retrieved on 22 May from a collapsed tunnel near. [134] On 11 May, Mayor of Lod Yair Revivio urged Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu to deploy the Israel Border Police to the city, stating that the municipality had "completely lost control" and warning that the country was on the brink of "civil war". [115], On 10 May, Israeli police stormed al-Aqsa for the second time,[117] injuring 300 Palestinians and 21 Israeli police. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was trying to persuade several extreme-right politicians to form a coalition. [242], On 13 May, Hamas made a proposal for a ceasefire, stating that it was prepared to halt attacks on a 'mutual basis'. [104], On 13 April, Israeli police entered al-Aqsa and cut the cables of the minarets' loudspeakers. [198][199] The Associated Press, which had used the building for 15 years, said they had never seen Hamas in the building. [183] The attacks killed 6 Israeli civilians, among them a 5-year old boy and two Israeli-Arabs, as well as three foreign nationals working in Israel: an Indian woman working as a caregiver in Ashkelon and two Thai workers who were killed when the packing house of a community in southern Israel close to the Gaza border took a direct hit. An Israeli soldier was killed and three others were wounded in the attack. per Hamas & PIJ, high est. The attack came moments after a group of 10 soldiers had disembarked from the bus. Statement on Violence in Gaza, U.S. Vetoes Security Council Resolution on Israel-Gaza Crisis for Third Time, "Athens sends message with FM's Mideast trip", "The Latest: France seeks UN Security Council resolution", "Biden dramatically scales up the pressure on Netanyahu as decades-long relationship faces its most consequential moment", "Biden tells Israel's Netanyahu U.S. expects 'a significant de-escalation today' in Gaza", "German FM heading to Israel, Palestinian territories for talks", "The Latest: Biden tells Netanyahu he expects de-escalation", "Israel, Hamas agree to cease-fire to end bloody 11-day war", "A fragile peace takes hold after an intense diplomatic effort", "Live Updates: As Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Holds, Gazans Survey Wreckage", "Al-Aqsa Mosque: Israel police storm the complex following Gaza ceasefire", "Israeli Police Enter Jerusalem's Temple Mount to Confiscate Palestinian Flags", "Hamas defiant with military parade, appearance of top leader", "Blinken to visit Israel, West Bank on May 26-27, source says", "Egyptian mediators try to build on Israel-Hamas ceasefire", "UN Security Council statement on Gaza-Israel cease-fire fails to mention Hamas", "Palestinians and Israeli police clash at al-Aqsa mosque, over 300 hurt", "Israel shuts crossing into Gaza, bars humanitarian goods", "Israel resumes flights after brief halt over Gaza rocket fire: Israel Airports Authority", "Jerusalem protests: Netanyahu defends Israeli action after clashes with Palestinians", "Israel calls on Biden administration to stay out of Jerusalem crisis", "Abbas slams Israel's 'brutal storming' of Temple Mount, 'assault on worshipers, "Islamic Jihad: No point in truce efforts until Israel ends Jerusalem aggression", "Hamas gives Israel another ultimatum to remove forces from Temple Mount", "After Jerusalem erupts, deadly strikes and clashes spread across Israel and the Palestinian territories", "Rivlin condemns Lod 'pogrom' and 'shameful silence' of Arab leadership", Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained, Committee for the Prevention of Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount, Hashemite custodianship of Jerusalem holy sites, Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement,–Palestine_crisis&oldid=1024774234, Attacks on buildings and structures in 2021, Attacks on buildings and structures in Asia, Attacks on buildings and structures in Israel, Attacks on buildings and structures in Jerusalem, Israeli–Palestinian conflict in Jerusalem, Military operations of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Riots and civil disorder in the Palestinian territories, Riots and civil disorder under Israeli Civil Administration, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles containing potentially dated statements from May 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Truce declared; victory claimed by both sides, 4 hospitals run by Gaza's ministry of health, including the Indonesian and. [192][25] After the ceasefire, less than 1,000 displaced Palestinians were sheltering in UNRWA schools, down from a peak of around 66,000. In Lod, rocks were thrown at Jewish apartments and some Jewish residents were evacuated from their homes by the police. No vote was held on the statement. [265] Israel Police also banned Jews from going to the al-Aqsa plaza for Jerusalem Day festivities. Yair Wallach accused them of singing "genocidal songs of vengeance". [100][101] An article in The Conversation dismissed this as "conspiratorial", arguing that although the crisis has given Netanyahu a political opportunity, he "was not looking or hoping for a major conflict with the Palestinians to help him hold onto power". [84][85], The 2021 Palestinian legislative election for the Palestinian Legislative Council, originally scheduled for 22 May 2021, was indefinitely postponed on 29 April 2021 by President Mahmoud Abbas. [56] On 18 May, France, with Egypt and Jordan, announced the filing of a United Nations Security Council resolution for a ceasefire.

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