March 28, 2021. From the waving of palm branches while shouting “Hosanna!” to the gathering of the mob shouting “Crucify Him!”, Palm/Passion Sunday is the beginning of a difficult journey to the cross. Worship Bulletin. Our text this morning is Matthew 21:1-11. Palm Sunday – Online Worship Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Decorah, Iowa Rev. Cindy Weber. Dr. John White ~ Sermon, “Unfinished Business” based on Luke 24: 36b-48. William Hazlitt wrote that no young man believes that he will ever die, and the truth of the matter, I think, is that in some measure that is true of all of us. Children’s Sermon. Matthew 21:1- Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Matthew 26:6-13. Worship for March 28, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Lent - Palm Sunday Pastor John Greeting/Musical Welcome “All Belong Here” (The Many) Call to Worship (Unison) From Psalm 118:1-2, 24-29 O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever! Today in one breath, in one word, we … Palm Sunday. Sermons. Recent Posts. Worship for the Lord’s Day. Tags: Worship, Good Friday, Preaching, Palm Sunday Holy Week, the final week before Jesus would suffer and die on the cross for our sins and rise again in victory over sin and death, is filled with opportunities for your church to gather around God's Word in worship. 4/25/2021 ~ 4th Sunday in Easter ~ Guest Preacher ~ Rev. Worship from Palm Sunday, March 28 – Sermon by Rev. Palm Sunday Worship – Ride On King Jesus, Ride On! This model sermon by Andy Cook is designed for Palm Sunday worship. There will NOT be any special services during Holy Week this year, such as our normal Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services. Brandon Ashcraft. A hymn often sung on Palm Sunday is more than a thousand years old. On Palm Sunday we tell the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago, with people strewing palm branches before him. Lydia Tembo ~ Sermon, “The Wolves are Coming”. On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Paul recalls the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and challenges us to also make the most of the difficult situation that we are currently in. Today's Worship Service and Sermon - Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021. From the Rector – May 13, 2021; Worship from May 9, 2021 – Youth Sunday; Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A. We call this Sunday "Palm Sunday" because of the palm branches. Holy Week 2020. Frank Fornaro & Music. Beloved of God, grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus. Children’s Activity: Cut Out a Palm Branch to Color: CLICK HERE for Palm Branch. Palm Sunday Sermon by The Rev. Amy Zalk Larson. A Note before we begin this day’s worship: I’m so excited that are back in public, in-person worship today. 04/25/2021 4/18/2021 ~ KPC DUET Worship ~ Guest preacher, Rev. It’s good to be with you on this Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week and the last Sunday before Easter. I’m reading from the New International Version, if … Sermon Notes You can add your own personal sermon notes along the way. … Rachel Freeny Matthew 21:1-11 NIV Good morning everyone. Basis for the series: One of the more famous phrases in the New Testament involves “fixing our eyes upon Jesus.” The idea comes from a pair of passages in Hebrews. March 29, 2021 Sermons. Click here to view the Palm Sunday worship service video. Sermon Excerpt. Palm-Sunday-Mar-28-2021-1 Download. Palm Sunday: An Invitation to Live a sermon based on Matthew 21:1-11 by Rev. Greeting and Welcome. This model sermon by Andy Cook is designed for Palm Sunday worship. Here at St. Paul’s, we’re offering opportunities for worship each day of the week to guide us on our Holy Week pilgrimage. PALM SUNDAY // APRIL 5, 2020 Rev. All sermons. Take a picture of the completed art and send to Pastor Matt! Order of Worship.
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