We are not only growing as a manufacturer of the best amalgam separator in the Dental Industry, but we are also growing as most in-demand Amalgam Separator Compliance experts. This facility is a dental discharger subject to this rule (40 CFR Part 441), and it has previously submitted a one-time compliance report. In this part of the blog, we will be speaking about some of the events we have aligned for the future. COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR DENTAL OFFICE Rev 03/2018 AMALGAM SEPARATOR INSTALLATION A. All Rights Reserved, LibertyBOSS Video Installation Instructions, From Other Manufacturer’s Amalgam Separators to the LibertyBOSS Installation, Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT), The EPA Brings Back Mercury Pollution Rule After NRDC Sues, M.A.R.S Amalgam Separator Compliance Upcoming Educational Courses, Future Speaking Engagements for M.A.R.S Part 1 – Dental Societies, What you Need to Know to Comply with the EPA Dental Rule. Some state or local water authorities may have stricter laws than the federal regulation. � q�B����\ s�3�f�: �g`7$bWk�a��3�Y+�ܼ������T~�8��ow��3k��v.���2� Ǥ����n�9�SKE|������3��ZdYdLj����pHh EBЦ�@���A�H31�������!.`�0 �!�< Dr. Elizabeth Mueller was on the committee on which our topics were submitted. Explore CODA's role and find accredited schools and programs, Learn about the examinations used in licensing dentists and dental hygienists, Learn about recognized dental specialties and certifying boards. Each covered facility must already have or must install an amalgam removal and collection system to prevent amalgam from being sent to the sanitary sewer system. h�b```�*6�t!��3�0p�`8�6�a�@���������_�.�,��'�?�p�֓n�i�R�h�շgf��N�����G��P��2��������ɺLW;gc�%hm�Z��u�Ok�������� 9��MO_]Y��%�P��@�"H��Q ��20]Ҧ@\ e�g��8��k�Qm�0�U�!L�� n-�3&� ��TC��8�bf��[�v��jBFS���չ�Q�7��c��'�;��Q͆��+X�D4B��X@�V24Ad��h245�ba����CA�������+� � This facility is submitting a new One Time Compliance, 1. Determine which course of action to take using this flow chart, The ADA compiled answers to your questions about the amalgam rule, ADA Amalgam Recycling Frequently Asked Questions, The EPA answers your questions in this on demand webinar, Learn more about best management practices for amalgam waste, Read the full final rule and frequently asked questions, EPA Effluent Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions, Dr. Don Cohen discusses considerations when choosing a separator. What standards should the amalgam separator comply with? Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Complete section E only. Some state or local water authorities may have stricter laws than the federal regulation. Neighbors can use LauderBuild to search for records, create an account and make payments. M.A.R.S was asked to join an Ohio Dental Association CE Course at the 2018 ODA, speaking about infection control with the use of evacuation line cleaners. The 2019 Yankee Dental Congress will be the first time M.A.R.S will be attending, so we wanted to make the most of our time in Boston. Dental offices that place or remove amalgam must operate and maintain an amalgam separator and must not discharge scrap amalgam or use certain kinds of line cleaners. %PDF-1.6 %���� Documentation of all dates that collected dental amalgam is picked up or shipped for proper disposal in accordance with 40 CFR 261.5(g)(3) and the name of the permitted or licensed treatment, storage or disposal facility receiving the amalgam retaining containers. Does not apply to one or more of the following practices exclusively: oral pathology, oral & maxillofacial radiology/surgery, orthodontics, periodontics or prosthodontics and mobile units. The Bustle pack includes over 50 pages, including 3 custom homepages, 3 unique blog layouts, and a ton of customizable interior & landing pages! Transfer of ownership requires submittal of a One-Time Compliance Report within 90 days after a transfer of ownership. Our next training session will be how to write, implement, and enforce Best Management Practices for Amalgam Separator Compliance. EPA expects compliance with this final rule will annually reduce the discharge of mercury by 5.1 tons as well as 5.3 tons of other metals found in waste dental amalgam to POTWs. HealthFirst Amalgam Recovery is a full-service solution that meets the ADA’s recommended best practices for the responsible handling of amalgam waste. Take advantage of endorsed, discounted business products, Access oral-health information for the public and ADA Find-A-Dentist. The final rule requires a documented amalgam separator inspection to ensure that the separator is Bio-Med. The one course that caught Dr. Mueller’s eye was the one pertaining to an understanding of the EPA Regulation and how to ensure compliance. Amalgam separators are a practical, affordable and readily available technology for capturing mercury and other metals before they are discharged into sewers that drain to POTWs. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for. More recently, M.A.R.S has been approached by Dental Communities because we present the right information with integrity and without bias. View the One-Time Compliance Report.For additional information, email [email protected] or [email protected]. %%EOF The year of 2019 M.A.R.S has already book 3 months of continuous training courses between Dental Service/Supply Companies, Water Treatment Plants, and Dental Societies/Associations. Under this federal rule, most general dental practices need to install amalgam separators — even ones that do not place amalgam.
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