9. 2. Behaviour such as barking or pulling on the lead or who react unpredictably when meeting other animals. Upon successful completion the Animal Technologist will be eligible to apply to the Institute of Animal Technology as a Member of the IAT (MIAT). Have the ability to work both individually and as part of a diverse team as required, understanding their role and changing priorities when the situation dictates. Part of what we do also involves training the general public as well as governmental and non-governmental bodies in plant biosecurity. Safe use of Pesticides eLearning - please click here to go to our partner site follow a prepared interaction/handling plan to prepare the animal and resources required i.e. for animals with specific needs, unknown or unpredictable behaviour: i.e. 22. Click to Apprenticeship programmes are organised in 17 different industry sectors. muzzle, collar leads, harnesses, head collars, crush cage, grasper, snake hook, hoods, undertake interaction/handling activities and use methods such as desensitisation and socialisation in accordance with the interaction/handling plan, handle the animal throughout the interaction/handling to promote the animal’s health, normal behaviour and physical and emotional welfare, monitor, report and record the response and welfare of the animal throughout interaction/handling activities, apply techniques which take into account the animal’s welfare and emotional wellbeing, such as positive reinforcement to interact/handle the animal, the preparation of animals for interaction/handling, depending on the animal, the environment and the interaction/handling activities to be undertaken, signs which indicate mental and physical condition of the animal in response to handling/interactions, the importance of accurately assessing animal behaviour and welfare before, during and after interactions/handling activities, the importance of positive reinforcement to the animal and how to provide it, the monitoring, reporting and recording processes relating to animal responses and animal welfare during interaction and handling, contribute to the assessment of an animal’s readiness for rehoming, provide advice to customers/clients on the suitability of animals according to their circumstances and experience in line with the workplace policies and procedures, support customers/clients during the rehoming/intake process and provide direction to further sources of information and guidance following rehoming of an animal, contribute to the assessment of the animal during the intake process, the needs of an animal and factors to be assessed in relation to an animal’s readiness for rehoming, the facilities, care and attention required by different animals and how to explain these to customers/clients in relation to their circumstances and experience, the support appropriate and available to customers/clients during the rehoming/intake process and the sources of information and specialist advice following rehoming/intake of an animal, the animal intake processes in line with workplace policies and procedures, prepare means of transport appropriate for animals, ensuring serviceability and cleanliness, prepare animals for movement and/or transportation taking into consideration their welfare potentially dealing with sick or injured animals, use of appropriate equipment and methods to move and transport animals ensuring their safety and security, monitor the physical and emotional health and welfare of animals during and after movement and transportation, identify if an animal required veterinary care and take appropriate action, the legal requirements relating to the movement and transportation of animals, the different animals’ requirements, for example life stage, internal and external environmental factors, climate control and noise, the preparation required for the movement and/or transportation of animals, the appropriate equipment and methods to move and transport animals for example barriers, caging and restraint, the monitoring of physical and emotional health and welfare of animals during and after movement and transportation, present a safe, friendly and welcoming reception for internal and external customers/clients/animals as appropriate, provide information, advice, support and guidance on a range of topics such as animal care and welfare to customers/clients and seek advice when necessary, use appropriate methods of technology for internal and external communication such as telephone, walkie talkies, email and scanning documents, prepare, receive and store deliveries of goods including animal related products such as food stuffs and sundry items, prepare and display stock for sale, including stock rotation, take payment for goods, services and charitable donations, process customer and animal registrations and bookings, keep records for individual animals and people in line with the organisation’s procedures, the animal product and sundry items safe storage, display and stock rotation process, the extent of information, advice, support and guidance on a range of topics such as animal welfare given to customers within own responsibility, customer enquiries, including complaints and appropriate action to take in line with organisational policies, the range of customers/clients/animals and how to respond appropriately to varied situations applicable to their job role, the organisation’s policies and procedures for