Meanwhile, Steve drives up to where Johnny was captured by Entragian to find Johnny's motorcycle hidden behind dry bushes. Goals Tak lies in wait at the China Pit entrance for the group to enter, managing to kill Ralph Carver in front of his son before the group manages to kill the golden eagle he is possessing. Hotel Caretaker | PossessionMass slaughterTreachery "The can toi! Lloyd Henreid | Tak (Langform Can-Tak; schwankende Aussprache; King selbst spricht /tæk/) ist ein Dämon, der sowohl in Stephen Kings Roman Desperation als auch in Richard Bachmans Roman Regulator eine Rolle spielt (zum Hauptartikel Unterschiede zwischen Desperation und Regulator). John "Ace" Merrill | Listen to the audio pronunciation of Tak (Stephen King) on pronouncekiwi. Bislang haben sich seine Bücher weltweit über 400 Millionen Mal in mehr als 50 Sprachen verkauft. In order to redeem himself, Johnny goes into the mine and falls in a hole leading to a small hole where Tak is. However, the degree of control is lesser and the affected human will die a gruesome death if separated from the can tahs. That night, they both meet up with the gang. Laden Sie eine der kostenlosen Kindle Apps herunter und beginnen Sie, Kindle-Bücher auf Ihrem Smartphone, Tablet und Computer zu lesen. Clyde Parker | Favorites. Butch Bowers | Unlike many other forces of evil in the Stephen King Universe, Tak seemingly does not answer to anyone or anything else, including the Crimson King (nor does it make any reference to him). To connect with Fung, sign up for Facebook today. Bogs Diamond | Ralph White | - there are other gods than yours Can tak - big gods Can toi - "My children of the desert!" Dass der Dämon selbst Tak heißt, erfährt der Leser erst im dritten Teil des Romans. Diesmal reden wir mit Soenke und Hendrian über… KBDG Film Spezial – Castle Rock S2. Full Name Collie Entragianpulls over the Jacksons on the pretext of their missing rear license plate and arrests them for possession of marijuana after finding a baggie in the ca… Stephen King, 1947 in Portland, Maine, geboren, ist einer der erfolgreichsten amerikanischen Schriftsteller. Dezember 2019 um 11:58 Uhr geändert. It | Charles Brady | Tom Rogan, Creepshow Apple. In The Regulators, Tak found itself outsmarted by the extraordinary intelligence of autistic Seth Garin, who used another character in the novel to kill himself to prevent Tak from using his powers. The novel begins with Peter and Mary Jackson, a couple driving cross-country in Peter's sister's car after visiting their friends the Sodersons. Type of Villain The Tak of The Regulators, on the other hand was almost powerless without a host body, and could only use exceptional host bodies such as that of Seth Garin's; other, non-exceptional bodies blew up from the inside out in seconds if he tried to possess them. Cressner | Dies nutzt Audrey aus und versetzt sein Lieblingsessen mit Abführmittel. He soon learns they are in possession of marijuana. Grandpa Flick | Once thrown in jail, Mary meets the Carver Family, Ralph, Ellen and their son David, who tell Mary that the girl on the stairs was their daughter Kirsten; Entrangian pushed her down the stairs once the family arrived at the police station, breaking her neck. Tak possessing Seth's body was an incredibly powerful character, even for a Stephen King book. 1 Shaft and caved in the surrounding area to such an extent that it would appear unlikely that any mining expeditions would ever again be launched in the vicinity. Tak has the ability to control the local desert wildlife, such as buzzards, snakes, spiders, scorpions, and coyotes, and can also take more direct control of human hosts, though such manifestation causes rapid deterioration of the host's body. Sam Whitemoon | The Mangler Virus. It first accomplishes this by forming makeshift arms that can transmit its essence to anyone or thing close to the ini, after this it only needs to connect mouths with its next intended host. Camp Loman | They gather at a theater and Tom tells a story that took place 120 years ago, when Chinese workers digging in a mine discovered an evil spirit named "Tak." David searches the police station and finds a gun on the corpse of another sheriff. Stephen King. At that point, his "Voice" immediately answered "The sheriff killed them all." Helen Shyres | It's also learned the little girl is the Carver's daughter named Pie. Billy Nolan | Meanwhile, Steve Ames is in his truck following famous author Johnny Marinville who is 50 miles up ahead. Tak wollte Seth, weil