Let but Sophocles bring you Ajax on a stage, killing and whipping sheep and oxen, thinking them the army of Greeks, with their chieftains Agamemnon and Menelaus, and tell me if you have not a more familiar insight into anger, than finding in the schoolmen his genus and difference. At length the long line of their disputation makes [comes to—ed] a point in this,—that the one gives the precept, and the other the example. But since the authors of most of our sciences were the Romans, and before them the Greeks, let us a little stand upon their authorities, but even [only—ed.] Ulysses in a storm, and in other hard plights; but they are but exercises of patience and magnanimity, to make them shine the more in the near following prosperity. The "Apology" as Prose Why is poetry superior to philosophy and history? Whom do not those words of Turnus move, the tale of Turnus having planted his image in the imagination? The incomparable Lacedæmonians did not only carry that kind of music ever with them to the field, but even at home, as such songs were made, so were they all content to be singers of them; when the lusty men were to tell what they did, the old men what they had done, and the young men what they would do. We see we cannot play at chess but that we must give names to our chess-men; and yet, me thinks, he were a very partial champion of truth that would say we lied for giving a piece of wood the reverend title of a bishop. The grandson of the Duke of Northumberland and heir presumptive to the earls of Leicester and Warwick, Sir Philip Sidney was not himself a nobleman. The one of Menenius Agrippa, who, when the whole people of Rome had resolutely divided themselves from the senate, with apparent show of utter ruin, though he were, for that time, an excellent orator, came not among them upon trust either of figurative speeches or cunning insinuations, and much less with far-fetched maxims of philosophy, which, especially if they were Platonic, they must have learned geometry before they could well have conceived; but, forsooth, he behaves himself like a homely and familiar poet. And they’re ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them. For it was not the excellent Cato Uticensis, whose authority. To Sidney, it is people who abuses poetry. Sweet poesy! They are writing experts and empathetic people who are ready to help. Certainly, even our Savior Christ could as well have given the moral commonplaces of uncharitableness and humbleness as the divine narration of Dives and Lazarus; or of disobedience and mercy, as that heavenly discourse of the lost child and the gracious father; but that his thorough-searching wisdom knew the estate of Dives burning in hell, and of Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom, would more constantly, as it were, inhabit both the memory and judgment. The Countess of Pembroke's Acadia- very popular- it was a romance combined with ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. But they that with quiet judgments will look a little deeper into it, shall find the end and working of it such as, being rightly applied, deserves not to be scourged out of the church of God. Class:202 220111759 The outline ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 47be0f-N2NhN A lot of young people complain about the complexity of learning and the opportunities they wish they had to succeed. And first, truly, to all them that, professing learning, inveigh against poetry, may justly be objected that they go very near to ungratefulness, to seek to deface that which, in the noblest nations and languages that are known, has been the first light-giver to ignorance, and first nurse, whose milk by little and little enabled them to feed afterwards of tougher knowledges. ], with no rougher voice than rude style; which being so evil appareled in the dust and cobwebs of that uncivil age, what would it work, trimmed in the gorgeous eloquence of Pindar? An Apology for Poetry (or The Defence of Poesy) is a work of literary criticism by Elizabethan poet Philip Sidney.It was written in approximately 1580 and first published in 1595, after his death. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. Reading poetry about virtue, Sidney writes, is like taking a “medicine of cherries.”. The Defence of Poesy are taken from Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetry, ed. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I do it, because as they are excelling parts of poesy, so is there none so much used in England, and none can be more pitifully abused; which, like an unmannerly daughter, showing a bad education, causes her mother Poesy’s honesty to be called in question. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. And certain it is that, in our plainest homeliness, yet never was the Albion nation without poetry. The poem below makes extensive use of apostrophe. I conclude, therefore, that he excels history, not only in furnishing the mind with knowledge, but in setting it forward to that which deserves to be called and accounted good; which setting forward, and moving to well-doing, indeed sets the laurel crown upon the poet as victorious, not only of the historian, but over the philosopher, howsoever in teaching it may be questionable. He said soldiers were the noblest estate of mankind, and horsemen the noblest of soldiers. For where the stage should always represent but one place, and the uttermost time presupposed in it should be, both by Aristotle’s precept and common reason, but one day; there is both many days and many places inartificially imagined. So do the geometrician and arithmetician in their divers sorts of quantities. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Thus doing, you shall be of kin to many a poetical preface. One can get some indication of the respect during which poets were held within the ancient world by examining the names they got in Latin and Greek, vates, and points. ], so must the highest-flying wit have a Dædalus to guide him. But now I know that there is someone who will help me. Discover the opportunity to enjoy studying with IQEssay. And, contrarily, the remorse of conscience, in Oedipus; the soon-repenting pride of Agamemnon; the self-devouring cruelty in his father Atreus; the violence of ambition in the two Theban brothers; the sour sweetness of revenge in Medea; and, to fall lower, the Terentian Gnatho and our Chaucer’s Pandar so expressed that we now use their names to signify their trades; and finally, all virtues, vices, and passions so in their own natural states laid to the view, that we seem not to hear of them, but clearly to see through them. Thebes written in great letters upon an old door, doth believe that it is Thebes? ], as to be a Momus of poetry; then, though I will not wish unto you the ass’ ears of Midas, nor to be driven by a poet’s verses, as Bubonax was, to hang himself; nor to be rimed to death, as is said to be done in Ireland; yet thus much curse. Sidney had a rigorous education at Shrewsbury School and then Christ Church, Oxford. And truly even Plato whosoever well considers, shall find that in the body of his work though the inside and strength were philosophy, the skin as it were and beauty depended most of poetry. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Undoubtedly (at least to my opinion undoubtedly) I have found in divers small-learned courtiers a more sound style than in some professors of learning; of which I can guess no other cause, but that the courtier following that which by practice he finds fittest to nature, therein, though he know it not, doth according to art—though not by art; where the other, using art to show art and not to hide art as in these cases he should do—flies from nature, and indeed abuses art. Exercise indeed we do, but that very fore-backwardly, for where we should exercise to know, we exercise as having known; and so is our brain delivered of much matter which never was begotten by knowledge. The physician weighs the nature of man’s body, and the nature of things helpful or hurtful unto it. Now, therefore, it shall not be amiss, first to weigh this latter sort of poetry by his works, and then by his parts; and if in neither of these anatomies he be condemnable, I hope we shall obtain a more favorable sentence. So of the contrary side, if we will turn Ovid’s verse. If then a man can arrive at that child’s age, to know that the poet’s persons and doings are but pictures what should be, and not stories what have been, they will never give the lie to things not affirmatively but allegorically and figuratively written.
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