What exactly do they believe? We are then saying Jesus’ death on the cross is not enough, we need to do some work ourselves. The Amish groups have problems, just like anyone else. We can all access a Bible and therefore find the truth with guidance of the Holy Spirit and the willingness to seek. I do appreciate the article and loved reading through the comments; religion can be a very passionate subject. God bless you. God Bless you. The Amish call non-Amish people English. 13:1-13. They forgave the shooter and quietly buried their loved ones and continued living for Christ. Alex, what an excellent point. I talk about the Lord at my workplace and I am sure lots of Christians do which pastors do not get to know about. This is simply not true. They didn't even realize it. Only God can forgive sins so sayeth Caiaphas and his comrades! 14:12, ” For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8, Salvation does not require works to happen, but we do good works out of gratitude to our Lord and Saviour. I would highly recommend the BBC documentary on the Amish lifestyle quoted above. I watched a documentary ‘The Secret Life of the Amish’ Even if we do not see a person again in order to speak to them a kingdom seed will be planted by how we act in front of them and to them. Amish music is primarily German in origin, including ancient singing styles not found anywhere in Europe. We who point at them and criticize beating our breasts as if WE are the true Christians drop out of church, curse God, and “lose it” over the silliest little trials or disappointments in our life. Many christian are still in bondage of their old ways of thinking and not having the mind of Christ. I’m encouraged by the many things they get right, much of which the rest of Christiandom in the USA seems to miss altogether. Most of the Amish children are born and reared in traditional family settings and in the Christian faith. They do not believe in accepting help from the outside world and that includes help from the U.S. government. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Previous post: 21 Great Quotes About Church, Next post: 7 Fundraising Ideas For Mission Trips. Unfortunately, some of these births are plagued by genetic defects. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. one of my elder brothers is a member of Jehova witness.he one day told me that am not going to be saved just because those who are to be saved are them only. I do believe that “faith without works is dead” but this refers to the life after salvation – salvation is based on grace, the gift of God “not by works, so that no one can boast” Eph. I believe your cult crucifies Jesus again with the same accusations! I admire the Amish for their discipline and tenacity, but like the Witneses they need to be freed from the fallacy of salvation through works and the additional unnecessary burdens their organisations have put on them. First of all I don't use Amish Friendship Starter...I am way too lazy for that. It is not by being baptized. Even Jesus said that we are not of the world but He didn’t pray that we would not be taken out of the world…just not part of it and so you are spot on the mark. You shall no a tree by the fruit it bears, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.its not what goes in but what comes out of man is he defiled, so we all are guilty somewhere of area in our lives. They are a works based religion. God knows who is, and isn’t and only God can bring the unsaved to salvation through convicting them and drawing them in. Being a Disciple of Christ Means Taking Risks For Christ, How to Dwell on the Heavenly and Not the Worldly Things, What Scripture Says About God’s Call On Your Life, Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies – Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure – Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island – Movie Review. They are passive in the sense that they would not retaliate if they were stuck, they do not participate in any military services, and they rarely accept new converts. They do not like to use new technologies and they refrain from using many of the modern day conveniences such as air conditioning, automobiles, and mechanized farm machinery. I’ve always had this issue with the Amish, but not a lot of them want to talk theology with strangers, so I thought I’d pose the question here… I hope you don’t mind…. They do not receive food stamps or Social Security benefits but neither do they have to pay into Social Security taxes, as agreed to by the U.S. Supreme court in 1961. I don’t mean give homeless money so they may go buy a beer or joint, however, something I stupidly did when a baby Christian. But again, you are right, even the Amish, by separating themselves from the world do not evangelize. Q: How do you know if a Polak has been using a computer? They conduct a door to door ministry which very good but they cant allow others to visit them with a word of God. He seems a great chap. They live by it better than most professing Christians do, however some other Christian denominations believe that they are a works-based religion. It is no different than Islam. Who is Christ’s God, post ascension, now in heaven, Revelation 3:12? 340) Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 717-768-8400. The materials they publish are straight to the point about divisive issues that beleivers/non believers have real questions about. You raise a good point that we should associate ourselves with good, sound Bible teaching churches. Amish are very good people and we can learn alot from them. Just one good loaf of bread is all I ask. Toss out either oar and you spin in circles and lose your direction. With practical, tried and true products for inside your home, and outside in your garden, we have what you need. So, what does this tell you JW’s? Thank you. And we have the huzpah to judge THEM? At least their moral code is written from the scriptures instead of Dr. Phil, Oprah or a Hollywood film producer. Fantastic reading for anyone who is interested. I make A LOT of Amish Friendship Bread around the holidays, so I was excited to try this variation. My first publisher/printer was an Amish hand-printed press. The Amish do not travel outside their communities Because they generally travel by horse and buggy, outsiders tend to think they do not travel outside of their communities. We are in the world but not of it. He was a truly wonderful, gentle and knowledgeable man and thank God is now saved. Love this. Ephesians 2:9 I think that could be the one, Yes, thanks Brian. What Does Pentecost Have to do With the Church? Moving at a fast pace is associated with being worldly, and this is undesirable. I am Baptist denomination and many Baptist churches say the same things as some here…..the Amish are “works based”. I am neighbors with many Amish families. But if we believe that We need to depend on ourselves to stay on the righteous path it falls under a works based religion. Thank you Jay. I’m stunned and shocked that this is even a debate among Christians–and a pastor no less! They are not on public assistance and they take care of their own. Love is a choice. 