
what are mormons not allowed to do

I kind if have an issue….My mom is a Catholic but my dad is a Christian however we haven’t been in a church for a couple of years now. We do not believe that God has a “gotcha list” of obscure commandments that must be followed or the individual will be sent to hell. its been 4 months. If you do not see it feel sorry for you. I don’t feel I should need to do so again since Jesus died on the cross for my sins. And learned recently it’s a very important Mormon community. I would encourage you to find out for YOURSELF rather than believe the rumors that ONE person has told you about a church that you really don’t know about yet for yourself. Hi Jessica, you would absolutely be welcomed into the church with open arms. Follow where God leads you, no matter what earthly people say. I know that everyone has free agency and is accountable for their decisions and I KNOW THAT HEAVENLY FATHER’S WILL BE DONE. I still don’t. And the bishop believing the man. The 10 commandments in the Bible says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” No alcohol or drugs. I hope I have not offended you, as that is not my intention at all, I am considering going back to the church, I was only 10 when we left. She said that as long as I am not Mormon I am considered to be a non-person. A nice post.One of my sons is 19 and he soon goes to stay with a Mormon family so this was really useful and there will be no problems on anything mentioned.Any fiurther advice would be appreciated.He is very interested in a girl of that family and she him we believe. It was wrong and humiliating. My faith in Christ is the most important aspect of my life, and this blog is where I get to share my beliefs. I don’t know these friends of yours or what they are telling you, but frankly, I don’t think you’re being given a fair and unbiased presentation of the facts. We are a very family-centric church. Hey! I feel that is where God wants me to be. So here goes…. that is just a little of what Mormons don’t do. I’m 16 and I’ve been really interested in this religion. (Actually, scratch that. Thanks so much. Then, don’t allow this to stress you, because you can have 100% confidence that the Lord’s desire will be done. I don’t want to insult her, I don’t want to lose or destroy our friendship, but it’s becoming more and more uncomfortable when we communicate. According to the Mormon faith, God spoke this law directly to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. We believe that God is the Creator of the world. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is one of the best parts of my life. Being Mormon when everyone else in your family before you was not, make sit somewhat challenging, but I’ve always loved a challenge! I\’ve met a few Mormons in my life time who were as sweet as a button. Have faith, pray, fast, and be the best example you can. I can say, after participating in disciplinary councils, that an extreme effort goes into caring for each individual and helping them on their way. Eat meat sparingly. I wish I had so much discipline in my life. You said that you haven’t found “one single piece of evidence that conclusively supports the…Book of Mormon.” I agree. Although there is a WEALTH of evidence supporting the Book of Mormon, there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence. Hiya. We believe we will be judged by our adherence to the principle of truth that each individual receives. When I read your explanation of why you do what, I realized we actually have a lot of values in common! Most people have, at some point or another, felt as your husband. I grew up in the church with an active family. Wow, this post has brought so much comfort to me in a time of need. A careful reading of the verse you cited gives us the answer, “the words of the prophecy of THIS scroll…THIS scroll of prophecy…” John specifically mentions repeatedly his warning to those who changed HIS words in that book. Thanks for this, it’s kinda annoying how people will judge others on religion, we are all the same! I don’t pretend to know what you should do to help your husband come to this realization, but I do know that there is one who does know. I enjoyed reading the article. We believe in honoring father and mother. We are taught that marriage is ordained between a man and a woman. Gay people are welcomed with open arms into the church, just as blacks, whites, widows, kids, seniors, everyone. Leaders are taking courses to better understand . Mormons don’t drink alcohol of any kind. There’s no excuse for bad behavior. I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and loved it. Last summer a retired Mormon psychology professor in Logan told me that it does not matter what I do. (Of course Mormons aren’t bad or anything. If you think it’s not possible for God to accept that, in certain cultures and times, polygamy can be allowed to exist, then it doesn’t take much to understand how Joseph Smith also did so. . No Oral Sex. Just last night the excuse was homework and when i asked to please let him have a break so he can talk with me i got no answer. Qualifying that Mormons or correctly, I’m hoping to ask a question and in no way hope that it offends. Because of the church’s almost complete lay ministry, the tithes are only spent for good instead of lining the pockets of a professional pastor. I really don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. The church has an entire website dedicated to the questions you asked. I love learning about different religions and I appreciate this post. My sister who is a non Mormón married to a Mormon, Living in Augden, has a hard time Meeting people there. I think a lot about spiritual things, but I’ve decided that I’m not interested in learning more about your faith. There are multiple conferences held each year by the church and by independent third-party organizations that are just about studying the history of the church and I frequently listen to all of the presentations. However, we fail sometimes too and miss out on helping some people who would have liked the support. I did this when I was 19 and it was the best experience of my entire life. And extremely polite and well mannered… with hoy a single exceptión. However, we also recognize that there are many people who are attracted to the same gender. But I would respond to you that there is ALSO no conclusive evidence that it is false. I generally have an issue with organized religion, because of all the do’s and don’ts and personally like to find my own truths and not commit to one certain path. I do not beleive in God or Jesus Christ and I do not understand the glorification of a book written so long ago. Recently I welcomed Elders of my ward into my home and I can’t believe how deep our heavenly father has touched me in a very short time. My husband and I are both blue collar workers. Please explain, A prophet in the Book of Mormon faced the same question. I am part of the LGBT community and I often get tired of people being so rude to me about it when i’ve done nothing to them with their excuse being, ” it’s wrong because it’s in the bible.” Straight white cis religious men actually repulse me sometimes when they try to belittle my happiness when it “threatens” their beleifs so much.

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