The range and ambition of many of the works and thinkers that Williams considers is very impressive – and includes contributions by Ayer, Chomsky, Skinner, Hampshire, Rawls, MacIntyre, Nagel, Nozick, Rorty, Mackie, Parfit, MacKinnon, and Dworkin (among others). 4,458 ratings — Our philosophy editor Nigel Warburton's review of Lessons in Stoicism: "Andrew Copson’s short book covers a lot of ground. Athena intervenes and sets up a system of judicial law, but invites the Furies to temper their retributive anger and be part of the city. David Papineau was the President of the British Society for Philosophy of Science for 1993-5, President of the Mind Association for 2009-10, and President of the Aristotelian Society for 2013-14. (Lower down the list, we've also included older books that are available in paperback for the first time). As we live we learn things that are new and even things that are old. READ NOW. 48,469 ratings — I have asked them to nominate the best modern philosophy books. Error rating book. This site has an archive of more than one thousand interviews, or five thousand book recommendations. Support from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Godfrey-Smith puts these ideas under the microscope. 11,787 ratings — I’ve separated this article into three sections: classic philosophy texts, contemporary philosophy books, and books that provide an overview of philosophical movements or concepts. Read 341 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. 1: An Introduction, Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (Expanded Edition), A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times And Ideas Of The Great Economic Thinkers, Seventh Edition, The Sublime Object of Ideology (The Essential Zizek), Meditations on First Philosophy (Hackett Classics), Thus Spake Zarathustra [with Biographical Introduction], The World as Will and Representation, Vol. Keep an eye on your inbox. While claims to expertise should always be scrutinized, these magisterial collections show why we should still treasure genuine scholars such as Burnyeat. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Related post: 18 Books That Make You An Intelligent Person, 8. With the help of a wide range of relevant empirical studies, Holton uses his analysis to cast new light on topics such as will-power, temptation, addiction and free will. How To Live by Sarah Bakewell. Rather excitingly, Princeton University Press has published George Eliot's translation of Baruch Spinoza's Ethics, which previously was quite hard to buy. published 1966, avg rating 4.06 — The aim of Scheffler’s study is to assess the assumptions required for us to sustain our confidence in the value and worth of our lives. Its overall goal: to work through division and recognize each person’s inherent worth. Skye Cleary published her book, Existentialism and Romantic Love in 2015, and is also the Managing Editor of the American Philosophical Association’s blog, an advisory board member of Strategy of Mind, and a certified fellow with the American Philosophical Practitioners Association. He envisions the successors to religious life, where the senses of identity and community traditionally fostered by religion will instead draw on a broader range of cultural items those provided by poets, filmmakers, musicians, artists, scientists, and others. This anthology brings together essays from established philosophers on the history of women in philosophy, strides made in recent years, and how to continue progress for future generations. In his interviews with philosophers, our philosophy editor Nigel Warburton asks them to recommend books by others. published 1751, avg rating 3.70 — 109,013 ratings — At the heart of every person, according to Frankl, is a need for a greater meaning or purpose. This book may be read alongside Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age (Harvard University Press, 2007 – which was published just outside the period that we are now considering). It is one of the best books I’ve read in this excellent series. My name is Phil Treagus and I am the founder of The Reading Lists. This book is oriented around a number of existential questions in Michel Montaigne’s writings, is an extremely powerful way of understanding philosophy’s practical, personal and potentially transformative power. 8,396 ratings — Or does Buddhism have more appeal? But this correspondence takes a strange turn when letters addressed to another girl start to show up. How To Be A Stoic: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living by Massimo Pigliucci. Bernard Williams was one of the most important philosophers of the past fifty years, but he was also a distinguished critic and essayist with an elegant style and a rare ability to communicate complex ideas to a wide public.
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