Council President Georgette Gomez said she would take into consideration a council district's resources before cutting. The second biggest hit the city's budget plans to take is in loss of sales tax, $26 million in FY 2020 and $29 million in FY 2021. Notable actions taken to reduce expenditure includes reduction of library hours to five days a week, reduction of public pool and recreation center hours from 60 to 45 weekly, reduced police overtime, a 50% reduction in arts and culture funding and leasing of the city-owned stadium property on Friars Road to San Diego State University. City of San Diego (City) departments have been asked to produce budgets with a four percent reduction. The City of San Diego's Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget of $3.92 billion is comprised of five operating fund types and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP): x General Fund; x Special Revenue Funds; x Capital Project Funds; x Enterprise Funds; x Internal Service Funds; and x Capital Improvements Program. FY 2021 Total City Adopted Budget "Not all districts are created equally,'' she said. In an effort to keep City Council and San Antonio residents updated and informed on the City’s Budget, a Budget and Financial Status Report is presented quarterly to City Council that focuses on the financial and Archives. All rights reserved, completed on March 30 is already out of date. City Treasurer - 85 - City of San Diego Fiscal Year 2021 Adopted Budget Department Summary FY2019 Actual FY2020 Budget FY2021 Adopted FY2020-2021 Change FTE Positions (Budgeted) 139.00 141.00 130.00 (11.00) Personnel Expenditures $ 13,441,224 $ 15,329,512 $ 14,058,528 $ (1,270,984) NBC 7's Omari Fleming breaks down where the cuts are going to happen. The City's Fiscal Year 2021 Adopted Budget reflects General Fund expenditures totaling $1.62 billion, which is an increase of $30.9 million or 1.9 percent from the Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted Budget. FY 2021 General Fund Adopted Budget ��d�4;s��x����Au����/9��08'2G�,���z�H3=w�%�s���+�S\4��]~D-�W� k">a Nov 28, 2020, Stream now or tune in Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. & Monday, Nov. 9 at 3 p.m. on KPBS TV, (Posted San Diego County Moves Toward Dreaded 'Purple' Tier Of COVID-19 System, Protests In San Diego Want Presidential Vote-Counting To Continue, Two North County Measures. The largest loss to the city is transient occupancy tax -- a hotel, vacation rental and recreational vehicle park tax -- including $83 million loss of revenue in FY 2020 and a loss of $38 million in FY 2021. Physical Address My highest priority is to protect our core services from budget cuts and financial instability. 0 at 8:40 a.m.), BREAKING: Biden Wins Presidency, According To AP, Edging Trump In Turbulent Race, Utah Lawmakers Use Savings To Limit Cuts To Education And Social Services, Maryland Says It Needs More Federal Aid To Survive Economic Effects Of COVID-19, Kansas Has Lost A Greater Share Of Revenue Than Many States Due To COVID-19, Pandemic Is Hurting Some City Budgets More Than Others In San Diego County, As First Female Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris Rewrites Script for Presidential Politics, EXPLAINER: Why AP Called The 2020 Election For Joe Biden, Live Updates: News And Reaction To Joe Biden Winning Presidency, Biden Takes Leads In Pa., Ga., Putting Him On Cusp Of Electoral College Win. REPORT . To illustrate the dramatic point, Vespi said the regional projected occupancy rate for 2020 was 76.9%. "We've never had a month like this in San Diego.". Generally, from January to June, every other year, City staff, the Mayor and City Council work together to create a balanced budget by June 30, as required by law. CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL'S MILK STREET TELEVISION: Milk Street Bakes! "The previous budget had assumed tourism would increase in June," he said. "Not all districts are created equally," she said. In total, the revised May budget will likely come out $477 million less than last year's budget, a reduction of more than 10%. The previous budget included $61.2 million in budget reductions, including the elimination of 354 full-time equivalent positions. (PDF), AF 2021 Aspectos Destacados del Presupuesto Adaptado (PDF). San Antonio, TX 78283 Read the Adopted 2019-2021 Budget Book. "A few weeks ago, we had a strong economy in San Diego,'' Faulconer said. 11/7/20 The second biggest hit the city’s budget plans to take is in loss of sales tax, $26 million in FY 2020 and $29 million in FY 2021. The Standard & Poor’s report is public and available for review along with the agency’s annual fiscal year budgets and yearly business plans. Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Detail Book I (Adopted) Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Detail Book II (Adopted) Archived Reports. Faulconer's office proposed specific actions to mitigate an initial anticipated $109 million sales tax and transient occupancy tax loss on FY 2020, including a $54 million dip into the city's general fund emergency reserve, a use of $27.9 million in mid-year projected revenue excess and a delay of adding $12.8 million to the city's reserves. In the month of April, the local hotel occupancy rate was 0%. Staff members from the city's finance department expect to get a picture of San Diego's CARES Act relief by Friday. Explore the Budget using the Transparency SA Data Portal in English or Español. $2.9 Billion. Faulconer's office proposed specific actions to mitigate an initial anticipated $109 million sales tax and transient occupancy tax loss on FY 2020, including a $54 million dip into the city's general fund emergency reserve, use of $27.9 million in mid-year projected revenue excess and a delay of adding $12.8 million to the city's reserves. The Budget Document is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of City programs and services while providing extensive information on municipal operations. Keep up with all the latest news, arts and culture, and TV highlights from KPBS. RELATED: San Diego Proposes Major Budget Cuts To Offset COVID-19 Revenue Losses, "My office plans to thoroughly review the mayor's Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget and will be fully prepared to conduct the difficult conversations that will be necessary, to balance competing priorities and address the needs of our historically underserved communities.". 