10. A person must have the witness of the Spirit to be a true christian. When they say they are saved they are shunned. We do good works because of the Spirit of Christ in us driving us to do so. Most Christians, as a matter of fact, do not evangelize. Who are your Family? God bless. If so, where did they get the belief that in 1820 suddenly things began to be “unholy”? They did not hold the mother of the shooter responsible and showed her love. The quote pretty much speaks for it self because Amish will judge us but now we judge them. Look at how many Disciples were Martyred for teaching a non-popular belief just so that the rest of the world can have know it. 2 Peter 1:1 “our God (theos) and Savior, Jesus Christ”, Finally, Jesus Christ is said to be “Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.” Heb 7:3. This website is made by locals; we hope it will help you to learn more about our area and to explore the many attractions and things to do for all ages throughout Lancaster and Pennsylvania Dutch Country. A sure sign of a cult is indeed that they think they are the only ones to be saved and they start putting unnecessary burdens on their members. They believe that passing it on to their children is enough. I told my congregation once that part of my sermon today would be perfect….the part where I read out of the Bible. The thing that makes me wonder is that this person does not listen to any spiritual documentary such as gospel songs instead they all enjoy very well worldly songs, he cant listen to any man of God preaching at any where he would rather switch of the radio and mind other things. It is sad they believe evangelizing is prideful since we are commanded to go into all the world and nto stay in our own corner of the world. Then I realized that it’s Satan putting those doubts in my mind!!!! Interesting reading. The world would be a much better place if we all lived like the Amish. Then to where it says that many will call my name in the last days and say of what miracles they did in my name, but I will say, I never knew you. GOD Bless and good night. Because we exist to create A Simpler Life for you and your loved ones. On the surface, the Pennsylvania Amish lifestyle might appear to be staid and inflexible. A change takes place in our spirit. I am so happy for John and his family and am looking forward to meeting him and his family in heaven. Shunning, or Meidung, was one of the reasons Amish Christianity came about, and has been seen as critical to maintaining the integrity of the Amish church. They are sitting on the battlefield the houses are burning, the people are crying out for help and they are holding buckets of water and walking away to preserve themselves. Keep this in mind as a married man if I had to segregate myself from all women to keep myself pure how strong do you believe my convictions to my wife are? So I certainly am not going to sit in judge of how the Amish attempt to remain unstained from the world. His books are include: “Teaching Children The Gospel/How to Raise Godly Children,“ “Do Babies Go To Heaven?/Why Does God Allow Suffering?,“ "The Great Omission; Reaching the Lost for Christ," and “Blind Chance or Intelligent Design?, Empirical Methodologies & the Bible.". I think it takes humility to share Christ and pride keeps us from sharing Christ as we fear rejection. How many barns must you raise to get into heaven? The Amish never really intended to communicate with the outside “world”, thus really had no need to learn High German (except as it pertains to the Bible.) We cannot judge a person’s heart (1 Sam 16:7). I do agree that we do indeed need to be diligent about seeking out Biblically sound churches, as the Bible says Satan does masquerade as an angel of light and like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. The Amish can be the nicest, hardest working people on planet Earth and yet those works are considered rubbish in the eyes of God. Hello Dot. Eyes and ears of the unsaved will open much more readily to God’s Word when basic needs have first been met. When Jesus spoke to the woman caught in the act of adultery he forgave her on the spot and told others not to judge her. Just being different from most Christian evangelicals does not mean that they are not Christian. What is a Christian that keeps Christ to himself but a rich man hoarding treasures? Churches preach about God and anyone can go to one and join in. Look into the mirror of Gods word and see what’s being manifesting out of ourselves before we make accusation. 3121 Old Philadelphia Pike (Rt. This belief is common practice and goes against everything you have written here. God alone sees the heart. If they can’t answer these questions or are not willing to, then tell they you are not willing to let them discuss the matter any further and continue to pray for them. I still live simply, but rather than the “Ordnung” I choose to live by scripture, as it is written, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” They are truly about FAITH and FAMILY, two things the majority of our society has let fall to the wayside. Amish, What makes a Christian? I pray that we all can see that salvation isn’t through the traditions held within the community we participate in, but in Jesus alone. The Amish practice of shunning, or social avoidance, is often misunderstood. There are man with drug problems in the churches too, but sexual immorality is also, so we know that the Amish do what they sincerly believe is right, and if they have trusted in the Savior, they are saved, are