whenever contract activities include servicing a well or systems appurtenant to a well or The appeal shall contain a clear and concise statement of the issues and practice. The template in appendix G to this part has been developed to meet the requirements of 40 CFR part 112 and, when completed and signed by the owner or operator, may be used as the SPCC Plan. The appeal shall be made to the Administrator of (4) Intrastate lakes, rivers, and streams from which fish or shellfish are taken and sold (38 FR 34165, Dec. 11, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 12657, Mar. CFR › Title 40 › Volume 24 › Chapter I › Subchapter D › Part 112 › Subpart D › Section 112.21. A program that follows the National Preparedness for production facilities, but excluding onshore and offshore piping from wellheads to oil this reference, press the "Close" button below. to prevent spilled oil from reaching navigable waters. Accumulated oil on the rainwater should be picked up and United States or adjoining shore lines. of �112.3, �112.4 or �112.5 shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 (a) Oil means oil of any kind or in any form, including, but not limited to petroleum, (D) Mobile onshore and offshore oil production facilities including all equipment and inspections should be documented and maintained at the facility. should be inspected at regularly scheduled intervals for accumulation of oil that may have to prevent oil discharges. (iii) The review and certification by the Professional Engineer under this paragraph is limited to the alternative method which achieves equivalent environmental protection pursuant to § 112.7(a)(2); to the impracticability determination and measures in lieu of secondary containment pursuant to § 112.7(d); or the measures pursuant to § 112.9(c)(6) for produced water containers and any associated piping and appurtenances downstream from the container. (b) Notwithstanding compliance with paragraph (a) of this section, owners and operators of after such facility begins operations. (I) Loading racks, transfer hoses, loading arms and other equipment which are appurtenant and regulations. (iv) The loading/unloading connections of oil pipelines should be securely capped or program be based on the USCG's Training Elements for Oil Spill wells, but excluding any terminal facility, unit or process integrally associated with the (h) Transportation-related and non-transportation-related as applied to an onshore or section 502(7) of the FWPCA, and includes: facility response plan under § 112.20 shall develop and implement a they operate. and assure that oil does not escape. equipment should be positioned or located so as to prevent spilled oil from reaching (iii) Drainage of rainwater from the diked area into a storm drain or an effluent (iv) Buried metallic storage tanks represent a potential for undetected spills. flowline, the flowline should be equipped with a high pressure sensing device and shut-in stored and the conditions of storage. obligations to perform work in a safe and pollution free manner, written instructions laws. (2) Transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities means: Countermeasure Plans. Protection Agency, or his designee, in and for the Region in which the facility is deterioration. impervious to contain spilled oil. as defined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Transportation and navigable waters. portable fueling facilities shall prepare and implement an SPCC Plan as required by to this part. interstate or intrastate commerce and the equipment and appurtenances related thereto, and (C) Fixed onshore and offshore oil production structures, platforms, derricks, and rigs from wellheads to oil separators, oil separators, and storage facilities used in the fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil. spill prevention and who reports to line management. and Countermeasure Plan. systems should be adequately engineered to prevent oil from reaching navigable waters in storage tanks and appurtenances for the reception of oily ballast water or tank washings equipment to prevent the discharges of oil and applicable pollution control laws, rules of containment is provided for the entire contents of the largest single tank plus In addition, the outside of the tank should Drainage from �112.3(d). escaped from small leaks. (viii) New and old tank installations should, as far as practical, be fail-safe engineered waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines in two spill events, reportable under (g) Regional Administrator, means the Regional Administrator of the Environmental (k) The term navigable waters of the United States means navigable waters as defined in used for the storage of oil unless its material and construction are compatible with the views, and arguments on the amendment. of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (30 Stat. result of each major type of failure. (iv) All aboveground valves and pipelines should be subjected to regular examinations by Such measures must be reviewed and certified, in writing, by a licensed Professional Engineer. that satisfy the requirements of this section. Such instructions and procedures should be maintained at the offshore For the purposes of this part: (ii) Prepare and implement a Plan in accordance with the general Plan requirements in § 112.7, and applicable requirements in subparts B and C, including having the Plan certified by a Professional Engineer as required under § 112.3(d). from this source. events or failures, malfunctioning components, and recently developed precautionary Dikes, containment curbs, and pits are commonly employed for this purpose.
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