It did not stop there. The Environmental Eagle is a newsletter from EcoPledge and Boston College Office of Sustainability. Questions about the collection of information can be directed to the Manager of Corporate Web, Government Digital Experience Division. Our mission is to inform, educate, enable and create a platform for global environmental action. Mark your calendars! Not one of those predictions of necessity has come true. has declared a state of emergency. This is true for all three large hydro dams currently under construction in Canada.In the case of Site C, the 26,000 page 2014 Environmental Impact Statement clearly described the anticipated harmful impacts. SENS, c/o the Boys and Girls Club, 3300-37 th Ave., Vernon, V1T 2Y5 The environmental assessment process ensures that any potential environmental, economic, social, cultural and health effects that may occur during the lifetime of a major project are thoroughly assessed. Please reach out to your project lead, sector lead, or other contact person at the EAO if you have any questions. Theme by Danetsoft and Danang Probo Sayekti inspired by Maksimer, Promoting environmental awareness and action in the North Okanagan. […]. Full fluro BAN for Tier 2 events sanctioned by Nordiq Canada: All over BC people are demanding new Forestry legislation that protects forests, wildlife, communities and jobs. If you do not already have access to KnowBC, you can subscribe. Enter your email address if you would like a reply: The information on this form is collected under the authority of Sections 26(c) and 27(1)(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to help us assess and respond to your enquiry. in related issues. is proud to be a leader in sustainable environmental management - with air and water quality that ranks among the highest in the world. A colleague of mine refers to working in the renewable energy industry as “the ultimate liberal arts career.” To anyone who has worked in renewables, the accuracy of the statement is obvious. Public participation in the Environmental Assessment process helps ensure that community values and public goals are considered in project planning and decision-making. Be notified whenever anyone submits a new post to the BCEEAN blog. environmental assessments are managed by the EAO, a neutral regulatory agency within the provincial government that works with and seeks input from scientific professionals, Indigenous groups, proponents, the public, local governments, and federal and provincial agencies to ensure that no adverse effects are missed. This blog is for members of the BC Energy and Environment Alumni Network (BCEEAN) The increase in participation and the positive response from participants in our virtual engagements has also encouraged us to use these technologies as we engage in the EA process moving forward. Alarmingly, most of these chemicals were not tested for safety or toxicity before they were brought to market. As members of the Boston College Energy and Environmental Alumni Network, this news is inspiring and presents us with an opportunity to give back to […]. Send us your ideas via this form. That report is then given to provincial Ministers to make a decision on if the project should proceed. Articles of note in this edition include: “New AVP of Facilities Services Bob Avalle Rises Through the Ranks of Sustainability” “BC Students Remotely Celebrate Earth Day Online Amid COVID-19 Restrictions” […], From January 27 through May 3, Boston College’s McMullen Museum of Art will play host to an exhibition on climate change. BCEN provides communications services, facilitates activities and links more than 250 provincial member groups with some 1,500 member groups in the CEN. When a major project is proposed in British Columbia, it must undergo an environmental assessment. Upcoming BCEEAN event: “From a Big Carbon Footprint to Sustainable Living: Consumption and the Climate” with Dr. Juliet Schor – Oct 28, 2020, June 2020 “At home” edition of BC’s Environmental Eagle Newsletter is published, Boston College’s McMullen Museum presents exhibition on climate change, Green Careers Night, Endeavor, and Eagle Exchange: Three ways for BCEEAN alumni to engage with Boston College undergraduates, November/December edition of BC’s Environmental Eagle Newsletter is published, The Opportunity for Boston College to Become a Leader in Renewables, Shape Your Future: Energy, Climate Change & Human Rights, Upcoming BCEEAN speaking event: “Children and Environmental Toxins” with Dr. Philip Landrigan – May 14, 2019, BC as a Living Learning Lab for Green Careers, Dig In! Remember that true bedrock was never found under Site C, but rather it is being built on shale, which is just old mud. Environment Network Collingwood is a commited non profit organization working with communities, the public and all levels of government to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment You may already have access to KnowBC through your school, university or library. BC Environmental works with clients to meet lender requirements for commercial properties by conducting Environmental Site Assessments. | B.C.’s response to COVID-19. Being a small shop, we are able to work closely with you and communicate about any issues that may arise. BC Environmental works with clients to meet lender requirements for commercial properties by conducting Environmental Site Assessments. Renewable energy is a growing industry that is still largely in its infancy, only recently surpassing 11 percent of all US energy generation. No government has a mandate to build this “new” Site C without an independent geotechnical and engineering review.Let’s stop work now and get a measure of what to expect.The Site C Dam may very well be unbuildable, and if we continue to throw good money after bad because of sunk costs, an