they not? Contrary to your findings, some of my Amish neighbors receive Social Security disability benefits even though they don’t pay into the system. It is to show that they are somehow better than the “English”. They do not routinely read the bible as the only one that is “approved” is written in an ancient form of German which none of them can read. From buggy rides around town to the largest Flea Market in the Midwest, you won’t have any problem finding things to do during your visit to Shipshewana. Thank you for your comment and I am so glad you added some important things to this…and so glad you placed your trust in Jesus Christ to save you. We all have to study and read and apply the scripture. Non-Amish people are generally referred to as "English". He had the oddacity to call himself GOD! Their belief in pride being a sin is the same reason they do not wear colored clothing, play musical instruments, etc. And yes God did say Go into the world, but also remember that the church body is many members. Could you be more specific about John A. Miller? I am a born again Christian but was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and evangelised for 60-90 hours a month in the cult for nearly 10 years. They told me themselves that amish believe in good works to get into heaven that believing that you are saved is being prideful in their eyes. I don’t think anyone on this website is an “Amish hater” or attacking them but merely discussing their lifestyle when compared to other Christian styles. The Amish embody the word Gelassenheit which means submission, and it implies being obedient and submissive, and living simply, humbly, and thrifty (Kraybill, 1989, p.25). It is a shame you will not view the documentary and see how repressed the family were. What do they contribute to the world do they even have a point in being here? That, in itself, is not wrong and does not disqualify them from being a Christian. They believe in the Bible. 2:9. I certainly would not want to be in their shoes. I’m sure the Amish have less pulling them away spiritually since they don’t have as many “worldly” temptations as we do. (Judgement day witch is talked about in the bible is the end of the world when Jesus returns to judge us all) Has everyone forgotten about Christ getting nailed to the cross to save us all? Visit website. Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Advertise. They are very pious believers. The family themselves said they were risking being excommunicated for merely have their daily lifestyle filmed (I would respectfully ask if that is loving?) One person asked me, as I was studying scripture independently of the JWs, why they took the number 144,000 as literal and all the other numbers as symbolic which really got me thinking. Everyone is entitled to discuss scripture and how to live a Christian life, which I for one have been greatly helped by. Let me say, even as a pastor, our church is not perfect. Is this Christian? There is a large selection of local products available, including Amish meats, cheeses, fresh breads, butter, pies, and cookies. Thank you for trying. Nor do we cease good works, but magnify the fruits of our works because we ARE saved by Grace and His Spirit moves us to devote even more to His service and in His service. Hence, all the rules and regulations, put in place to keep us from being tempted to much. And to those who speak of traditions, well traditions can not save us from sin, but if traditions are helpful in keeping us unstained from the world, and helpful in keeping us focused on the Word of God, then there is nothing at all wrong with these traditions. It is true acceptance of Jesus is bottom line it also comes with accepting certain doctrine accepted by what we call historical Christian doctrine. This is very similar to what I went through in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Such peaceful people and I would love to meet some of them in the future and visit their land if they let me. Christy they are not closed to General society,the Amish allow visitors to come to them all the time,in fact they even try to subsidize their meager existence by selling items they make,For sure they should not excommunicate people the way they do,but they value their way of living & if they did not have some guidelines in place & consequences for the actions they made,then others would do whatever they felt. God bless! They usually only go to a formal school until age 15. I did speak with some Amish people as we have many in our state of Kansas. In the first place Jackson, (by the way, that is my name too, Jackson, but I go by Jack), I am so proud that you want to share the gospel with them. Also Christian media such as God TV brings the church into millions of homes by TV so I do think Christians are doing their part. Philippians 2:6 says that Jesus was in the “form of God”, and that he thought it not robbery to be “equal with God”! As long as anyone professes faith in Christ and believes in Him as Lord and Savior, they are a Christian. In John 17 Jesus prays for the Father to not take his disciples out of the world but protect them from the evil one. They have a lot of drug problems in the Amish community and other things. Really, prayer is vital to any witnessing opportunity. I grew up in a Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowship community, in southwest Missouri, and while many of the more “liberal” Amish/Mennonite communities, teach a very sound gospel, I can assure you that the majority of the more conservative Amish groups are very much a “Works-Based” religion, I was told flat-out by an Amish minister that; “You can’t know if you’re saved, you must follow the Ordnung, and hope that it is enough!” I left the plain people at 22yrs old, and while I have many fond memories, I know that it was not Gods will for me to stay, I disagreed with their lack of evangelical action (Mark 16:15), and their disdain for musical instruments (Psalms 150) I have found a much richer life worshiping in spirit and in truth, than the Amish could have offered, at the end of the day true salvation is by grace, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” The Amish lean far too heavily on works, on law, on tradition, at the expense of themselves, and the blessings, that God could bestow!
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