Not bad for only 2 hearts remaining at the start of the fight. We'll be updating this all weekend long as we see people streaming! Walk into a regular room and wait. I promise it gets better. If you like it I have more on my channel. Died vs moms heart though :(, there is a secret room with the Skeleton Key (99 keys item) on the left wall of the starting room. I died during one of the boss fights, so I have no idea which one has the trapdoor (or if both have a trapdoor!). Combined with DMG boosters and plentiful health makes Azazel nearly invincible. dead cat brimstone whore of babalon teleporter flameing mind gimpy i could only get up to caves to this was my first run on this, Splash tears + full damage + a lot of black hearts + necronomicon + LOT of pills with tears up (15 minimun) COME ON, i killed mom in just 5 seconds. second level: golden room taurus, boss level growth hormones. The first item room is the ludovico technique and if skip the first deal with the devil, you get a deal with the angel on the next floor with sacred heart in it … A lot of the items are bomb-focused. Here is a link to my op run. with this, and holy jesus was it fun. The homing effect on sacred heart makes them all get of of sync a little bit, but it's still pretty fun. Killed It Lives in a second thanks to the flies. User Info: Rev_The_Fallen. Afterbirth+. I hope you like cats! Have you had a run with an a. The beam is piercing and spectral, dealing damage to all enemies and ignoring all obstacles in its path. My most powerful run, played Azazel for the third time ever but got technology in the first item room so basically it was a normal run with free flying and higher base damage (Tech actually works for some reason) Guppy + several damage upgrades/money = power. © 2020 GIANT BOMB, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Quad Shot + Brimstone + Spoon Bender + some fire rate upgrades, it was completly insane by using the seed exploit ! LOL. Got Anti Grav tears, Brimstone (must get a deal on the 4th floor) and dark bum in an item room. 6DHA FGMS - Play as Eden (if you can) should be playable with anyone though. I only lost it because I got too cocky. Brimstone + Mom's Knife + Holy Mantle + Dead Cat + Pre-Nerf Head of Krampus. get to Mom in 20 minutes, do the boss rush, and then try to do Satan. Also, he uses The Ludovico Technique very effectively. When sharing seeds make sure to add some details (make sure to hide anything spoiler-y), make sure to include if you played as someone other than Isaac so other people can experience the same run! The official subreddit for Edmund McMillen's Zelda-inspired roguelike, The Binding of Isaac! You also throw in some robo baby 2.0 and if you're fast enough, in the boss rush room there's ??? Brimstone itself, giving Azazel the long-range version. Brimstone + Quadshot + shitload of damage upgrades + Guppy's head. share. !, boss room ball of bandages. This has been a fun run, Tiny Planet + Brimstone is amusing, planet is in the boss rush room but shouldn't have much trouble getting there. Damage output stays low the entire way through, but survivability is through the roof! edit: Yeah this one delivers. Prob not the most OP loadout, but I love adds in any way: Reusable fly hive, daddy long-legs (gosh, he's freaking awesome), dark buddy (he want's to kill you , something that will give you wings so you can avoid any damage on the ground and SPEED. Giant Bomb users. I won't delve into details but you do get an item that spawns spiders when you take damage. What I have so far: Also be sure to play on hard mode, this run is winnable but still challenging. Maggy with Mega tears and charge shots (Boss rush was very easy ):, This was pretty carried, had a better run with brim + knife + guppy but wasn't recording that one :/. The damage you do when you understand the combo is instant kill on non-bosses and I killed a few bosses in a single volley. Edit: Oh yeah you can get Infestation 2 + the spider/fly boosting item synergy as well. I'm new to isaac so I don't know what I should spoiler or not, so I'm just going to put all of it in the spoiler thingy. second level. I updated the OP with this new info. Azazel is a character unlocked by making three deals with the Devil in one run. 2ANP 57JE- eden (fly and boom box) first level: little brimstone and ball of bandages. Cain: Have 55 or more pennies at any time during a run. dead cat brimstone whore of babalon teleporter flameing mind gimpy. Anybody else had a run that made you feel near invincible? Wait, don't leave! For players that can't fight enough. The sheer number of items and upgrades makes for some seriously ridiculous synergies. The fight against Isaac lasted about three seconds. SEED: JHDD GA34 Eden- Start with Brimstone (Normal/Hard) SEED: 0MW2 H11Q Lost- D6 on the first floor (Hard Mode) *my first Lost Win So it's good SEED: QKFA D9V1 Azazel- Tammy's Head In golden. Became Guppy half way to mom. To top it off, Bum Friend appeared in a devil room to seal the deal. I killed Isaac and Blue baby on that run. Can't lose at this point so I'm just curious how long Sissy Longlegs will take to kill the last 3 bosses. 