3rd Floor SUBJECT: Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget COUNCIL DISTRICT: Citywide REQUESTED ACTION Recommend that the Housing Authority of the City of San Diego (Housing Authority) approve the San Wednesday, May 12, 2021 Release of FY 2021 CIP Year-End Budget Monitoring Report. Proposed FY 2021 Budget FY 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2019 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2019 Single Audit Report. The FY 2021 Adopted Budget is $2.9 billion and is comprised of three parts: the General Fund, Restricted funds and the Capital Budget. The Office of the Independent Budget Analyst will release an analysis of the budget on April 29. %%EOF Office Line: 210.207.8360, AF 2021 Aspectos Destacados del Presupuesto Adaptado, Mid-Year Budget Initiatives - April Status, FY 2021-2025 Five Year Forecast and Trial Budget. The Budget Document serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device for the City. - In Fiscal Year 2021 (FY 21), he predicts an $84M shortfall and that is without consideration for the labor negotiations currently taking place. The City’s largest operating fund is the General Fund with a $1.29 Billion Adopted Budget in FY 2021. Council President Georgette Gomez said she would take into consideration a council district's resources before cutting. approach guided by “structural balance”, the mid-year budget adjustment, and contingency planning. Current Financial Reports. What You Need to Know: Latest Developments. Acrobat Reader. The City's Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget reflects General Fund expenditures totaling $1.54 billion, which is a decrease of $50.2 million or 3.2 percent from the Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted Budget. PRINT - Forecast of Projects to be Awarded in Fiscal Year 2021 (Adopted … endstream endobj startxref San Diego mayor releases updated proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 The budget will be forwarded to the city council, which is slated to adopt a final budget next month. Nov 7 The Budget Document serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device for the City. Total estimated losses in FY 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic-driven economic slowdown are now more than $300 million. An initial proposed $3.9 billion balanced budget for FY2021 completed on March 30 is already out of date, and Faulconer said the city anticipates another loss of $50 million in revenue before a revised budget is presented to the council in May. h���j1�_E�-%�8:@0رM 11/7/20 Above: Mayor Kevin Faulconer asks San Diego City Council to ratify his state of emergency declaration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, March 17, 2020. 6933 0 obj <> endobj Want more KPBS news?Find us on Twitter and Facebook, or sign up for our newsletters. from Live Updates: San Diego County's 2020 Election Results Roll In, Copyright © 2020 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. "We are in an environment of high unemployment, low consumer confidence and projected decreases to our consistent revenue streams, but we are also in an environment where some hospitals are reaching capacity levels and families are losing and have lost loved ones,'' Councilwoman Monica Montgomery said. Get the day's top news — ranging from local to international — straight to your inbox each weekday morning. endstream endobj 6934 0 obj <> endobj 6935 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 6936 0 obj <>stream The Adopted Operating & Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 was presented to City Council on September 17, 2020. Monday, May 17, 2021 6:00 PM City Council meeting for public input on FY 2022 It is the foundation for the City’s allocation of resources toward service delivery plans providing quality services, targeted investments, and continued improvements. He said the previous budget assumed tourism would increase in June. %PDF-1.7 %���� This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer told the City Council Tuesday to prepare for deeper cuts as the fiscal year 2021 budget comes to terms with massive economic and … h�b```"wf��B ���+00(�E�� ��5�!�`R���C>@e��C;BCC�M�$M��AX�5�$������������� �` $1.29 Billion. | Photos: Coronavirus Impact in SD. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer told the City Council Tuesday to prepare for deeper cuts as the fiscal year 2021 budget comes to terms with massive economic and … Get the latest news on COVID-19 delivered to you. Need help keeping up with the news that matters most? fy 2021 budget proposal prioritizes essential services, calls for workforce reductions and takes a fiscally responsible approach to close largest deficit in san diego history San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer told the City Council Tuesday to prepare for deeper cuts as the fiscal year 2021 budget comes to terms with massive economic and revenue losses from the coronavirus pandemic.
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