This film’s success opened the doors for sci-fi horror, after this space and aliens become a staple of horror films. In the late '80s, while 3-D was fading as a viable option for mainstream theatrical cinema, the format was finding a home in the specialty markets of theme parks and IMAX productions. Not much of one, it turns out. Indeed, the format again receded into the margins by the mid-'80s. Horror, Sci-Fi. Stars: Horror, Mystery. So lets dig up just a few of the most influential movies of this most diverse decade. Don 'Red' Barry, Approved Darryl Hickman, The only one who may be able to protect them is Dr. Helsing, Harker's friend and fellow-student of vampires, who is determined to destroy Dracula, whatever the cost.Just like The Curse of Frankenstein, Hammer is becoming the new leader in horror films. Meanwhile, standalone horror releases like and opted for significant production delays so that the films could be converted to 3-D. (Although future horror legend William Castle directed several 3-D films in the '50s, none of them were horror.). Director: that introduced the world to the most iconic giant lizard of all time, Ishirō Honda's original feature was a shocking success across Japan. The only real problem I have with this iconic film is how it is structured. Eddie Byrne, Not Rated Easily my second favorite horror actor behind Price(of course), however it is very close. The critical bashing of Jaws 3-D (which featured the biggest budget of the three by far) in particular helped ensure that the technology would continue to be associated with low-budget, low-brow fare. Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller. This was called submersion viewing. David Hedison plays a French-Canadian scientist whose experiments with a matter transporter go awry when a housefly joins him in the transportation chamber. The monster suit and mask is some of the best looking in cinema history. Not only do we get classic horror, but now science and future scope add their hand to the genre of horror. Filter list by studio. Yes Godzilla does eventually becomes a protector of earth, but in his debut he is a big mean people chomping monster born from atomic radiation. This was also a shocking film for the amount of gore shown. One of the most paranoid sci-fi horror movies of the decade, Invasion of the Body Snatchers takes concerns about identity and embodiment to the next level. | 95 min Christopher Lee, This is the breakout movie for him and large dinosaur movies. By the early part of 1955, the "golden era" was dead. Fred F. Sears 2. | Stars: In 2009, major studios began to see the viability of expanding 3-D beyond family-friendly fare. | | Stars: When he's asked to produce more "avant-garde" works of art, Walter suffers a nervous breakdown. RELATED: She Wouldn't Even Harm A Fly: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Psycho (1960). Stars: Adventure, Horror. After Harker attacks Dracula at his castle somewhere in Germany, the vampire travels to a nearby city, where he preys on the family of Harker's fiancée. Carol Ohmart, One notable movie, 1974's Flesh for Frankenstein (AKA Andy Warhol's Frankenstein AKA Frankenstein 3-D), managed to combine the sexual content with graphic horror, gaining an X-rated cult following in the process. 66 min HORROR FILMS FROM THE 1960s (1960-1969) Menu. | Gross: 75 min One of the earliest Satanic panic horror flicks, Jacques Tourneur's Night of the Demon delves into the occult, witchcraft, and parapsychological. | Robert Urquhart, No discussion of ‘50s horror can begin without mentioning Hammer Films, the venerated British production house notorious for its gruesome slashers and iconic monster movies. 16,070 | | Stars: As I have always said, a bad film is something that bores you. | A selection of British Horror Films of the 1950s. The desire for more praise soon leads to an increasingly deadly series of works. Despite being a slow burn, Clouzot's masterpiece is a captivating, morally ambiguous tale of retribution. Contents: Top - 1890s - 1900s - 1910s - 1920s - 1930s - 1940s - 1950s - 1960s - 1970s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s An obsessed pathologist discovers and captures a parasitic creature that grows when fear grips its host. While all three performed well enough commercially to justify further sequels, the cheesy quality of the effects (along with the still-present eye strain) and the un-subtle "shove-objects-in-viewers'-faces" approach to their integration didn't help people see 3-D as anything more than a fad. Honorable Mention: Plan 9 from Outer Space 1959. wrongsideoftheartAmerican independent black-and-white science fiction film from Valiant Pictures. | | | Star Vincent Price, who later emerged as a horror icon, became known as "King of 3-D" because of his starring roles in several 3-D movies during the decade, including the horror films House of Wax and The Mad Magician. So, what place did horror have in the newly big-budget, squeaky clean world of 3-D? NEXT: 10 50s Sci-Fi Movies That Are Still Mindblowing Today. The Most Shocking Horror Movie From Each Year Of The 1950s, The Top 50 Horror Movies Of All Time, Ranked (According To IMDb), She Wouldn't Even Harm A Fly: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Psycho (1960), Godzilla: The 10 Best Movies In The Entire Franchise, Ranked, The Thing & Every Body Snatchers Movie, Ranked (According to IMDb), 10 50s Sci-Fi Movies That Are Still Mindblowing Today, Which Princess Movie Is Better? Based on the Patricia Highsmith novel of the same name, an amateur tennis star teams up with a charming, wealthy psychopath he meets on a train ride for nefarious ends: they will each orchestrate and get away with the perfect murder. | Michael Gwynn, Not Rated Stars: The head of a major cosmetics company experiments on herself with a youth formula made from royal jelly extracted from wasps, but the formula's side effects have deadly consequences. Other notable 3-D horror movies of the era included Robot Monster, now infamously remembered as one of the worst movies ever made, and Creature from the Black Lagoon, which introduced the last great Universal monster of the 20th century, the Gill-man. He has a theory that fear is the result of a creature that inhabits all of us. The first 3D, colorized horror film released by a major motion picture studio, House of Wax gave star Vincent Price a much-needed career boost. Dr. Bennell returns to his small town practice to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors. But in America, such 3-D horror movies were few and far between, and the format's domestic marginalization proved to be something of a boon for foreign 3-D horror.
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