98G7 307Q - Play as Judas (if you can). Lazarus don't have access to the game right now. Not the best run in terms of damage output, but really fun to play. You can check the video here: Just finishing up all that I needed to do with Azazel and got Guppy mode, Mulligan and Hive Mind at the same time. I had to actually stop the strat after the Depths because it was making everything boringly easy. Let's do it for the kids! Same goes for faith with angel rooms and regular soul hearts. Do you still get trophies, unlocks, etc.. when using seeds? third level: P2M7 K7KG- eden (temporary invinciblility, map) level1: ipepac (explosive shots), CAZK 4XXK-eden (jump, the eating bug, wheel of fortune) level 1: stem cells, toothpicks level 2: technology, safety pin level 3: spelunky hat, A4F8 S93X- eden (ipeac explosive tears, bombs are key, horse thing which levitates), level 1: bob's curse, KKEX J9JE-eden (sister guppy, bowl thing) first level: miniboss on the right resulting <3, golden room dead bird, boss room screw. Press J to jump to the feed. Missed out on Sheol because I wanted to kill the heart first (teleport from a red chest) and then didn't get it when I killed the heart. I'm interested in what peoples' best combination of items has been to give them a super overpowered run? I'm playing it on pc right now. My OP run was Loki's Horns + Mom's Knife + Gnawed Leaf with The Lost, Brimstone + Ludovico's technique. Posted by 1 day ago. Do the seeds generate different dungeons on pc/ps4 and vita? Posted December 22, 2014 I one shot almost every room with tech so I'd accumulate a vast store of flies for the more difficult rooms/bosses. Isaac's tears are replaced with a charged blood laser beam. Yeah :D Well this one is still pretty easy. If you've never used the combo Anti Grav Brim will seem bad, but play with it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, The seed is: degt 09kn The ludovico technique is a cool item that I've been wanting to play around with for a while and the items in this run are perfect. 66 comments. Your seed is shown on the pause screen during any given run and appears as a 8 character code. Don't be afraid to make a deal with the devil early on. Mom's Knife + Polyphemus has absolutely ridiculous damage output. I just played to ??? Haven't tested unlocks however. second level: poison tears, magic scab. Started decent, eventually getting Lud technique. Seed is SL4E46YF. But then technology shows up and things get crazy. Use the blood banks to stock up on spiders before boss fights and you can beat most bosses insanely fast. It was really goofy. Rev_The_Fallen (Topic Creator) 4 years ago #5. My most op run so far was as follows: Picked up Magic Mushroom and a Halo early in the game. Played as azazel. Stupid, stupid damage. New to Rebirth is the ability to share your seed with other people, allowing other players to play nearly identical runs. To the right of you, is a curse room. Click through to their streams to get donation links! I imagine it would be quite powerful with any character: I found this one particularly interesting, if nothing else because it wasn't possible to do this in WotL: I don't know if you can make it out inn the background (or from 'my stuff') but I have the most insane train of pets ever. Basically, seeded runs are just for fun not progress. I don't think you get ANYTHING but I'm not positive on the other stuff. Once you get into the run, below you is the item room, containing a spelunker hat. Absolute destruction and healing at will. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Got Ludavico Technique, brimstone, #1, became guppy, it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. These items enhance the Brimstone insanely. Sign up for a new account in our community. Game » Not bad for only 2 hearts remaining at the start of the fight. third level: golden room gemini, AXSW D2DJ-eden (shovel, destroy rocks) first level: golden room lard. My most overpowered run was actually while using The Lost. Share it here and let some duders play it! Best other run I've had was Tiny Planet + Polyphemus + Lump of Coal + numerous other damage ups + Book of Belial. Features a strange synergy and a dice room that gives an even stranger synergy! mubutukinkeke, December 4, 2014. Peeper kills everything. 9DNS Y34Q - Play as Cain. It kind of turns into an angry amoeba when you pick up sacred heart. Go in there, and open the first red chest, and you've just teleported to the Devil Room! Tammy's Head + poison bombs + projectile protection from flies + evil beggar. His first stomp landed on a few of the bullets I had orbiting around me... and he died instantly. I just got one with Azazel with magic mush, goats head, infamy, polymephus, babylon, and PhD. Thus, my most overpowered run was with Azazel. Believe I took one hit in the entirety of the Dark Room/Sheol, but it's possible I didn't take any ("Boy" achievements seem buggy). A Seed … There's also a bunch of other stat-boosters during the run to make Libra even better. New to Rebirth is the ability to share your seed with other people, allowing other players to play nearly identical runs. Also, if you do this run as Azazel, then you get an enormous circle of brimstone that you can control. ... Brimstone + Tiny Planet + Tammy's Head. These items enhance the Brimstone insanely. Combined with DMG boosters and plentiful health makes Azazel nearly invincible. I'll have to try that tomorrow; I'll try someone like judas or Isaac to get the full effect of Polyphemus. You could also hang onto a couple of worm effects that add to the party. Got Little Brim from the devil deal followed by BFFs from the shop. It's absolutely amazing and needs to be shared. Proptosis + Polyphemus + Brimstone + Whore of Babylon + Guppy mode active by the time I reached the Womb.
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