dieser über enorme psychische Fähigkeiten verfügt, von denen er selbst nichts weiß. Jim Rennie (TV series version) | 2 likes. The doctor at the hospital where Brian had to go called it a "miraculous recovery". Ellen Rimbauer, Spread his dark influence upon the world by demolishing anything in his way. The Rat Man | Crate Beast | Tak (Stephen King) - a demonic spirit and the main antagonist of Stephen King's Desperation (both noval and TV movie). Sisters, The Body Erstmals stößt man bei Bauarbeiten 1859 auf das Wesen, doch eine Sprengung verschließt den Schacht sofort wieder und sperrt Tak über 130 Jahre erneut ein. 1996 jedoch wird Taks Höhle wieder freigelegt - und das Böse kann sich ausbreiten. Cay de mun - open your mouth dama - "the boy's dama started walking toward him" Father damane - "as the dama embraced his damane" Son En tow! Rasputin (DC Comics). 2 likes. While the others were distracted, David hid in a rear room of the theatre to pray to God and ask for help. Bubba Hendershot | 1859 werden in dem Bergbaustädtchen Desperation viele Chinesen zur Arbeit in den Minen eingesetzt. Desperation is a horror novel by American writer Stephen King. Johnny ignites the explosives, blowing up the mine while the rest of survivors drive away in Steve's truck. Langoliers | Mary tells Steve to stop the truck to retrieve an overnight package from the car. Happy Toyz Truck | Johnny tells the others that Entrangian is bleeding both internally and externally, leading the group to conclude that something is very wrong with him. In response, he takes them to jail. 10,99 € Der Anschlag: Roman. There are rumors of a third Jack Sawyer novel possibly happening. Mary is thrown in a jail cell along with a young boy, David Carver, his parents, Ralph and Ellen, and an old man, Tom Billingsley. Children of the Corn After they enter the police station, they see a little girl, dead, on the floor and Entragian shoots and kills Peter. Der stärkste Modus ist im Mittel Monkey's Audio High und OptimFrog's Normal ebenbürtig; bei spezifischen Dateien wie z.B. Lester Norville | Darth Vader (Star Wars). Doch Tak hat eine Schwäche: Es wird angewidert von den Ausscheidungsfunktionen seines Wirts und verlässt Seth immer, wenn dieser auf die Toilette muss. Mary wakes up to find herself trapped in a shed waiting to be the next host for Tak. While the group is busy checking on David and watching Audrey’s body disintegrate, Tak-possessed Ellen grabs Mary and takes her to the mining pit. Once they arrive at the Desperation Municipal Building where the holding cells are kept, Entrangian shoots Peter in the stomach several times and leaves his body in the doorway before dragging Mary over a dead girl's body and up the stairs to jail. Nathan Grantham | Like “Oh shit, the mummy's after us, let's all walk a little faster” ... “Tak is here now, and he speaks with the voice of the older age; with the voice of the unformed.” ― Stephen King, Desperation. Diese stoßen nach einiger Zeit auf ein seltsames Loch in einer Höhle. Roger Toomey, Secret Window, Secret Garden CARRIE—THE FIFTH QUARTER (Nightmares & Dreamscapes) A folksinger named John Swithen appeared and sang at Carrie’s prom. Der Name fällt erstmals, als der irre, von eben diesem Dämon besessene, Polizist Collie Entragian das Wort Tak! Taks Problem: Er ist viel zu mächtig und intensiv, um von einem Wirt (dem Can-Tak) lange ertragen werden zu können; alle Körper schwellen unmittelbar nach seinem Eindringen an, nutzen sich schnell ab und fallen förmlich auseinander, immer ausgehend von einer Krankheit des Wirtes (von der dieser meist gar nichts wusste). Bill Gartley | No info to show. Percy Wetmore, Sleepwalkers Barton George Dawes | The body of the host/victim physically grows in size and strength; even the relatively frail Ellen Carver's body was grown to a size nearly as large as that of her husband's after being infused by Tak. Der geplante Familienurlaub zum Lake Tahoe wird für die Familie Carver zu einem wahren Horrortrip, als sie auf ihrer Route durch die Wüste von Nevadaauf den wahnsinnigen Deputy Collie Entragian treffen. Taschenbuch. In both cases, the creature manifests itself in Earth's dimension via an entry point (called an ini) in the bottom of a very deep well in a once abandoned but recently re-opened mine shaft in Nevada. When a sheriff arrests a writer, a family, a couple, and a hitchiker and throws them in a jail cell in the deserted town of Desperation, they must fight for their lives. Barry Dorgan | Tak is incorporeal and seems to