• The frequency at which this item drops bombs is decreased if you have any of the following items: Sack of Pennies, Little CHAD, The Relic. * syringe, injection, red, stat down, stats, passive item, treasure room, item room, poison touch. UNLOCK: Unlock this secret by killing Mom's Foot or Mom's Heart with the Bible. • Has an identical effect to the 'Bad Gas' Pill. HARD MODE: Only restores 7 red hearts instead of a full heal. UNLOCK: Unlocks by taking 3 of the 4 Guppy items and transforming into Guppy the Cat. The Binding of Isaac Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. • If a tear kills an enemy with more damage than needed, the tear travels through it and will do half damage to the next enemy it hits. * UNLOCK: Unlock this item by completing the Chest as Eve. ETERNAL MODE: Epic Fetus will only appear in the secret room 1/3 of the time. • Deals 40 damage on contact with enemies, in exactly the same way both the Unicorn Horn and the Pony damage on contact effects work. • Tear Delay = delay * 0.8. • Shows the location of the boss room on the map. * UNLOCK: Unlocks by completing the 'Isaac was good today' challenge. • Adds a x1.5 damage multiplier (does not stack with the multipliers that Book of Belial with Blood of the Martyr and Max's Head give). * passive item, red, white, eyeball, moms eye, treasure room, item room, upgrade item, special item. • Adds one soul heart upon use and allows the player to break rocks by walking over them. ETERNAL MODE: This item counts towards getting the Guppy transformation if you are playing with the eternal DLC installed. * , upgrade item, special item, passive item, blue. Damage stat upgrades do not increase this damage. • You start with this item in the 'The Doctor's Revenge' challenge. • Summons Mom's foot which will stomp on a random enemy in the current room, dealing massive damage. • This item turns your tears red but does NOT increase damage. * dead dog, dog head, brown, item room, treasure room, passive item, damage up, upgrade item, special item. * damage up, upgrade item, special item, passive item, brown. • The size of the hairball persists between rooms, but at the end of each floor it decreases in size by roughly half. • The chance for the poison effect to activate stacks with other items which give tears a chance to apply poison to enemies. • This damage is added to total Effective Damage after calculations and character damage modifiers, therefore it is a static +2 damage. If the best friend is hit by a blood laser or gets stomped (in most cases), you can instantly die. * , unlockable item, active item, spacebar item, grey, gray, gameboy, white, green. * flying, noose, rope, brown, secret room, passive item, unlockable item, • Shows all icons on the map (Treasure room, shop, boss room etc.). Number * active item, spacebar item item, red, item room, treasure room. * , upgrade item, special item, passive item, white. • Lowers the price of all items in the shop by 50%, rounded down to the nearest whole number. • Gives the player a random Tarot card when activated. • Gives the player piercing shots which will travel through all enemies. However this will grant you the achievement "Cains Eye". UNLOCK: Unlock this item by destroying enough poops which are in random rooms. • Upon activation, spawns 2-4 bluе flies which damage nearby enemies. • Devil beggars have a 1/4 chance to drop something (1/3 if you have the lucky foot). * devil room, devil deal, unlockable item, active item, spacebar item, white. • Tear effects include: The Sad Onion, The Inner Eye, Spoon Bender, My Reflection, Number One, Lucky Foot, Magneto, Mom's Contact, Ouija Board, Speed Ball, Tough Love. • A familiar which follows the player and shoots spectral tears. • Teleports the player to the Boss room on the current floor. • Normal beggars are guaranteed to drop something after 8 coins. • The dagger does 15 damage per tick while it is in contact with something. * devil room, devil deal, upgrade item, special item, passive item, yellow, brown. * stat up, stats, item room, treasure room, passive item, urine, pee, stat down, yellow, tears up, upgrade item, special item. hearts, bombs, keys, pills, trinkets and tarot cards). • Note that 0.04 per coin is the base damage modifier much like every other damage up value on this page. * dead cat head, white, whiskers, active item item, spacebar item item, sad, golden chest, gold chest, item room, treasure room. • It will now be necessary to rapidly press buttons to fire tears at the highest