List of former BBC newsreaders and journalists, "George Alagiah says his cancer could have been caught sooner under Scottish screening system", "Who has the nation's favourite radio voice? The alleged incident took place in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley on Tuesday night and saw one man left in hospital in a critical condition, Michael Trevor Royce Collins (right) threatened to cough on reporters if they did not get out of his way. "I knew that area, and I knew what 17-year-olds in Miami were like.". R. Gates/Hulton Archive/Getty Images This can also happen to cover holidays mainly during July / August and over Christmas periods. Running into MSNBC's Lee that night on West Florissant — "You OK?" Mix well, and watch the sparks fly. You OK? I've come uncomfortably close to handing in my resignation, asking to cover anything but this. 'My goodness, look where we are,' " he recalled thinking. Collins and co-accused Harley James Raithby Hoodless, from Logan, are both charged over the brawl in which Mr Finemore was allegedly punched causing him to hit his head on the pavement. That whole process takes a lot out of you. During Hurricane Katrina, Trymaine was a cub reporter at the New Orleans Times-Picayune; his team won a Pulitzer for its coverage. Not included in this list are presenters of the BBC News Channel programme BBC Newsroom Live which is simulcast on BBC Two. Collins told reporters to 'f*** off' and to 'get out of his way' on Wednesday. So how are we going to do it? That sinking feeling when a hashtag of a black person's name starts trending on Twitter, the guilty avoidance of watching the latest video of a black person losing his life, the flashes of resentment and irritation at well-meaning tweets and emails sent by readers asking me to weigh in on the latest development in the latest case. Capt. In the 12 months since, the national conversation about police brutality has reached a higher pitch than we could have imagined. Jason Rosenbaum for NPR " Wes gets that people reach out to him because he's a reporter with an enormous national platform writing about cases that, up until very recently, might not register more than a local blip. Robinson died of AIDS on December 20, 1988, at the age of 49. That felt unmediated and refreshing to some, and slanted and politically charged to others. ("You OK?" I asked David Gilkey, a staff photographer at NPR who's won a slew of awards for coverage in war and conflict-ridden corners of the globe — Afghanistan, Haiti, the Balkans, Somalia — about that comparison. — a few hours before the tear gas started popping off helped calm my nerves, at least for a while. They also contribute to strands across BBC Radio 4 and bulletins on all radio networks. Biden's support among black male voters dropped a record 15% compared to Obama in 2008 after a series of campaign gaffes and claims he took … I looked at my phone and realized that in the short time we'd been talking on the bench, the hashtag #ChristianTaylor had been trending on Twitter, named for a black college football player shot and killed by police in Arlington, Texas. To be sure, none of the reporters I spoke to said they feel neglected or exploited by their editors; this is work they want to do. It does seem there's one good way of preventing black journalists who cover black death from burning out, or relegating their own well-being to "minor importance" status, one that was far less available in Wells' time: Hire enough of us that no one black reporter or editor in a newsroom has to feel like it's entirely "fallen upon him" to tell these stories. Other BBC News presenters also provide relief presentation on programmes broadcast on this channel.
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