be completely unable to form a body on its own Audrey comes across David while he is in a prayer trance and attempts to strangle him- Steve and Cynthia burst into the room and separate Audrey from David, revealing that Audrey is being controlled by Tak through the use of ‘can-tah’s (bewitched stone animal figures). Rasputin's Reliquary (Don Bluth's Anastasia). Wilma Northrup, Creepshow 2 Although some phrases used by Tak in these two books make their way into various Stephen King books and short stories regarding the The Dark Tower, (e.g. The can tak itself - that is, the combination of the Host Body and Tak's essence - has superhuman strength, feels no pain, and has the ability of supernatural sight that allows him to "see" in an undetermined radius all around him, even through solid objects; on one occasion, Tak was able to see a name plaque inside the Carvers' RV even though he hadn't stepped foot inside or looked through any of the windows. Stephen King Christine Price | At one point, Tak was able to seemingly remove Poplar Street from the world altogether, placing it into a pocket dimension of his own design (c.f. Willkommen zu einer Sonderfolge von König Bube Dame Gast. A short film within a film from Stephen Kings "Desperation". In the back seat Mary finds an album belonging to Pie, which Steve identifies as being signed by Johnny. Cynthia and Steve later search the town of Desperation, where they find all the residents dead. 12,99 € Next page. Evil-doer Occupation In 1994, he decided to pursue this idea … The True Knot | Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Aus Audrey Wylers Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen erfahren wir allmählich, dass Tak ein Dämon ist, der sich in dem autistischen Seth einnisten kann, als der mit seiner Familie an dem Wüstenort Desperation vorbeikommt und die dortige Mine besichtigt. Julie Lawry | Quitters Inc. | Once holed up in the theatre, the group begins to discuss their options; Steve and Cynthia had stumbled across another survivor, Audrey Wyler, who begins to tell the group about how the Desperation Mining Corporation had recently accidentally uncovered the China Pit (an old mining shaft). Carrie White | Nach und nach st… mehrfach wie einen Ausruf gebraucht. He can furthermore see through many pairs of eyes in this manner at exactly the same time and form a mental picture from the multiple inputs. Es schwört Rache – Johnny ist der einzige, der dies telepathisch wahrnimmt – und versucht, sich Cammie Reeds Körper zu bemächtigen. Unterschiede zwischen Desperation und Regulator, Entragian then takes Ellen so he can shift his spirit into her body and puts a vicious dog in charge of things. Die Überlebenden des Massakers wollen glauben, dass Tak somit auch erledigt ist; Johnny jedoch ist sich sicher, dass das Wesen es geschafft hat zu entkommen. In both novels, Tak's underestimation of his enemies proves in the long run to lead to his downfall. While in the mind of an autistic boy named Seth, Tak had the ability to alter reality itself. Johnny later confesses 40 years ago in Vietnam he saw a guy, possessed by Tak, blow up the bathroom of a bar killing 87 people. Carrie Whitney Horgan, The Long Walk Sara Tidwell | Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 16. Sal Maglorie, The Running Man Another classic Stephen King story that is known for its horror elements and is truly chilling is Pet Sematary, a tale… You can help Villains Wiki by expanding it. What music they make!" 321 likes. Renee Hallow | Steve senses that his boss is in trouble and his female hitchhiker, Cynthia, agrees that they need to locate Johnny and find out what has happened. The Horned King (The Black Cauldron). The most prominent example of this is the aliens and cowboys Tak sends to drive by shoot the people on Poplar Street. Nach seinen Amokläufen in Desperation muss der Dämon Leute von außerhalb in die Stadt schaffen, um weitere Wirte zu haben – ohne dies zu beabsichtigen, sorgt er somit für starke Gegner und seinen eigenen Untergang. Desperation was clearly his best work since Misery. Margaret White | “John Swithen,” alias Stephen King, wrote “The Fifth Quarter.” CARRIE—ROADWORK—THE MANGLER Margaret White worked in a laundry called the Blue Ribbon Laundry, located in Chamberlain. Tak can only inhabit one host at a time, but it can take control of other humans through the use of can tahs ("little gods") in the form of small stone animals. Samuel Norton | Westway Refrigerated Truck | Byron Hadley | Unlike most