Sambuhay TV Mass | May 31, 2020 | Pentecost Sunday. I get a lot of... }, { Fr K certainly has a charism and if he uses... }, May 20 2021 Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter, May 18 2021 Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter, May 19 2021 Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter, May 21 2021 Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter, Presider’s Page for 23 May (Pentecost Sunday), Presider’s Page for 2 May (Fifth Sunday of Easter), Presider’s Page for 18 April (Third Sunday of Easter), Presider’s Page for 11 April (Second Sunday of Easter), Presider’s Page for 1 April (Holy Thursday), PENTECOST SUNDAY REFLECTION – Richard Rohr, ACP letter to Bishops: Need for Conversation on the Pastoral Outreach to Gay Catholics, THIS EVENING! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Follow Santuario de San Antonio Parish on At long last its victim is free from its torments. This is the power of the good Samaritan who took care of his fellow traveller even though he was a Jew; it is the power of the Father who welcomed his returning son, the prodigal, who had messed up; it is the power of the widow who in giving two copper coins to the temple treasury gave everything she had. Some of them had a significant influence for good on us. If you follow the still, small voice within you, then God will use you to be a blessing to others. Reflection . The first public words he spoke after his baptism were, ‘the reign of God, the power of God, is at hand.’ God’s life-giving, liberating power was working through him, and, so, he was recognised by others as authoritative. when they tried me, though they saw my work.’ (R./). He came to world to care for us. the flock that is led by his hand. Like Peter we also want to follow our Lord Jesus. Sambuhay TV Mass was … แชร์ไปที่ Twitter แชร์ไปที่ Facebook แชร์ใน Pinterest So Peter started sinking. 3. 4. QUIET!” This is how Jesus addresses this situation. Refugees exercising their legal rights to seek asylum are visited with systematic acts of cruelty as deterrents to others. They experience this in an encounter between one who is “unclean” and that same prophet. 2.9K Views. “If I hear the voice of the Lord my God any more, I will die!” The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. 2. Some people leave their existing God-given jobs and to go in for another one out of an excitement, without waiting in prayer for God to guide them. We forgive others and are forgiven. This entry was posted February 7/Pebrero 7 The crops keep producing food for our tables. Whenever controversy arose, we could expect a statement from the Magisterium to put the issue beyond doubt. Sambuhay TV Mass | February 1, 2021. This is "TV Mass - January 3, 2021" by Diocese of Cleveland on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. This is a very simple reality of our lives. Were they for God’s benefit or for your own personal benefit? with songs let us hail the Lord! In Chapter 7, Paul is addressing questions addressed to him from Corinth, which has been experiencing many divisions: “There should be no divisions among yourselves, so that you are united in your beliefs” (1 Cor 1:10). What matters is to submit to the right authority and today’s gospel suggests that such authority is to be found in the person of Jesus. The doctrine of papal infallibility proclaimed in 1869, stressed the principle of authority so strongly that many felt unfree to make up their own minds on issues of faith or morals. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Our knowledge of God comes to us primarily from Jesus, the Word of God, who makes the Father known to us. 20 at 22. February 28/Pebrero 28 It could be described as Paul saying to the people on the Titanic: “Yes, I know that you’d like the deck chairs in proper order. Deuteronomy 18 and Mark 1: Créer un compte. If we do not agree with Him, then we are obviously wrong. Sambuhay . If we do not obey God, then we are wounding our own self. Within the gospel’s vision of life, these are the exercises of power that confer authority. He took it, and then another person appeared behind the woman, then another. (0998)481-2585 Support SSAP Outreach Projects: Liturgical Calendar. Continue in the same troublesome situation we are already in; 2. March 14/Marso 14 Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Sunday Mass Readings for January 17 2021, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B ; 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3B-10, 19: Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10: 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13C-15A, 17-20: Alleluia: John 1:41, 17B: Gospel: John 1:35-42: Catholic Sunday … Particularly relevant in today’s reading is 7:25: “Now, about people remaining unmarried, I have no directions from the Lord, but I give my own opinion.” This should have prefaced today’s second reading, as also the second reading last Sunday. The only one thing we need to do is listen to Him. for he is our God and we 1. During the actual Mass, the proper liturgical book [Roman Missal & Lectionary] should be used. I want you to be free from