possible rate. • Augments the shop item pool, adding 7 instances of 'The Bible' item. • Since it gives the magneto effect, you can repeatedly leave and re-enter a room to obtain pick-ups which you could not normally get. • 1/6 chance to drop from the 'Steven' boss fight or 100% chance if you already have the 'Little Steve' item. * , passive, north, south, east, west, reveal, treasure room, item room, arena, challenge room, white, red, brown, yellow, * boss room, dogs dinner, dog food, grey, gray, passive item, stat up, stats, max, treasure room, item room, * boss room, dogs dinner, dog food, grey, gray, passive item, stat up, stats, treasure room, item room, * boss room, dogs dinner, dog food, passive item, stat up, stats, treasure room, item room, * boss room, milk, white, yellow, passive item, stat up, stats, treasure room, item room, carton, container, * boss room, bone, food, brown, green, white, passive item, stat up, stats, treasure room, item room, * passive, brown, stats, stat up, cultery, cooking, treasure room, item room, boss room, gold chest drop, * passive, brown, stats, stat up, buckle, treasure room, item room, boss room, gold chest drop, * passive, coral, pink, red, stats, stat up, pants, knickers, treasure room, item room, boss room, gold chest drop, * passive, pink, red, stats, stat up, shoes, treasure room, item room, boss room, gold chest drop, * passive, pink, red, grey, gray, makeup, stats, stat up, treasure room, item room, boss room, * passive, black, clothes, stats, stat up, boss room, tears up. • Damage up calculation with regards to razor points: 'damage = damage + (razor points * 0.6)'. • Getting this item with the Habit means you can get an infinite amount of rolls on your space bar item. * familiar, passive item, grey, gray, treasure room, item room, upgrade item, special item. • Gives the player the Magic Mushroom effect, which increases size, damage and gives 1 extra heart container for the current room. • 50% chance to gain a half heart when picking up any type of coin. * sad, crying, onion, green, white, stat up, stats, item room, treasure room, golden chest, passive item, tears up, upgrade item, special item. • The map does not show if the current floor has the 'Curse of Darkness' effect. * active item, spacebar item, white, book, library, treasure room, item room. • The speed down from this item is actually a bug as confirmed by Edmund, which would make sense because Meat Boy is notorious for going fast! • 1/30 chance to spawn from a broken Blood Donation Machine if you have not picked up the IV Bag before. * damage modifier, unlockable item, passive item, black. Now stop playing! • This item synergises extremely well with range stat ups or the My Reflection item, since they both allow tears to maintain airtime for a longer period. • A shadow follows Isaac and stomps on enemies at random intervals. • Shots travel through enemies but not rocks in the environment. • Gives the player half an eternal heart upon use. * damage up, unlockable item, gray, grey, brown. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using 4 Death Tarot Cards (Doesn't have to be in the same run). • This does not work on rooms which normally need a key to open. Collect all items and unlock all secrets and endings. * passive item, gray, grey, shiny coin, devil room, devil deal, unlockable item. 111%. • Isaac's Head's tears do 3.5 damage each and do not scale with damage stat changes. • Gives the player two orbital flies which will circle the player, block incoming shots and damage any fly-type enemies on contact. • In the 1.5 version of the game (Most unholy edition), there is a slight nerf to the Lucky foot effect which gives increased chance of winning at a slot machine. • This card is useless if you have any item which allows you to permanently fly. In other words, after clearing each room there is a 22% chance that any pickups drops will be negated (e.g. • Deals damage to the player in exchange for damage stat increases. • The knife can do damage without even being charged, however charged shots do x3 damage that uncharged shots do. • A poison bomb which can be thrown to cause 53.5 damage (as well as another hit equal to one tear of damage) to enemies and leaves a poison effect on the enemy, doing 7 damage per tick. * passive item, brown, bridge, shop room. • Upon taking damage, all enemies in close proximity will be affected by 5 poison damage and then a poison effect of 3.5 damage per tick.
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