Mary Dowd holds a doctorate in educational leadership and a master’s in counseling and student affairs from Minnesota State Mankato. Ready to take the next step? Are you retired military with prior service experience?, Real world peace time and war time missions, Networking with Local, State and Federal Agencies, Eligible for a Top Secret security clearance, Complete an interview with an EOD Officer, Must conduct EOD interview prior to Branching, Direct specific questions to OD Corps Personnel Development Officer (AOC 89/91). Return to the Army as a full-time active duty Soldier and explore new MOS opportunities, exclusive benefits and programs for you and your family. ��yk ���Y���&ND�m���m�О��/Z��y���W���Fy^��8+;r�F�)���}�� =��2鉯�nW��z��}�6I���� To join the U.S. Army, individuals must be 17-35 years old, have a high school diploma and pass a physical exam. Letter of Intent; EOD Volunteer Statement (DA Form 5436) SRB; … Conflicts over territory, religion, and ideals have spurred the most intense fighting this world has ever seen, and this list names but a few of them. Recruiters aspiring to become Army recruiters will need to be selected to the month long course. Powered by Vocal © 2020 Jerrick Ventures LLC. 1 0 obj Just like the Basic Combat Training, Warrior Leader Course is taught at officer academies, which means that all trainers must live on the base while attending the course. Transfer to active duty Army and bring your military experience to a full-time job. ��d9̘\K�CVƬ�a�+ �R��q���+q���y`����. By default, Army recruiters should be disciplined, highly motivated, and have outstanding communication skills. Choose from the Army Reserve, the Active Guard Reserve, or stay on Active Duty status. The Army website further states that recruiters cannot have distracting mannerisms or abnormalities of a physical nature. Applicants must also provide a current mental evaluation statement from a mental health provider attesting that the individual has no history of emotional instability. 2) Be a high school graduate with diploma or have 15 semester hours of college with a high school general education development transcript. (waiver authorized). Also needed is a valid driver’s license and U.S. citizenship or permanent resident alien status. It's one of the most common themes in human history, and as such, has been the focal point of many major aspects of the human condition, our cultures, and even the stories that we tell. Maybe the assignment location is close to your hometown or perhaps it’s the furthest thing from it, but either way, you are an Army recruiter now, and that calls for celebration. .css-d8ali9-Footer{padding:1em;}.css-1bjgiud-SiteLink-Footer{color:#1A1A1A;padding:1em;}ExploreContactPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseSupport. Those who perform well in the role of a recruiter may be considered for permanent assignment or they may move up through the ranks. endobj Army recruiter requirements include meeting or exceeding the Army’s body fat and physical fitness standards. (waiver authorized). May 4, 2020 Last updated May 4, 2020 at 1:04PM by John Nyabuto. <>>> If you’re interested in transferring to the Army from another military branch, click on the link below to learn more about Operation Blue to Green. to 15 semester hours of college. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD Web site. <> It is a position that is not something easily done, nor is it for faint of the heart, but it will lead to bolstering the strongest fighting force in the world!
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