making customer and animal registrations and bookings, prepare animals and environment for mating, monitor animals during parturition, recognising signs of difficulty, carry out general care of animals through gestation, prepare and manage pregnant animals pre and post parturition, provide appropriate care and monitoring of neonates, carry out procedures for caring for the young (once weaned) and introducing them to new environments, the changes to the dietary/nutritional and exercise requirements throughout the reproductive cycle, the various stages of parturition and issues that can occur, social and environmental factors which will impact on development, socialisation periods associated to species, signs and symptoms of common disorders associated with inbreeding/ conformation/exaggerated features and how to prevent them, fit and maintain appropriate equipment, ensuring the dog can operate safely. and use the eLearning tool to review your knowledge and learn about the safe use of Pesticides. Professional and ethical responsibilities and the values of your work place. Recognise pain, suffering or distress in the species under their care. 25. Sort by: relevance - date. Animal Plant Health Agency jobs. The work is carried out individually or as part of a team in places such as kennels and catteries, laboratories, animal welfare centres, farm parks, rehabilitation centres, retail outlets and in the transportation of animals. The Animal and Plant Health Association is the representative body for manufacturers and sole distributors of animal health (veterinary medicines) and plant health (plant protection/agrochemical) products in Ireland.These industries play a vital role in providing high quality food at an economic cost whilst protecting the environment. Beyond routine animal husbandry as listed in the core i.e. Have a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn. Take a pride in their work, showing commitment and loyalty, whilst conducting themselves in a professional manner. 14. download our Pesticide Information And Advice poster. Apply appropriate ethical standards of care at all time, 14. © 2020 Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. Understand their legal and ethical responsibilities and obligations, including the application of the 3Rs of Reduction, Replacement and Refinement (1). They are required to communicate effectively with their team and the wider research community (including researchers, Home Office Inspectors, Named Veterinary Surgeons and the Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers). This occupation requires a high degree of technical skill and knowledge to ensure that techniques are carried out with a high degree of accuracy and precision, helping to ensure high standards of scientific research and that the welfare of the animals is considered at all times. 31A Ravens Rock Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. Displayed here are job ads that match your query. To ensure Ireland is represented at European level, APHA is a member of the ECPA (European Crop Protection Association) Understand suitable animal husbandry and animal management systems with reference to appropriate standards of biosecurity and animal welfare. 23. 8. Animal technologists are required to work with a range of scientific equipment in complex environments. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 28 jobs. Commitment to effective team working irrespective of levels of knowledge, experience and seniority. Click to The Animal and Plant Health Association (APHA) is the representative body for manufacturers and sole Understand how to conduct appropriate scientific and animal husbandry procedures to meet the requirements of quality standards relevant to the workplace, for example, the use of Standard Operating Procedures. Looking after the routine day to day care of domestic and/or wild animals, Occupation: Animal care and welfare assistant. Apply appropriate ethical standards of care at all time. Awareness of new ideas and openness to develop skills and new ways of working. See more about our use of cookies. 16. For example, appropriate animal restraint, manipulation of equipment used to administer or withdraw biological samples. Employers involved in creating the standard: Amazing Animals, Blue Cross, Cats Protection, 1st Choice Animals Ltd, Guide Dogs for the Blind, RSPCA, Royal Army Veterinary Corps, Sequani Ltd, MRC Harwell Institute, Pet Industry Federation, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, A-Z Aminals, Dogs Trust, Greyhound Board of Great Britain, NASDU, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 1. Commitment to the ethical standards required by their organisation at all time. Click to Recognise problems and demonstrate how to respond appropriately. Major veterinary services responsible for the prevention and control of livestock diseases are the Animal Health Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inpection Agency (APQA ), and Provincial Veterinary Services. 5. Demonstrate good interpersonal and active listening skills. Apprentices will need to achieve English and Mathematics at level 2 prior to taking the end-point assessment. 13. You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. This Apprenticeship develops the apprentice to the point that they are ready to apply to the Home Office for their Personal Licence.
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