already bad situation will likely get much worse. For 45 years, the Site C Dam has been promoted by various BC Governments as being needed for a wide range of purposes. BC ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK (est 1981) is one of the oldest and largest of 11 regional and affiliate networks under the umbrella of the Canadian Environmental Network. Just short of 50 people came to the Vernon office of local MLA Eric Foster for the march, starting at 4:00pm, for speeches by Eli Pivnick and Huguette Allen, then for singing and marching along 30th Ave and back along 32nd Ave. It really is that dire...and simple. Click here for details. For 45 years, the Site C Dam has been promoted by various BC Governments as being needed for a wide range of purposes. Most of […], The latest edition of The Environmental Eagle is now available here. […], Dr. Jim Hansen will speak in a new lecture series coming to you this fall from the Environmental Studies Program and other partners called Answering the Call: A Climate Justice Lecture Series. Reconnecting with Boston […], Threads of maroon and gold are woven throughout Galehead and my career as a renewable energy developer. You can learn more about the environmental assessment process, here. BC Environmental Network calls for immediate stop work Peace River diversion plan. Our vision is for London to be known … BC Environmental Network calls for immediate stop work Peace River diversion plan. As bad news continues to emerge from Site C, this cluster of past political decisions is coming home to roost.Now BC Hydro and the BC Government have reluctantly reported yet more worsening of the financial and geotechnical problems with Site C. Specifically, they speak of serious foundation problems under what is basically the entire dam structure. B.C. BC ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK (est 1981) is one of the oldest and largest of 11 regional and affiliate networks under the umbrella of the Canadian Environmental Network. Environmental News Network - Top Stories Dam cost/benefit and foundation on shaky ground. Evidently, these did not work. It's time for change. Since 1977, we have been enabling and enhancing our members' work of protecting, conserving, restoring and promoting a clean, healthy, sustainable environment. However, even with a record setting number of “significant harms that cannot be mitigated” as identified by the Joint Review Panel, the Harper Conservatives and Christy Clark Liberals pushed this project through, with follow-up help from the Trudeau Liberals. Read about the services we provide on our Services page. As government continues to coordinate the provincial response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) is continuing its work while remaining committed to protecting the health and safety of both our staff and those with whom we work. B.C. In addition to a broad business curriculum that I lean on daily to manage Galehead, I was fortunate to cultivate meaningful relationships that became cornerstones of my career. If you are already registered on KnowBC, login now to get access to the full article. Many have been found to cause disease in children – asthma, cancer, […], I moved back to Boston in spring 2017 to become the Sustainability and Environmental Resources Manager for Boston Public Schools, leaving a 7 year career experience at the University of California, Berkeley, where I had served as Coordinator of the Green Initiative Fund and founding Director of the Student Environmental Resource Center. SENS, c/o the Boys and Girls Club, 3300-37 th Ave., Vernon, V1T 2Y5 You'll find it on our project specific website. In B.C. We will update this website as and when appropriate. You will be alerted about environmental problems at your site before the final report is presented. We have an outsized “carbon footprint,” from our large homes and vehicles to our diets and wardrobes. Not one of those predictions of necessity has come true. Using videos, collages, paintings, sculptures, interactive installations, and photographs, the exhibition explores threat of […], The world is witnessing a surge in youth climate action, and Boston College is no different. Comments will be sent to ''. BCEN provides communications services, facilitates activities and links more than 250 provincial member groups with some 1,500 member groups in the CEN. To do so, please fill out our application form. Despite the need for billions more dollars at the time and the findings of the 2017 BCUC Review saying that alternatives to Site C would be the same or lower cost, the new Horgan NDP Government made the fateful decision to proceed. On February 6th, at 6:30 PM, the Sierra Club - DC Chapter, DC Environmental Network, and others, are sponsoring an educational forum to ask District Ward 2 DC Council candidates their thoughts on the important sustainability issues of our time, including the climate crisis, making DC a zero-waste city, and issues surrounding our rivers, trees, and wildlife. This blog is for members of the BC Energy and Environment Alumni Network (BCEEAN) and for all alumni, parents, and friends of Boston College who have an interest in related issues. If complications are encountered during the assessment process, we will work with you to solve the problems, if possible. Company profile, information and contact info for B C Environmental Network - 610-207 Hastings St W, Vancouver, BC from ProFile Canada, Canada's most trusted Business Database for lists and data. Public comments also help ensure that all potential adverse effects of a project are captured and appropriately assessed. The Alberta Environmental Network (AEN) connects Albertans and environmental groups that are dedicated to preserving and protecting Alberta’s environment.
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