forces of evil in the Stephen King multiverse, Tak is incorporeal and seems to be completely unable to form a body on its own; in Desperation, it possesses the bodies of living things (which quickly wear out due to the stresses Tak's energies apparently place on living tissue). Creepshow Bullies | Manifesting itself in Earth's dimensionZoopathyPossession Though it primarily uses human hosts, Tak can take over large animals such as timberwolves or golden eagles, though these are not remotely as strong as human hosts, and will "burn out" in a matter of minutes. Can tah, can tak! When the host body dies without Tak transmitting itself to another, all the creatures under its control at that time are killed. Killing. Tak can control many animals, getting them to guide him and help him in his plan to cause as much damage and pain as possible. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Later, David realizes Entragian's skin is breaking out and he keeps saying "Tak" because he is possessed. The Tak that exists on the Desperation Earth also has the ability to mystically "infect" over time inanimate objects that lay in the vicinity of Tak's portal to Earth, the ini; these artifacts, can tahs, quickly drive to murderous insanity almost any human beings that pick them up. In einer Salzmine in Debaria wird ebenfalls ein Dämon freigesetzt, der von einem Menschen Besitz ergreift. David explains the visions that the had while in his prayer trance, and the group comes to understand that Entragian was possessed by an ancient evil, a supernatural entity that calls itself Tak, which had been imprisoned in the China Pit mineshaft until the Desperation Mining Corporation unearthed it. The Kid | Like “IN THESE SILENCES SOMETHING MAY RISE.” ― Stephen King, Desperation. Hohe Kompression. Tak (Stephen King's Desperation). Ellen’s body disintegrates before Tak can catch Mary, and is forced to possess a nearby golden eagle. Lake Blob | Timmy Baterman | Besides, it's a throwback to a (not very philanthropic) character from Stephen King's "Regulators". Mr. Donatti | With the help of Pie, she manages to escape, while seriously injuring Ellen's body forcing Tak to take over the body of a vulture. Sleepwalkers, Bag of Bones Stephen King es uno de los escritores de terror más populares de las últimas décadas. Christine | Lorraine Massey, The Stand Als Seth deshalb von Tak verlassen wird, ruft der Junge seine Tante telepathisch, und diese kommt mit Johnny Marinville, um ihn zu retten. His parents were Nellie Ruth (Pillsbury), who worked as a caregiver at a mental institute, and Donald Edwin King, a merchant seaman. Tak ist eine Art Vampir – anstelle von Blut ernährt es sich jedoch von Lebensenergie. Steve soon picks up a young female hitchhiker named Cynthia Smith. This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. About Fung King Tak. The HitchHiker, Cat's Eye Johnny stops in the desert to urinate just as Entragian shows up behind him and puts the same weed he got from Peter and Mary under Johnny's motorcycle seat and "arrests" him. Creepshow Creep | Black House is a horror/fantasy novel written by Stephen King and Peter Straub. He proceeds to scrub his body with the soap and while the dog is distracted, David slips through the bars of the jail cell and gets out of the room. Harold Lauder | In the parallel world Earth of The Regulators, it partially takes over the mind of an autistic boy named Seth (the boy's consciousness remains within the host body, unlike the minds of those possessed by Tak in Desperation). With Tom Skerritt, Steven Weber, Annabeth Gish, Charles Durning. The King in Yellow (Haïta the Shepherd). Entrangian throws Johnny in a cell in the Municipal Building before leaving all the captives. Unter einem Vorwand lockt er sie in seine Stadt, Desperation, wo er die Familie sofort ins Gemeindegefängnis steckt und die kleine Tochter der Carvers die Treppe hinunter stößt, woraufhin diese stirbt. The less physically robust the victim, the less time that the host body will last; Tak's energies took nearly a full week to wear down the body of the already physically massive and healthy sheriff, Collie Entragian, while a sickened woman, Ellen Carver, lasted only a few hours. Mary Brady | Upon some advice from Tom, the group arm themselves with weapons from the Municipal Building and decide to hide out in Desperation’s abandoned theatre. Church | Barry the Chink | Dass der Dämon selbst Tak heißt, erfährt der Leser erst im dritten Teil des Romans. He immediately thought, "They're