anxieties. The corona virus restrictions that have been in place have meant huge changes in everyone’s life. Sacred Heart Catholic Church 337 S Ottawa St., Joliet, IL 60436. on Sunday, January 31st, 2021 at 12:01 am and is filed under Liturgy, Sunday Resources. Do not only remember the suffering they have subjected us to. This is what you […] Telephone: [A. de Mello]. All Masses are celebrated in our chapel studio by Roman Catholic priests. Yet somehow, beyond and beneath all authority in the Church, and permeating it with vitality, is the prophetic authority of Christ himself, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. April 11/Abril 11April 4/Abril 4 Obeying God is one of the ways to fight the devil, so that He will not be able to do any harm to you. April 18/ (R./), Come in, let us kneel and bend low. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Weekly Mass produced for shut-ins, elderly and the ill. Website at If God is asking us give up something, and if we do not do that, then we are injuring our own self in the long term. Random acts of terrorism are inflicted on defenceless people. During one of his literary lunches, Chesterton was expounding on the relationship between power and authority. He rejects the challenge: “What have you to do with us?” No backing away. Such action would be dismissed and condemned. He named it ‘the EVIL ONE’ — also known in his day as ‘the Devil’, ‘Lucifer’, and ‘Beelzebub’. Sambuhay TV Mass | January 31, 2021 | Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Surely it is right to expect our leaders to ground their teaching in the well-springs of the Gospel. Sambuhay TV Mass. Conflicts end in reconciliation. We should do all our worldly duties not being overly solicitous in our work. Our Lady of Sorrows Parish | May 22, 6AM | Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter Doing whatever He tells us is only for our own benefit. Pages aimées par cette Page. 7. What we are facing, then, are both the evil acts of individuals and evil social structures. The Mass continued and the poor man never spoke another word. We’re often like a flock of straying sheep, needing the care of alert shepherds to hold us together, and keep us moving on the upward path. January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (1) Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Moses predicts the coming of a future prophet greater than himself Moses said to the people: "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet lie me from among your own people; you shall heed such a prophet. The imposing figure of G.K. Chesterton, the English writer and wit, was, apparently often seen squeezed behind a table in London restaurants. Its power and force keeps staring us in the face. Individuals, high on drugs, smash their targets to the ground. The Gospel says how Jesus spoke with authority. Sambuhay TV Mass | September 7, 2020 | Monday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. The unclean spirit names him as “the holy one of God”! (0926)715-1054 Miss the new graces which He has planned to bless us, and we are not in a position to receive them. 39-40 Salmo 32, 4-5. He is the only one who can guide our life correctly. As the story has it, ‘the Evil One’ has taken possession of a deranged man, who interrupts Jesus as he teaches and challenges his power and authority over evil. Forbes Park, Makati City In a silent place, sit with your eyes closed and recall those situations that God has clearly shown you what you need to do but you did not do it. From the back of the church he kept repeating the Mass parts after the priest, softly at first but gradually more loudly and belligerently, with profanities and mockery thrown in. Sacred Heart … … when your fathers put me to the test; Jesus was recognised as someone who taught with authority. Too many persons work for less than a dollar a day, and others are denied health and safety precautions. Sport keeps contributing to what is good, decent, and noble about human beings. Our Lady of Sorrows Parish | May 20, 6M | Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter. 8. Posted in Homepage News & Events Post navigation . Mayo 9May 2/Mayo 2April 25/Abril 25 : 0301-0134-34 - BPI Buendia-Pasong Tamo. Register for Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at the link below – Limited Tickets. Support Group for Priests and Religious out of Ministry. 18-19. But right now we must focus on a more urgent situation!” Ultimately, his authority was rooted in God, in the Spirit of God that descended upon him at his baptism. January 24/Enero 24 Family is the little church provided to lay people. Yet, after listening with respect to what our leaders say — whether it be the Pope and bishops, or more locally the parish clergy — each adult Christian must look into his or her conscience, to blend the official teaching into our personal faith in God. We need not compare ourselves with other people and do what they are doing unless and otherwise, God reveals to us that it is what we need to do. Always wait in prayer, our Almighty Father will surely be with us and guide us.
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