That was true then, and it is true now. Privacy Read along as Billy Graham reveals how God fills the deepest desires of the human heart.Continue Reading, Did you know that more than 1,600 messages from more than six decades of Billy Graham’s evangelistic ministry are available for streaming online? We Christians have talked so much about the negative side of Christian experience that we have forgotten to emphasize the positive, joyous, thrilling and victorious experience of daily fellowship with Christ. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is the longest sermon given by Jesus as recorded in Scripture which includes the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer, but this sermon is not the whole of Jesus’ teaching. How to Get to Heaven. My friends, the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). What a picture of America today—worshiping other gods while giving lip service to the true and the living God! There are only 2 roads and destinations. I am so grateful for those opportunities. Billy Graham. Watch Christian Sermons Online (Sermons Archive) » Billy Graham » Billy Graham - Hope for Broken Things. Contact Us. All of this engaged the listener’s emotions and heightened a desire for change. It is touching that there are still people preaching the Gospel. So Nellie went to the Charlotte stadium 44 years later. And this weeping, compassionate prophet, crushed by the godlessness of a renegade world, is still pleading through the pages of Holy Scripture for repentance and a return to a merciful and forgiving God. The Bible says, “Behold, I will bring you to judgment for saying, ‘I have not sinned.’ How lightly you gad about, changing your way! He could see the hand of God’s judgment, and he warned the people to flee from the wrath to come. The passion of his messages changed totally my perception towards Messiah. And when Jeremiah preached in the streets of Jerusalem, the nation was experiencing a great era of prosperity. For Jeremiah’s boldness they threw him in prison, but when they released him he continued with renewed vigor and passion. You can opt out of future emails at any time. In that instant the listener became an inquirer, stood up, and started walking forward. Today our literature, films and our everyday lives are riddled with sexual filth. Silver was brought from Tarshish and gold from Uphaz. Once past his earliest years, he delivered his opening greetings in such a simple and unaffected style that it proved his reputation for genuineness and sincerity. We are rich in gadgets, but poor in faith. A crusade audience was a broader cross-section of the population than a sporting event — more women, more older people, more children, more social classes. Admission was free. Billy Graham’s message from Los Angeles, CA, USA – 1949, Billy Graham’s Hour of Decision radio message, recorded in 1966, Billy Graham’s message from Newark, NJ, USA – 1991. Her outward show of strength was a mask that camouflaged her spirit of weakness and shame. Today we are in danger of doing the same thing. Might this man with a godly character be speaking a message from God? He looks deep into their hearts for underlying motives, for proper attitudes and inner purity. Years earlier her own mother, at that time pregnant with Nellie, came forward at a crusade. The error that Judah’s false prophets made was in telling the people that all was well, and that God would not judge them for their evils. Thank you for your faithful service for our Lord and Savior!!! Reply. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes” (Jeremiah 17:5-6); Wherever your chief interest is, that is where your god is. God bless! It began, he told them, when they said, “I want Christ in my life.” When this made rational and emotional sense to someone — when they desired to have Christ in their life — then they made their decision. Judah’s outward prosperity was merely a thin, gilded coat hiding her inner depravity and poverty. Lost loved ones, broken dreams, news of horrific attacks—how do you move on to a new year with hope? The … Jeremiah had a word for these idolaters. Billy Graham. Others, whose “Bible” is the stock market report, are bowed down to the god of gold. Listen to Billy Graham’s call for Christians to vote in 1972. Thank you Jesus for Billy Graham. Explore SPU’s 71 majors and 59 minors, and see the career outcomes of an SPU education. Under God they had broken the bonds of Pharaoh. The word sin was seldom mentioned in the temple. Watch Christian Sermons Online (Sermons Archive) » Billy Graham » Billy Graham - Living on Death Row. The fourth chapter of Mark beginning with verse 15. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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