all dead," and then "Who killed them?" Randall Flagg | Android. John "Ace" Merrill | Ramona Norville, Mr. Mercedes Unlike its alter-Earth counterpart, this Tak seemingly cannot inhabit anyone's body but Seth's, apparently due to the boy's nascent mental powers (and, it is implied, the reason that Tak grows powerful enough to warp reality in the first place). Tom, Needful Things Taschenbuch. Peter Gordon | Hobby Diese Straße wird nach und nach in eine Scheinwelt verwandelt und aus dem normalen Raum-Zeit-Gefüge gelöst, sodass für die Überlebenden der ersten Angriffswellen keine Fluchtmöglichkeit besteht. The novel begins with Peter and Mary Jackson, a couple driving cross-country in Peter's sister's car after visiting their friends the Sodersons. Quitter's Inc. Crimes The Tak of Desperation could not repair the physical defects in his host bodies; in fact, his magical energies sped up the various defects in such host bodies to such an extent that even normally harmless defects soon burned the body out - and forced Tak to constantly look out for replacements. In der Mine selbst pulsiert ein grünes Leuchten, ebenso wie in der China-Mine ein rotes Leuchten vorkommt (aus Wind). It was made into a TV film starring Ron Perlman, Tom Skeritt and Steven Weber in 2006. So saugt es erst Audreys Ehemann Herb und später Peter Jackson aus. It was also made into a TV film starring Ron Perlman, Tom Skerritt and Steven Weber in 2006. Henry Bowers | The nearby landscape (though, inexplicably, not the humans trapped in the area) began to take on the cartoonish aspects of the boy's childhood fantasies, albeit with Tak's murderous proclivities and appetite for chaos. Snakebite Andi, The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer In Desperation, its physical body is actually located in another dimension, but in The Regulators, the entirety of Tak's form consists of an intangible mist with bright red specks throughout; in both cases, it seems unable to move around in this dimension as a free-roaming, disembodied spirit for very long without a corporeal host. Its activities are limited to the Stephen King and Richard Bachman novels Desperation and The Regulators, respectively (two books which are, in fact, parallel worlds of one another). William Wharton | Chris Hargensen | Tak ist ein so genannter Finally, at close proximity to the ini, Tak can partially override the movements of living beings; in this way was it able to force its first victim, Cary Ripton, to open his mouth against his will and force its essence into his body. Powers/Skills In Desperation, Tak is "outsmarted" by God Himself; most of the central characters that found themselves trapped in Desperation each had his or her role to play in either distracting Tak or confronting it outright. Alias Desperation is a horror novel by Stephen King. Creepshow Creep | The group decides to return to the cave with some explosives they found to put an end to Tak. How do you say Tak (Stephen King)? It was published in 1996 at the same time as its "mirror" novel, The Regulators. Die Handlung im Buch ist nicht chronologisch aufgebaut, sondern beginnt in der heutigen Zeit, aber selbst hierbei kommt es zu Zeitverschiebungen. The group arrive in time to help Mary inside, and gather some ANFO explosive to blow up the China Pit. Gus Gilbert | At the entrance, a vulture comes out and kills Ralph. Was Tak will (außer zu Morden) ist unklar und laut David Carver nicht von Belang. David receives a message from God and realises that they need to escape from their cells before Entrangian returns; after using a bar of soap and killing the coyote guard, he is able to free the others. Stephen King. Nevadí, protože King je pořád mistr psychologie a na malém prostoru dokáže stvořit tak úžasně propracované postavy a dokáže čtenáři dostat do hlavy hodně zajímavé myšlenky a témata, které jsou leckdy zajímavou alternativou vývoje našeho světa. Tak returns to the Municipal Building in Ellen’s body to discover that the captives have escaped, and promptly sends out creatures to determine where they are hiding. Stephen King is a master of literary horror whose 61 published books have transcended the realm of belief with tales of the paranormal, murderous, haunting, bizarre, and most vile.When he authored Carrie, his first novel, in 1974, his name immediately skyrocketed to one of the most recognizable in the horror genre.Almost instantly, Carrie was picked up by director Brian De Palma to …
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